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New Antioch [R0.5] [TheRedMyst]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The storyline of New Antioch is a captivating dance of lust, power, and intrigue, intricately woven to keep players hooked from the very beginning. The netori narrative shines brightly, promising a journey filled with twists and turns that leave you yearning for more. The pacing is impeccable, never wasting a moment as it leads you down the enticing path of cuckolding the villain. - 95%
Visual - In the realm of visual splendor, New Antioch stands tall with its impeccable artistry. Rendered with precision and emotion dripping from every frame, the characters come to life in vivid detail, enhancing the immersive experience. Environmental details are a standout feature, adding depth and vibrancy to the world within the game. - 96%
Engagement - Engagement is where New Antioch truly shines, beckoning players into a realm where desires run wild and inhibitions fade away. The content, manages to captivate with its quality and allure. The worldbuilding, praised for its depth and rationale behind differing sexual mores, adds a layer of intrigue that keeps players invested. - 92%
Core Loop - The core loop of New Antioch, although strong and compelling, does face a few criticisms. Character development, particularly regarding Javier, raises some eyebrows, with questions arising about his role and Luciana's dynamic with him. Despite these minor blemishes, the game's foundation remains solid, promising a fulfilling experience for those enraptured by its netori charms. - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.25 ( 72 votes)

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  1. The game’s story is confusing, lots of unnecessary yapping without any background explanation.

    some words used in the dialogues are too too complex or technical with specialized vocabulary.

    Otherwise the game is good tbh, 7/10

  2. Can someone tell me where I can find the walkthrough of this game, walkthrough the dikgame provided has been removed.

  3. This is a very immersive and bold game, with excellent renders, interesting plot and intriguing characters (An manipulative empress, a sociopath heir, a personality disorder princess and go on). Bold cause the background for everything is in an post-apocalypyict world where the principal surving civilization is a mix of The Roman Empire and The Empire of Star Wars. Only this makes this game a must play. Although, this is a slow burning game, until now only oral sex scenes and one total sex scene. The animations for the sex scenes are good, but distant from perfection, some are even clumsy. I recommend this game if you like Visual Novels, it’s one of the best i ever played, but if you only want skip to sex scenes, don’t play. And last, a funny observation: why the MC looks like Adam Driver? Come on! Really! Just look the MC.

  4. Perfect game my ass; he fucking references D&D for god’s sake. In a medieval fantasy setting, there are FAR too many modernized “meta” references that aren’t actually jokes – way too much teasing of Dante’s sexuality (he can be questionable but did it ever occur to you fuckwit devs that HALF the reason he’s “insecure” is because everyone keeps insinuating he’s useless and gay?!?) There’s no medieval speech. How in the fuck do you want people to believe this is a medieval era set piece when your characters don’t even speak the way they should.

    On top of that, you introduce a foreign slave girl, as a potential LI I’m willing to bet – BUT as far as I’ve played you’ve made the MC look like a fucking nitwit for no reason, straight up just get captured by guards before he can even properly get INTO Antioch to bloody start on the supposed revenge plan for a father that wasn’t even his actual father and saw him as a very useful – but ultimately expendable – asset. Who again gets about three seconds of actual screen time before you gank his ass, so why the fuck is he even in the character list? Safiya or whatever the hell just made me a promise… and I assume she’s also going to be a potential love interest, maybe [The game is MISSING the Harem Tag by the way, and it should have it if there’s going to be this many girls to pursue] and as far as I can see the main queen bitch is just begging to be bent over a table, and broken into MC’s willing sex slave. But you probably won’t go there (and fuck you if you ever even think of making her fem dom content, I swear I’ll never download anything you do again if you bother pulling that bullshit) because “female empowerment!” Urgh. You’ve set the fucker up in the worst way possible to die if he fails… and if he wins in the arena instead of just EARNING his freedom like it would’ve been in the actual Colleseum; you make it so he can ask the Empress for his freedom… Why? That’s just needlessly convoluted and putting the cart before the horse. Why the fuck would you think she would even GRANT the ask, he’s ONLY in prison because she KNOWS how much of a threat YOU think MC should be (I’m still not seeing it = I got the chance to kill one dude or spare him for no good reason; and the choice to save one other, at the cost of letting a rando retard die… not that impressive as far as agency of Dominance. “Dreadwolf” my ass, this AIN’T Dragon Age dumbass) You wouldn’t even let me pet the damned dog, who ended up being the reason he was fucking caught – and that’s YOU being a PRICK to your own MAIN character. For what? Shits and giggles?

