
Life in Santa County [v0.9.1] [Bold Bash Studios]

code for the alarm at the house : 8423

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Split Files

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Split Files

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Update Update Only (v0.9.0 -> v0.9.1)

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Patch is adding incest content to the game.

Patch Instructions

Put the “patch.rpy” file into the “/game” folder.

(It’s a very tiny file so it shows as 0 Byte

Download Cheat Mod


– Highlight the recommended choices
– Add some choices for both scenes
– Add ‘cheat’ function
– Unlock Gallery


Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod into “LISC-0.7.0-pc” folder. Or copy or move all the files in the mod’s “game” folder into “LISC-0.7.0-pc”‘s “game” folder. Overwrite if it requires

Download Gallery Unlocker

Gallery unlocker. Right click and select save as. galleryunlock.rpy needs to be in “\LISC-0.6.0-pc\game” folder (the same folder as “archive.rpa”). Only works for v6.0.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 93%
Visual - 94%
Engagement - 90%
Core Loop - 89%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.23 ( 311 votes)

Related Articles


  1. gallery is not fully unlocked, neither by the gallery unlocker, nor by the cheat mod…please upload a latest working gallery unlocker

  2. If anybody is having weird overlapping issues with dialogues I suggest to modify a simple line from the file /game/screens.rpy


    style say_label:
    font “fonts/namefon.ttf”
    size gui.advname_font_size
    bold True
    outlines [(2, “#000000”, 0, 0)]
    drop_shadow (1, 1)
    drop_shadow_color ‘#000’
    color gui.advname_font_color
    xalign 0.0
    yalign 0.5

    Modify the “yalign 0.5” in a “yalign 7.5” and everything should be alright!

    1. [code]
      I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

      While running game code:
      ScriptError: could not find label ‘sario_day_2_rise’.

      — Full Traceback ————————————————————

      Full traceback:
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroam/up1night1home.rpyc”, line 680, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroam/up1night1home.rpyc”, line 673, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroam/up1night1home.rpyc”, line 733, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 168, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 168, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 164, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/up1freeroampolice/up1policeday2.rpyc”, line 176, in script call
      File “script/alteration/update1/update1.rpyc”, line 2534, in script
      File “renpy/”, line 1974, in execute
      File “renpy/”, line 927, in lookup
      ScriptError: could not find label ‘sario_day_2_rise’.


      Bro This Problem What Do I do

  3. Good game. Author has clearly used lots of time and passion to make as perfect tits for the women as he could. And it does show. Women have also extremely beautiful faces. Maybe little copy/paste syndrome, but they are related after all, i think. Very enjoyable to follow the story while watching gorgeous women is sexy outfits. Sex scenes also have nice animations.

    Story is your normal “our teen hero must stop the local crime lord while go to school and help his family with their problems”. I don’t know why the game has sandbox parts, but at least they are really short. No grinding. Best part of the writing is nicely done flirting and sexual tensions. Only problem with writing i had is that the MC acts sometimes like a alpha male, but usually he is just your normal 15 year old teen who freezes when mature woman start to flirt with him. It is kinda confusing and frustrating how he acts so inconsistently. Point system is also really weird. It is not bad, but feels useless. I think there is only two different forks in the game. Rest is just small chatting differences. Not a bad thing for this game, as i’m more interested of those magnificent tits and less about how the story ends. Worst part of the game is MC’s face and more specificly his whiskers. 3,5/5

  4. Can anyone suggest me games like this milf games(best animation ,best character,deep with mom/aunt or just one or two characters only )

    1. Google “MibsMeebe’s AVN List”. You’ll get an excellent list of content based on her recommendations. The short descriptions will help you find what you want. It’s never let me down!

      My top recommendations are:

      – A Mother’s Love (MILF)
      – No More Money (one of the hottest milfs IMO)
      – Eternum (there are def more than 1 or 2 chars, but the MILF here is *chef’s kiss*)

      Non-Milf game I’d recommend
      – Artemis
      – City of Broken Dreamers

  5. What an absolute waste of update (and my money). Literally no nu scenes, who gives a f about the “reworking”. A year of waiting 4 nothin. Devs are the greatest clowns in history. I’m done with patreon.

  6. Why it doesn’t include that the hashtag of NTR only in intro of game it self your mother literally fuckes three students and your step dad knows that and doesn’t give a shit and you give her pants to a dude that is fucking your sister and your best friend is just talking about your mother and sister’s pussy the whole time worst fucking game ever

  7. Need pdf walkthrough for this. Some people already complaining about not clickable options and I knew this would happen because some options in the start are based on good and bad route and as you go further in the story, just because you select some good option, the bad options are not clickable. Mod walkthrough is even worst for this, as it will lock you out of certain sex scenes, if you don’t know what you’re doing.

  8. Started off okay. The protag isn’t particularly likable and the story is a bit cliche, but overall I was looking forward to playing it. Made it through the prologue with a rather exciting transition and then…HOLY S BATMAN the quality dropped off the deep end, drowned, was dredged up as a bloated corpse then cremated.

    I’ve played some games with sketch translations. Only two highly rated ones have I given up on – Lust Academy and this. The prologue chapter had me fooled, as it was fairly intelligible and all the conversations were at the very least readable and easily followed. Then you open up Chapter 1 and it’s like the guy had a stroke. Everything is a complete mess, from the story itself to the translations. I imagine what happened is the prologue chapter was carefully hand translated and edited, with the assumption that once they got you with that hook they could drop off into really bad machine translation for the rest, but man. When I hit entire blocks of text I couldn’t even follow I just had to give it up.

  9. Does anyone know why some of the clickable diaglog options are not working when clicked? I’m using the current walkthrough mod for the latest version, and it highlights some options in green, but sometimes you can’t even select them. They just don’t DO anything… Does anyone know if this is a known bug or part of the devs development currently?

  10. Why are some of the dialog options NOT CLICKABLE? I’m even using the walkthrough mod for the latest version, and the options IN GREEN are sometimes not even clickable, so i have to choose the “wrong” option… I do not understand this it’s happened three times, and I’m barely an hour into the game. Does anyone know if these are known bugs, or part of the development?

  11. This game requires pdf walkthrough more than walkthrough mod because walkthrough mod misses on content. For example there is scene where Chloe sleeps on the sofa and mod tell us to wake her up but it’s better to let her sleep as you get more points later and a scene. You miss out on that if you wake her up.

  12. Don’t give up on the game until the explosion scene happens. I know most people will not like the sus MC at the start but character development happens where he turns dominant+gains charisma and sex scenes are amazing. Male domination tag is missing.

    1. Sure, go to the “Report Broken Link” section of this page, change the reason to old link, then provide a link to a newly ported version. If you cannot find it, port it yourself, upload to a site, then provide the link as previously described. Thanks in advance!

  13. Si quieres jugar VN vas a tener que aprender ingles, sobretodo porque muchos de los que hacen traducciones solo bugean los juegos o usar acortadores para sus links y te meten virus

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