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Bare Witness [Ch.5][Final] [AlterWorlds]

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Improved aesthetics with animated mod menus/screens, all fully customizable to tailor your personal experience.
Too many story branches got you down ’cause you can’t remember which of your saves is which? I gotcha covered. Includes the Original SanchoMod save description feature. Often imitated (including the use of my GUI buttons) the SanchoSave is more intelligent and efficient, saving you keystrokes as it autoloads the save slot descriptions and it also allows you to completely escape the process of saving if you wish (I’ve personally not seen this feature with other imitations). Feature can be toggled on/off anytime as desired.
Adds multiple exhaustive stats screens always accessible via the MiniMenu or Options menu. Resizable, toggle-enabled, various formats, and more.
Adds in-game walkthrough (ChoiceGuide) noting all variable changes and highlighting important choices. Can be toggled on/off at anytime, play as YOU want to play. You are not forced to view spoilers if you do not wish.
Multiple opacity and text sizing options to customize your experience including dialogue boxes, text and fonts, QuickMenu sizing and format versions, and more. All can be toggled on/off as desired, again allowing you even more control to tailor your experience.
Adds a custom fully unlocked scene gallery (SanchoGallery) that runs completely independent.
Adds professionally coded custom cheats (SanchoCheats) if applicable (varies from port to port).
Adds the ability to view multiple scenes (SanchoSplits) if menu choice has a scene/route split (varies from port to port).
Too many new features to list.

 SanchoMod ChoiceGuide Legend


PC: Extract contents to the “game” folder found inside the title’s main folder, overwrite as prompted. Do only these steps, nothing else is required.

Directory (folder) structure when installed correctly:
(ThisTitleName) folder/
├── game/
│ ├── SanchoMod/
│ └── (support files)
├── lib/
├── renpy/
└── (ThisTitleName).exe
(Using SanchoModded saves in an unmodded game)

As with any mod, once you create a save file with them installed and later play the game without the mod installed your saves are borked. I’ve got your back. If you uninstall SanchoMod and later play the same or updated version of the VN un-modded I can make sure that your SanchoMod save files are unbroken. Simply download the following, extract the file, and place it inside the title’s “game” folder. It’s an extremely small file that only insures that the Python calls and variables introduced by SanchoMod won’t interfere when playing those modded saves with an unmodded game (pretty cool, right?)

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Editor's Rating

Story - 86%
Visual - 91%
Engagement - 90%
Core Loop - 86%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.13 ( 119 votes)

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  1. Thank You @Alterworlds this game helped me through my depression. I felt a little chance of someone loving me . thank you this game was phenomenal . especially the character valeria . I saw love her in eyes THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR HELPING ME CHANGE MY perspective ABOUT life thanks :_)

  2. Well this game could have been much better from story pov but dev rushed it. There’s no clear plot about MC’s parents. For quick fap go for it.

    1. did this dev seriously remove your ability to be with heidi mora saidi and athena because before chapter 5 i was in a relationship with all 4 but my save got corrupted and had to start over that’s fucked up if he did because the mc keeps breaking up with the other 3 and i always end up on the mora route it’s irritating

  3. Pornwise, this is very good. Many beautiful young girls to fuck, together too, also with distinct physiques and personalities. Detailed renders that look very good, and smooth animations. The visuals in general are great.

    A major drawback on the other hand is that the mc has no agency. It’s always the female who acts, initiating everything, even coming to get him in her car, and choosing where to go. It’s mostly the women who even deal with the bad guy in the end; the mc is simply there for the ride. Still, for no reason, every female is instantly attracted to him.

    There’s a striking background drama in the mc’s story, which could have been great. Unfortunately, this is not revealed until late in the game, and never truly elaborated. Had his story been shown in the beginning, in detail (with his parents too, who, though a major part of this drama, especially the father, are never even shown), this game could have been as good as Leap of Faith. (Oh, yes).

    There is emphasis in love and commitment with the girls; this is done well, and is nice.

    The endings are much too long. The dev has made lots of beautiful pictures there, and there is enjoyment for the player, at least in the endings I got to watch (all good), but, after a while, they feel like they will never end.