    How many chapters in to get to an actual Lewd Scene. So far there’s not even the usual obligatory foreplay that people call a sex scene. Which it isn’t. Foreplay is foreplay; not sex, and if you can’t tell the difference I can’t help you. I appreciate SOME of the set up – but you’ve introduced Sci Fi into this for NO GOOD REASON, and have mutants and “undead.” Beyond that the D&D was you jumping the shark as far as I’m concerned. This is less Game of Thrones than “I don’t know what the fuck I want my game to actually be, so let’s make it minestrone, and cock block the audience from at least two potential sex scenes” with Aquila and Giana (and by the way – why the fuck is it okay for royal spy to peek on him naked – and NOBODY has a dick that thick. Girthmaster on pornhub * who is an ugly fuck by the way * doesn’t even have a dick quite that thick… and that’s the guy’s whole shtick – BUT if he’d tried the same you can bet your sweet summer child ass that I KNOW damned well you’d punish the player for it)

    I’ll keep playing for a bit, but as far as I can see you posted this damned game on the wrong site. This is a PORN game site. Not a generic as fuck SCI FI/RPG game site. Learn to pace the world-building with what the audience is actually here for. Jesus.

    1. Okay, OTHER than skipping to often to what other characters we REALLY SHOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT are doing; the story does get interesting. To a very fine point. Also, there’s mention of having many wives, so it’s very probably going to be a harem, or a soft one (where it technically is one and they don’t really ever call it one) actually it reads that Harem is in the planned tags, so it’s at least on track with Aquila’s explanation of Antioch’s cultural difference to where MC grew up.

      Thing is; now you’ve played up MC’s import to the whole of your damned world… so you REALLY cannot afford to kill him off. In any fashion, for any reason – and I’m betting that “other half” is going to end up being one of his wives. Because it’d be REALLY stupid not to make that happen. Since they need to be together to effectively CURE the populace.

      I’ll admit, once you soften the females – and you do eventually soften them, so I can appreciate that, the nuance is there. The introspection offers the audience hints of what she really wants, regardless of what a girl says. And despite the lack of actual sex scenes (there’s only one so far) it’s actually pretty damned hot – Though I would have made him cum inside her; and I expect since you’re GOING to continue that relationship without Javier, it’ll get there at some point soon enough. Pregnancy is also in the tags planned, so hopefully that gets to be a thing before the actual end of the game, and preferably multiple times for all females MC and the player choose to court. I would however have made Faustina (not as clever a name as you think – and I also will say that I really didn’t appreciate the reference to fall out three’s Megaton in the questionaire section = it literally takes you out of immersion) around the age of 35. She’d still have some time to actually breed that way, if you want to argue she won’t hit menopause until 45. You’re still cutting it DAMNED close with that one, where she didn’t need to be quite that old. You’ve already insinuated Luci and Enzo aren’t actually hers, or somehow not as much hers as they should be… so really her age didn’t need to match theirs as grown ups, for her to be their mother. Hell, they could just as easily have been adopted like Aquila was and you could’ve made Fausti 28. Tell me though, where was her bargain? Cause that’s usually a bad sign.

