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Desire of Fate [Ep.3 v1] [KKpotato]

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An in-game walkthrough focused on the choices that give the most points.
An option to name saves.
UI improvements: can use numbers for menu choices, choice menu background is removed, ‘q’ toggles the quick menu.


PC: Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod into your “DOF” folder.

MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “DOF” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

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Editor's Rating

Story - 80%
Visual - 84%
Engagement - 77%
Core Loop - 72%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.44 ( 30 votes)

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  1. I still don’t understand what’s so good about this VN. There is no plot what so ever. It’s just about creating a harem for the control of power. No major choices besides sex realated. What’s the worth of MC here btw. Just some random abandoned weak guy living in the slum and suddenly fate changes and he becomes centre of attraction. There’s no humor in MC. No self respect. OP Li’s while he’s just a bum. It’s clear that her mother’s affection is more towards her daughters than her newly found son. Well these new Devs should learn from elite and experienced Devs such as NLT, caribidis, inceton, phillygames etc. How to make a better VN.

    1. Since it’s meant to be a harem game (at the end, and on the journey) the NTR is probably the only type that most who would be hesitant would accept; where it would be an eventual clean break – and she will cheat with the MC in order to get out of a bad relationship. Or trade up for him, as a better one. Sharing I agree is just stupid. The one I can see it applying to is Camilla with Samir – and frankly, I’ll never want him to be that close a friend. I don’t mind winning his girl as I wrote below… but for me the stipulation is she’s WORTH winning from him to start, and wouldn’t actually have been interested in a relationship with him so much as forced into it. [Which is basically how it reads if you bother paying attention to the actual dialogue in game – except god forbid she still be a virgin… can’t have that. It might actually be a point in her favor as far as desire to claim and keep her in the MC’s harem : / ]

      Does that make it any less a mark against the female: Not really. It’s sometimes more understandable that way, but that depends on the skill of the writer, and I’ve read this team’s work. The guy talks to his dick, and so does his mom. His dick is at least two times (a delusion) but a functional character… that’s all I’m going to say as to their “skill” at the craft.

  2. Having completed what I take to be the most current update – which did not as far as I can tell add anything much from the last time I saw it updated by the way – I will try to offer some constructive criticism and observations more kindly than done previously.

    – First: Is this a harem game or not? Because if it is = you really do NOT get to limit the amount of wives MC can have, and then say the stipulation is he has to be Emporer to break it; and then make the path to becoming emporer so damned convoluted that no one is going to figure out if they’ll even succeed by the end of the game. Even with the walkthrough. If you added a stipulation that he can break the set cap with X state, it means you know the cap is bullshit in the first place and will piss your audience off. Four wives, does not mean no girlfriends on the side. No lovers. There are different names, and all are commited relationships. There ARE ways around every freaking rule you want to impose. There’s no need to write your characters into corners.

    Killing the one son of a bitch or not, is not clear as to what the hell it gets you. Because it’s not clearly beneficial to have the girl in power – if it complicates MC’s life by getting him fucked by the “cops” (or if it’s an introduction properly to Kate, as a Blue Knight = Say so!!!) Because that WOULD be beneficial in a HAREM GAME.

    – The stats: Should not matter. At all. They can count toward HOW you approach the end goal, and we’ll get to that. It should not EVER be a question of barring content your players might want to see. That’s just assholish. No one’s going to count it as “replayability” just to take maybe 3 different choices across the board, to be able to see the one or two scenes they might get locked out of for not being smart enough/dominant enough/ or too much Karma (which shouldn’t freaking be a stat at all) You could make them define what type of Emporer MC is set to become. [On that note: why bother with Dominance at all, if you’re not going to make ALL of the girls LISTEN to it. Mina does not get to be a raving psycho because she wants to see if he’s actually going to fucking put her through the wall. That’s not Sub, that’s not brat, and it’s not princess. It’s called being too stupid to live]

    Jessica: Tied to that = screw the idea at all that this woman has ANY power to stop the game in it’s fucking tracks just because she says MC is not good enough to marry Lilith. That is the dumbest way to give her WAY too much influence she SHOULD NOT FREAKING HAVE that I have ever seen done. Bend her ass over the table and BREED her (fuck the infertile bullshit) and THEN tell me she thinks MC is not “good enough.” He’s GOING TO BE THE FUCKING EMPORER! There IS NO OTHER END GAME PATH BUT THAT. You don’t want to design a game ending where the MC fails and ANYONE else takes that throne. You’d basically be sending up a double flipped bird to anyone that bothered to download your game. That’s not just short-sighted in the extreme, it’s borderline suicidal in job standards. No one would trust your work again to bother subscribing if you’re going to pull that shit.

