
A Wife And Mother [v0.201] [Lust & Passion]

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 1

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 2

Download for Mac - Part 1

Download for Mac - Part 2 (v0.200)

Download for Android - Part 1

Download for Android - Part 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

View Video Walkthrough

Download Transfer Save File from part 1 to Part 2

How to transfer your saves from Part 1 to Part 2

1/ You must update AWAM Part 1 to its last version.
a) You can download the full game ​
b) Or just apply a patch on your existing AWAM1 0.150 install. This patch must be placed in <AWAM1 folder>, where you see:​

And unzip it there (it will replace files in game folder)

Run AWAM Part 1. If you see:

Your AWAM Part 1 is up to date.

If you still see:

Something went wrong… :confused:

2/ In order to generate a final save, run your up to date AWAM Part 1 then:

a) Play the game until the end​
b) Or load one of your old save and go to the end of the game​

After seeing “End of part 1”, you will be asked to generate a final save:

Type a name and that’s all for Part 1.

3/ You now can run AWAM Part 2 and start a new game. Your final save will be automatically loaded (or you will be asked to choose one if you have made several final saves).

3 (bis)/ If (3) doesn’t work, you can try to manually transfer your final save from Part 1 to Part 2. In AWAM Part 1 and 2 you will find this folder:
Its content:
You can manually copy/paste a .txt file from the finalsaves folder of Part 1 to the finalsaves folder of Part 2, then start a new game in AWAM Part 2.

Download Walkthrough & Mod


– a persistent status/info screen
– some cheating functions
– integrated existing WTs into the Mod
– second Mod version with some music tracks
(“QuickMusic” Player for manual playing them)

these Mod functions are optional and can be turned on/off while playing
Installation guide for the Mod only download:
1. of course the original game must be installed
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. copy or move the extracted files / folders into your “game” folder
(…/, overwriting the files

Download Saves

You must copy the .txt file to the “game/finalsaves” folder of 0.160 and START the game. If you have more than one, the game should ask you to choose between them.

An alternative way to might it work if the previous process doesn’t (after copying these files as state before, but I haven’t tried) is trying to LOAD a game and click on the top-right button in order to “import” a “final save” from 0.150.

This is the way to literally start from the end of 0.150 although you can always load a native 0.160 save by copying it directly to the “game/saves” folder.

Download CG

CG (computer Graphics) is basically only the images and videos form the game without the game files themselves. You don’t need them in order to play the game. Download them only if you wish to browse the images and videos without playing the game itself.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 81%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 77%
Core Loop - 80%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.66 ( 791 votes)

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  1. 6 years milking
    MC never fuck nobody
    Only jobs. Handjob. Blownjob in dream

    Changelog: “1 sex scene”. BUT ZERO SEX SCENE. Only talk and get JOBS, DREAM JOBS. ZERO sex scenes.
    MC continue virgin after 6 years of milking scam.

    Another game where all porn content created is GAY VOYEUR MC PEEPING in another guys fucking.

    No hopes if only teasing in Male MC straight path.

    1. Erotica defines as stuufs that leads you to ejacuate. it doenst mean strait to fuck someone right away. this game is perfect in terms of what Erotica sould be. a costant urge of having sex and makes you fap. once MC fucks someone whole game perpective will be changed. If you want to paly / see games where mc has sex in couple of episodes there is good one called ” away from home” . I like both.

  2. this is crazy, an adult game but ALL OF THEM ARE VIRGINS, too many LOSER men (cock lock) THIS DISCRIMINATION, so it’s true if it’s “MILKING”, make some characters “Slutty” don’t worry it’s for the balance of the GAME and not the end of the world (AND DON’T GIVE US HUSBAND WIFE SCENES or DREAM S*X) because it’s like a FRAUD for us, dream s *x has no effect on the main story, THINK…if you dream of being very rich, but when you wake up IT’S JUST A DREAM, RIGHT?

  3. Well someone explain what’s new in this update?

    Tbh most viewers are concerned only about new scene in gallery.
    It’s literally the copy paste of the previous version

    1. My mouth sucks more dicks than sophia and what a shame that I’m not even gay.

      1. I have been gang-banged by more dicks than sophia and what a shame that I’m not even gay.

        1. I have swallowed more semen than sophia and what a shame that I’m not even gay.

          1. I am a true man who knows how to please a man more than sophia and what a shame that I’m not even gay.

    2. Are you ok bro? I can feel your desperation because developer constant blue balling. But go outside and touch grass you might find real life sophia out there.

