
-u4ia- [Ep2.03p] [DriftyGames]

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  • Added colored hints in dialogue options
  • Added a “HELP” button during free roams
  • Added a “time cheat” to increase the time available during free roams
  • Added a “Unlock All” button to the gallery
  • Added a scene gallery to the main menu allowing to replay scenes

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Download Gallery Unlocker

Description: A simple gallery unlock script. Just place it in the game folder and everything should be unlocked.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 85%
Visual - 90%
Engagement - 88%
Core Loop - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.31 ( 87 votes)

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  1. I really like concept of these games LoF and u4ia … the music makes it much better, rendered videos where characters move (and i dont mean sex scenes) and everything make this game much better then others.. i cant wait for new update.. and i really enjoyed LoF, i will play it second time with other decisions 🙂

  2. A lot of rather negative comments here. Sincere, but negative.
    Well, I absolutely like what Drifty has done with his new game.
    I could write a long review of how I percieve the game, but I decide not to do it.
    A bit too drunk at the moment, for starters.
    AND I would just encourage anybody to delve into it, don’t let a personal judgement of physicality by whoever, cloud your own judgement – don’t let people who dislike free roams dictate how you can enjoy the game (I just LOVE free roams, couldn’t care less about anyone who disagrees).

    Play it, get immersed, and decide for yourselves.
    For me: 8/10 currently and convinced that it will go up progressing with each update.

    1. 8 out of 10? That? You must be very drunk…
      MC, ugly in appearance. Pretty or ugly is subjective but it stops being subjective when all the women start seeing MC as a piece of juicy meat from the first glance. And it doesn’t help that MC constantly shows signs of being a child in an adult’s body. By this I mean that MC is a very poorly put together character. To attract women you need at least one of these things, being physically attractive or having an attractive personality. MC is pretty ugly and his childishness is horrendous. It doesn’t make any sense for women to drool over him. With that alone I gave it a maximum of 4 out of 10. If the central character doesn’t make sense, and the behavior of those around him doesn’t make sense, there is no story worth it… and that is not subjective.

      1. Like I wrote: the physical appearance of the MC doesn’t bother me and it definately isn’t gonna influence me enjoying this game.
        I don’t care who or what you find ugly, I don’t care that you dislike the game. I didn’t write it for you or anyone who feels the same as you do.
        And yes, what you write IS subjective

        1. Friend, if you think that facts are synonymous with subjectivity, then you are very drunk and high on drugs too… I’m talking about facts. Anyone with a little bit of something called “common sense” can see that this MC is a pointless garbage from what I commented before. The central story may or may not seem interesting, but it loses all weight in the face of the stream of nonsense regarding the appearance and behavior of MC and those around him.
          And I guarantee you two things… When you write a comment here, you are writing it for everyone who reads it (whether you like it or not or try to deny it). And the other thing is that if you answer me it is because deep down you do care about the opinions of others. It’s basic psychology, and that’s not subjective either.

          1. You can believe your own theories as much as you want, I’m not gonna smash your castle. You only prove to be thinking you are correct when in fact you are not.
            You are stating your opinions. Which aren’t facts.

            And another thing you got wrong again, even guaranteeing it: NOPE, I don’t write FOR everyone. Everybody can read it and comment it, but that doesn’t mean I wrote it for all of them.

            But do have another try at making yourself look smart, looking forward to it…

    2. Heh.. heheh… hehahaha…
      stop pretend you’re drunk, you think being drunk makes you cool? no one in drunk state open their pc/laptop or whatever and play adult game and comment on it.
      i know the typical drunk guy look bad boy-ish and kid often look at them in awe, but in adult world there is no such thing drinking booze, smoke cigs make you a badass or cool. your statement make you like a kid you know that or maybe you’re a kid.
      you want to look cool but sorry bud you failed miserably.

      1. You’re not making any sense at all. But you just go on believing your own nonsense, thinking you figured it all out. Wrong about me on all fronts.
        And now back ontopic: Drifty works hard and I enjoy his labour. You don’t? Fine, couldn’t care less

      2. See, a normal person would’ve just let the “drunk” comment go, as it was a throwaway comment, a moment of casual conversation that you drew a lot of inference from, all of it almost certainly wrong.

        Are you drunk?

    3. If nohomo (here being too cowardly to post under his new tag ‘Straight Pride’) was for anything, it’s the typical white-purity, anti-homosexual, restraints-for-all-that-do-not-believe-in-the-correct-things ideology that is picked up by educated people who think social justuce will solve the world’s current problems. I support gays and given the opportunity would go down on some random guy. Nothing wrong with being gay or being labeled a groomer. Say what you will, it won’t change my position.

      I’m not willing to come out and say this as myself. It just means part of me knows that it’s a lustful position that leads to the rape of innocent young boys.

      Maybe I’m changing. There is always hope.

      At least I’m sophisticated past attacking the NTR tag. That’s always felt to me like a low-hanging branch, like complaining about anal sex between men but not women. It doesn’t take enough thought to consider the person worth a serious retort. Boring, cookie-cutter trolling. Anything above that is at least a little interesting.

