CompletedGamesUnityVisual NovelWindow

Love Esquire [v1.3.8 Uncensored][Final] [Yangyang Mobile]

Download for Windows

Download Greatest Pleasure CGs [Censored]: Mod

Download Hip to be Squire [Uncensored] Mod

OK After poking around the game code it turns out Love Esquire has a built-in hidden mod loader & installer.

so to install the mods,
1) create a folder called mods in Love Esquire_Data
2) Place the zip file in that folder, they removed the auto mod installer, So unzip the file to the mods folder,
3) run the game
to check it got installed correctly a folder called mods should appear in the games save location

Save game Locations
Users/[username]/library/cache/Yangyang Mobile/Love Esquire
Users/[username]/library/Application Support/Yangyang Mobile/Love Esquire

C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\LocalLow\Yangyang Mobile\Love Esquire

/home/[username]/.config/unity3d/Yangyang Mobile/Love Esquire

Only use one of these mods at a time (since they override the same files)

Download Gallery Mod

Modified dll for steam version (1.3.5)
Unlocks gallery / scenes

Replace the dll in the folder
Love Esquire\Love Esquire_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Download Save

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Editor's Rating

Story - 78%
Visual - 79%
Engagement - 72%
Core Loop - 72%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.75 ( 22 votes)

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