  4. I can’t read the title of this game without hearing Godrick the Grafted in my head.


  5. OOPS! Found a mistake just starting the game! In the bar when the MC makes his first venture downtown and meets Valeria she asks him about his trip with his father from California to New York. The MC says they took Interstate 40 most of the way. She then comment about them going to Denver (Colorado). This is however impossible traveling Interstate 40. I-40 as it is known runs from California to Wilmington, North Carolina which is traveling west to east. No where near Colorado.

    To run through Denver the trip had to travel Interstate 25 which runs from Los Cruces NM to Wyoming passing trough Colorado. Sorry. I live in New Mexico and deal with, drive on both of these highways regularly so I had to popup about this OOPS in the game. Not sure if the developer will want to update the “Final” version of the game to fix this but it would be recommended. Also. From I-40 to New York would be most likely be Interstate 95 which runs north along the eastern seaboard.

    Just a technical OOPS. A simple search online will show this information for anyone interested. Please note. This is in NO WAY a criticisim of the game. So far I find it fun. Just a little detail accuracy issue.

    1. You’ve probably played far enough in at this point to learn that it wasn’t the devs making a mistake there, it was Jackson (MC).

      1. No it was the dev, but instead of correcting the error(do actual work) he just made the mc a fucking retard.

        1. You are a moron or you just clicked through the game after the bar without actually reading it which unqualifies you from naming it an error…..

          This so called error is explained ingame….

    2. What makes you more of a nerd, I owing this in the first place or thinking that any of us give a shit?

      This is probably why you’re single and jerking off to AVNs.

      1. you do realize what you just said is ironic right since you’re on here doing exact same thing as the rest of us and are also most likely single, also just because he’s smart enough to know that does not make him a nerd it just makes the Dev look like a lazy cunt who could not be bothered to do a little research to not make the MC not look like a retard. also Kithan are you stupid the Dev is the one who has to write in that dialogue yea so maybe next time don’t comment saying something retarded next time

        1. Speaking of not looking like a retard, you might want to look up what irony is because that is not irony.
          Silly seppo cunt 🙄

          1. It’s funny how you think the person should give a fuck about your opinion of them nobody cares even if they did use a wrong word it’s clear u understood what they were saying u silly seppo cunt

  6. Yeat another “unfinish” game. A shame: too much potential and yeat too poor stories lines. It´s already have great and a lot of renders but enmpies. A lot of great sex scenes too. But even following the “principal girl” path; not to much chances to get to real “knows” the girls!

  7. Not bad game.
    A lot of diferent paths.
    But mandatory WT mod. Because a lot of content is locked in nonsense choices.

    I am not sure why a lot of blocked content in gallery. Tried all “logic” choices. And nothing works.
    Then downloading the mod now.

  8. I agree. Athena is the best. I love the ending with just her or together with Heidi. The others don’t stand a chance.
    My ranking: 1. Athena, 2. Heidi, 3. the rest

  9. No words can express how amazing this game is! Also I love the character developments and the scenes are perfect, I’m so please to experience another game like this in the future!💯

  10. Chose a girl and mostly avoided the rest, especially my cousin. Then I got ZERO choices in chapters 4 and 5, my girlfriend didn’t appear at all, still somehow ended up with the damned cousin, and I died alone having lived a miserable and pointless life. k

    “Thank you for playing Bare Witness, we really hope you enjoyed it”. Yeah… I don’t know about that.

    1. I couldn’t do it. I could never share Athena with anyone, nor could I ever cheat on her. Athena for me is my #1 AVN girl ever. The solo ending with her really cemented that.

      1. I agree. Athena is the best. I love the ending with just her or together with Heidi. The others don’t stand a chance.
        My ranking: 1. Athena, 2. Heidi, 3. the rest

      2. As far as solo endings go, I just love the one with her. The others don’t stand a chance.
        My ranking: 1. Athena, 2. Heidi, 3. the rest

      3. As far as solo endings go, I just love the one with her. The others don’t stand a chance.
        My ranking: 1. Athena, 2. Heidi, 3. the rest

  11. I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    While running game code:
    File “game/script.rpy”, line 53, in script
    mc “(Much more of this rhythmic clacking and I’m gonna fall asleep. It’s been a long day already, and now this…)”
    File “game/script.rpy”, line 53, in script
    mc “(Much more of this rhythmic clacking and I’m gonna fall asleep. It’s been a long day already, and now this…)”
    NameError: global name ‘name’ is not defined

