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Chasing Sunsets [v1.0][Final] [Stone Fox Studios]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Walkthrough & Cheat Mod


The Walkthrough adds hints in dialogues that give points.
Option to turn on or off to Name Your Saves.
Improvements to see multiple scenes. (Pic. 2)
Cheats to adjust points.
Change MC Name.
PC: Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your “ChasingSunsets-v0.3-win ” folder.

MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “Chasing Sunsets” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge.

Download Gallery Mod

Extract file from file to the \game sub-folder and overwrite when prompted.

For MacOS

Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “xyz-game” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder  from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge


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Editor's Rating

Story - 96%
Visual - 93%
Engagement - 95%
Core Loop - 94%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.47 ( 249 votes)

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  1. Hey , can anyone help me to find the game which has story of borther and sister and the MC was in army and have step sister whom he loved but then it moved away and her husband died in terrorist attack, something like tha it also includes yakuza thing , I hope any lovely person will help me .

    And also another game where MC lives with many womens and his friend name Jamal , i only remember Jamal’s name , so please tell name of the game .

    1. Grandma’s house is the shitty game you must be referring to with a character Jamal. I hope you won’t go near that. There won’t many choices, you are just a manwhore who embraces every ugly woman including grandma.

  2. I am unable to save game and quick menu disappeared after the mc get call from his sister about their parents death
    What to do..pls help I am playing in android port

  3. If you want to play more story-driven games like Chasing Sunsets, try Leaving DNA, honestly I have never been invested in the story till I played these 2 games. That said Chasing Sunsets has its own flaws, flawed paths and gets way too complicated and technical sometimes when it isnt about relationships and comedy and fun , honestly the positives outweigh the negatives for me in this one.

  4. Honestly, I kinda was hopin for a bit more from Chef Tanaka then what was in the Gym. Unless I missed somethig later. It hinted there might be more later, but I guess that was a nogo.

    1. I’m surprised MR fuckboy NO is not in this comment section complaining about the fact it should be harem very surprised indeed

  5. Just reviewed the developer’s Patreon page. They announced an upcoming V1.01 patch / update for the game to address something that was wrong with Chapter 9. I guess we will soon see what they correct in this upcoming patch. Hopefully it will not reduce the potential of them returning to the game to release perhaps a Season 2 for the game following the relationships of the fan favorite as well as fan despised cast members..

    1. Well. Developer’s Patreon page has a post that the V1.01 patch/update was released on August 26th so it should be out here soon. They also posted that apparently the patch/update addresses an oops in Chapter 9 so it does not address an oops in Chapter 7. With the potential of returning to the story for a “Season 2” they may release a patch to fix the mistake in Chapter 7 so that Season 2 will have correct contenuity?? This would be a good idea from my experiences with games that have multiple season releases because carrying over a saved game story line with any inconsistancies can cause problems running the following season. Most fequently with games that you create the player avatar/character in and want to use that character through the game series. IE: Mass Effect ETC.

  6. AAAAKKKKHHHH!!!! NNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Too many things left pending, open, and unanswered!!!!!

    Lisa’s relationship with MC with “Open Relationship” path with Jaye not pursued but could well be since Mallory chose to move on leaving the open relationship despite Jaye and MC both wanting her to stay.

    Lab’s FUBAR with the two sequencing tests mixing Jaye’s and Amanda’s samples up. Something some may have missed if not playing the game for the game storyline. WE, those who paid attention, know Jaye IS MC’s half sister but mixup returned to Sophia that she was not since the report was based on Amanda’s sample. Then of course a finding with the wrongfully processed Jaye sample as Amanda’s will make things akward for her if the findings are Jaye specific.

    I know I am not the only fan who wants to see MUCH more of the Lisa side as well as seeing the results of half sister after her expressing WANTING to have a child with the MC. Then Creampied in the marathon exchange that night.

    They Mallory / MC / Jaye threeway relationship would be a quantified result of a 3 way with these characters with Jaye’s going full out as she might do if Tara was in that 3 way. Then of course the Tara coming back for a relationship with Jaye and MC could also be an optional path now that Jaye and MC are together (If player kept with the open relationship which Jaye demonstrates full acceptance of when she presents to MC she wants Mal to remain close and be part of the family as well as with MC even if NOT with HER that way… Which could easily change as close as they where at the end.).

    There is STILL so much to do as well as so much more to experience in this game!!! PLEASE COME BACK TO IT AS SOON AS YOU CAN!?!?!!??!

    1. You need to learn to read between the lines, dude. The lab thing was just for fetish sake. They confirmed it earlier that she wasn’t MC half-sister for those that get turned off by the possibility but then made that scene at the end to keep a feeling of “wonder”, so that people with incest fetish can just imagine they really are half-siblings and get off on it. Remember, this is still a porn game.