    You have over complicated things; introduced females who are already taken – and put several of them on the back burner for basically no reason, and made it impossible for the player to tell if they’re even WINNING. Just with four women. Samira is in the shadows and fuck the idea she’s going to be “difficult.” No. Just no. It’s a HAREM. She’s one of the FOUR FEMALES YOU NEED TO MARRY. Period. That’s why they’re in pink, right??? So she’s NOT going to be difficult. There’s Lola; who wants to be MC’s girl… and can’t because BULLSHIT. She WILL BE. When MC is the Emporer, if not before. There’s Camilla – who why the fuck did you even bother introducing her, if she’s going to be Samir’s girl?!? If she’s not going to stay that way then fine. But really, she should still be the blushing virgin that’s tying otherwise Mr. Smooth’s pants in a knot with promises she doesn’t intend to surrender. Which of course the MC will find the key to make her. I already covered Jessica. She’s not even on the god damned list to gain points with. That’s how stupid her character is as far as relevance to this game, and exactly how much influence she should truly have on it. You do NOT get to make her the ultimate ice queen, at the same time as trying to convince the audience she gives any sort of flying fuck about the MC. The two DO NOT COMPUTE! Tonal dissonance.

    Lisa: Should not seem like chasing her is going to be a punishment if you’re going to arbitrarily decide for the player that because BACKSTORY, she matters as a goal to the MC. First she fucked off before the game even started to follow her own dreams, so that’s a point of you do what you want but you obviously didn’t give a fuck about my feelings. Not a great intro to her character – and further SHOULD NOT BE TIED AS AN INSTANT YOU CANNOT REFUSE THIS GIRL IF YOU TAKE DEBBY! I swear to god if you put her in the game just to fuck with the players’ heads because you understand that most players want as many girls as they can have who play this genre; stop. Being. Assholes! If we’re not supposed to chase her, fine. IF we CAN chase her, leave that be as you did the work > you win. Flawless Victory! Mommy doesn’t get to say fuck all about it. Again = The politics in this game DO NOT MATTER. They are there for spice to the story, and for you to create a self imposed challenge to write your way around. Harem does NOT have fail states. It’s not the sort of genre you’re meant to fuck up. At all. It’s meant to be: Do you want this girl. Do you want to go to the effort of chasing them all. Do you want to breed them all by the end into eternity for the rest of your lives. Yes or No? That simple.

    The Mini Games: This one I’m not holding back on. I never will: Fuck. You. All. Every single one of you that came up with them. Who thought it was a good idea to put them into your game. Jesus. I don’t give a rat’s ass if it’s simple or hard. They DO NOT belong in what basically amounts to a VN. Also as a bonus: You can’t put Jessica on the list, so that we could viably “convince” her with Sexual Healing not to be a raving bitch, but Miss Ridiculously Massive Tits is somehow worthy of a spot?!? Come on… Best I can say is, stop writing the MC into a corner. Stop trying to screw with your audience’s head as to whether they can even successfully complete the game. Stop overcomplicating things in general. If you mark the answers that ARE important, ALL OF THE WAY to the end with up to date walkthrough mods, then fine. Even still, you should really just code the damned answers for what they give you. No walkthroughs needed. It could still be complex enough to be compelling, without being convoluted enough to be a labyrinth we’ll never find the exit from. I’d also question if you’re going to make Chisa or whatever her name is, a super soldier as well. Because she’s a fairly chunky monkey compared to the other somewhat “idealistically” (Ridiculously? depending on your tastes) rendered women in the game. These sort of games are a power fantasy, and don’t really need the DUFF.

    * On the one side, I said I’d try to be more constructive and polite… so you can take this as either I’m invested enough in the game and it’s outcomes to be this passionate, or you can just say fuck it and call me a troll. But then if you do that, I don’t want to read a damn thing lecturing me in game if I do bother downloading the next chapter, about ambition or determination. Or hard work. Because if you take that second path bub, guess what you lack?

    1. Having now played to the end of the 2nd chapter:

      Your view on stat systems is borked. Absolutely. Unequivocally. There was a point where I had 21 Int, which you’re supposed to NEED to succeed; but there’s a rub – YOU NEED ALL OF THE OTHERS TOO!

      Not. ONE. Of. The. Stats. Should EVER. For Any Reason, have a subtraction because I pick a different stat. There is no fucking point in trying to BUILD the stats if you’re going to be assholish enough to take them away from us. When again: You have stated that to be EMPORER, MC needs them ALL! Being Dominant does not make a person less intelligent you nitwits. You have to be smart enough to know when you SHOULD BE. There’s no reason to say “High Karma will fuck you out of seeing certain scenes” IF you’re ALSO going to point out that LOW Karma will lead you to a Game Over because your damned family DOES NOT TRUST YOU…

      Good Karma = Good Hero Playthrough. (Benevolent King/Rules with Love/Is Adored as Ride or Die by the WHOLE HAREM!)

      Bad Karma: Rules By Force/Assassin Antihero MC Playthrough: May lead to DIFFERENT GIRLS, and SHOULD be BDSM themed OWNERSHIP of the harem. Unequivocally. Not Game Over! You’re an asshole – and they can’t fucking stop you BECAUSE YOU BREAK THEM TO SERVE YOU SEXUALLY. Without Mercy or Qualm.