    — Full Traceback ————————————————————

    Full traceback:
    File “renpy/”, line 326, in bootstrap
    File “renpy/”, line 617, in main
    File “renpy/”, line 148, in run
    File “renpy/”, line 922, in run_context
    File “game/script.rpy”, line 53, in script
    mc “(Much more of this rhythmic clacking and I’m gonna fall asleep. It’s been a long day already, and now this…)”
    File “game/script.rpy”, line 53, in script
    mc “(Much more of this rhythmic clacking and I’m gonna fall asleep. It’s been a long day already, and now this…)”
    File “renpy/”, line 715, in execute
    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)
    File “renpy/”, line 1393, in say
    who(what, *args, **kwargs)
    File “renpy/”, line 1205, in __call__
    self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, dtt=dtt, **display_args)
    File “renpy/”, line 871, in do_display
    File “renpy/”, line 621, in display_say
    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse=’say’, type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)
    File “renpy/”, line 298, in interact
    rv =, **kwargs)
    File “renpy/display/”, line 3101, in interact
    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
    File “renpy/display/”, line 3897, in interact_core
    File “renpy/display/”, line 272, in skipping
    if map_keyup(ev, “skip”) or map_event(ev, “stop_skipping”):
    File “renpy/display/”, line 242, in map_keyup
    if (name in ev.eventnames) and ev.up:
    NameError: global name ‘name’ is not defined

    Bare Witness 0.5
    Fri May 31 17:59:31 2024

  12. While we disagree with some of the opinions expressed in the comments, I promise you that we’re not hiding behind any of these other handles to insult the people expressing those opinions. If you’re a fan of our work, we ask you not to engage in that behavior. It isn’t cool. We appreciate that you like Bare Witness, we’re grateful to have you as fans, but please don’t pick these kind of fights with others. It’s fine if the game just didn’t click with some.

    If you’re one of those that didn’t enjoy Bare Witness, we hope you’ll give our next game, Heaven’s Door, a proper chance when it releases. It might surprise you.

    1. You can ask them not to engage; it’s their choice. I’ve tried to tell the trolls on my comments exactly where they can go – and mostly tapped out when they started stealing the name No (which is my personal in joke)

      I don’t start the fights in comments. I did respond to them, and am usually the one with the last word. Mostly because a lot of the trolls don’t bother typing more than maybe four sentences. Go figure. I’ve now decided I’m not going to engage any further comments on my posts, because there’s no point really. They’ll say what they want to say. That’s the end of it.

      as to this game, I do not agree with all of your choices but overall, the game was not terrible. It wasn’t as good as it could be; it’s NOT a true harem and it should be. It is harem lite, But it’s not terrible. At this point, I doubt any game could truly surprise me. But if you actually post it; it has the two tags I look for, and ACTUALLY upholds them by the endgame, I’d try it. Adrian really wasn’t your character, and while I appreciate you probably trying to support another’s work, I do not think that character needed to be included even in reference in this one. You can save the advertisements for the credits scene and those that support you genuinely, will probably receive it far better. Those that don’t, won’t have to be taken out of immersion if they have played that mentioned game and recognize the character who was only really mentioned once as far as I’ve played… and I would have played to the end if you hadn’t first tried to make the rich girl keep MC to herself, or made the mafia tied female offer to let MC breed her, but break the relationship and steal HIS kid afterward… it’s STILL his kid. That’s just stupid mate.

      You pull any of that in Heaven’s Door and I wouldn’t bother downloading any new games you make. For any reason. I’m willing to give you another shot, because with what the name implies it could be supernaturally focused, which is a major interest for me, and thus actually end up as a true harem. Who knows. So if I see it uploaded here, I’ll give it about three shots to get good, or to know I don’t like it. Other than that I’d make no promises, but I will say you’re not going to get any more supporters trying to tell gamers here that do comment what they can and can’t do. If they won’t listen to the people they are actively attacking when they’re told to stop, they’re not any more likely to listen to you just because you develop a game. It’d be a better comment section in spades if people would just focus on honest reviews, critiques, and commentary about the games. But that’s not how people have generally used this space as given. I do appreciate the effort you put in, but I was overall very disappointed with the lack of a true harem ending.

