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The List [v0.12] [Uncle Loco]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 87%
Visual - 79%
Engagement - 81%
Core Loop - 82%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.68 ( 38 votes)

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  1. No - Do Not Waste Your Time On This Trash; Twilight is ALMOST better than this, and that should tell you something. says:

    And now you want to talk about miscarriages – are you actively trying to lose supporters???

    Fuck it. I am absolutely done. You gimped one of the only two tags I care about; have absolutely mishandled the entire Harem genre, and now you fucking go and make a girl we didn’t even know was pregnant MISCARRY. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOUR GAME, FUCK YOUR IDEALS ABOUT NOT INCLUDING THE TWINS AND FUCK ANY OTHER BULLSHIT GAME YOU MIGHT MAKE. Fuck the head games with Eve, fuck the idea that this asshole’s EVER going to be something special when you already wrote in a superceding character in TKA (which you could bother to actually fucking NAME by the way) Fuck literally EVERYTHING to do with what you laughably call a story.

    You were already cock teasing about the pregnancy with Rowen. Cock teasing with the twins… There is NO GOOD Reason to EVER include losing a baby. I don’t give a fuck how or why it happened in narrative. You do not understand the genre’s appeal, or the kink in and of itself, so you SHOULD NOT be fucking writing them. That one sentence, and carrying it all the way out is the exact reason I am not going to download the game. I’m not going to comment any more; because there IS NO saving this game if you’re going to be that level of absolute Cretin when you write things. You as a person can fuck absolutely right off. The ONLY thing that sentence accomplishes is to nuke the hopes of the people that have the pregnancy kink, and the only reason you’d do that is being outright fucking vindictive. Kelly DID NOT need to be that level of retard. Period, and if SHE knew she was pregnant, her first thought should have been don’t let anything happen to me, for the sake of my kid. Our kid. You have no idea how much this level of dumbass writing pisses me off. But now you’ll never find out. I am done, you do not exist to me as a developer of games anymore.

  2. Okay Dev: You either need to let the player actually HAVE THE TWINS (You’re the one says women can’t resist this asshole, you literally wrote an “IN” with them – and you’re now progressing to outright asshole, because you just keep teasing with them) or you can fuck right off. They already break the fucking harem by being not a choice to pursue, and frankly did NOT need to be included in the game. At all. It’s LONG past honoring your friend, and I don’t know how much honor there is when you’re yoinking HIS IP just to cock tease your damned audience. If they were your own IP you’d have added them by now, in a heartbeat. Don’t pretend otherwise. So either you put them in, take them out or make your fucking own set of twins that MC can turn. You don’t have to bend someone else’s work into something you don’t know he wanted them to be.

    Madison is maybe not in the game but still listed in the harem. Cassie buggered off and so did Lily – so HOW THE FUCK Is this a “harem?” Hell, Diamond/Ellie is not even actually back in yet… so that’s four girls that you’ve yeeted, who are still listed as “In Your Harem.” You need to fix that, so that some level of contact is maintained. By phone, by discord; by skype or fucking voip or what the hell ever. It would still be something that SHOWS committed loyalty to MC.

    You used the word Whore with Rowen a bunch of times; he factually never PAID her. What you meant to say is useless slut. Fuck toy. Fuck doll etc. Slave, if you will. [Personally I dislike the word in the first place, like I’m not all that fond of the word cunt, but if it applies then it applies. I just hate seeing it used incorrectly]

    Why. In. The. FUCK??? Would you bring up breeding without a means to work around the canonical sterility that vampires have [Barring the point that as the author, these are your vampires: Your Rules… so you can actually make them perfectly fertile, and even factually not exactly “undead” or even never actually having been dead. Just mutated into a supernatural state. You can make it a disease, you can make it a curse – but not one that supercedes the MC’s “special” curse bullshit. There was no reason in a HAREM GAME to deny the most common ENDGOAL. Lilly is the only one that was stated to maybe be pregnant… and by the bullshit you wrote without thinking, now she’s likely the only one that ever will. Contrary to what you explained with “Eve.” So you CAN fix that; or again, fuck right off. Never mention breeding again, because the only thing that will do is piss off the section of the audience that’s into that kink.