      Karma SHOULD NOT MATTER. Intelligence does NOT get to be lowered because MC HAS to be DOMINANT. He’s going to rule the fucking world you bloody genius’… you can’t do that being SPINELESS. No matter how many super special powered Girls he knocks up (and you might fucking want to get on that…)

      There was a recommended path with Ivanka that I frankly fucked over because I DO NOT LIKE GIGANTIC ANIME TITS. Enhanced is fine; but “enhanced” means Double D. No girl that hits like 45 years old is going to even want her tits to still be Double D. Back problems are a thing. The ridiculously big tits that frankly are a TURN OFF, will not help that. You are also introducing too many girls that MIGHT end up in the harem; or probably will if you ever actually code the game that far… but right now, they’re either blocked or bitchy for no reason and NOT guaranteed to be any sort of help. There’s NO reason to have a list of MIGHT BE’S that fucking long.

      I will give you the point that at least with this new Minigame you let those of us that play on easy, skip it… but frankly IT DID NOT NEED TO EXIST. None of them do. Some of us have disabilities assholes. I happen to have shit fine motor movement, which means slower reflexes. So fuck you all VERY much for that BULLSHIT “meta” commentary where Luigi was insulting THE PLAYER! Not the MC. You want to get that level of passive aggressive: good luck finding any more subs you bloody cardboard-brained gits.

      You REALLY need to stop fucking with THE PLAYER’S notion of whether the hell the MC is going to be ABLE to become the emporer. There. IS. NO. GAME. IF. HE. LOSES! You’re NOT going to fucking make the player play through this bullshit, just to say fuck it… you fail because we say so plot wise. No one would ever trust to donate to you again. So fuck right off with all the your choices matter. The choice should be: HOW DO I WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD. That’s how the stats can matter. Does he want to be a Pure Dom. A massively intelligent puppet master. The strongest mother fucker (probably literally, at some point) on the planet? I would straight up remove lust. It’s a given. It doesn’t need to be there; nor does it need to be some dickheaded “disease” plot point. There are easier ways to kill this fucker if that’s what you’re god damned going for.

      Also: Fuck the I’m a Monster so she’s not my sister = PUT HER IN THE HAREM. Let the PLAYER choose WHO THE FUCK WE MARRY, or Keep. Because fuck the whole family dynasty bullshit. It’s NOT DYNASTY. THIS AIN’T TV. He can just rip apart ANY FAMILY THAT DOESN’T FALL IN LINE. You’re done. Seriously if his Mommy is SUCH a badass; what the fuck are you bothering with you HAVE to marry these four bitches you know NOTHING about – who probably actively fucking hate you to start off. FUCK. THAT. Get a better plot. Figure out how to actually make this asshole king, and I might bother signing back up… but at this point, Lola tried to say “be gentle with me – or there will be consequences” Meanwhile I SAVED HER ASS. I chose to Keep and HELP her… SHE. DOES. NOT. GET. TO. CONTROL. THE. GOD. DAMNED. RELATIONSHIP!!!

      I could have picked I promise to stay vanilla and gotten +2 but I WANT to be Dominant. I Choose to be. So why the fuck would I lie? You do not get to create a fucking damsel in distress and then give her stipulations to what very much IS the REWARD. You knobs. You literally called it “Dessert.” What the ever living fuck is wrong with all of you???

  3. This is one of the best projects in the genre! 1)Sex scenes are very well drawn 2)The plot is simply gorgeous the main character is not a rag but a real man! Results- I highly advise you to download and support the developer because projects where MS is a real man and not a homo rag are very rare!

  4. Thank you for your comment. Because of it I wont play this game. We appreciate people like you.
    Also the developer of the game is not here so he wont receive your feedback.

    1. Thank you for the courteous comment; I tend to appreciate those who appreciate me.
      The developers do sometimes read from sites like these in order to gain proper feedback, though I’ll admit you’re mostly right. Not that I think he’d have taken the insults at all well, mind. What made me more angry than most games that get too involved in mechanics they don’t properly implement (or go too far with ‘female empowerment’ when it has nothing to do with the genre they’re writing the game to be…) is that the game does have potential to be an intriguing, “Kingmaker” story. It does have it’s politics laid out, and it could be clarified succinctly to actually make sense as a path to victory for the MC. Thus his family in turn, because when He wins, they do. Including everyone eventually to be introduced to it, by tied of accepted marriage to him. The people trying to pull the strings in the background SHOULD know this.

      I do wish I received more feedback like yours. I might comment more often, and converse more with others. I’ve not usually received positive commentary to my takes on games.

  5. This is fucking whorish game , Start with Slut of M(other) and whore of S(ister) to Bitch of MC ,
    If u don’t have good story with solid plot why u guys start making VNs

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