
Intertwined [v0.12.3] [Nyx]

Download for Windows/ Linux - v0.12.1

Download Update Only (v0.12.1 -> v0.12.3)

Download for Mac

Download for Android

Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.intertwined”
(you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)

Download Walkthrough

Download Walkthrough, Gallery Unlocker + Mod


– cheats for the game points
– an info screen for the game points
– gallery unlocker
– music tracks and a player for it (“QuickMusic”)
– enhanced named saves function
– additional game setting (textbox opacity/textsize/outlines/quick menu)
– new with v0.11.2: cheats for the game variables

most of these functions are optional and can be turned on/off while playing


Installation guide for the Mod only download:
1. of course the original game must be installed
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. move the extracted files and folders into your …/ game folder

See also the installation info in the ZIP file.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 96%
Visual - 95%
Engagement - 95%
Core Loop - 96%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.2 ( 462 votes)

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  1. One of the more likeable and engaging games I’ve played.

    It took a while to get used to the MC model without thinking he’s some lost Joe Jonas twin (not complaining, just an observation). He seem to have a bit of a personality at least. Little details like him sporting a beard to having a clean shaven face and growing his hair after having it trimmed is a neat trick indicating the passing time in the story.

    Most of the female characters are likeable and have some semblance of a personality who seem to have their own life going and don’t just T-pose once MC is gone.

    It also has some replay factor so you can go back and try different paths to see different results.
    Has some little bit of nitpicks that can be ignored (the reuse of some clothes where one or two female characters seem to either have bought the same clothing or borrowed each others clothes. Also MC sincerely could use a new set of shirts and pants).

    Animation seem to improve along the way. I can appreciate their effort. The music concept in this game, I found odd, because you have to add a plugin for this. After a while, though, I think you get used to it and find that it gives you more freedom to choose your own theme depending on the scene. Overall, the story itself makes up for what I found a bit lacking. And that is a huge factor.

    It’s living so far to its title.

    **TLDR;** Little nitpicks but solid game so far and I ain’t gonna bitch too much on a game that I can download here for free.

    Speculation over here and possible **S P O I L E R S:**

    Guessing the Navarro scouting dude is MC’s dad who is married to either one or two of the women MC can hook up with. Erynn and Iris are long lost sibs and John is Erynn’s dad.

    Hopefully Zach won’t go full low iq and pull a gigabrain redemption move instead or else he’s gonna ultimately become the winner of the Darwin awards.

    Ethan is another example of why dudes named “Ethan” are getting more bad rep as the most punchable people to exist.

    The latest chapter seem to be veering to a path where I wonder if there will be this big reveal that will need a certain tag added in this game.

    So far my playthrough is leaning towards mc with Erynn. Her path’s the most interesting. I enjoyed the latest chapter with her.

    But I think the mc seem to be hinting at wanting to have a harem option. That’s just my guess.

    Also, in regards to when I tried to have mc pick the Valeria path: I honestly don’t know what happened. Cause in the recent update, it’s as if the spirit of Zach possessed MC and he seem to have gone a lil desperate and pushy in his dialogues. I almost regret trying to romance Valeria who seem to respond vaguely to mc’s advances.

    1. The only tag I can see being added is incest because I’m pretty sure Adriana Moore is Mr Navarro’s wife and Alexis and Layla are his daughters. There are two reasons for this, firstly because they never reveal the face of their father yet the build and hair style is the same as Mr Navarro. Secondly because “like father, like son”, 90% of the time or even higher, they never pull out and nut inside the girls regardless of the consequences. This also leaves the question of the disparity of age between the MC and Alexis as she is 3 years older than him. I can only assume that his father was playing the field and was involved with 2 or more girls during his time in college which is why his father’s parents were trying to pay for an abortion instead of giving the MC’s mother the support she needed to keep the baby due to them already supporting Adriana. That then leads to the MC having an incestuous relationship with either of the girls.
      Iris and Erynn are sisters as you said which is another couple that could lead to an incestuous relationship as Iris has her in her sights.
      Cara and Nikki are coach Mike’s daughters so they are a safe bet but also are long distance relationships.