      For the record, this game has its problems but it’s pretty damn hot. I didn’t run into any surprise NTR (or NTR situations that weren’t obvious so you can pick for yourself). I did feel like I had to go back once or twice to get more sex scenes, but I didn’t feel my time was wasted. I can always find more to satisfy my apetite.

  3. well my 2 cents.

    I agree the MC looks ugly for no reason the girls look nice as they did in LOF.
    The story is ok but kinda missing the flow LOF has.
    The music has some decent songs in there but also some i can do without. – so then i turn the music off.
    My biggest Issue with this game is the sandbox elements there are just to many
    and they feel like Work , laboured im not having much fun doing them.
    Still has potential to become a nice VN it is nice but so far imo not at LOF’s level.

    1. The concept of having a young boy’s erection so hard that it hurts, I think it’s an interesting one when used as an excuse to get their wang out assuming it’s consensual.

  4. After playing this, I feel like the author previously just had a huge stroke of luck. Clearly this game doesn’t measure up to “Leap of Faith”. In fact this guy doesn’t even know how to develop characters. It’s not that “Leap of Faith” was brilliant in that regard either, but at least it did its job well in hooking you a little from the beginning by showing the interaction between MC and his friend. Their chemistry was quite entertaining. And then the whole Cece thing and his suicide attempts drove the story. The rest was garbage but it wasn’t so noticeable because of what I mentioned before… However, we don’t have any of that here. MC is boring, physically ugly and has the mentality of a teenager (throwing a woman with a fear of heights from a great height, only a real idiot does something like that, and that’s without taking into account a bunch of other stupid things before that)… The backstory is boring. The author tries to create suspense but personally I was not hooked at any point, because so much nonsense happens in between that whatever little good thing is lost. As I said, MC is physically very ugly and most of the women in the story fall for him even after MC shows them with actions that he is an idiot. Maybe if the dev showed some real human behavior, but he don’t know how to do that…
    With this it is clear to me that Leap of Faith was just a unique moment of inspiration, a stroke of luck that will not be repeated.

  5. The scene with Celeste doesn’t play when you find the key for the jet ski, she isn’t in there. At the end however when looking at the summery it says “you found her in the shower and she was extra flirty”. Didn’t happen. Is this a bug or what’s going on?

  6. The first 2 chapters are realy short for my liking. The narrative is very promising (emotional drama incoming?) I got some “Stay” -2005 vibes. Story 4/5
    The animations are excellent BUT they don’t do it for me, w/o descriptive writing. Lewd 2/5 Graphic 4/5.
    It has music were the female performer excells the male performer by miles … turned it off as I cant skip the songs.

  7. What’s up with the MC’s nose?? Do developers make these MC’s so ugly on purpose or are they putting themselves in these games? Just started the game and I can already tell I wont be sticking around long. Dude has the face only a mother could love..

  8. You have to spend a point by selecting the linking bar first. This took me a while too, it is in the instructions but isn’t very clear.

  9. if i wanna play sandbox i would play probaby SIMS and lets be honest we are all here for the sex i mean who is not and maybe for the story but usualy i skip the talking to much wasting time only if it has engaging story i would read them so i can see what is going on and make decisions but this is far bellow my expectations i mean its his game ,but this is quite low from Drifty he could do better the writing and skip the sandbox there no need for that the renders are top but some of the girls not that much 😀

  10. Same dev with leap of faith. i enjoyed leap of faith and actually feel emotional while playing that game and the only vn i’ve ever played worthy to make a movie. but bruh this game is just waaaay below my expectation. story is just standard and less engaging, emotions are very shallow, the sandbox part is not really problem but story is meh all just pointless chatter so boring.

    1. “actually feel emotional while playing that game” fucking pussy ass fagg
      cumslut crying about the most stupid shit gtfo bitch boy

        1. Damn son, i know who you are fagg, but didn’t knew you would go looking for every message that says fagg, or any other synonyms just to show off your stupidity, and btw in case you missed it, those who call themselves aLpHa, cHaD, sIgMa or whatever other garbage bullshit they come up with, are fragile insecure closeted gays, also i used the words fagg and bitch boy to emphasize how lame is to get emotional playing this kind of games but anyway you do you

          1. I didn’t go looking for it, it was just right there, being retarded, asking to get beat up for being so dumb.

            I didn’t know you would go looking for posts that showed even one ounce of honesty and humanity and slap the poster around like I do your bitch mom when she was pregnant with you. I’m not sorry for giving you brain damage, since you probably couldn’t handle a proper education from such a fucked up family that thinks FEELINGS are for GIRLS and other Alpha Chad bullshit.

            Hey, this is fun! Call me dumb again, but please change it up next time. I get bored of trolls easily.

      1. Way to show that you are a prepubescent child, who has zero idea what life is about. Come back and comment after you have some hair on your sack.

        1. Why would you want him to come back after he grows hair on his sack?
          So you can feel his hairy sack while you suck him off?

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