
Zeno’s Anthology [v0.2.9.9] [Chemical Fire]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 90%
Visual - 92%
Engagement - 91%
Core Loop - 88%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.35 ( 184 votes)

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  1. Masterful sex scenes. Writing, picture quality, details, artistic style, interractions. Quality of the sex scenes are so high that it is unrealistic to ask this from every game. Only thing that was missing is good animations. Sex scenes alone make this game worth playing.

    From story perspective, things happen really slowly. So hard to say what the story is all about, if there really is any in the end. At this point, it’s more about setting up sex scenes. MC, or at least i was, is kinda confused what is happening with all these women around him. But the athmosphere in the game is so great, with great pictures of beatiful women in sexy outfits, that i’m just for the ride, wherever it takes. And if there is going to be even decent story, this was be great way to introduce characters. Not saying that every game should do it like this. I just hope it goes beyond being an interactive porn game, which is all it is right now. 5/5

  2. This reminds me of when my mom was raped leading to her pregnancy with me. I had to listen to her parade man after man in the next room until I was old enough to move out. When I turned 25 that same year, the government cut my funding so I had to get educated by porn games. The dudes I hang out with got me with a girl who was so very rude when I asked if my relationship points were high enough to try anal. But she had tattoos and a ripped hymen, so I knew she was a slut but she turned me down anyway. It was all the college gays’ fault. One punched me for calling him a suicidal faggot and I lost a tooth. A girl laughed at that. They’re all evil and destroying everything. That’s facts.

    1. if happy ever after did exist, i wouldn’t getting beaten up like this.
      all those fairy tales are full of shit, one more fucking love song i’ll be sick.

  3. Excuse my sarcasm but yea I Played this a few times to see the outcomes And Oh yea ! I thought it was great thinking that you’re about to get lucky just to get shot ,stabbed , accused of rape , run over by a car / bus exc , exc , while people stand at a distance watching you slowly die So Yea , this was fun

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