      I do agree with you that there is still a lot they could explore. Jaye/Tara threesome seemed like a natural thing after they came back to Boston but sadly it didn’t happen. I also really wished for a Lisa path but it looks like that will also not happen. Although, a Jaye/Mallory threesome is probably going to happen in the Epilogue.

  7. wow finaly, I waited a few years to play it, and finally I did. I like the story, I really sympathized with it, also with the characters, the graphics and the settings are also beautiful. Compliments to all the staff and developers for a game where I was excited and had a lot of fun. GG

  8. Every writer has their own idea how the world works and us readers need to try and find what can be archived and what can’t. Sometimes harem is possible and sometimes cheating is bad. Best games are those that give lots of small tips to what path you are currently on. And games where endings are just different, not 100% bad/good.

    This game does really bad job on informing player about what outcomes are possible. It can make the experience less enjoyable, if you find after hours and hours of dedicating your interest on particular path, that your reward is just a bad ending. It also doesn’t help that “answer to points” -system is really unintuitive.
    After multiple tries i found the good path, but at that point i had lost interest in the main girls. Side character women have too little screen time for them to carry the game.

    Story is your normal “Im not an expert, but here is a story i cooked in my basement”. I don’t care about small errors, but why do so many authors like to write about something that clearly is not their expertise. We readers have some expectations how real world works and if author does pull shit out of his ass, it makes the experience worse. Just make clear separation from real world and anything goes.

    Visuals/sex scenes are good and writing/story was interesting until the bad endings started to drop. 2,5/5

  9. This project starts off deceptively, and seemed to hold a lot of promise all the way through about Chapter 7, (cute enough LI, good renders, relatively intriguing story hooks), then it began tanking hard and somewhere late in Chapter 8 or early Chapter 9, you come to the realization that (based upon the very beginning narrative which is in fact the end), THERE CAN BE NO HAPPY ENDING OF ANY KIND. You are led on through a player points system to believe its possible to have good relations with one or more of the LI only to be cold-cocked near the end with the understanding that NO RELATIONSHIP is possible which is why you are in the bar telling your story to the old family friend bartender… virtually ALL OF THE COMPLAINTS about this project are VALID and you should strongly consider that before getting invested in this… because of IMHO this UTTER BETRAYAL OF THE READER BY THE AUTHOR, I am avoiding all projects from Stone Fox – he absolutely pissed me off that badly with this POS.

    1. Well there are happy endings if you make the right choices ,not denying that there are no flaws ,there are many but there are happy endings

  10. The whole project intrigued us and now it will be interesting, but in the end the ending is not just boring, in fact it does not exist at all! The result is that we got 10 scenes and a not very long and very strange plot is disappointing!I had high hopes for this project!

  11. Wow! What is this ending. It’s ultra rushed. I guess too much expectations from dev leads to this shit. Aside from renders everything is a mess. Too many dialogues. Sudden departure of Mallory and Lisa being sidelined. It should have been a harem game. Such a disappointment.

    1. 4-5 years milking.
      Forced female love interest.
      Always boring ends.
      I just don’t understand why you’re surprised.
      Its a pattern.

  12. I cant believe I ever considered this game. It is crap in every way.
    Lisa and Jaye are unique but the rest is crap.
    Scenes are cut off abruptly.
    The timeline is very bad executed taking away the player’s immersion in the game.
    The game is more focused on the business theme and makes relationships take a backseat.
    Sex scenes are wasted by the lack of animations.
    Mallory keeps making bad jokes even in the sex scenes killing the mood.
    Many themes are “resolved” or cut off abruptly without any sense.
    This game had potential at first but they slowly killed it.

  13. This game doesn’t even come close to Being a Dik. It may be a good game, but it’s not the best. I also hate games that use complicated language in their texts and I don’t understand a damn thing. The humor is very poorly achieved. The animations aren’t good, the story is good but it’s not that great. The renders are very good.

    1. Being a Dik is a pretty high standard, considering it’s pretty easily Top 5 ever. And this ending did feel a little rushed, since they’re probably pushing toward their new game. Girls are still stinking hot.

  14. This game absolutely rocks. Great storyline, hot women, good renders… If only more AVNs were this good

  15. So I see dev has just released chapter 9 on the Patreon which is phenomenal cos it really is an awesome game but they won’t be porting it across to Android so can only hope somebody else does. Back to the waiting game for me 😣

    Would recommend though

  16. Present game version will not launch with Harem Mod isntalled.

    The Walkthrough Mod won’t even decompress due to 2 corrupted font files.

    This is per testing with both Win.RAR and 7z .zip programs.

    1. Update to my own post.

      Developer has announced on Patreon that Chapter 9’s release is coming soon. With this and the fact that the 0.9a (lettered) WT-Mods DO NOT work with Chapter 8 /Ver 0.9 (No Letter) and the Harem Mod was released for Ver 0.4 (only covering chapters 1-3). I wonder what the chances are of the WT Mod and Harem Mod both having updated releases to work with Chapter 9 (Vers 10?) of the game when it releases?

