
Peasant’s Quest [v3.41] [Tinkerer]

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  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
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  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download 3.41 Fix patch 01

  • Some files were missing when the update was send live, so need to drag those in.

    And for beastialty content you need to pu the Gnome Mod in place.

Download Decensor Patch

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Editor's Rating

Story - 95%
Visual - 92%
Engagement - 96%
Core Loop - 95%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.66 ( 122 votes)

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  1. There seems to be a bug. After giving birth Ervis quests stopped working. nothing i do, gets to progress realted quests. Shes just stuck in bed nursing.

  2. Actually I like this game. The graphics are old everything is simple and minimal and I don’t know why is the endgoal of the MC is making as many children as he can. But I was surprised to realize I invested 30 hours into this game already with two playtroughs and still have content ahead. So I can’t say it didn’t catch my attention.

  3. Constantly having to restart from the beginning because changes and updates and replacements to things making prior saves unusable due to those prior items/tiles/scenes/things/art missing in those files making you have to redo everything is so obnoxious

    1. That’s what i hate too. rpgm is just no no for replay from start all over again because walking around etc so fucking tiresome and boring. it’s best to wait for final version. just mark this game and visit again every week or month to check the game progress. i did this with sk aura.

  4. Why my bitch always fucking with stranger and conceived someone else children? What the fuck is wrong with my bitch? Fuck this ghetto game man. Fucking nigger

  5. Yes it’s RPGM and yes things take a long time, but I think that’s kind of part of the charm. This is one of my favs, I’ve been coming back to it regularly over a long time now. The stories are varied and detailed, the dialogue and general atmosphere is light hearted and fun, and it seems to cater to almost every conceivable kink (including some which are not my thing but whatever you can skip them). My only worry is whether they can stick the landing and tie all the stories together to make a satisfying ending (eventually)

  6. This game is great and it’s not even finished yet! It has a lot of kinks and perverted stuff in it and good drawings with animations to top it off. At times it’s funny and over the top. Bonus points for the girls having pubic hair.

    Make pubic hair great again! 😀

  7. Did anyone else encounred a bug when leaving mistress’ house?
    You spot a spider and you run after it, it’s gone and you try to exit again and the same thing happens again
    You either are stuck in spider loop or you can’t move
    Maybe it’s because I was playing it on joiplay and I used cheat for things I was not supposed to!
    If you find out please reply to me
    Thank you

    1. Part of the story, you’ll need a pickaxe to break the wall where it would lead to the spider’s den.

    1. If you like rpgm you can try ”A Struggle With Sin”.
      But the problem with the developers of these games is that they take a whole year to release an update.

      1. that game is shit if for normal people. but if you’re into bestialty much then yes that game is best because you fuck monster 99% and normal human you can fuck is only your travel partner from start of the game

  8. One thing I never do in games is use cheating to acquire items or infinite money, it speeds up the game and makes it break in general, many people say it has no effect, but it does…. one hour the quest will break and not even going back saves will fix it, that’s why I prefer to play in race, but one thing I hate is wasting several weeks trying to reach the objectives and reaching a point and finding several bugs that do not let the quests be completed, like I can’t ask Marcos to build Liandra’s house because the dialog with him doesn’t appear, the same thing as when trying to ask him to make the children’s beds for Vitoria and Hilde, there’s no way the dialog option is disabled that’s bug…. I already cleaned the entire area on the top floor of Hilde’s house and even then there is no dialogue with the landmarks for him to build….. version here (NYD312) this version is more buggy than all the previous ones everything that worked before now doesn’t work anymore, when I open the missions screen it’s full there and there’s no way to finish it because of the bugs that are the dialogues with the carpenter Marcos.

  9. The current version I’m using is vs.Peasants_Quest_NYD312

    3 versions ago when you entered the stable to help Beth the 1st scene was possible to see and the 2nd with the spyglass too now that’s over we go to the mark on the window and all that appears is this image from the photo….. In fact, this game was completely full of bugs in several quests, I already deleted all the saves and unzipped the whole game again and started from scratch about 3 times. Marcus and building the beds for Vitoria and Hilde is also impossible as it doesn’t seem like the shopping dialogs in Marcus anymore.

    There is a path in the Black Globins area where there is a bridge with water, there when passing ErevisDaughterTeen there was a bathing scene with her, now she only appears saying that she is thirsty and nothing else, and the sex scenes in the tavern with it’s over too, like i said the game is full of bugs.

    I’m tired of posting problems with this version on the F95zone forum and nobody responds…. I think that a lot of people are generally discouraged from this game, because with each update that comes in, a new one instead of improving each time gets more and more damaged.
    One thing I always say if you have something simple and functional because then tinker with what’s good!!!