    That’s asiding your story makes almost no fucking sense. There’s no build up with most girls, but for some reason even though we’ve taken Sylvia’s V-card now… she’s STILL not in the harem. (Frankly I thought you were going to introduce her as another long lost half sister… which don’t do that. I mean she can still be a distant cousin, and that should be strange enough) You turned the MC so fine and fair enough, but what the fuck do you actually intend with the story path. Is he “The Chosen One” who’s going to save the world, or what. Right now you’re playing like it’s The Godfather, with fangs. Which isn’t necessarily bad, but the pacing and the framing of the story is… shaky. To put it diplomatically. To the point that with all the other massive bungles, I really should just give up on downloading this game.

    * Decide whether you’re actually going to add the twins or take them out of the game entirely. They are NOT that important.

    * Decide what the hell you actually want to do with this game, and how powerful you want the MC to be.

    * Find a way to ADD PREGNANCY; or stop fucking talking about it.

    * Stop letting girls win against the MC. The tennis ball to the nuts was unncessary. Misandric. HE is SUPPOSED to be the capable one. The girls can be near equal (and if he’s absorbed that much power and she tells him not to hold back – LET. HIM. SHOW. IT! Then she can be surprised as fuck and tell him yeah okay… maybe you do need to hold back more) You’re needlessly emasculating your actual Main Character and making him look less capable than you want the audience to believe he is. Stop making jokes at his expense, treat him like the females actually do care and want more than just his giant dick. That’s how you make them endearing. Sniping at his ass or threatening to get him in trouble all the damned time just cuts his nuts off when HE should be THE FOCUS of your whole damned narrative. Period. There is no rule you shouldn’t find a way for him to viably bend, or outright break = without consequences. Because you really, REALLY do NOT have a story without him.

    That, is how you fix the story. Other than taking writing lessons, because I’m sorry to say you’re just not that good of one. Not if this is the best you have to offer.

    *** Do Note: I am not saying my way is the only way, nor am I saying the dev HAS to listen to me. I rather expect he won’t. At which point this will be my last download. You’re free to whatever opinion you want to express, but if you’re going to insult me because you don’t like the way I speak, without understanding the fact I’m literally not telling anyone they have to do it my way; I am suggesting how I would fix what is fucked up. Just. Suggesting. For whatever reason, so many of you take immediate exception to the fact I point out flaws in narrative, character growth, and or bugs that prevent me from finishing the game. So here I am, explaining myself, more than once. Just to make sure you ALL get the fucking point.

  3. So after a long time i finally read this story and i have to say its way better then what most comments lead me to believe..
    i also see that some comments are wrong in what are said like NO said that diamond didn’t need to tell about her Rape and yes it was rape if you are not willing and or say no its still classed as rape in most courts but her story ties in to her being your half sister if you noticed the story behind the MCs father it was stated that all his daughters will be abused in one way or the other. second is the creampies if you read between the lines before the MC is turned in to a vamp the gym girl has almost stated that she was pregnant and would not be shocked if Kelly is as well or even Lilly turn out to be as well…… but all in all the game is way better then i had hoped for and look forward to reading more
    I do have to say that some renders are not great as well as some sex scenes but Meh if i remember right it was stated at the start of this game that it was never meant to be a sex game to start with.

    1. Just because it was rape doesn’t mean it has to be put into the story. It didn’t have to happen, period. That was my point. Diamond is automatically LESSENED as a character, and a love interest, because he wrote that shit. The fact that she brought that up basically on their first meeting (which isn’t something anyone sane would do, because MASSIVELY GUARDED and about a very sensitive and polarizing issue) is also very poorly thought out. I should not HAVE to “read between the lines” about whether someone in game as a vested love interest, is or is not pregnant. That should be clearly shown or stated elsewise. There’s no reason to play coy about it, and in a game where vampires exist, it’s even more important to either explain that pregnancies CAN still happen, or have happened beforehand. Your opinion isn’t any more or less valid than mine. I’m not saying you don’t have the right to it; but you DON’T get to call me wrong just because you don’t agree with my points. The majority of which – including the developers bullshit responses as to the twins and his reasoning for including TAKEN women that are unobtainable in a HAREM game – are now deleted thanks to assholes having stolen my name for troll posts.