      1. The Walkthrough/Cheat mod for Windows/Linux (just a guess) has been updated to Ver 1.01 by Joker and is available on Joker’s Patreon page. When you click the download button it takes you to Joker’s page where you can choose to download direct from Joker or from a website. I have had issues for over a year with that particular website so I just use the Patreon direct download link myself. NOW we just need the game V1.01 update to post here so we can all be happy impatient waiters for Season 2 to come out. Or at least a patch to address the Chapter 7 OOPS mentioned in the V1.01 update post on the developer’s Patreon page..

    1. There are some very hot scenes that you can absolutely nut to, but this is more of a visual novel with sex rather than a porno novel. There’s a lot of serious focus on adult relationships and storytelling.

      If you want a quick wank or to read with your dick in your hand, this probably isn’t the one for you but if you’re looking to be more invested in the characters and their relationships when you do wank, give it a go.

  17. Usually you play through the prologue and don’t touch yourself because there’s no lewd content. This is different. With this one, you don’t want to fap.
    40 years I’ve been on this planet and this is the first time in my life that I’ve ever not been in the mood. The start of this just fucking hits you and keeps hitting you.
    Great story, exceptionally written and drawn but with the backstory told, I can’t see ever wanting to fap to this.

    But I’m engrossed now so we’ll see…..

  18. After reading the comments I thought that this AVN would be at the level of Being a Dik or Pale Carnations but I only found a mid AVN.
    It’s not bad, but it’s not as good as it tries to be or as the comments say, there are others that are much better but it’s not bad… the decisions have an impact, the story is not the most original in the world but it is entertaining, the girls are cute, the lewd scenes have a lot to improve, I would rate this AVN with an 8 and only because it is well made but the story and the characters pfff… “mid” without a doubt that is the best word to describe it… if it weren’t for Mallory and Amanda this game would be very boring

    1. This game tried hard to show less but milk more. At least here you don’t have to wear fag penis cap. Frats and whole “Greek life” crap is gay and anyone involved in this shit can not be trusted, they have no shame and no self respect.

  19. One of the best VNs ever. Just a tip for people using the joker’s mod: you’re going to miss some scenes by choosing the green marked choices. So, unless you want to use the pdf walkthrough, you better have the gallery unlocker to use with the mod.

  20. Loved this one! For some (unknown to me) reason, chapter 8 wasn’t available when starting last save from ch. 7 – just went to final credits on ch. 8, so I had to start from a save from ch. 6 and skip most parts (not the hot ones :), and after passed ch. 7 all was OK. The story was captivating, the renderings were great, but most of all the models are so well made that you could easily understand MC’s dilemma: Jaye, or Mallory, not to say that Lisa, or Bianca would be perfect candidates for “can you resist her?”. Luckily there’s the “Harem Mod” that lets you be a playboy. Good job guys, can’t wait for chapter 9, and also many thanks to our host DikGames!

  21. quick menu disappeared after sometime, i can’t be to go back or save or anything, any way to fix that?!
    (talking about Android version btw)

  22. Yes sir! This is how it’s done, I would go to Patreon and give these devs a nice one time donation, sadly they don’t allow this and I don’t do subscriptions so they’ll have to settle for a big thank you! If you haven’t played this, do it. This is one of the best I’ve played.

      1. Aww you seeking attention? Tell me, why does it trigger you that I enjoy this game? What did you hope to achieve with your childish little jab at my comment? Do you think I care that you exist or what my comment sounds like to you? Run along and find someone on your level little boy, before you get your feelings hurt.

  23. One of the best games out there in my opinion. Definitely more story driven (think “Intertwined”). But beautiful girls, great animations, music, etc. Top 5 game for me. Worth the download.

    1. You call this game “mid”? Lol you’re a dunce. The MC is perfect and this isn’t about your own “point of view” if the MC is a bum then check out Life in Santa County and see how stûpid that game is.

      1. Resorting to personal attack because I didn’t like his favorite porn game bwahahaha.

        Oh booo fucking hoooo.


        1. You deserved it, you clearly have terrible taste. This is much more than a porn game, it’s a work of art that puts most games on here to shame. If you didn’t like this, I’d love to hear what games on here you DO like, please share.

          1. even I feel this game is pure art… Its sweet, wonderful and quite nice in my opinion. Yes like intertwined. I would love to see more of it. Feels a lot of thought and efforts have been made in the story as well. Not just like those over the top games out there. All n all a very thoughtful, story driven, artistic, nicely animated game. I just don’t see many reasons to criticize this game even if it does not satisfy your tastes, I mean what can someone look for other then good animations, great intimate scenes and a great storyline. I feel one should defo try this game.

  24. im real picky guys when its comes to visual novel, story is more important than pornography to me. so im saying it was one of the top 5 games ive played till now. characters really grow on you and that part of traveling the world to lessen the pain due to unrequired love was great. loved David though we didn’t got much contents about him but real cool guy. loved it

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