    1. there’s a decensor patch you can download above, including instructions about how to apply it. once you do all the censored scenes are viewable again, with no other impact on gameplay

  10. to be fair it is very grindy, but i played this game for 4 days straight and it is very fun its a solid 4/5 for me
    also if you go to the bottom of the walkthrough pdf and activate cheat mode a bunch of chests spawn around the map with coins and items to make it easier, also if you click around to the left of where the cheat mode is there is a second cheat mode for helping with affections. but i would recomend not using the money cheat mode until later in the game when you need to start remodling houses cause its not infinite money

    1. he is at the inn after you burn his house down, top left of the inn to be exact drinking with his wife

    1. There is bug in the game need to fixed. After you get the present for Shakala, it will frozen the screen when you have a sex with shakala in the tent.

      1. not a guarenteed fix but it worked for me, try taking a fertility potion before starting the scene, it makes the scene last a little longer not ending on the frozen picture

  11. of all your rambling, one thing makes sense – game is unfortunately easy to mess up, if you don’t check guide for ,,weak points”.
    and that’s a big flaw.

    1. Demi Review. Not rambling. Thank you. There is a difference. I will grant there were a few times in the normal flow of paragraph building, that I pushed Enter when I should have let it be and continued on. Sometimes the layout of the comment box still bothers me in that regard.

      At least you agree on some point, and you’re not (technically) insulting me. That’s refreshing.

      1. by ,,not insulting” you mean i forgot about invectives, or that i said nothing bout idiocies in your ,,review”?
        as for the latter, i would have to say the same things as in many previous instances, making it pretty redundant.
        so just one thing: economy in this game is fine.

        1. Sure it is; if you either cheat or you’re willing to grind for hours to get one bloody scene that you can still fuck up with the wrong choices. That ISN’T to everyone’s taste. Now I’m not saying everyone just wants to jack off to this stuff, but most of us aren’t here to be blue balled into eternity.

          You have the right to you’re opinion, and frankly if you had gotten insulting, I would have no problem throwing it right back. So go ahead. Everyone else does. Also – how in the hell did you even get the quotation to show up, upside down? and you call me an idiot…

          I stated my opinion, in as good a review as I could give without writing actual pages about this. Call them “rants” if you like, I call them demi reviews. I asked nobody to agree with it, or accept it. I’m just hoping the dev bothers to listen to genuine constructive criticism. Because this ISN’T a bad game. It’s just got too much fetish content – and not enough of the right types, in my view – and too many different stipulations to completion of the girls’ quests for many players’ tastes. Not all. Not even most, if you want to split hairs. That’s as diplomatic as I’m going to be.

          The orc quest specifically is too long, and too hard unless you overprepare up the wazoo. Even then, I’m not sure the game will LET you be tactical about the approach to fighting the ogres.

          The Mayor’s Wife is a pain in the ass to even get to fuck; and more of one to breed – the last I played. It may have been improved, one could hope, but frankly the housing issue being tied to her quest is absolute bullshit. There do not need to be detriments, in any RPG. The enemies will always out damage the player, since they rarely miss, and don’t need to upgrade equipment. Having to worry about the quality of your resting per day is just as backwards implemented as certain characters needing giant cock potions, or breeding potions. Which you have to learn from a character that shouldn’t even fucking BE in the game. At all.

          The economy is only part of the problem. This game is massively grindy, and too stipulative for even a lot of hard core RPG players to enjoy. The vampires are probably FemDom, but damn if I’ll ever find them. Half the girls take way too long to even get sex from and EVERYTHING you do in the game costs money. For a fantasy setting there’s WAY too much “realism.” Which made it so I will refuse to bother downloading it again. Games are supposed to be FUN. You do not spell fun as W-O-R-K. He also doesn’t have to start as a peasant. If he does, there should be an endgame to make him the KING. That’s Harem. Which also conflicts greatly with most takes on the term NTR.

          1. yea, loser, wouldn’t it be way more logical to try find porn that somewhat suits your bizzare needs? because i bet all money that here you will NEVER find a story with all bitches as ,,love interests” and ,,tamed” at the same time. devs simply play on diversity card – cause it pays off.
            on top of that, you basically want half-god mc, and that’s fucking rare for good reason –
            cause honestly only coping losers, who don’t realise they are coping losers, want something like that.

            why i say economy is good – i’ve actually enjoyed that part the most. pretty well balanced, on it’s own. assuming you avoid major mistakes – that’s why mentioned checking on guide for potential problems.
            and fight is also rather enjoyable. yes, you can probably call me hardcore player. games are for people like me, if you don’t like them and only want the story, can always stick to comics (aka vn’s).

            and heh, i’m simply using normal quotation, from my language, not the shit from idiotic inglish 🙂 funny part, i do that using probably the same keyboard as you. figure out.