    1. You’re not missing anything. This dump of a game was trash. Honestly, how is this dogshit even still alive? 24 retards support this garbage for a whole $75 and it’s not even worth $5.

      1. Bro I respect the fact that you’re against the LGBT movement but can you please tell us why this game is shit? I want to know facts about where it went wrong, etc

        1. I’m all for the LGBT movement so long as it’s moving back into the closet with the door shut where it belongs.

          I don’t want to see fucking rainbows on everything, or any female dicks (as if there were actually such a fucking thing), or hear about the plight of a bunch of homos who got butt fucked by 57 random johns and got aids.

          They should all kill themselves because nobody likes them anyway.

          As for this shit game, nobody likes that either. For obvious reasons. The renders are hot garbage and the MC is an utter piece of dogshit. But I get it. This game is tailor made for other utter pieces of dogshit to immerse themselves into.

          1. “I’m all for the LGBT movement so long as it’s moving back into the closet with the door shut where it belongs.”

            Hahahahaha! My sides!

  4. Three things, maybe four:

    – First: There’s no point in creampie if you can’t get the girl pregnant (and there’s plenty of leeway in cultural mythology that says a vampire IS NOT necessarily sterile; including the Dhampyr. So it shouldn’t just automatically be off the table) If you don’t want to render pregnancy, fine. But a) Diamonds did not need to reveal anything about sexual assault to a guy she JUST MET; sexual assault IS NOT rape. You do need to clarify. There’s NO POINT in a fantasy setting to deny the player the choice to Cum Inside, at any point. She is not clear about it being an issue of her scars. Having him actually get her pregnant would also be a better reason to RE-INTRODUCE her into the harem later. Since I doubt you’re ever going to re-write this whole thing to not be stupid enough to separate the Harem girls from the MC. [It’s the same thing as D&D = You NEVER split the party…]

    = Side point: It’s STILL NOT A HAREM, because – The Twins SHOULD BE CLAIMED BY MC! If they were never going to be on the table; don’t put them in the game as anything more than a written reference by way of being one of Alexis’ “connections.” Meeting them was never required, and adds FUCK ALL to the story. It’s like waving a piece of food in front of a dog – and you wonder why your audience in comments calls this a bad game. I may understand your reasoning, to a point – but I also heavily disagree with your logic. Meeting their “Daddy” – OR having MC be “scared” of him also EMASCULATES The harem lead. Not to mention = IF HE is allowed to have a Harem, Alexis DOES NOT get to be the one to add STIPULATIONS to it! That’s not the genre. She’s either okay with the concept, or she’s not. You don’t do a harem with caveats. That just makes the player think something’s going to fuck up, or make them afraid to accept new females you might add. Also: you DO NOT EVER remove a girl that is listed IN THE HAREM on your own list at the right corner, from the game. For any length of time. Diamonds was not necessary to be yeeted (that’s why an amnesiac MC is usually a bad idea – so is putting a harem lead in any kind of critical condition for an extended length, it’s counter intuitive to the CORE of the genre; which is BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS with ANY girl the PLAYER CHOOSES. IE any girl rendered SHOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE TO PURSUE!) Lilly NEEDS to NEVER have gone to Texas over choosing MC IF she was ever that damned invested in him; since at any point she returns she should be smart enough to know he has no reason to trust that she has been faithful to him OR wants to continue the relationship. There’s also NO REASON THAT MC should not be added to “the list” eventually. (I’d also say it’s in bad taste to make a desktop background of your game, while inside your game. That’s not meta. It’s gouche) * Remember what I said above. Becoming a vampire does not necessarily, and should not void all possibility of pregnancy. It does not have to, and you’d be removing a kink that does draw players in. Not that I think it will help at this rate. Your pacing is horrible and you’ve made some VERY counterintuitive plot decisions.