  2. Is the v 11 out for pc as well it shows image not found when i downloaded the patch??i downloaded the android and extracted it but it doesnt seem to run on pc so help me out please

    1. yes i do. nut i fix it just adding the folder “music” from older version to the game folder for this version and it works for me

        1. self-projection is a defence mechanism in which people attribute disliked traits and impulses of their own to other people to avoid inner conflict

    1. I agree, tattoos are gross, especially on females. Worst is when they have little pointless tattoos all over them that looks like a little kid drew on them with a pen. Little hears, stars random shit etc. Such a turn off.

      As for the MC, I don’t like the tattoo on the side, the sleeve looks okay.

  3. anyone tell me what is RPA FILE and why its size is 2gb,BTW, I’m a beginner here, and I’m sorry for my English because I use google translate

    1. Not true at all. Some updates are huge and include a myriad of fixes, from new frames added to entirely new paths and choice variations. The evolution of a VN isn’t always straight forward, and sometimes involves going back and updating what was previously released. Sometimes when a VN makes you start again with a big update, you notice big improvements or entirely new paths with choices that weren’t there before.

      You misspelt “amateur”, and your comment is quite amateur itself.

  4. Hey guys can someone help turn on the music… Or is there no music in this game?? There are music and soung settings in the game but no music itself, it really brings down all the fun without it can some help me out? I’d appreciate it plz 🙏

  5. Valerie ntr coming I guess after going through ep 11. Valerie was out of character this current episode, and even the MC is just acting like a total simp around her wtf. He doesn’t do it with any other girls but her? what’s the author thinking?

  6. Top of screen says v0.11, but at download options it says v0.10.5, if I go to a download mirror it is v.0.11 🙂
    I don’t want to waste time with neary 8 GB download… is it the old version or really really updated with new episode?

  7. This is a good game overall. not a bad story and interesting characters. My main problem with this game is that from the start you have to fight with MC to prevent him from declaring every girl he kisses as his girlfriend. I mean come on, we’re in 21 century and the story doesn’t happen in Afghanistan. even in real life you don’t end up in a relationship automatically just because you hooked up with someone. These are things that the player should have a say about. if you don’t want to be automatically bf of lexi or layla, you need to somehow ignore them all the time. As i said the game is good and enjoyable, but it’s somehow frustrating that the MC all the time declares to the world that he’s dating someone or in with someone just because they hooked up.

    1. Where does this game ends for me theadt scene was that MC had an phone call from Layla and then it showed error!!

  8. This one is so cool. I normally skip 60% of other games but this got me so into the story. I even got goosebumps when Rinny met John for the 1st time. Can’t wait for the reveal! to the devs, great job on this! 4 thumbs up! and Thank you!

    1. what’s wrong with them?

      negative reviews are acceptable, if they provide feedback that’s actually of value. whining about the fact the latest chapter hasn’t dropped yet, because they are working to properly develop it, isn’t of value. the dev is getting it right. if you can’t wait for that, that’s YOUR problem, not nyx’s. either learn some patience or go to the patreon page, contribute some money to help cover expenses and help nyx focus on the game development. while there, review the updates on that development. maybe you’ll understand why it’s taking time to do right. otherwise, just be quiet. it’s a great vn and nyx is working on it, so it stays a great vn. do you go on the web and whine at your favorite author, if the next book in a series isn’t out 3 days after the one you just read was released? if you do, again, that’s YOUR problem.

    2. Hey man i’m in the official discord and they just released episode 11 today, wait a couple of hours / days until websites like this one update the game

    1. do you want it fast, or good? dev is making it good, and that takes time. go visit the patreon page and skim the updates. if you like what nyx has done so far, then have patience. what was done before wasn’t done overnight. this won’t be, either.

  9. Lot’s of negative comments on this game. Maybe cuz their just skipping to the sex scenes. 4 me the game is dope!. Literally everything abt the game is just perfect. What’s really sad is that not all characters look the same. I mean some characters seems like their drawn by a diff person. But anyway the game is perfect. I also wanna add. The dev of this game is really slow we’re hoping for episode 11 soon.

    1. it normally updates every 2-3 months but the dev has been running in to pc issues aperantly (said on the patreon).

  10. Animation is a little rough, the hair thing was pretty dumb…devs got lazy there. But the storyline is interesting so ima keep going at it

    1. I think the same. Hoping for improvements in the sex scenes, these scenes are at least sad. A great plot, good characters, but not so good sex scenes.

