Home » How to Lose One’s Virginity [v1.023 Steam] [Final][GPoint]

How to Lose One’s Virginity [v1.023 Steam] [Final][GPoint]

User Rating: 6.2

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.


Story - 5.9
Visual - 7.2
Engagement - 6.6
Core Loop - 5

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84 11


  1. If you send a mail and ask what is happend to old website and game archive, you are getting a template response:

    “Hi, I understand your feeling and I didn’t want to do this but the previous website just became broken & inoperable so I had to do this. We will soon add all the games along with the fresh updates so don’t worry”

    • Ok thanks i started worry about it

    • I see, well let’s hope they add all the games soon.

    • I see, well let’s hope they add all the games soon.

  2. Hello I can’t find Grandma house game in this website so anyone know when they are going to add

    • Go to Visit Mama. They have better compressed files anyway.

    • It’s been added.

  3. With the “new design” i had to add an AD-Blocker to see the website or without there were only crappy advertisement with Fake-stories…

    – maybe they want to raise more money through their website and needed some “special” programm-code implemented… to generate more clicks ??

    • Why weren’t you using an ad-blocker before? Why would anyone?

      • Before the “update” i didn´t care – now it ´s annoying ..

  4. Some of the tags for the game don’t make sense. There’s no mind control at all, and while the MC initially gets the ability to hear what others are thinking, that doesn’t play any part in the story after he has it for a few days. The game is better than its rating. I’d give it an 8 out of 10. The main thing that will detract for some people is it has no decisions in it, only a few optional sex scenes with unimportant characters that don’t affect the story at all. The renders are great, even compressed because holy hell is the file huge otherwise, and the story is pretty good considering the genre. Just a guy almost dying and figuring out he needed to get his stuff together and does. There weren’t a lot of grammar errors, but frequent name errors on statements (so the wrong character’s name would appear as saying something) which usually you could figure out was the case so it didn’t matter much.

  5. Another project is the disappointment of 4-5 sex scenes and a stripped-down ending! Moreover, there are only 2 sex scenes that are completely done, and the rest are strange interruptions, it seems the developer is just saving! The plot is just the beginning and then the end! In short, the project is just a scam!

  6. Another project is the disappointment of 4-5 sex scenes and a stripped-down ending! Moreover, there are only 2 sex scenes that are completely done, and the rest are strange interruptions, it seems the developer is just saving! The plot is just the beginning and then the end! In short, the project is just a scam!

    • I got off on it a few times. Its ending was very abrupt but the journey had me going.

  7. This game has it correct that having anal sex technically keeps your virginity. Incels are the worst kind, supporting Globohomo by pushing away women like the fags they are. Don’t be a fag and don’t be an incel fag.

  8. Not bad game. I wanted more dialog choices. Creampie Yes or No etc. The END is not so good for me. I wanted more bonding End with pregnancies to who you want OR all of course (better) so that you think you have control of the game and you are more in to it. Maybe in future games.


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