      1. Sorry, I should have added that I am a professional paid writer. I will help you write your AVN if you desire my services. I have much experience with harems in my real life, although my harem so far is just men. We get together in a circle for our discussion group to go over the details of these AVNs. We have learned to use our left hand for the guy on the left of us, so our right hand is free for typing and clicking our mouse. I do really believe that you need my services, as did this site. During my short absence, it went to shit and I do not believe that it will survive much longer without me. I can send you reference work of mine if you like. I look forward to hearing from you. 

        1. you’re definitely not the “No” guy who wrote the first comment above, but BRAVO for this creative yet brutal comment LMFAO
          “No” is actually a cool guy.

    2. dikgames is troll orgy, AlterWorlds, sorry you came here to try to make people better it wont happen its like trooth soshul or x tho i love that you care enough to try!!!!! <3<3<3

    3. In a harem there is no “doesn’t fit.” It’s just – do you want this man, and only this man, for however long the relationship lasts; and are you okay with sharing him with other women? In a harem, both answers will be yes. Any other way is usually the devs being obstinate dicks to the player. Hell Mob girl literally wanted MC to breed her; and let her walk away. Nice message. : / Fuck. That.

      Other than the dev doesn’t want to code in that she can bend and be part of the harem. Guess what; 3 girls is STILL a Harem. So is four – so it’s definitely a harem. It’s just not marked as one, and not as full as it should be. Because there’s never a good reason to deny the player a girl they’ve been building a relationship with. If you’re going to allow the player to pursue multiple girls – you let the player KEEP multiple girls. I know that’s such a hard concept to grasp, right? The rich girl doesn’t get to say you can keep me, but you have to ditch the others. Neither does mob girl. Both of them should be with MC, because it’s clear they WANT to be with MC, or they wouldn’t offer the bloody ultimatum [I also don’t like that the dev tied one of the girls as a cousin of a character who is trans – and DID NOT need to be; inclusion is fine but come on Devs, how many actual trans people do you realistically think play games. Or this niche genre in general? You are more likely to dent a far more consistent STRAIGHT and predominantly male audience, who may support you, if you keep pushing DEI bullshit into a story for no other reason than social politics – in another game. Adrian would have been perfectly fine as a character if SHE was just a female… tomboys do face social issues as well, so her body image/gender identity scarring would still fairly much apply, and you wouldn’t tank the audience/supporters] A lot of words… Dude, it’s maybe a third of a fucking page. Three to four paragraphs at best. Tell me how the hell you even got past Grade 12? You like the long form story telling as much as I do, and you can hook the audience to pay attention to more than the tits and ass. [Though I will say dude, you run the actual lewd scenes a little too long for the same bloody repeat dialogues. It usually takes another actual half minute to get MC to show the EXTRA scene at the corner that shows he came inside of her; after she begs for his seed… and that’s TOO DAMNED LONG]

      I will also say that if it’s done after just five chapters, either they rushed the ending (because there’s again, no reason they couldn’t add story and choices that DO make both girls who will refuse the harem BE IN the harem…) or the dev ran out of ideas for the story. Either way, no bueno. Frankly for all the work you do to convince the girls to be with you, and half the drama BS surrounding him dating multiple girls and whether they’re okay with it; it REALLY dents the desire to download any other ending at all, BECAUSE a full harem wasn’t included. How in the fuck do you idiots all get “this game must be what I want, and only what I want” from literally ANY of the comments I wrote. It’s each girl is unanimously FOCUSED on fucking the MC) BUT for some reason they can’t accept 2 more? It makes no damned sense, and smacks of the dev just didn’t want them to be in the harem. Which REALLY should not be a dev’s choice. Do you even fucking bother to READ them? The game IS a harem. It’s just not a full one. It’s already what I wanted; the dev just half assed it… and locked off girls for no good reason. Jesus Christ if you’re going to comment you can at least bother to read the fucking comment before you type anything about it. You’re the same as the asssholes who type TL;DR. And I’m starting to think it’s less didn’t read than bloody can’t.