    1. So you are a guy stealing a girls username so you can pretend to fuck boys? Just go ahead a get the operation and be done with it. Then donate your dick to the humane society for a chew toy. That will be the best thing that it was ever good for.

          1. Any chance i could come over yo your place so i could fuck you silly? At this point I don’t even care if you were a guy I’ll just bone your ass dry. I need to empty my balls so badly.

            1. okay, i know that this was a fake awam and most likely a man fag, but this is the closest that i will ever get to stick my weenie in a real live hole. (other than grannys cat)

      1. Calling 37 yo with 3 kids a girl wasn’t that overkill ? Then women like 60 and granny 100+ ? Simp !

        1. I must agree with you about calling a woman in her thirties a girl. I get the feeling that you belong to another forum that I occasionally frequent under a different moniker. (The one where that story originated.) I only come here once in a while when I am bored, mainly to read and write a few posts. After what happened to No and Murikan Dreams, I should not be surprised that I would be the target of trolls, but I guess that I didn’t think that it would be to this extent. Although the stealing of user names is quite annoying, it doesn’t bother me. I must admit that I am a little tempted to play along, but I probably will just post as anonymous.

          The one thing that I will disagree with you about is that I am not 37. You being my ‘real husband’ will get you in trouble for saying that. LOL.

  4. Try to think about this game, it’s been 6 years but, when does Sophia cheat on s*x, when does Sophia give DYLAN/Sam a “BJ”, when does Sophia/another woman do s*x/masturbate, that NEVER HAS HAPPENED, TRY CHECK THE GALLERY FOR PROOF IN THE GAME, there are only husband and wife scenes, s*x dreams which have no effect on the story, there are lots of female characters but none of them have s*x scenes, and the WEIRDest thing is that this game is made natural but there is no increase in age, Suggestion: This is just a fictional game, no need to make it complicated, it doesn’t matter if DYLAN has s*x with Sophia (Sophia has pills, Dylan uses a condom) this is also the female protagonist of the game. From the start, this type of game aims to make the MC a slut, we don’t need feelings. afraid/poor you (developer) for SOPHIA BECAUSE, SOPHIA IS ONLY A FICTIONAL CHARACTER, the last event in 0.200 HANDJOB which didn’t finish/NO CUM And Elly’s “Lb” event only and only uses her tongue really isn’t creative (in “Lb” her tongue only stimulation should use fingers too) in this game Sophia “V” is USELESS

  5. So if your not on the annoying little boys route, you got nothing at all. Why the lesbian route, if there is non, everything is about those two annoying boys.

  6. Learn how to make games from Carbidis, simply milking users for 4 months for 1 scene is a crime. Stop wasting people’s money and if you see no future for yourself in making more adult game, then just quit it.

    1. Then don’t pay money. Who the fuck spending money to obvious milkers? Then crying all over the internet for attention because you feel ripped off. That’s your problem retards.
      Why people are so obsessed playing as a dumb middle aged woman? Are you really like the idea getting fucked by a male teenagers? Stop being gay you sick fuck.

    2. is it your money? then who gives a fuck. you don’t get to police how other people spend their money. just keep wanking for free here and shut up.

  7. Let the facts speak for itself: Game in development since 2017 (!), Play-day 15 (May 2024), Patreons 1953. Summarizing: A working milking concept. Developers would be stupid to work more.

  8. .200 is the best update till date. I love it, make more progress like this, sex education and classroom teasing


    1. simple cuando elly esta en el columpio y llega su hermano y le dice que logan la engaña el hermano le tiene que decir que lo perdone y ya después solo deja pasar las escenas

  10. 😱🤮I’m right, in the 0.200 version there is no s*x that happens in the sauna, only kissing and groping, even just a HANDJOB IS NOT FINISHED/CLIMAX AND CUM, IN ESSENTIAL WE ARE WAITING FOR THE SAME SCENE CONTINUOUSLY “GROPING AND NO S*X”. “Lb” also didn’t happen to Sophia, only Elly, that too in a way that was too normal, basically it was disappointing because I waited a long time for the update but sex didn’t happen to Sophia, she just groped and always groped, the developer was really cowardly and mentally weak to corrupt Sophia then when will Sophia be able to realize her wish of being a SLUT🤭🤭, if you compare it with fate and life “a wife and mother” it’s clearly inferior, because for blackmail in “FAL” (fate and life) stage 1 MC sucks 2 birds and stage 2 MC “threesome “on a public beach, SO HOW LONG WILL “A WIFE AND MOTHER”/SOPHIA ALWAYS RIRATE AND ROUND AT THE SAME EVENTS AND SCENES CONTINUOUSLY (KISSES, GROPING, TEASER) JUST GIVE DYLAN A BLOWJOB SOPHIA HAS NEVER… BAD

      1. The same with Heart Problems, milking for 4 years with no actual content, brain dead supporters are fun to exploit that’s how they see them.

