
Wifey’s Dilemma Revisited [v0.60] [3Diddly Games]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 69%
Visual - 77%
Engagement - 71%
Core Loop - 70%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.59 ( 116 votes)

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  1. No sharing MFFF path. Share with girls make sense. But share with ugly man. Nope.

    Your dick don’t work? Then you need help of another man???? Why not VIAGRA and your dick work again? Your heart is weak?

    “Viagra Dilemma” its a better name to game.

  2. The best NTR game ever. Your wife can be impregnated by handsome black guy a very rare NTR and impregnation genre. The thought of me giving child support to kid that isn’t mine ohhh mann i came so hard shcospjakseksksoifieqndjrk

    1. Hot. Loved fuck gay ass of black boy while he fuck my wife. I married only to use her to add gay content for me. Its so amazing fuck the ass of a secure queer black man.

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  4. Was 95% gay/peeping tom path unti a few updates. 5% male MC straight path.

    But now is 100% gay voyeur in last updates. Or “Soft ntr / scat ntr / spice ntr / hard ntr / nonsense ntr”

    And oficially abandoned the male MC straight path now.

  5. No animated scenes – game would be 10x better with animated scenes.

    also why these games always must have some Ooonga Boonga in it?

    1. Animations would require effort on the part of the dev and NTR trash is predominantly zero effort gibberish.

      1. Is optional, dummy. 🙄

        That game ask you question in beginning, if you want to see ntr content. It is clear you did not play game you are making bad comments for.

        1. That sounds like a real cool story, bro. 👍

          Maybe someday somebody will write a mother fucking book about it.

  6. NTR is about as exciting as being in a kennel full of dogs pissing everywhere and humping each other, all while trying to avoid stepping in dog shit.

    So who came up with this dogshit concept of NTR and thought it would be a good idea?  Somebody who loves dogs I suppose, and probably in ways they shouldn’t.

    1. Cuckoldry as a concept has existed for millenia mate. It’s called NTR by Asians. Kings and queens had mistress’ a lot of the time because their marriages were predominantly political. Not for love. A husband could cheat with almost free reign if he was well enough off to afford the consequences. It was almost expected at one point that a man would keep a mistress. A woman however had at times the legal penalty of death, for being caught doing the same. Henry The Eigth famously beheaded one wife, specifically for cheating on him. Though he ended up doing it to a fair few, including Anne Boelyn for being dumb enough to promise him she’d bear his son, when that’s not something either of them would ever control. Husbands and wifes the same have also been massively afraid, to the point of willful ignorance it’s actually happening, that their spouse might cheat on them. It’s natural when you’re actually attached in the relationship.

      I’d argue that these days, there’s far less consequence to a female for cheating, as the courts were set up in antiquation, to protect a female (who at that point wouldn’t be able to gain employment as more than a maid/nanny or seamstress) if her husband passed away suddenly, and left her to care alone for their children. These days she can walk at any time, and fuck some other random asshole; and in some cases even do it before she walks away – most of the cuckolds today know they’ll get screwed in family court almost unilaterally. Thing is, legally speaking, any protection she has financially in the marriage is SUPPOSED to be null and voided, if she is the one empirically caught the infidel. It doesn’t in reality work that way, because she’ll come up with some bullshit sob story about emotional abandonment, or spousal abuse, or child abuse… and it’s probably a lie; but the courts will believe her over a man in almost all cases. Did you know you can’t even legally compell her to tell you if the child she swears up and down is yours actually is, with a DNA test. Not in almost every country. There’s a fuck ton wrong with the legal system as far as families these days. Some people believe NTR is better than a divorce, that will near wipe you out financially (there’s a reason 3/4 homeless people are male) but I’d say I’d rather keep my pride and sense of self worth; build back up to what I had.

      There was however a case recently wherein a guy literally had empirical evidence that the child of his Ex Girlfriend who was common law, was not his child. The judge said simply (and should be disbarred for it) Well someone’s got to pay for the child; and that someone’s going to be you. Tell me that’s fair.