      Also, introducing that the character who gives the first BJ scene is a shape shifting spy is interesting, but for the wrong reasons. Now I won’t know whether we should trust her, though I expect she’ll probably be added to the harem at some point. Or at least potentially can be. To end off, the game’s NOT perfect, but if you don’t mind a bit of reading and can handle Tsundere in just about every girl in the game to an extent, give this one a shot. It’s got a lot of potential. That much I will say, and that’s a compliment. Now it’s up to you as the dev to live up to it, and give the audience what you promise in the “planned” tags.

    2. I not a spitter. I swallow. Probably in the best in history you are just jelly of me. Genital warts are a common problem wth great authors. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge harem of Barbie dolls. Artists use paper for their drawings and paintings. They can also use canvas. Drawings and paintings can be very beautiful. They can depict a wide variety of subjects, including flowers, animals, landscapes, and people. My mommy loved NTR and daddy was a gay porn star. Most crops are used as food, and can be defined as either fruits or vegetables. Children play with toys. I play with myself. This is common to almost all kids. Toys come in a very wide variety. Boys tend to like cars, action figures, and toy weapons. Girls tend to like peters, slaving in the kitchens, and make-up. Both of them like building or assembling things, be it with Legos, blocks, Play-Doh, or something similar. Cock rings can be found at most stores, and these days entire stores are dedicated to selling only toys. The most popular of these is anal plugs ‘R’ Us (with a backwards “R”). Their mascot is Geoffrey the Gay. Children love to go to anal and look at the wide variety of butt plugs available. Most children receive the greatest quanitity of dildos on their birthdays, or during the holiday season in December. My daddy’s jizz taste great. America gained independence from Britain in the late 1700’s after the Revolutionary War. Britain was hoping to extend its empire across the Atlantic Ocean, but the colonists who settled the territory did not want to be under Britain’s control, with their various taxes and regulations. My mama’s hemroids are getting better. Both sides were very passionate about their position on the issue, so a war occurred.

      This game features a few heroes, including George Washington and Paul Revere. George Washington became America’s first president when we gained independence. I am not sure what happened to Paul Revere. You don’t see manual push-mowers very much anymore, but they are a good option if you do not want to pollute the air with smoke from a gas-powered lawnmower. I notice that many families designate the responsibility of bathing Papa to a teen girl. Many of these teenagers are provided with a razor for Mama’s bush, as well as performing other chores, like taking out the trash, prostitution, making their bed, and keeping the house organized. I love my gerbil, he hasn’t came out in a while. Allowances are small amounts of money given by parents to their children, usually on a weekly basis. These usually range from 5 dollars to 15 dollars, sometimes even 20 dollars. Many parents feel that teenagers can learn financial responsibility with this system. If I drive around and think about anal sex and yeast infections, I sometimes notice the houses and buildings all around. Octopusses are better than anal beads. Bravo. There are also pieces of farm land that are very large. Houses can be built from different kinds of materials. The most common types are brick, wood, and vinyl or synthetic siding. Houses have lawns that need to be tended. Lawns need to be mowed regularly. Bravo. Magazines are stapled reading material made with glossy paper, and they cover a wide variety of topics, playing with poop and politics to business and rape. How in the fuck do you idiots all get “this game must be what I want, and only what I want” from literally ANY of the comments I wrote. It’s each girl is unanimously FOCUSED on fucking the MC) BUT for some reason they can’t accept 2 more? It makes no damned sense, and smacks of the dev just didn’t want them to be in the harem.

