
The Way Love Goes [Ch. 26] [Naughty Skunk Games]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” sub-folder .

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Download Multi-Mod


-In Game WT Mod that highlights dialoge options that give points and lead to the best scenes.
– And a Cheat Menu has also been added which has cheats that allow you to maximize your stats.
– Gallery Mod. Credit: BrandyYT


PC: Unzip the mod and copy the folder called “game”from the mod folder inside the folder called “The_Way_Love_Goes-Chapter_18-win”

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Editor's Rating

Story - 72%
Visual - 80%
Engagement - 69%
Core Loop - 72%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.66 ( 112 votes)

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  1. This game wasn’t that great. the early animations are horrible. And for most of the game is’t just foreplay. It’s not until Chapter 20 before you actually fuck someone.

  2. If somehow DEV read this. Come on DEV… add creampie choice so the sex scenes to be a lot hotter. Also pregnancies choice will be awesome. Come on…..

  3. Multi-Mod AND Wincest Patch has the same file. Need a fix to upload the proper in one of those two. Probably Multi-Mod.

  4. I have played several games on this site and this is without a doubt one of the worst. History repeated and repetitive ad nauseam. Horrendous and sloppy animations that end up being mediocre as the chapters go by (yep, that’s an improvement). Zero attention to detail in the handling of cameras, images continually out of focus and/or with terrible lighting. Bad rendering full of white dots. And the worst thing, at some point in chapter 3 if I remember correctly, they force you to have a relationship with a totally secondary character who does not matter in the slightest in the development of the boring story. They give you the option to reject the relationship and when you do, the game is over, yes, you read that right, if you reject it it is a great Game Over. Totally ridiculous to force something that is totally unnecessary like this. At that point I stopped taking everything else seriously and it was just a continuous accelerated click with a few pauses here and there to read some more stupidity.
    You have to be very stupid to lose money sponsoring something like that if it is more fruitful to invest money sponsoring a snail race for example. Even something like that would be more beneficial than seeing the conclusion of this “story”.

  5. Go scew yourself on a pole whore, what a fucking idiot fat fuck, dumbass as shit asking the most stupid, an the cherry on top “i’M a NeW mEmBeR” bet you’re that kind of moron that goes into servers with the stupid “hI i’M a NeW mEmBeR” shit, fucking fat fuck fucker

  6. Go scew yourself on a pole whore, what a fucking idiot fat fuck, dumbass as shit asking the most stupid, an the cherry on top “i’M a NeW mEmBeR” bet you’re that kind of moron that goes into servers with the stupid “hI i’M a NeW mEmBeR” shit, fucking fat fuck fucker

  7. Dear Owner of the site,

    Im a frequent visitor of your site….I’ve step forward to address on a recurring matter of interest I’ve been seeing that you {owner of the site} often inconsistent with the porting of the games… Wait don’t get me wrong i love every games that falls in my favorite genre but with the inconsistent of the ports i had to re- play the game rather than just continue with an existing save files from a modded version, i know it might cost you your time and wait for a modded version but i hope you could take in consideration to keep the ported games with the same modder in the future.

    Thank You

    1. Does the game owner port the games or do they merely host links and reviews to the games? Sometimes it takes a while to get the link to a patch or similar but it’s not that long. Could you expand on your complaint?

    2. by the words of your i can say that you are using android
      so here what you do install zarchiver to move saved files from data forlder of older apps to data folder of new

  8. Ya that was when I quit! There was no Game Over screen when you tell aunt’s coworker to stop molesting you in office(later in store you have no ability to say no to same woman), but game over when I said no to helping someone move. Remove option to say no if there is no option.

  9. One of the worst adult games i’ve played,, you can’t have sex with the three main girls just with secondary characters in twenty fucking episodes.

    1. Your an ass…I have had sex with both the daughters on several occasions and the mom on at least two occasions…Maybe you need to play again and make better choices. It’s fucking sickening when people like you do nothing but complain about games like these when they are essencially free to download…and maybe you should adopt a new motto, “If it’s free and you don’t like, move on to the next…” don’t just sit there and complain about it in an attempt to turn others away from it…And on another note, I don’t see how this game doesn’t have a higher rating then 73%… Again, if you don’t like the game, move on! There have been games I don’t like either, but I don’t sit here and complain about them because what one person doesn’t like, another one loves it. It’s like how the old saying goes, “One man’s garbage, is another man’s treasure”. MOVE ON!!!

      1. I like to read different views on games. Whether the game is free or not, there is still a time element. I don’t want to waste my time playing something that I won’t like. So, helpful reviews or comments about a game, are useful. You going all “fanboy”, on the other hand, is not useful.

        You should take your own advice, and move on.

