Home » Paradise Lust [v1.1.5c][Final] [Flexible Media]

Paradise Lust [v1.1.5c][Final] [Flexible Media]

User Rating: 7.1

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Extract the memory files directly into your save files folder and then open Spank Bank from the main menu to access the memory files. We’ve also added a quick.sav file from last build’s content.

Location of save files folder
Windows: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/unity3d/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust
Android (v11): Phone Storage > Android > data > com.flexiblemedia.paradiselost > files
SteamDeck: /home/deck/.config/unity3d/FlexibleMedia/Paradise Lust


Accessing data on Android v12

Story - 7.1
Visual - 7
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 7.1

Have your say!

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  1. I thought that I would start this section here for “non-hate” comments for anyone about anything. Will it work? I doubt it, but it might. The previous one, “Hentai X Thief,” I thought might be left for request, while this one is for whatever off-topic remark that anyone so chooses. Nothing is taboo, but if possible, be respectful to others.

  2. To ‘Some1’

    First, thank you for providing the rest of the requested items. I believe that the reason that mine wasn’t going through was that I was posting too many comments in a short amount of time.

    Second, your comments in another thread about my remarks were spot on. You being able to elucidate your meaning in an intelligent manner was uncanny. Thank you.

    I do not judge the genres of these visual novels. Even though in real life I am appalled by acts of violence, murder, and rape, I don’t condemn the ones who take entertainment from them as long as they realize this is all fantasy. So who am I to judge others who seek games involving bestiality, gay, trans/futa, and loli?

    I do not hang on this site every day, for I do have a life, but I will check back from time to time and will try to respond.


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