      If I drive around and think about anal sex and yeast infections, I sometimes notice the houses and buildings all around. There are also pieces of farm land that are very large. Houses can be built from different kinds of materials. Bloody vaginas are also in my thoughts. Most people use riding lawnmowers to do this. You can also use a push mower. These come in two varieties: gas-powered and manual. My farts smell delicatable. You don’t see manual push-mowers very much anymore, but they are a good option if you do not want to pollute the air with smoke from a gas-powered lawnmower. Cock rings can be found at most stores, and these days entire stores are dedicated to selling only toys. The most popular of these is anal plugs ‘R’ Us. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge harem of Barbie dolls. Artists use paper for their drawings and paintings. They can also use canvas. Drawings and paintings can be very beautiful. Girls tend to like peters, slaving in the kitchens, and make-up. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge butt hole and a dick like a Ken doll. To the ones stealing my identity– STOP right now OR ELSE! Farm land can be identified by some common features. Because there’s never a good reason to deny the player a girl they’ve been building a relationship with. If you’re going to allow the player to pursue multiple girls – you let the player KEEP multiple girls. I know that’s such a hard concept to grasp, right? I think that I just shit my jammys.

    3. Umm… I haven’t played this yet AND I’m a fan of your reviews BUT You missed something in the description. Or you didn’t read it and it hasn’t been mentioned in the game yet. This is NOT a medieval setting. It’s post-apocalyptic. I still use words and phrases whos etymology goes back quite a ways even though I have no idea what they originally meant.
      I’m on the fence about it. A lot of reviews say it’s very closet homo. It’s fine if that’s what the dev wants. I can see a large playerbase enjoying that type sexual awakening. But I’m straight and I just played an optional futa game that was a little too closetted for me. Even choosing the straight path it was obvious that the dev wasn’t into it. I need something from a straight author right now.
      Please keep up the reviews, they are very informative. My favorite genre is Harem, so if this game does go that route, I’ll probably try it. So long as there in no sharing with other dudes.

      1. To Handy Man:

        So far as I played to the end of the last update; it’s building to the allowance of a harem (if you choose correctly – and there are WAY too many ways to fuck it all up without the player’s direct input)

        There is a sharing path I believe with one of the queen’s daughters, but it is entirely optional and the guy you’re “sharing” her with is her current boyfriend… who isn’t worth her time or effort frankly, and shouldn’t have been included (but I think he’s the brother of the doctor girl?) Since as you say I also like Harems, I didn’t bother with it and so far, it’s been fuck to openly cuck the bastard for what he tries to pull on her.

        There’s a new update out today, so I’ll probably play it. I’m not as fond of playing things without a walkthrough that’s up to date, but it’s on my list of games to wait on. It will be moved to my games for fun folder if it continues on the path it’s taking in my current run. Though there were a few set points that are pretty damned easy to fuck up… and I think I could deal with less of that, if this game really is meant to offer a path to a harem. I also appreciate your enjoyment of my posts, it means more than you think. Especially since…

        To the one posting as me on June 24rth:

        Shut the fuck up you gormless git. You know nothing about me, and you prattle on about shit I have absolutely no interest in that has fuck all to do with gaming or this site. Or my personal tastes. At all. Go haunt someone else, before I shove a katana down your throat just to see if you swallow that. Asshole. I promise; it’ll be the last thing you do. I’m sick and tired of you nitwits making fun of me. Just because you either can’t be bothered to actually read critique about these games, or to read at fucking all. What… does the fact my posts are longer than three sentences melt your bloody brains? Come on. This is a site for ADULTS. That means you should be above this shit. Especially by now. It wasn’t funny even in the first week you dipshits started trying to steal my name for trolling. It’s not any more funny to this day. If I had any clue how to find your real addresses on the internet or any means to get to you – I’d fucking end you all. Every. Single. One. Just to be done with you. At this point it wouldn’t even be personal. I just want to be left in peace – and killing you freaks would fucking get that job done. Because apparently “fuck right off, and stop bothering me” doesn’t.

        I do not know how many times I have to say it’s fine if you disagree with me. I don’t give a shit. Comment in refutation all you like. If you can even spell the word. Post what you DO like about the games, or stories or literally anything that actually involves things germaine to this site’s content, and I would much rather read posts that reply to my comments. Not this juvenile bullshit you all spew. You have enough time to bother posting all of that, but can’t take five seconds to say “No, you’re wrong – I like this game, and here’s why: …” You put that much effort into vile assholishness, but can’t be bothered to shill for the game if you decide you disagree with me. And for whatever reason it’s been mostly me.