    1. until episode 11 is completed, yes. and then it will stop at 11, until 12 is completed. etc, until nyx has told the story they want to tell.

      does everything in your life go perfectly, such that you get every single thing you want to do done the second you start? certainly doesn’t in my life. and i don’t know anyone else who lives a life like that, either. nyx is doing the job as well as can be done. computer problems get in the way. sometimes the graphics can’t be done right without parts upgrades. sometimes life throws things at you that interfere with your plans. if you want to help, go support on patreon. you’ll get the added benefit of seeing the updates nyx posts along the way.

  11. One of the worst games on this site. I honestly don’t know why people hold this in such high esteem. Reviewing the image files of the game I realized that I couldn’t finish chapter one when I was already skipping texts due to the boring story. In addition, a rather ugly fact completely took me out of the little immersion that the bad / slow story allows. MC has a haircut, on day 2 of school his hair is with another hairstyle and much longer than when the game just started. If such a mistake goes undetected, I can’t even imagine what other nonsense the developer will let slip by later. And finally, I’m still looking forward to a Latino doing a VN who knows how to speak English. This guy is definitely not the one I’m looking for. Y no vengan a joder por mi critica al idioma. Yo soy latino y tengo derecho a decir que alguien no sabe hablar ingles cuando definitivamente no saben hablar ingles. Quizas yo tampoco lo hablo muy bien, pero no estoy haciendo ningun juego.

    1. brother no offence but I genuinely think you should reconsider your views coz the game picks up pace after a few chapters i.e. approx. 3-4 hrs in it when it has properly set-up all the characters in it…..this game has some real great humor (obv subjective) but mainly the character knows what he is doing and doesn’t feel like some other games where the MC does absolutely nothing and acts as if he has never seen a naked girl before and still somehow the girls are like he is the only man alive….atleast here the MC speaks in a way which makes him charismatic……..

    1. why? because they have a life and have to deal with problems in it, while ;trying to develop a quality product? the fact you have nothing better to do than play avn’s all day and night doesn’t impact whether nyx has nothing better to do than spend 24 hours a day developing the next chapter of this one. this is a 1 person operation, developing the entire story line, alone. this isn’t a dev shop, with 30 people, creating slapdash nonsense, just so you have a few videos and images to stroke your libido, such as it is.

      if you have no patience, that’s YOUR problem, not nyx’s. or ours. lazy? developing a game, solo, while getting only a little money a month for the work? and if you bothered to visit the patreon page for the game, you’d know nyx has had hardward issues with the pc being used for development, which, for some unknown reason(everyone but you actually knows) makes development difficult, if not impossible, until it’s addressed. and with 1 dev, that 1 dev has to develop it, review it, perform quality control on it, and basically have it as close to ready as possible before even letting testers see it. if you think al of that is easy and can be done in an instant, you know nothing about programming, in any language. never mind doing graphic design.

      1. What? did I get your nerve, devy?
        Also, did I asked for your opinion?
        You must be getting anxious huh? People calling out that you are nothing but a scamming little shit trying to delay the process as long a possible to suck your patron members money off like a mosquito. You mentioned little money but with over 1000 patron members? Thats worth at least 5k a month you dipshit.

        If you are not the dev, why the fk do you even care what I say. Spending your time to defending him with all the negative comments. I think you are the one that has NO LIFE here. Retard.

        1. devy? I am not, in any way, associated with this, or any other vn. get on my nerve? no. i find you pathetic, honestly. crying over things, as though the world revolves around you. if you don’t like the game, then don’t play it. if you got it here, you got it free, so, not only are you whining about something you couldn’t do yourself, but you’re whining about something that cost you nothing to acquire.

          why would i reply to you? because, clearly, nobody ever taught you manners or respect, when you were a younger child than you are now. you prove your lack of intellect and maturity with your sad insult attempt. all you show is that you understand nothing, and really don’t care that you have no clue. nothing you have said is constructive, in any way, and nothing you have said will alter how things will continue to happen. you are here looking for free games, and then you complain they aren’t good enough? go buy a game, instead. if you paid for it, you’ve earned the right to complain about it. but only as much as the amount you paid to purchase the license to play it. here, you’re a freeloader, whining about a guy supposedly scamming people, when the only scammer is you.

  12. Aside from the Menu customization which is near to 0, and the fact that there’s basically 1 piano song and that’s it audio-wise for the entire game…


    Depending on how you are as a person and how you end up having your playthrough go based on that, you could be in for a 15+ hour ride with the quality of emotions/writing reminiscent of the mad DrPinkCake himself at times.