    The point you had Alexis fucking hypnotize MC to “protect” him is also BULLSHIT – and can actively DAMAGE his mind; and she should be aware of that (it’s why you don’t put the Harem Leader in a position of Submission against a creature that’s SUPERNATURAL, by making him NOT Supernatural… Even the damned odds. Pronto) There’s the point you have a female voice in his head, stating X to the player = Breaking the fourth wall for ANY reason is not good writing. If you can’t let the audience INFER on it’s own, you’re not properly conveying the information you want us to have. Plain and simple. Telling MC to trust someone that just admitted she fed him her blood before he was even conscious to consent – and that it gives her power over his emotional state in general – by way of disembodied voice is NOT a recipe for anything but Deadpool. If he ever is going to be a vampire, you DO NOT want MC to be like Deadpool. He’s the bad kind of Malkavian. Personally, I prefer Gangrel. [Introduce whom the voice belongs to; or fuck right off with it as a concept. We do NOT need – and some of us have scars in this area, so we won’t WANT to doubt MC’s sanity. Not in the Harem Genre. It’s literally the easiest possible genre to write. The only tensions should be in making the girls all get along, and building the actual relationships to start with]

    * I will NEVER let go of the Twins SHOULD be in the Harem issue. You can disagree all you want, and you might be the dev/writer of the game, but you’re also outvoted. Apparently heavily enough to have been passive aggressive about it in the chapter intros, and the game can’t properly be called a harem with them included into it = but at the same time unavailable. You have like 3+ Vampires on the fucking harem list, but you can’t add in the Twins? (It’s the same kind of thing for some people as Incest, and frankly Incest adjacent…) ** There’s the point that if your friend was going to design a game with them in it; or was going to design one with you – he probably intended for them to be love interests in some respect. So your argument about paying respect to him by using his IP falls more than a little flat. It’s a straw excuse, and it’s probably cost you more subs than taking them out of the story would have. You didn’t even give them proper names, so how much of their original personality is really there to see; and how much “honor” of your friends memory do you think can be weighed against the backlash of going against the grain of the intended genre you profess to be writing? There’s also the issue that having them “train” the MC is another form of Emasculation that you won’t allow to be salved by their submission to MC, and inclusion into the Harem; that’s going to stick all the more in the craw of some players…

    * Caps Lock is used for Emphasis. It is not and never will be “shouting.” I am not angry, you’d have to try harder to piss me off. It does frustrate me to see plot holes, or unforced errors – any of which can be fixed with some honest work and willingness to bend, but I don’t tend to “yell” at anyone online. There may be parts of my reviews or comments/rants if you’re unkind, that I want to be paid more attention to as markedly important in my opinion, and I blame Millenials and their text speak bullshit for ever thinking that Caps Lock means shouting. Or that a period at the end of a sentence is somehow “aggressive.”

    1. Wow! You typed all that bullshit out nobody is going to read over a garbage game I spent less time playing?

        1. This comment proves why there should be a minimum IQ requirement higher than room temperature to use the internet, and a global ban on third world shit holes from even having access.

          1. My IQ is markedly higher than “room temperature” Rancor; and you still decided to shit post about my “long windedness.” So how important is the idea of high IQ to you?

  5. I often wonder why everyone on these posts seem so angry. I wish you the best in telling your story, Good luck 👍. I only request is that the MC end this story as a better man than he started.

  6. Then do not use them in the game as anything but NPC’s. Do not dress them suggestively, do NOT tease that they “already have a Master” and do not have them do anything but BE PROFESSIONAL.

    I’m not saying you can’t honor your friend – but using HIS characters in your game possibly without his expressed permission sounds shady as fuck to me, and if true that in fact is disrespectful, as well as showing your own lacking imagination on that end – I AM saying that adding two attractively rendered girls and even lightly sexualizing them, to tease the player base WILL piss people off in general BECAUSE. THIS. IS. A. HAREM!