        The fuck did I ever do to any of you? Tell me. Is it because you think I’m too dominant; too arrogant. Too certain of my stance? Do you feel threatened. Insecure? Is it because I can actually write more than a fucking paragraph. Comprehensively. Did I kick your puppy; fuck your grandma? You all act like I impregnated your cousin, then left her to rot. There’s got to be some actual reason you trollish bastards have such a hard on for me. So do enlighten. But given the content of your work thus far, you’ll probably just imply I’m Hitler from Little Nicky next. I would like to be proven wrong, but sadly I’ve seen all the responses to my previous reviews. I’d say maybe you all want me to just shut up and stop posting, but then you’d lose your favorite punching bag. So maybe I should genuinely do that anyway, and take away whatever ammunition you think you have… then the next fuckwit that wants to post as me can call themselves “Pyrrhic Victory” instead. Not that I’ll expect you know what it means, or would be bothered to take the two seconds required to look it up.

    1. Hey retarded bigot, don’t check on your mom’s room when you hear strange noises. It might sound like she’s in pain, but I promise that it’s all pleasure. Well, mostly pleasure.

  5. Finally they added it on this site. One of my favorites.
    Story is great. Good characters, good graphics, great world building.
    But Most Importantly, MC IS BADASS. He is a great fighter, and doesn’t takes shit from anyone, not even the Queen.

    I just wish they released bigger updates. Apart from that truly great game, no complaints.

    1. Fucking GAY. Mc talking about hot boys, gay boys and you called that a BADASS? Are you fucking kidding me nigga?
      Yes yes mc duel with beasts and beating up people that’s BADASS okay but when he start talking about hot boys. DEAD

  6. Very story driven VN. Pretty much a sausage fest for a long time (I think the dev may be closet gay.) He also likes most of his women flat chested–although this enhances the queen, who is the only busty one. The first lewd scene you eventually get is a masturbation. And, eventually, you then manage to get a blowjob scene; by a politically correct flat chested woman. It’s done well. Good animations too.

    MC is an alpha male, which is welcome relief. Good music. All models are original and good. Scenes and renders are done with a high level of skill. Good use of lighting, usually. No typos, good grammar and English, although sometimes the conversations can be a little confusing. Great sets and backdrops. Well-fitted clothing and good costumes for the era.

    Has a fighting system that’s simple but fun. But where was I? The next lewd scene is another blowjob (I think the dev is secretly obsessed with the horse dick he gave the MC and wants to see it a lot.) Anyway, done well, at least. The following one is…yep, you guessed it; another one. But, yes, there is eventually a sex scene. It’s not great, but ok. Anyway, the VN isn’t done yet.

    1. Let’s clarify one thing about the “flat-chested” nonsense. This trend of having moon-sized tits is in best case an unreal fetish. The breast sizes in this game vary from A-cups(Thief-Girl) to double-D (Empress). While being no friend of PoC content, it should be stated, that the “political correct” woman giving you a BJ as mentioned has B-Cups, just for reference. Sure, if your average chest size is starting with E-Cups, this might seem flat to you…

      I am glad the Empress is the only ones with that closest to unreal chest scales on her, because games with super sized tits are the most ridiculous. Same counts for ridiculous cock sizes btw, but yeah, apparently in AVNs everything needs to be two sizes bigger than normal to be “special”. So concluding: If you’re a unreal-sized boobs lover, you might judge at this game like the above comment.