        1. But the information given was incorrect. Obviously, the guy is a douche because you only need to make the correct choices to have sex with the main women. Incorrect reviews should be ridiculed.

      2. Yeah learn to move on you two, you heard move it cunts or I’m gonna fuck your fucking niggas black ass pussies till they turn white fucking punks bitch cunts always making a pile of garbage out of nothing

  10. This makes twenty chapters now as far as I’ve played where the supposed “Alpha” MC has been chasing 3 CORE women; fucked everyone else BUT those three, and spent more time dithering about Muh Queen BS than actually trying to get into their pants.

    * He oiled Lilly’s tits and you treat him like he’s a fucking 13 year old that’s never seen a god damned bikini – While she’s all but screaming I REALLY want you to just fuck me! (and I am not past that scene yet, but given where you went with Bella and the younger sister being “Oh, I gotta tell MC…” There’s no chance taking that option if it’s even presented at all, won’t end badly. H-A-R-E-M! Do you not understand the concept? At all.

    Because you’re the one that had it modded for Incest, and then went hard in on the conflict (they are cousins, factually; legally the only one who would be considered actual incest is the Aunt. In most States and Canada it’s perfectly legal to marry your first cousin. I really wish all you devs would stop adding incest content to the game if you’re all going to waste so much time making the MC that wants to get laid, or the girls that WANT him to lay them all think “incest is bad” [Durh. Come on, who the hell are you moralizing to? Do you not get your target audience for this crap?]

    I repeat = 20 chapters in and no actual sex so far (with any character that COUNTS) Even with the sister that really wants to. Actually pick one because they both do. This thing with Bella’s Mom was BS; she should be IN THE HAREM. Full stop. Same with Bella. Same with ALL of the side characters. You want to waste another 20 chapters building that up: As long as there is actual sex with one of the three, and preferably all of them before they decided to expand the bounds, I’m down for that. It’s still padding and I will always call it that, but at least it would tell me you know what the hell you want to do with this thing.

    1. Amendment: There is actually THE FIRST sex scene (with Miss Thicc Thighs Save Lives = patently flawed statement by the way; they are more likely to crush your head and take your life, if you enjoy eating at the Y) IF you choose to not talk her out of it… and I can’t for the life of me say that taking the scene is by reccomendations of a walkthrough, the better path. Because the scene afterward clearly marks that it’s a storm coming on her end.

      * Which is just being an asshole to the players at this point who’ve been waiting that long to get to the sex. Everything else I typed in the last comment still has merit. At this rate it’ll be another 40 chapters before you wrap this thing up – and I wouldn’t put it past you as a dev to let the MC have all the girls and build the harem just to end the whole story with a sniper’s bullet to the back of his head. Just as that much of a fuck you to the audience.

      ** You do realize that you’re laying it on WAY too thick with the compliments with the girls. There’s also the point that Megan in form looks NOTHING like either of her daughters. She is WAY too curvy. If she was a little more proportional, I’d say Lily is the best match to actually be blood related, or Nina just didn’t get enough of her genes… but the way it stands? No. These are either not her actual daughters, or she REALLY needs to lay off the ice cream (and in that case it doesn’t make sense that somehow she also has almost a perfect hour glass figure that’s too exaggerated…) {Yes, it’s fantasy, I do get it, but proportional even with “curves” and I’d argue especially, is always going to be most attractive to the wider audience. Lily is a knock out. {Kinda wish you’d lay off making her seem like an actual porn star, if she’s supposed to be LESS experienced. Wild at heart does not mean Super Freak, or Uber Slut}

      I could honestly take or leave the Mom, but I’d hate to not end up with Bella. Period. So that should be resolved. Without making the player feel like a noose is around their neck thank you very much. Other than that, if you’re going to go anywhere with the female cop = Find a way to get MC to turn the tables. Because she sucks as a FemDom, and frankly most female cops in that vein WANT to be made to submit. It helps them vent. They may not admit it; but they know they do hold more power than a civillian. So it’s a LOT less likely they’d transfer that to complete control in the bedroom. They’d want to surrender that responsibility. Even if they really cannot cop to it. What? I can do puns.