    Undercover gem, hope it gets some more TLC without having the story quality dip.

  13. can someone suggest me a game with a compelling story and descent visuals……I like this one and the story gets a grip on you from the very start so I never had to smash the spacebar…..but te only thing I felt (many might not agree) but the lewd scenes needed more attention especially ig the dev is unaware of “BJs”……

    1. Here are some of the titles that I would recommend! Happy fap..gaming!

      1. Eternum
      2. City of Broken Dreamers (excellent BJ scenes!)
      3. Pale Carnations
      3. Melody
      4. Karlssons Gambit
      5. Tales of the Unending Void
      6. Once in a Lifetime
      7. Becoming a Rockstar

      Let me know if you have any recommendations!

        1. And to add a few more: (Personally I have played and love almost all the topics listed above)
          – Artemis (Personal Fav)
          – Summer Scent
          – Chasing Sunset
          – Hillside
          – leap of faith
          – Depraved Awakening
          – Deliverance
          – Acting Lessons

      1. hey thanks for the suggestions mate!! though go ahead and try out….
        1. Summer’s gone (only if up for excellent story and visuals)
        2. Desert Stalker (warning : high male domination)
        3. How to fix the future
        4. Somewhere I belong (not much content yet)
        5. The lust city

  14. Well i wanted a game withe animations and moving graphics does this game provide it
    If not can anyone recommend me top 10 animated games with sexy girls and good story please

    1. Not exactly animations, the dev is also not that experienced with coding, he stated on his patreon that he’s learning on the go. BUT…!
      The story of this game is good and the choices you make impact the story (somewhat).

      Here is my top 10 with animations and/or story.
      1 Being a DIK (imo one of the best)
      2 Freshwomen
      3 The Headmaster
      4 Ripples
      5 Public Sex Life (animations are pretty good, story not so much)
      6 Echoes of Lust (ground hog day-esque story)
      7 Being a Rockstar (not really animations but the story is wholesome and who doesn’t want to be a rockstar? :P)
      8 Leap of Faith (story is really sad and heavy, but its a good story nonetheless, though its not for everyone)
      9 Welcome to hell (vampire the masquerade-esque story)
      10 Kaiju Princess (story is a bit comical, but the H-scene’s are fully animated and you can control what happens and is part of the game’s mechanics)

    2. Being a Dik
      College Kings
      Become a Rockstar
      University of Problems
      Acting Lessons (from the same dev of Being a Dik)

  15. I have enjoyed the game. But let me guess Lexi’s father is also MC’s father. 🙂 Please do not make this like that. Please please please. 🙂

    1. Tbh my best theory is that it’s Andre who is Lexi and Layla’s dad. Santi and Andre hated each other but ended up raising each other’s kids.

    1. Recommend some some good animated games with sexy girls and better story please
      I saw your comment at every popular game
      Reply is appreciated

  16. I agree w Sew here—started out ok, then finally i’m like WTF?!?
    –>> ***NOTHING YOU CHOOSE MATTERS! *** (stuff is forced on mc player often doesn’t want)
    BTW tags R wrong—there’s FEMDOM in game, but haven’t seen *ANY* maledom—quite the opposite, basically MC’s forced 2 be a beta/sub/doormat for many of them.
    Women treat him like sh*& & he does nothing! [no OPTION 2 do anything, or, it doesn’t matter]
    ** The whole idea of a VN–instead of a Kinetic Novel [normal “book”] is to have a story where we choose what happens. ***
    To those who say it doesn’t matter:
    I say to you, I seriously doubt you support & pay $ to people who do things you hate.
    So if devs & creators want $$, then yes they should listen to the “boss” [cause when you “WORK”, bosses —that’s the people paying the $, they’re the one giving orders you have to please]

  17. This is the first game i’m replying to, have played most of the top 10 games.
    I want to say it’s a breath of fresh air that most girls have realistic looking breasts.
    Most of the other games the girls have like triple D and beyond it’s fucking annoying.
    But this game keeps it realistic, thanks for that, also one of the fewer games where almost all girls are pretty and also very versatile, they dont look like eachother.


    1. The quality of the renders have been downscaled for the compressed version. Similar to how you can have a song that’s 5mb and 50mb. Just more raw data on the larger one.

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