    I LIKE vampires. I hope you actually make the MC a freaking vampire. But the story elements are NOT cohesive. You already moved ONE of the girls that the MC was involved with (again, in a HAREM) to god knows where = she could be fucking god knows who by now and you DO NOT do that to this genre! – and the actual introduction of vampiric characters was NOT subtle. At all. You’re painting the MC as far too weak to become the Badass you say he’s going to shape up to be, and then you’re outclassing him in the vein of the supernatural… and you DON’T understand why half your players say the game sucks??? The GIRLS do NOT need to be more skilled at martial combat; HE needs to be the SKILLED one to start with. To show that he DOES have a place on the team, and seems COMPETENT enough to survive long enough to MEET the vampires. Who would also then have better reason for the female to be so impressed with him, other than wanting to bone him instantly just to piss her brother off…

    It’s NOT actually hard to write a power-scaled fantasy, with incremental gains in power for the MC over time, like this man. I could actually help you do it. I am an author with over 300 paranormal romance and sci fi based high fantasy novels finished. But if you’re going to bullheadedly insist that you’re “respecting” your dead friend’s wishes with two characters that aren’t even yours in the first place… that’s going to cost you a LOT of cred with anyone who might subscribe and support your work. It’s your call.

    1. Okay Dev – in Chapter whatever the hell the current one is: YOU HAD THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO KILL OFF “Daddy” AND MAKE THE FUCKING TWINS PART OF THE GODDAMNED HAREM!!!

      So NO. You are an absolute abject asshat; teasing the audience like that… whatever rage you get for that is now COMPLETELY on YOU. Including mine; and I am fucking done. The game is NOT at all worth ANY investment. The story is BULLSHIT, you don’t follow even the CORE conventions of the stated genre = THE REALM HOPING SISTER SAYS THOSE WEREN’T HIS REAL PARENTS – The voice in his head could be the Queen of fucking Angels for all I give a shit. You torched any support I would give by making me rescue the asshat you added in as a COMPETITOR for Harem Lead… (Probably to work through your grief – but it’s called FUCKING THERAPY!) You are a stubborn DICKHEAD for pulling this shit, very likely actively stole his characters (by the way the design for the girl is Chrys from Superheroes Suck – and likely several others, they may be hot enough to attract, but they are FAR from fucking unique – and their bitchy/bratty attitude to MC is ONLY acceptable at all if they EVER WERE going to be added into the Harem! Other than that they’re assholes for no reason but you being passive aggressive to your own goddamned main character) and you DO NOT deserve any financial support or encouragement to keep this project going if you’re going to get that much feedback that players want X girls added; and you IGNORE AND THEN WILLFULLY FUCK AROUND WITH A POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITY TO ADD THEM IN.

      Fuck you. On every level. I do not recommend this story. I have no patience for bullshit – and there are by the way SEVERAL stories wherein a vampire is perfectly able to procreate, but may like the D&D elves do so less often. So you’re being a dick way too many ways. I tap out.

  7. I read the comments but in between other updates decided to try this anyway… BIG MISTAKE. This is a lame project with sorry graphics and beyond the name thing that people complain about, the first thing that really put me off was the ABJECT COWARDICE of the MC who simply stands in his bedroom and listen to his family being MURDERED while doing nothing… Then you want to try to turn him into a badass as the story unfolds… Nuh uh, not with that POS starting coward for an MC, this just doesn’t work for me… then the twins, the writing is so terrible I wanted to retch… this just never gets better in any way and the sex scenes are hopelessly boring as well. The Dev spends far to much time 4th wall pontificating and patting himself of the back while still producing one of the crappiest projects on record. SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME, BANDWIDTH AND SANITY BY AVOIDING THIS POS.

  8. Dumb game. Gets boring really quick.

    You can’t even change the MC name. Not that I mind, if the game is actually any good and worth playing, and it’s not. Another total newb landfill of a game.

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