
Horizon of Passion Reworking [v1.0] [Line of lust]

Promo code for taboo titles in the game: 321123.
Promo code for temporary resources in the game: 000100.

To enter a promo code, open your smartphone in the game and select the gift icon where you can successfully enter it!

The promo code option will also show up right when you get to the house, you can then have your “family friendly” version activated here.

Download for Windows/ Linux

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Editor's Rating

Story - 55%
Visual - 68%
Engagement - 50%
Core Loop - 50%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.48 ( 38 votes)

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  1. If the author wanted us to experience the game in a certain way it shouldn’t be a sandbox. That and with the writing quality I cannot recommend.

  2. How to do the mission of swimming pool? . It’s generates error whenever I tries to complete swimming pool mission. Someone have idea how to do swimming pool without the pending. It would be helpful if you guide me. Hint : teacher’s meetup at school.

  3. Don’t need games to have NTR…if you like it that much, just get home earlier than expected a few times and record your girl.
    Maybe just sit down and watch if it’s your thing (tip: you might even find guys willing to pay and allow you to watch while they do what you can’t).

  4. Yeah “it’s just a game” but people don’t come here to see another NPC fuck their girl in said game, you gotta be a special kind of beta to want to experience that. We don’t have to like what you like, in fact, not many people do so enjoy your NTR and stfu.

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