
My Best Deal [v3.2] [Pirot King]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

View Gallery Code

shy and humble









v 2.2












Download Walkthrough (old)

My Best Deal Walkthrough – First Steps

  • You will unlock the gallery images 1 to 6 automatically
  • Keep Watching (Unlock gallery images 7 & 8)
  • Your choice (no impact) Unlock 9th image
  • Your choice (no impact)
  • Cool photo
  • Your choice (no impact)
  • Write in your earnest OR Just be yourself
  • Your choice (no impact)
  • SAVE if you want: Love Path (right) unlocks image 12th, but Control path (left) unlocks image 10th (Control path is better, and choices have no impact until use the force)
  • Use the force (image 11th)
  • x3 Your choice (no impact) Unlock image 13th
  • SAVE – Choice I – Celine Control or Alternative Path

Colllins Control Path

  • Have fun
  • Your choice
  • Nicer or aggressive, doesn’t matter
  • Your choice

Collins Controls Path

  • Solve the equation
  • Focus on solving
  • Stare at her
  • Your choice
  • Submit
  • x4 Your choice

My Best Deal Walkthrough – After Collins Choice

  • Come Closer
  • Obviously don’t leave her
  • Your choice
  • Follow her
  • Peek behind the stone
  • Thats right (gallery image 15th)
  • Look around
  • Try to remember
  • Your choice
  • If in Collins Alternative path > x2 Your choice (Image 16th)
  • If in Collins Control path
    • I want you > Use the force > Image 17th
    • Use the force > Image 16th (same as in alternative path)
  • Peek Inside
  • Look Through the door
  • Keep Looking > Images 18th & 19th
  • Enter the portal
  • What is the nature > How Dangerous > Can I do Anything (Image 20th)
  • x2 Your choice
  • End of version 0.5

My Best Deal Walkthrough – 0.8 Endings

  • I will use your power
  • David is weird sometimes
  • She had some business
  • Your choice (serious OR friendly)
  • Got it
  • I’ve got a name
  • Ask about Annie
  • Knock or not, doesn’t matter
  • SAVE – Choice II – Collins Control or Controls Path
  • If in Collins control path: Get on… > Your choice
  • If in Collins controls path: Yes > Kiss > How can I serve > Goodbye Miss Collins
  • Your choice
  • Comfort them
  • Help her wash the dishes
  • x2 Your choice
  • Go to Molly
  • Get out from under the bed > Hit him back

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Restores incestual dialogues and contextual scenes.

Patch Instructions

Download the “patch.rpa” file, and move it to the “/game” directory.

On macOS this is located: “Contents/Resources/autorun/game”.

You don’t need to start a new game for the patch to work.

Download Walkthrough Mod + FLowchart


  • While some answers seem color-coded, take them all with a grain of salt. Just because an answer choice is red, green, etc, don’t immediately think it’s a bad choice.
  • For some of the answer choices I listed them as “Fastest”. I did this because the other answers don’t lead to any impactful variables. This was mainly just for people who wanted to easily skip through the dialogue if they had to start over or something.
  • I added some QoL changes to see more scenes in one playthrough. I wasn’t very consistent and did some scenes while leaving others alone.
    • Main reason for this is that I kept having issues with the translations. So for every scene where I let you see multiple at once, I had to manually translate the script. I’m a very green modder, and I didn’t know whether there was an easier way to do it.
    • While anybody can use the walkthrough just fine, the QoL changes to see multiple scenes is in English. So apologies to those who want to use those aspects of the mod but read in a different language.
  • I added a way to toggle incest at the start of a new game if it’s not already toggled.
  • If answer choices are left untouched, it generally means you can choose whichever you want.
    • Some answers actually triggered variables that may or may not become important in the future. So don’t be surprised if I recommend an answer that seemingly does nothing.


Extract file from file to the \game sub-folder and overwrite when prompted.