    2. I am fantasic at Cuckoldry. Probably in the best in history you are just jelly of me. Genital warts are a common problem wth great authors. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge harem of Barbie dolls. Artists use paper for their drawings and paintings. They can also use canvas. Drawings and paintings can be very beautiful. They can depict a wide variety of subjects, including flowers, animals, landscapes, and people. My mommy loved NTR and daddy was a gay porn star. Most crops are used as food, and can be defined as either fruits or vegetables. Children play with toys. I play with myself. This is common to almost all kids. Toys come in a very wide variety. Boys tend to like cars, action figures, and toy weapons. Girls tend to like peters, slaving in the kitchens, and make-up. Both of them like building or assembling things, be it with Legos, blocks, Play-Doh, or something similar. Cock rings can be found at most stores, and these days entire stores are dedicated to selling only toys. The most popular of these is anal plugs ‘R’ Us (with a backwards “R”). Their mascot is Geoffrey the Gay. Children love to go to anal and look at the wide variety of butt plugs available. Most children receive the greatest quanitity of dildos on their birthdays, or during the holiday season in December. My daddy’s jizz taste great. America gained independence from Britain in the late 1700’s after the Revolutionary War. Britain was hoping to extend its empire across the Atlantic Ocean, but the colonists who settled the territory did not want to be under Britain’s control, with their various taxes and regulations. My mama’s hemroids are getting better. Both sides were very passionate about their position on the issue, so a war occurred.

      This game features a few heroes, including George Washington and Paul Revere. George Washington became America’s first president when we gained independence. I am not sure what happened to Paul Revere. You don’t see manual push-mowers very much anymore, but they are a good option if you do not want to pollute the air with smoke from a gas-powered lawnmower. I notice that many families designate the responsibility of bathing Papa to a teen girl. Many of these teenagers are provided with a razor for Mamas bush, as well as performing other chores, like taking out the trash, washing the dishes, making their bed, and keeping the house organized. I love my gerbil, he hasn’t came out in a while. Allowances are small amounts of money given by parents to their children, usually on a weekly basis. These usually range from 5 dollars to 15 dollars, sometimes even 20 dollars. Many parents feel that teenagers can learn financial responsibility with this system. If I drive around and think about anal sex and yeast infections, I sometimes notice the houses and buildings all around. There are also pieces of farm land that are very large. Houses can be built from different kinds of materials. The most common types are brick, wood, and vinyl or synthetic siding. Houses have lawns that need to be tended. Lawns need to be mowed regularly. Bravo. Magazines are stapled reading material made with glossy paper, and they cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from news and politics to business and rape. How in the fuck do you idiots all get “this game must be what I want, and only what I want” from literally ANY of the comments I wrote. It’s each girl is unanimously FOCUSED on fucking the MC) BUT for some reason they can’t accept 2 more? It makes no damned sense, and smacks of the dev just didn’t want them to be in the harem.

      If I drive around and think about anal sex and yeast infections, I sometimes notice the houses and buildings all around. There are also pieces of farm land that are very large. Houses can be built from different kinds of materials. Bloody vaginas are also in my thoughts. Most people use riding lawnmowers to do this. You can also use a push mower. These come in two varieties: gas-powered and manual. My farts smell delicatable. You don’t see manual push-mowers very much anymore, but they are a good option if you do not want to pollute the air with smoke from a gas-powered lawnmower. Cock rings can be found at most stores, and these days entire stores are dedicated to selling only toys. The most popular of these is anal plugs ‘R’ Us. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge harem of Barbie dolls. Artists use paper for their drawings and paintings. They can also use canvas. Drawings and paintings can be very beautiful. Girls tend to like peters, slaving in the kitchens, and make-up. At the time, the writings could probably be considered news. I have a huge butt hole and a dick like a Ken doll. To the ones stealing my identity– STOP right now OR ELSE! Farm land can be identified by some common features. Because there’s never a good reason to deny the player a girl they’ve been building a relationship with. If you’re going to allow the player to pursue multiple girls – you let the player KEEP multiple girls. I know that’s such a hard concept to grasp, right? I love you.

      1. No - The Actual No. Accept no troll dolls for substitutes. They're too ugly in real life to bother getting laid. says:


        June 24, 2024 at 2:17 pm

        You are not me. You will never be me. You can type whatever ridiculous nonsense you want you son of a bitch; but anyone who’s read even an inch of my actual comments here will see the difference. You are JUST being a dick. I might not be able to stop you, but you better pray I never find out where you live. Because if I do, I’ll do more than stop you ever typing again. Go. Fuck. Yourself. You type so many homoerotic untrue comments about me that you’d probably fucking enjoy it…

        1. are you really that pathetic you need to threaten someone that way over a comment jesus you are pathetic

          1. How else would you like me to deal with every asshole that wants to steal my username and say such heinous bullshit. You try dealing with it you dick; let’s see if you do any better. Considering your username I somehow doubt it. I’m not the pathetic one, it’s all the assholes that have nothing better to do than make fun of me here. For what? Posting views they don’t agree with. How is that LESS pathetic. Or are you just going to take a shot too? You goddamned pylon. (Why the hell do you even care what “Rancor” does in his spare time. Do you really think that username speaks any better of you?) * That’s not me defending him – it’s pointing out maybe all of you trolling jackasses shouldn’t throw stones at me when you live in glass houses.