      Look, you LET the player choose to fuck one of the main three – so do NOT punish us for wanting to do that. At all. I promise that will be a cut off point, and not just for me. You’d lose more subscribers if you haven’t already, than you’ll ever likely gain. There does NOT need to be this kind of drama when you spent 20 freaking chapters building up to this one point. With ONE of the girls thus far. One. Just one. God knows what shit you’re going to pull when it comes to the girls finding out he’s fucking all of them. I swear I thought MC oiling Lilly’s tits was going to be the point you pulled the rug out. So don’t. EVER. Do it. By the time they find out, all three of them as the core Harem should be so deeply in LOVE with MC that it mirrors the title of your fucking game! There does not need to be consequences, and sometimes trying too hard to make them happen in the vein of “reality” just makes you the asshole. You wrote in Megan’s OWN words that she’d wanted to suck MC’s dick since he STEPPED THROUGH HER DOOR. (Hint: At the BEGINNING of the game!!!) So she does NOT get to walk that back at all, just because she has two daughters – who are over the age of consent – that she has to compete with for wanting her new favorite pogo stick. : / I know your writing well enough by now to think you’ll try to go there. It’s NOT the smart play. That’s all I’m going to say.

      1. Okay, dipshit – and yes; I will be calling you as the dev, and your writer dipshit from now on. That’s ALL the respect you deserve. Harem. Game. It’s a fucking HAREM GAME! If it’s not why the hell are you blue balling the audience for so many chapters just to “slow burn” them right off???

        Whether you designed it with that in mind or not that’s what you’re going toward. With at least the three girls. Now I do NOT care what the fuck BELLA is into as far as legal troubles. I don’t give a flying fuck what the hell she thinks she has to do – you CANNOT expect the audience will just forgive a fucking RAPE scene. If she didn’t have legal issues before: She does now. She roofied him. Then you literally wrote the stupid fuck to drink the rest of it – knowing it “tasted weird” You god damned idiot. Do you think with him having three women he would caution not to drink anything that tasted “weird” means that he’s just going to say fuck it. Also… NEVER take control of the sex away from the PLAYER or the MC.

        You could have wrote her putting the drug into one drink, then pouring him another. You didn’t stipulate there were cameras watching. You could have had her EXPLAIN things, after admitting what she’d done – and that she did NOT want to. At all. Handed him the clean drink after; and shared a binary Fuck Me or Don’t Fuck Me with Bella. Honestly… Fuck the “you don’t know me” shit. That’s her Mom. He WANTS to. Now you’ve just burned a character as an LI that doesn’t need to be, by making her an asshole that she SHOULD NOT be. Her mother was already a lost cause and a hard sell. Bella WAS salvagable. She ISN’T to most sane people, after this. You fucking twit. If you decide to put her into any kind of apologetic BS explanation in the next update here’s a tip from every victim of rape no matter what gender, and especially date rape: Go. Fuck. Yourself. Absolutely. Right off the nearest cliff.

        There is now, unless you rework that whole damned section, no way to make her a salvagable love interest. At all. There is NO REDEMPTION for it. It’s fine if you don’t want too many more than the main girls, but in the cheat section Bella is on the fucking list. What excuse is she going to use… sorry; I really did want to get pregnant by you, I do love you, and want to be kept… but my family is screwed: So I had to just straight up RAPE you??? But if you forgive me I’ll bend over and be your willing little bitch to play light side of the coin with the fucking moron Femcop? Come the fuck on man. I swear to God you guys don’t think about the reprecussions to the story when you come up with this shit. The context matters. There’s usually a way to work around an obstacle, and Bella and MC as characters DESERVE far better than you just wrote them. Hell, you could have had Bella do all that I shared above; had hot genuinely passionate animal sex with her “new man,” and then had her Mom come in after the CONSENTED sex scene (that may also at player’s choice to finish inside end up a breeding…) and blackjack him at the back of the head. Keep her as the bad girl, and you can even give her a bit of redemption in “doing it to protect my daughter.” Even from herself. Still flawed. Still assholish in the extreme, and MC still ends up captured so Nina can play Rescue Rangers… but it keeps Bella in the GOOD GIRL status, as a love interest to be continued. There were other, BETTER ways to get to the same goal. While not trashing one of the girls that’s on the damned RELATIONSHIP list.

        But if the next update doesn’t FIX that BULLSHIT; I’m not bothering to find out.
        That is how much you just offended me. Not to mention insulted anyone that’s been through something even remotely of that vein. I don’t know if you have yourself, but if you have Dev and you still think writing that shit was okay… seek help. And believe me I REALLY fucking hate saying that. At this point, it’s 20 Chapters to the first option to see a sex scene that the aunt does cut off at the knees if you take it. [Hint: THAT’S NOT The Way Love Goes… Jesus. If she’s that gun shy, she’s going to fucking lose him. Period. Just for so many god damned mixed signals] Then the very next update a sweet girl who SHOULD be a good girl, outright drugs and rapes MC. Because Mommy said so…

        Fuck me, and no. Dumb ass. I don’t care what movie references or pop culture shit you can pull out of your ass. Never heard of Beetlejuice. Fuck right off. If you can reference it, you know how damned popular that movie was. Genius.

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