      If you’re liking the more real scales, at least for the chest sizes this game is totally for you.
      I also want to congratulate the creator to have a range of realistic breast sizes he came around with; in nowadays AVN communities you feel halfway forced to supersize everything, so thanks for not giving in and going for your own measurements.
      Animations are btw truly a bit below average, but you can see he’s working on it to get them better. 2 things here:
      – Animations would need to be less erratic and twitching in general, it sometimes looks rly weird.
      – Please stop the camera swinging along with the animation directions, this is not helping to enjoy the main animation effort 😉

      The world is impressively thought through compared to most, I love to have a world map and a Codex, and especially I love the special dialogue encounters in which you get a profile intel about the other person while trying to convince him/her to things. A very great approach I also planned in a familiar manner in my WIP-AVN.

  7. Spoiler : all the girls you see on banner mc will fuck them all because mc is the sole man in that game.
    Support Hillary Clinton, make emasculated cuck great again yay

  8. HOnestly this was one of the best games I have played so far, some really though desitions not all women are super perfect cute dolls, good story and lore, great implementation of ¨mini-games¨ at least when fighting good story telling and not so short if you play it to enjoy it, overall 8.5/10… maybe even 9.

    I do recommend it a lot and please do not listeng to the fags commenting shit

  9. HOnestly this was one of the best games I have played so far, some really though desitions not all women are super perfect cute dolls, good story and lore, great implementation of ¨mini-games¨ at least when fighting good story telling and not so short if you play it to enjoy it, overall 8.5/10… maybe even 9.

    I do recommend it a lot and please do not listeng to the fags commenting shit

    1. I’ll burn you to crisp you fucking nigger. Story is shit because mc always talking about hot boys fucking gay

  10. Support palestine, support russia, support african american. Trump must win, make BLM great again. Yay

  11. Didn’t think this kind of “sci-fi medievil fantasy” story would be so great. In the begining it did throw ton of information, but everything did cool to nice pace pretty fast. Interesting characters were first thing that captivated me to keep reading, even when there wasn’t much sexual content.

    I like that the game doesn’t have too many characters and it doesn’t give too much screen time to one-off side characters. Conversations did feel always meaningful and at no point was i tempted to skip any.
    All the characters feel complex and realistic, with their own histories. In a game that has that Game of Thrones backstabbing vibe, it is really nice to have a good idea what kind of people these characters are. Even if there clearly is secrets to be uncovered about everyone. Really enjoyable to learn about everyone as there is more at stake than getting them to suck a dick.

    Main story is clearly well thought out, as there is no weird changes in middle of it. It feels like the whole story has already been thought out and now the author just needs to turn it to text and pictures. And not just that, but the story has really good structure. Everything happens for a reason and it all supports the bigger story.

    When the sex scenes did start to drop, they were also surprisingly good. Writing and story does give already visually good sex scenes good boost, so almost every sex scene has that unique feeling most of us hope from AVN games. 5/5

    1. But netori is there. Fucking retard. Play first then comment. That way you look less retarded. Just LESS fucking nigger

    1. Is not NTR
      Its gay MC interesed in boys… in the past. In watch flashbacks of boys. In listen stories about hot boys.
      100% not NTR. Becacuse gay fetish in the past.

      Mc is not gay anymore.

    2. The NTR on this game is netori (MC cucking others), which most don’t call NTR anyway. You’re always saying bs on the comments and most of the things you write here aren’t even related to the game in question. People shouldn’t take you seriously.

      1. “The NTR on this game is netori”. Okay, so you admit that what he said is accurate and directly applies to this specific game.
        It doesn’t matter if YOU think “most” people don’t call it NTR. YOU are wrong. Most people call it NTR because it IS NTR. By definition it is NTR. The only people who would not call it NTR are people who don’t know what NTR is. Have I said NTR enough yet?
        He was warning people that it was in here. He accomplished that. You say he shouldn’t be taken seriously but I appreciate his comment.
        I HATE NTR. I don’t share. Netori is 1 girl taking at least 2 dicks. I don’t care if the other guy fucks her more than the MC, that does NOT make it better. I understand why bisexuals and closeted lessthanheteros would be into it and that is fine. More power to you. BUT if it’s in the game, I would like to know so that I can fap somewhere else.

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