  7. At this point, I’m thinking it should be a harem. Not sharing. I want the wife to be loyal; but that doesn’t mean I’m not irked by so many other women being in the game if I can’t pursue them just because you say so dev. If you can bend the bitch – who IS using you to keep a green card just to start; and WILL cheat on you if you pick the wrong options – to be that sub to you by becoming Pledged; you can bend her to accept her Master fucking any girl he wants – WITHOUT her getting the same ability. Which is a harem. It’s not that hard to code, it would cater to a wider audience in general and you don’t have to remove the BULLSHIT NTR paths, so it’s less work than you think. Frankly with the pledged storyline it should be an optional path as you’re basically leading into that sort of content anyway. But then I’ve barely gotten to the option to cum inside of Wifey without a condom… so I’m not expecting to see the content I’d actually want any time soon.

    Why bother having a hot boss, and hot women who can “influence” YOUR girl if you’re not going to let the player actually DO ANYTHING about it???

    1. This is a Harem.
      A GAY MMMF Harem. hahahahah
      Zero porn content in Male MC straight path.

      Game have 10+ male love interest for gay path.
      And male MC straight path have only cheap prostitute wife. And another girls never appear because 99% of content is GAY VOYEUR and MMMMF “Harem trans queer black gay boys” PATH.

      1. Voyeur is not an indication of Gay. It means you enjoy watching. The two are not bound together. One does not mean the other. If you’re going to get into social politics, of any sort, please refrain from responding to me. Period. I comment reviews, constructive criticisms or general observations and add suggestions to most of the games I’ve played. I do not give a flying fuck about all of you making troll comments. One way, or the other. Hate gays, that’s your problem. Against Trans, fine. Fair enough. Want to insult each other until kingdom come; have the fuck at it. But stay well the fuck away from me. Or I will very definitely let you have it.

        I simply stated that this arc of The Pledged has the potential to open the game to a wider and more accepting/accepted audience. Especially since the NTR is avoidable. Besides, if the dev is so inclined to make MC a cuck, and a voyuer at least with a harem path he could make Wifey do it openly. Enjoying watching him while in the room, and perhaps adding a Breed Em All kink. What, she’s Asian. She probably likes Poke’ My Mons. ; )


          The more important CHOICE in this game: BROKE UP. And the cheap prostitute wife dissapear of screen. DEV add alternative content with another girls.

          But are 3 years milking and NOTHING. Zero sex scenes of MC with another girls. ZERO. This is not AVOIDADLE. This is SKIPPABLE. Because nothing is ADDED TO REPLACE GAY VOYEUR PATH.

          You need ONE SCENE in male MC straight to replace each GAY SCENE.
          Gay MC can peep in a ugly black boy.
          Then you avoid, you kick black ass of black boy, and YOU(MC) fuck a new girl.

          This is avoidable NTR with alternative content.
          Not boring SKIP gay futa netorare and NO CONTENT to straight male path.

          In 3 years game need minimal 5-10 sex scenes in Male MC straight path. With 4-5 different girls.

          And in the gay path, 4-5 different boys for you.
          Then the game became “BALANCED” with content for both audiences.

          Now its 99% GAY VOYEUR content. No reasons to play.

  8. I don’t dislike this game because has NTR tag on it. but NTR is completely avoidable and actually wholesome loving partner and i tried NTR but not cheating more to sharing and not really that bad. Your wife is loyal to you and she only do what you ask her to do. Too bad because of these idiots comments, often normal people hesitant to try this game and pass good game to the sink just because NTR tag and bunch of idiots fighting. this game worth to play and don’t be afraid to NTR because you can go non-NTR route even you can influence ur wife to steer clear from guy trying to hit on her and she will reject them.

    1. Do you have CHOICE?
      BROKE UP with prostitute “wife” is a option. Because the more important choice when you are in a relationship with a prostitute is the broke up. And she can fuck for money far away (outside of screen in a game).

  9. Zero porn content in Male MC straight path.
    100% gay Voyeur MC path or nothing.

    No choice of broke up with cheap whore. No choice of find and fuck new girls.
    2-3 years. Talking and nothing more to male MC straight path.

      1. No scenes to male MC straight path. And i am not a queer to play the gay bromance path. With male LOVE INTEREST to “butterfly pansexual bi free soul helicopter trans man spice netorare mmmmmmmmmmfuta”

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