        1. At least with heart problems, there is advancement he got to nail “cousin” and then working on his younger cousin with BJ and “aunt” he is advancing with BJ. With this crap, it’s just grouping. Dylan is still a fucking virgin and so is
          Ellie. the only sex scene is a blackmail scene with Jennifer. Really disappointing because the animations are some of the best I have ever seen. But I am sure the supporters will get milked for years to come. 😒

          1. And heart problems the way the dev makes all the groping and touching and expression on the faces of the females ij quite good good skill u don’t see that in a lot of the best VN and amelie is just the best of the milfs i’ve seen in a VN

      2. You all hate the game so much and yet after every update you play it religiously like a faithful dog?

        1. More like making comments so other don’t download this shit, because they think it’s a porn game, which it’s not.

  11. Now maybe Dovloper has lost his mind, so many poor updates in three months, creating new useless routes and the game is also starting to look boring. I have lost my mind after seeing this update.

    1. too bad you lost your mind, hopefully you will recover with the right treatment in a suitable “institution”. Believe it or not, but the rare updates are a way of making money. Working more for more updates would mean less income, Developers would be stupid not to milk their Patreons. That’s logic.

    1. No one can choose a family that suits them before birth, especially some families that always have high expectations for men. This often makes them feel that their mother doesn’t care enough for them, and they don’t know what true care is. This has led to the alienation of their love needs for mature women into sexual needs.

    2. In the real world it is sick and wrong, but in the AVN world, that is why it is appealing. People tend to play out situations involving fictitious characters that they would never do in real life. Just like a slasher movie or a shooter game.

  12. Very very boring now. And also this update is for Lesbian and we the real man can’t play lesbian scene ..uaakkkk , and too much others unnecessary character are now, before there only Dylan, sam, Ellie,sam mom & Dad , sophia and husband, sophia sisters ,Hospital with oldman, kids (tution), Aiden and his friends.. And we are favourite of Sam with Sophia, and some fav. Dylan with Sophia and some were Aiden with Sophia, And Sam Dad took advantage to Sophia at bathroom and all are very interesting to play..but now so many unnecessary character are adding by the dev. And this game not have much sex scene too, more and more teasing on every update… Its quite boring now..

      1. I think you are LGTBQ , so don’t mess with a man, if youre hungry for cock type… , we never fight with an insects like you, but if you are talking too much , we the real man also can punch you cry… So don’t too much infront of a real man even if you’re girlizzz or gay type

        1. This is how you defend your secret gay feelings. A real man loves woman, lesbian or not, you have to see a dick, what is that telling you.

    1. I wouldn’t mind routes with “unnecessary characters”, if they would finally show some content. The real problem of AWAM is the ultra-slow development.

    2. But as a real man how do you get a threesome with two girls if you avoid lesbo scenes?

      I’m just asking please don’t punch me or as a real man you are not interested in threesomes with two girls at all?

    1. Can you suggest some similar games with female protagonist and corruption. This game is taking too much to update and every update is really really small.

      1. Fokus on blackmail 1. special request,2. Fashion business,3.wife all cost,4.immoral story of Rebecca,that all game is not slow burn but “hardcore type”(female prontagonist)MC must become SLUT❤️❤️

      2. Been looking for something similar to this as well but with an actual payoff. I really do like slow burn corruption but this is taking way too long

      3. Can you be more specific?

        A female protagonist and slow corruption can imply a lot of things, as well as a lot of games. I assume you mean “like this,” to include a mother’s point of view. Not a daughter. 

        I only played part one because I wanted to wait until more of the story was done instead of playing it and then forgetting what happened six months later. I can’t complain though, since it is free. Since this is not a harem game and has a female protagonist, I assume that NTR does not offend you. I actually like it when a fictional female protagonist can have arrangements with as many as she wants. So the interactions that the protagonist has vary greatly, whether they are male, female, husband, sister, brother, father, mother, son, daughter, or all at the same time in a group orgy.

        So look at the tags that interest you and there are many databases that will narrow it down. Even if they don’t provide the downloads, you can see a title and description that interest you. Then go from there.

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