Download Animations

CG (computer Graphics) is basically only the images and videos form the game without the game files themselves. You don’t need them in order to play the game. Download them only if you wish to browse the images and videos without playing the game itself.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 89%
Visual - 88%
Engagement - 85%
Core Loop - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.1 ( 119 votes)

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      1. you jerked off in 2 minutes, then. There was barely anything there. That seems to be the norm for this dev. Lure them in with loli, then bore them to death with 5 minute updates. MILK MONEY, brah. This is one of those games that milks their donators with chicken feed, until they eventually abandon it because the dev is burned out, or lost a family member, or has health trouble, or isn’t making enough money to complete it, or etc. etc. 🙄
        I wouldn’t bother even looking at this game again, until it’s finished, in 4 or 5 years. The updates are like, 50-100 renders.

        1. It never fails to amuse me when people expect any of these games to complete when it’s so obviously the exception to the rule.

          I congratulate every porn game creator for extracting money from people, giving them exactly what they want, until they don’t, and laugh at everybody who complains about them milking others on a site where all of this is free.

          You seem to have some perspective, but a lot of people don’t. So many that the line between ignorant and troll is slim, and that’s funny to me.

  1. Ok, I realize that it has femdom and rape in the tags but I had read in forums that those were optional. They are NOT optional. You get raped by a super skank that shit talks you while stepping on your dick till you cum. I’m trying to avoid spoilers but the whole thing was nasty as fuck. I was hoping this beta cuck loser MC would figure a way out of it but not only was he too much of a god damned loser… he actually enjoyed it.
    So anyway I’m just here to warn people that those tags are not optional. The MC is your standard beta male, quite literally getting stepped on and jizzing all over himself because of it. There were no options to avoid, skip, shoot her in the face with a nine iron, nothing. Even though she has a sketchy rep the MC at no point in time even tries to do anything to protect himself or even turn on his god damn phone to record anything or gather evidence.
    As soon as the MC blew his load on her feet I gave up and deleted this trash. I LOVE mind control games because I’m a Dom and these things are fun for me. Unfortunately at this point in the game there was no mind control and the MC just gets bullied like the little bitch that he is until he creams himself. That is the opposite of what kind of games I’m into. So, to me it’s trash but I am not the target audience so for those of you who like being abused…
    I honestly didn’t make it far enough to be able to review the story or characters. It seemed like the writer had talent but is relying on some of the common troupe characters. Most of them are likable and unique ish to each other. The renders and animation are pretty good. They aren’t top shelf but they are about as good as you can get in an AVN. If you are out of things to play and If you don’t mind the beta male or forced femdom, I would recommend trying this game.

    1. I don’t think that is even standard beta male behavior, imagine if you will, a linear scale with Giga Chad on the far right and Super Beta on the far left, then the slider was far left on this one.

    2. You did not pick the right choices. All sub paths are avoidable 100%. Any subbing that happened in the game is because of your choices.

      It could be not dom enough for you but who the fuck cares what people like that think. I won’t live up to their standards and the half-incest of this game keeps me waiting for the full incest. Fuck. Yeah.

      Please tell viper to get his mouth off your cock because it makes him look like a desperate sub.

      1. You 100% do NOT get a choice. She drugs you and rapes you after you catch her fucking that dorky looking guy. It’s not until after you get raped that you get the mind control power and the option to stop her from abusing you again(and possibly “turn the tables”). Or you can just let her keep doing it if you like femdom. I didn’t care for that first scene with her either. It would have been much better if you could just avoid that walking STD factory but unfortunately you have to fuck her. She is NOT an optional character. Just try to break immersion and remind yourself that the MC will bang anything living, even if it smells like rotten tuna. It’s also really sad that he has to use mind control to get her to stop sexually abusing him but yeah the MC is kinda weaksauce, and dumb. But in the devs defense, that character type is easy to connect with by the average playerbase.

        1. Getting drugged and sexually abused is not a “sub path” like anonymous was whining about.

          If getting drugged and your dick stroked against your will is rape then congratulations you are more liberal than most people when it comes to sexual relations.

  2. As a light spoiler (nothing earth-shattering), it’s revealed by the 3.0 update that the twin asian girls are biological half-sisters. This isn’t a surprise, but their exact relationship has come up in this thread in the past.

  3. this game no playing in the full (cut the full playing)👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👋👋👋👋👋👋

    1. Half siblings, perhaps?

      Though it’s pretty common for mixed racial children to come out looking very much like one race or the other (especially in cases where the parents are themselves mixed), so that’s also possible.

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