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Ravenous [Arc 2 Ep.3] [Lament Entertainment]

Please be advised – There is lesbian content in this game, that some may consider NTR.

ARC 1-Story focused, not a quick trip to the bedroom with anybody. Don’t expect to fap a whole bunch.
 –Relationship/romance focused . Story still running, but more time with the girls. (Some choices added, among other features)

This game/story will remain in Beta until the final version.

Download for Windows/ Linux - Arc 1 Finale: Beta

Download for Windows/ Linux - Arc 2 Episode 3

Download for Mac - Arc 1 Finale: Beta

Download for Mac - Arc 2 Episode 3

Download for Android - Arc 1 Finale: Beta

Download for Android - Arc 2 Episode 3

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  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 70%
Visual - 84%
Engagement - 68%
Core Loop - 59%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.69 ( 133 votes)

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  1. I avoid this game if I see some big tits girls and some childlike looking girls I know that the big tits girls are just the curtain for the main act which is to fuck childlike-looking girls

  2. Dikgames posted the wrong version for this update. The one above is still for Ep.2. Here are some links for Ravenous Arc 2 Ep.3:

    Replace the [**] with [tt] I had to post it this way.

    MEGA: h**ps://
    GOFILE: h**ps://
    MIXDROP: h**ps://
    WDHO: h**ps://
    BUNKR: h**ps://

    MEGA: h**ps://
    GOFILE: h**ps://
    MIXDROP: h**ps://
    WDHO: h**ps://
    BUNKR: h**ps://

    The links above are updated corectly for Android.

    Note: My apologies to the closet gays RanCor and Truth for going off topic at this site and posting about games. I just do not care about butt sex. I will leave that and sucking dick for those fags.

  3. 6 years milking
    Lack of male GAY path because dev hate wokeness
    No emasculation of white boys only dream of harem MFFFF
    No choice in male GAY PATH because of plot reason
    No black man because #BLM not making shirt dev size
    No hopes in MC GAY PATH because game focuses MFFFFF NOT MMMMFMMMM
    Support African-American Biden must win

  4. This kinetic novel has a pretty interesting story, even if major parts stop being major on the road. Feels like author didn’t like where the story was going and made some major changes and introduced new characters. After that there is two stories that kinda have connection. Some characters are made for the first story, some for the second. And new characters keep coming up.

    I lost count how many loli girls there is or who was who. Three or four of them, not sure, are pretty much identical in every way. There is some more colorful and unique characters too that keep the story interesting. Sadly most of the “good” characters are really boring.

    There was one sex scene that made episode 1 worth reading. But overall the game is not good. Biggest problem is the writing. It is so unnatural and weird how most of the characters talk. Teen girls talk like senior citizens and teen MC is talking like “better than everyone else” with his cringeworthy comments. Don’t remember if these problems were that bad in episode 1. But episode 2 was unreadable for me. As a whole: 2,5/5

    1. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells would rather have blm than a bunch of fucking faggs and pedos hunting children and spreading their bullshit to every fucking thing that we consume

  5. Weird shit. However it is well made and interesting. If it were ever finished it could be a decent game.

    1. You do know by saying this your just telling on yourself by saying you breed with your sister to make retarded gay babies
      Other then that I want you to stop messaging me telling me how you want me to pile drive my cock down your throat
      Just so you know I’m straight my door doesn’t swing that way so you can fuck off

    2. With first cousins, there is a whole 2% chance for birth defects, for siblings, 3%, parent and child 3.5%.

      That is first-generation incest though, the numbers go up from there if it is repetitive.

    1. Not sure waht you played – but definitely not this game. The update had quite some content. Or did you only skip through the game? Then 2 minutes are actually quite long…

  6. It’s well done, but I didn’t find it erotic at all and couldn’t even finish the game. The MC is a beta male, so the women do everything and make all the moves. Also, most of the ‘women’ are loli girls about 8yo who very oddly act and talk like they are adult. All that with it being a kinetic novel made the experience ZzzZzzzz. The cannibalism was also a turnoff, which made one of the few hot adult women not-hot.

    1. Nah bro you just lack good taste, cannibalism is hot, not as great as necrophilia but still hot af

      As for the girls don’t know what more do you want i simply can’t understand they’re awesome and cute, i can’t wait to bang them all

      Maybe you should give it another go with a new perspective bro it’s good don’t waste the potential funof it

  7. Why is everyone calling this a game, it’s not a game, there is no choices to make, you can only follow a boring story. I don’t like watching cartoons.

    1. that’s believable. you can try urself. go missing from this world no one will notice you either and some people may just sigh of relief.

  8. You can not wear a Rob Zombie Devils Rejects T shirt if you gay virgin who refuses to have sex with women wanting to have sex with you.

    1. You must refuse to have sex with any woman period if you’re wearing a fagg-overrated rob-pussyzombie ass t-shirt

  9. I see your point and do agree, but honestly I think a lot of people just comment without actually trying things a lot of the time.

  10. Wow, … THAT WAS AN “UPDATE” … takes longer to extract than it does to go through. SMDH. Don’t bother coming back for at least 4 or 5 updates.

    1. Shame, I actually like this game. Good looking characters and an interesting story. May be milking now like so many devs.

  11. I love the game, the characters, plot, the look of the game, the mystery; it’s all great. The women and girls are all very gorgeous and hot. My only complaint is the lack of sex. MC has a SEXUAL magic spell cast to make him lose sexual inhibitions and make the females around him want sex. If you have a smoking hot naked girl in your bed WANTING to have sex and you say no? WTF? That goes directing against the plot bc of the magic spell. The slow burn sexual teasing/flirtation is fine as long as there is a payoff. There is no payoff. If you as a dev want to make a very cool mystery game, that’s fine, but don’t advertise it has a sex game.

    1. I think you’re being a little judgy
      that time when MC rejected that girl was because he had so much in his mind and wanted focus on his father’s matters but overall there is some sex scenes throughout the game, not many but there is.
      and I think the visuals are hot enough to keep the meat hard.
      surely there will be much more porn in next updates since MC has built the base with many of them

    1. your that gullible you believe it when devs say all girls are 18+ they only put that so they don’t get in trouble and Loli content is more often than not associated with underage girls so stop being a sheep

  12. Like this but man you REALLY need to stop blue-balling your audience. So many scenes so far should have been H-scenes already.

    1. I estimate I am halfway thru the game and it is a marvel of nature that a late teen/early 20’s yr old with raging hormones and a spell that takes away his inhibitions does not have any sex with the hot girls/women who want to have sex with him. It stretches the logic beyond belief. If a hot girl in a hot outfit who sexually flirts with you and says “my mom won’t be home for a couple of hours” and leaves the door open and you don’t take the hint to have sex? You must be gay.

  13. There is something wrong with you mentally since you can’t seem to tell the difference between reality and fiction. That’s fucking sad. Also the character default age is min 18, unless you manually change it to less. Did you do that and are now feeling guilty?

  14. Story ok, but long winded.. MC is a boring pussy.
    We’ve had multiple updates and yet STILL nothing much has happened… probably wait 6mths and revisit – if its still around.

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