      You also seem to have a thing for including unrealistically old women into your games as pursuable. Jesus Christ on Crutches do I wish you would lay the fuck off that habit. It’s NOT attractive, and wins you no favors. The inclusion in the story has never thus far been that helpful. They are listed as Side Characters. This falls under I don’t give a flying fuck about what your personal kinks are; and while I can respect that you have yours and I have much simpler ones, not EVERY kink needs to be undertaken. Hell, it didn’t have to be an UGLY troll that was like a foot and a half taller and three hundred pounds heavier. For example; say that rumors of their vile and hideous looks were greatly exaggerated over several generations, by massively jealous wives and make them more muscular, diffierently skinned ELVES that also don’t ever need healing spells and could probably rip someone’s arms off. Aesthetics DO MATTER. You don’t do yourself ANY favors trying to challenge them. It will just cost you potential subs.

      1. I remembered something from my past and although it really has nothing to do with anything, I have to share it.

        Many days ago, when I was still in high school, a bunch of us had a going-away party for some of our friends who were going off to war. Well, to say the least, it got pretty wild! Many of the girls were giving those guys private dances (ewe!, but clothed) even in front of their boyfriends. Regardless of what many in this forum might claim, they were not ‘Beta Cucks’ for they had enough confidence and self-esteem that they were honored with that privilege.

        There was drinking, rocking, laughing, and crying. Many tops were lifted and boobs were displayed. These three kings were guys we always looked up to and there were others in there that would soon follow their path. Then there was a compilation video some of the guys made. It was porn, but nothing near erotic. They had worked long and soft to find these shock clips for our entertainment. It included great-grandma and great-grandpa orgies, an extremely obese individual being ravished by a group of little people, various animals, and even things comparable to… two girls, one cup. The latter I cannot stomach to think about.

        Well, after everyone had been wincing, but still had to take a slight peek, we were told that we would like the next one. It was real twincest. For reasons that I would rather not go into, I was not jovial. I do not mind it as long as it is not an obsession. Of course that announcement got the attention of most, but when the video started playing, they were aghast. Yes, it was in fact a real video of two identical twins having sex with each other, but it was brothers instead of sisters. Although I love gay content, I keep my comments to myself in public.

        There were a few saying derogatory statements, but they were quickly silenced in a proper fashion. Not so much for myself, but for one of the soldiers leaving at sunrise. A year earlier, when I was a freshman, I was his date to his senior prom. I was not his boyfriend, nor was he mine. When we showed up for his mother to inspect, that was one of the saddest days of her life. Not just because of knowing her son was gay. It would be the only date he would ever have in his life.

        We were gay, but we kept it hidden. Everyone knew it, still he wanted to serve his country so he kept silent. And still to this day, with no regrets, I am honored and it was a decision I will always cherish. Anyway, watching that video sort of reconnected me to him. Each in our own way. That was the last time that I ever saw him.

        It was a closed-casket funeral when they brought his body back to the US. Still, his own mother, who deep down always knew, never came to terms with the “Man” that he was. Now I know that I might receive some comments from ones claiming to be ‘Alpha’ males stating that the world is better off with one less ‘Faggot,’ but those people are still alive and have the freedom to be able to express their ideology into fonts.

        Why I wrote this, I do know that I will hit ‘send?’ Well you already know that I am a genius. I do not know why I do the things that we do. I am in no way a politically incorrect person, but I just try to do my best to find happiness without stoking myself to others.

        I know that this statement probably doesn’t belong here. Still, most of the remarks on this site, except for mine are out of line, so I don’t care. Even though I dont care.

        Have a great life.

    4. Thanks for this vn, it was a very well made one, I enjoyed it a lot, I look forward to wrapping it up

  13. Personally i found the conversations kinda bland and uninspired the models are pretty hot but the animations where kind of a let down .
    I hope in his new VN the dev will put more into story development , banter and animation .

    1. Isn’t that the usual routine for a wank?
      Thoroughly aggressive tugging, ejaculation, post nut clarity crying.

  14. This is VN for girls. MC opinion is worthless, just accept what they tell you, without personality, without anything interesting to say. The only interesting thing is the past and witness protection (which everyone already knows) and on top of that with a gay name that we did not choose. You cant make something that everyone likes but this is too much.