            1. I’m fine with a little grind. I do play skyrim and fallout 4. (God Help me but when it’s stable enough I’ll probably bother with Starfield. But by then I’d have an Xbox Series X. Right about three months before they roll out the new one. I know…

              I’ve downloaded the guide more than once – it’s not complete and several of the quests are massively convoluted for no reason. For example to the poster above about some of the content I want being in the game already – in order to get the mayor’s wife you have to distract the mayor; and have bought the house (and if you think by the way this economy is well balanced I question your sanity my friend. It isn’t. It will take you HOURS and hours to get anywhere. BECAUSE you need to rest; and when you fight you need equipment; most of which is either expensive as balls, or sucks) Getting the mayor’s wife pregnant also requires you to trick her and that is a VERY involved process last I played. The process to get the giant pregnant involves learning magic, which is a very involved process again – and then having the ingredients to actually make the freaking potion to make MC’s cock big enough for her to want to breed with [unless he changed that…] Never got past the point where you have to fight a horde to save the goblin tribe (after you get the goblin girl pregnant and marry her, and that is ALSO a very involved questline for no reason) Everything you do is either difficult because combat’s not balanced and you have no skills to help with that, you have fuck all for viable ways to earn a lot of money fast [and no – I don’t count cheat codes or console commands as ‘viable’]

              If you’re telling me you like the economy in this game I take it you’re as good at Math as you are at English. It’s also “figure it out.” If you want to get technical. Maybe the next time you want to use the word idiot, try to avoid several spelling mistakes. Might help you not seem like one.

  12. There’s only one NTR scene which clearly avoidable and plenty cuck scenes where you fuk the wife behind the simp husbands back. I don’t consider the cuck scenes ntr because she doesn’t even like her husband that much and doesn’t fuck him.

  13. lol why do you have so many complaints about the games here. It’s like you are so picky with everything, get a life.

    1. First, “No” is the name I choose as an easy and cheeky answer to the bracket that says “Name.” That’s all. It’s an in joke. (Also the man with no name…)

      Second, I complain about mechanics that are poorly implemented so Devs know what does not work. I also request tags be added in general as I have my interests, but when the story can be Harem and involve Pregnancy, and doesn’t I point out the fact since not every dev thinks like that. I also tend to laud work does in progress that has fixed story issues, or when I like the story and it’s managed to keep me invested.

      My larger problem with this game is the nearly useless economy, and the grinding for any scrap of actual power. IN. A. HAREM. GAME! I do like a fair bit of the content (I’m not okay with FemDom and less okay with prostitution in a game that mostly involves varied levels of romance, and blocking pregnancy in general in a power fantasy genre is always going to be bullshit – no matter the reason involved) I don’t particularly think the Hero NEEDS magic, but a weapon enchanted might manage to cut down the grinding and give MC a better chance to actually survive. Turn him INTO A vampire/Supernatural Being, and you could theoretically introduce a new powerset, and have means to boost his DPS/Durability without billions of hours grinding or cheat codes… and you could still excuse pregnancy content (or even offer it as a direct choice of Do You Want To See This Content?)

      If you won’t “complain” the devs get no feedback about what does and does not work. Which means they will not fix most issues and assume that everything is going well, and then the game’s potential goes from “could be brilliant” to, “oh. It’s just good.” That’s why I do this, and I sound more negative in the longrun, than I really am.

      1. For what it’s worth, it sounds like a few of the things you want included are actually in the game already, you just haven’t found them yet. eg you can acquire vampire powers temporarily for different combat abilities (and to impregnate the vampire harem). And there actually is optional preg/breeding content available with almost every love interest (even the Giantess, goblins, monsters, spiderwoman, vampires etc) although you may decide it’s not all worth your trouble which is fair enough given how much work the game requires to progress all the individual stories. Maybe it’s just developed a long way since your last playthrough.

        I actually think the time required and the gradual story progression is one of the things I like most about this game. It functions well as a game and an immersive story as well as containing a massive amount of widely varied XXX content

        1. My largest problem with the game is how convoluted getting to the point where you can be intimate with some of the women is. Again; the mayor’s wife is FEMDOM content for the most part (and that makes her a no sell to me, as I am dominant minded and prefer to be the dominant one in the bedroom) but to get her at all you also have to trick the mayor to be away so she can play… and to get her pregnant you have to trick her with a potion that over-rides her idiotic contraception (it’s a fantasy game; contraception should NEVER be implemented if the girls all want the MC badly enough to be involved in a harem or get married)

          The bullshit economy does not help this point, and makes an already too involved process all the more long-winded. If the enemies didn’t damned near one shot you without proper equipment; there was a level up system that allowed you to build your base stats like Strength for damage, Constitution for damage mitigation/HP regen, and Dex for dodge tank, and/or Charisma to get around some of the dumbassed requirements, to actually WIN the girls… – so you could work around not having enough coin for a long while to be able to afford even ONE decent piece of equipment… then it’d be a more fair game. But the dev hasn’t coded that the last time I played. He doesn’t really WANT this to be any sort of “power fantasy” Your ass is literally a farm boy that picks up a sword and says to himself I CANZ too be an adventurer… then proceeds to get routinely pancaked by anything that isn’t a rodent. RPG is supposed to mean “Play the game your way, and take your time, to build the character you want to build.” Not do it mine, because I said so.

  14. You realize you can look at all the tags and see how many games fall under each tag, right? Your totally not gay as fuck cuckfest isn’t even CLOSE to the top.

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