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Adverse Effects [Final] [CellStudios]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Adverse Effects offers a short but engaging storyline that exhibits noticeable effort from the developers. While the game's length is a bit on the shorter side, the quality of the writing and attention to detail are commendable. The option to choose specific details, such as the - 74%
Visual - Adverse Effects showcases stunning renders that are a feast for the eyes. The efforts put into rendering and attention to detail are evident, making the visuals truly impressive. The lighting in particular deserves a special mention, as it adds a fantastic touch and elevates the overall aesthetic. The models, including the alluring Judith and the doctor, are rendered exceptionally well, contributing to the game's appeal. - 91%
Engagement - This game successfully captures and maintains the player's interest throughout its short duration. The combination of a well-written story, engaging characters, and passionate sex scenes provides entertainment for fans of the genre. Despite the short length, Adverse Effects manages to deliver an engaging experience that will undoubtedly please its target audience. - 84%
Core Loop - While the focus of Adverse Effects is primarily on the adult content, there is a core loop that guides the player through the story. The game keeps players invested with its decently paced narrative, allowing them to explore various scenes and make choices along the way. Although the core loop is relatively straightforward, it serves its purpose in providing an enjoyable and gratifying experience. - 79%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.28 ( 74 votes)

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  3. 💗 The game is amazing for me! very short, but I totally loved it, the relationship and the emotions and everything! I genuinely wish the dev continues it… but, I guess there is nothing much left to continue it… but, totally worth your time!

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  6. Short and boring. I didn’t find the models attractive and the default relationship setting – a tenant who lives with his landlady (but who somehow knew him since he was little) – is just dumb. Anal sex is good, but when you cum inside, nothing drips out. I suppose if you are a teen and this is your first game, this is mighty exciting, but it didn’t do much for me, so I just rapidly clicked through it. I do want to compliment the developer for giving us the choice to give the “landlady” pubic hair, though, instead of just assuming everyone likes adult women to look like 6 year olds down the waist.

    1. Cum doesn’t always drip out. Had an ex that could keep it inside her for as long as she choose. One night she held it in until we got to a party of a girl she hated and then she dumbed it on the floor of the hosts bedroom. Was super gross, but her pettiness also made me laugh. Anyway, your comment made me think of her and that story 🙂

      1. I can vouch for that same with my Current GF. However, I must confess, How raunchy, disgusting yet totally awesome that story was!!! I had a GF that was that petty once. Good thing it was an amicable break up LMAO>

      2. lol Dude… that is epic man. But I can also Confirm that my GF does not drip anything out. I had an ex that was petty like that once. Good thing we had an amicable break up LMAO.

  7. This is one of the really good short ones that have ton of potential if the Dev ever wanted to expand the story. Got the nice neighbor. Got the bitch boss that could be put in her place *wink wink*. Then the doc could be more in the story. Older ladies could have daughters. Got the collage with possibilities. I hope to see alot more. already got the animation and characters looking great. So much potential so much

  8. It’s not bad for the normal male. If you exclude the incest. Though that is pure fantasy and I’d assume most who play don’t want to screw their moms. The game could have been longer. Expanding on other relationships instead of adding them as bonus content. Seems like the dev was going to continue the story with other girls into a harem but got bored or was not supported enough so decided to just wrap things up in a hurry. Still a better game than most. The females look good with animated scenes.

  9. This was a short incest focused game with decent pregnancy content in it. Overall this game was ok, the story made sense and the animations was nicely done, nothing much to complain about.

  10. It’s short, but is beautiful. Models are good looking and so does the animation. Also, the developer asks what kind of trim does the player likes which is a nice addition. I just hope that the next game by the developer would be a bit longer.

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