  15. a VN where choices really matter. Many different paths and many endings. VNs should all be written this way. Congratulations to the author. For me it is 4,7/5.

  16. Normal “pick your girl in school setting” -game. Main story has pretty much zero effect on interractions with the girls. It just doesn’t fit at all in this kind of VN. “Boy moves to new city, but he has a secret that no one can know. Or else he must move to another city”. How does this setup help creating interractions that have adult content?

    Conversations are mostly about learning the history, hobbies and dreams of every character. So pure dating simulator. All the girls are interested about MC right away. There is not any seduction needed or situations to be resolved. Just eat morning cereal and say “yes”. MC rarely engages in flirting or uses sexual innuendo. Most of the writing is boring chit chat to “get to know the girls”. There is little build up to sex scenes or if there was, it didn’t build me up to them.

    Girls are ok looking. I personally did find the cousin really nice, with her “next door girl” -look and beautiful natural big tits. Both rare qualities. Most of the skin outside sex scenes will be seen when MC does take a piss. Why do so many VNs show that? Well, those few pictures of cousin’s cleavage were nice too. And if there was situation that would increase sexual tension, it was just written. Like “pressing her massive breasts to your chest”. I would have voted to use all the time on making picture of that and not the zoomed picture of cunnilingus of charred pussy lips. I don’t say sucking pussy isn’t erotic, but i don’t wanna see huge picture of (ugly) pussy.
    Sex scenes are your normal “touch the woman only with dick” -scenes. Kinda sad that MC cant get near the woman with his baby arm dick. Most sex scenes are streight copy/paste from boring porn movies, minus real woman.

    I had enough when MC was giving naked massage (best scene so far) and did try to create sexual tension by telling that: “Used to help my dad with his pain issues by giving him leg and lower back massages”. What a Casanova. 2/5

    1. Yes, thank you, Kuhuja, the storyline is a bit boring indeed, plus the green text on each choice that cannot be removed makes the player feel like they are being dictated and lost interest in reading at some point

    2. eat a bag of rotting horse dicks you whiney little cum guzzling fuck boy faggot why don’t YOU create something better since you seem to think you know better

      1. I’m helping authors as best as i can, by giving feedback. Maybe i could have been little more subtle, but we readers get passionate sometimes, when something we like disappoints us. If someone writes long ranting about the problems of the game, it usually means he liked it, but was disappointed. Those that don’t write anything are usually people who don’t give a shit about the game. You don’t see me writing opinions on worst games in this site.

        Think how nice it would for the author to see lots opinions about his game. Maybe all the others would be praising it. That would tell that there is no need to fix problems that i did give. Or maybe everyone does agree that some part of the game is bad. That would help author to see what could make the game even better. I just wanna do my part in giving feedback.

        By the way, faggot don’t work as a insult. As rarely anyone have mixed feeling if he is homosexual. You can even call your friend a faggot and it would be just normal funny word. Try something like “Tiny dick”. Most men are conscious about their dick size compared to porn actor dick size. You can hurt persons feelings even if his dick is normal size. That would also hint that you have big dick. Double win for you.

        1. you’re so called feed back is worthless on here idiot why do you people not understand this if you really want to help these devs like you claim use you’re brain for once and click on the links provided for there patreon or discord or whatever other link is available instead of being dumb ass and posting you’re whining on here, just like that limp dicked No guy he does the exact same thing you are by contributing nothing to these Devs by whining on here, and actually yes faggot does work as an insult dip shit or in you’re case since you are already a faggot so no it don’t work on you

          1. His feedback is not worthless at all. I had read that this was a good game and came to download it and after his reading feedback, I’ll probably hold off. If a game is 9gb it better be good and after reading his post, I’m not sure it’s worth it. I don’t like wasting my time.

          2. YEAH! Fuck all those stupid jackasses that come to the comment section and add… comments…

    1. The MOD is old for Chapter 4. NOT for this CHAPTER 5. Even if it worked sometimes it work until end of chapter 4 and then if you are lucky you can play the chapter 5 without MOD, but many times the game ends there where the mod ends end the chapter 5 isn’t playable.

      1. and this is why you’re wrong maybe use what intelligence you have and actually click on the links to check because otherwise you look stupid

        Chapter 5 release dates
        May 8

        View post
        Chapter 5 is nearly complete, and will be release to our patrons on the following dates:

        For Silver, Gold, Platinum, and EP patrons: Friday, May 24th.

        For Bronze patrons: Monday, May 27th.

        For current and former patrons who have supported at any time during development for a total of $10 or more, you’ll be getting a link sent directly to you on Wednesday, the 29th.

        Thank you all so much for your support and for your patience. We know it’s been a long wait. We hope you’ll find it was worth it.

        — Storm & Slockie

      1. no chapter 5 is the final chapter he even states as much on his patreon so once that’s out this AVN is done he’s already working on his new one look at his patreon

  17. there’s a 3 girl ending and a 4 girl ending available, if you follow the right path. several of the girls wouldn’t fit, at all, in a full harem ending.

    1. In a harem there is no “doesn’t fit.” It’s just – do you want this man, and only this man, for however long the relationship lasts; and are you okay with sharing him with other women? In a harem, both answers will be yes. Any other way is usually the devs being obstinate dicks to the player. Hell Mob girl literally wanted MC to breed her; and let her walk away. Nice message. : / Fuck. That.

      I remember downloading this once when it was about 3 or 3 and a half chapters done, and thinking there would be a harem ending because of the way things were going = pissed me right off that at least Mafia tied girl is a choice of her, or the others… for NO REASON. Other than the dev doesn’t want to code in that she can bend and be part of the harem. Guess what; 3 girls is STILL a Harem. So is four – so it’s definitely a harem. It’s just not marked as one, and not as full as it should be. Because there’s never a good reason to deny the player a girl they’ve been building a relationship with. If you’re going to allow the player to pursue multiple girls – you let the player KEEP multiple girls. I know that’s such a hard concept to grasp, right? The rich girl doesn’t get to say you can keep me, but you have to ditch the others. Neither does mob girl. Both of them should be with MC, because it’s clear they WANT to be with MC, or they wouldn’t offer the bloody ultimatum [I also don’t like that the dev tied one of the girls as a cousin of a character who is trans – and DID NOT need to be; inclusion is fine but come on Devs, how many actual trans people do you realistically think play games. Or this niche genre in general? You are more likely to dent a far more consistent STRAIGHT and predominantly male audience, who may support you, if you keep pushing DEI bullshit into a story for no other reason than social politics – in another game. Adrian would have been perfectly fine as a character if SHE was just a female… tomboys do face social issues as well, so her body image/gender identity scarring would still fairly much apply, and you wouldn’t tank the audience/supporters]

      I will also say that if it’s done after just five chapters, either they rushed the ending (because there’s again, no reason they couldn’t add story and choices that DO make both girls who will refuse the harem BE IN the harem…) or the dev ran out of ideas for the story. Either way, no bueno. Frankly for all the work you do to convince the girls to be with you, and half the drama BS surrounding him dating multiple girls and whether they’re okay with it; it REALLY dents the desire to download any other ending at all, BECAUSE a full harem wasn’t included. They can accept 3 to 4 girls being shared by one male (and way, way too much Fem on fem BS in those scenes – a harem is not EVERYBODY FUCKS EVERYBODY. It’s each girl is unanimously FOCUSED on fucking the MC) BUT for some reason they can’t accept 2 more? It makes no damned sense, and smacks of the dev just didn’t want them to be in the harem. Which REALLY should not be a dev’s choice.

      1. That’s a lot of words for “all games must be what I want and only what I want”

        Maybe find something else to play.

        1. How in the fuck do you idiots all get “this game must be what I want, and only what I want” from literally ANY of the comments I wrote.

          Do you even fucking bother to READ them? The game IS a harem. It’s just not a full one. It’s already what I wanted; the dev just half assed it… and locked off girls for no good reason. Jesus Christ if you’re going to comment you can at least bother to read the fucking comment before you type anything about it. You’re the same as the asssholes who type TL;DR. And I’m starting to think it’s less didn’t read than bloody can’t.

          A lot of words… Dude, it’s maybe a third of a fucking page. Three to four paragraphs at best. Tell me how the hell you even got past Grade 4?

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