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University Days! [S1: Ep. 8 P1] [GREEBO]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Hotfix

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Added a second patch where you can choose the relations and names in the beginning of the game. (new save needed) 

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.


Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Mod


Features: WT, gallery unlock, add. settings (textbox opacity, textbox offset, textsize, text outlines, quick menu options), renaming/rel. setting

Patch Instructions

 Copy into your “game” folder.


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Editor's Rating

Story - 75%
Visual - 70%
Engagement - 70%
Core Loop - 40%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.83 ( 55 votes)

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  1. Most avarage VN at the moment. What could be more avarage than MC in school setting and having craving for women in his own house. And aunt and niece of course. This is pretty much kinetic novel, as there is no meaningful questions. MC will have sex with women without any questions from the player, so i don’t expect that those few questions matter either. Writing is ok, but as there isn’t any story and it is clear that every woman will have sex with MC sooner or later anyway, i didn’t see reason to read everything. But it is always fun to read how MC will get the girls to suck his dick. It is not bad story or writing, just… predictable. Only difference is that this time MC starts with ugly girlfriend. So he can start the cheating right away.

    As with everything else, women are overall pretty avarage. Some are ugly, some cute, some have flat ugly nipples and some even had sexy curves hidden behind sexy outfit. Just as every avarage VN has. Good enough, if there is nothing better to choose for. 3/5

    1. And MC need watch daddddddyyyyy life “because”…
      Boring story. Cliche gay grooming DEV interesed in “son daddy” incest.

      Teenager Dev in love with dad, trying making a “male straight MC game”. And is not working.

      Need choices of avoid ugly girls if player want.
      And need choices of kill the daddy too. To save time of player not interesed in fuck daddy ass.

  2. University is for faggot, i never attend any formal school and I’m as smart as trump. Even a drop out can be a millionaire that’s a sign we don’t need formal education at all.
    University is just for brainwashing people accepting globohomo this i part of their agenda.

    1. Fags stealing name, this is not true for me I’m dropout but the rest of your statement 80% right. Stop stealing name faggot

      1. Both of you fags really likes to suck each others dicks. Penis breath mike and murikan can’t stop impersonating me. Kys faggots and i am phd and also own a company. Nice try shaming others fags.

  3. I installed this game on Android and it has a lot of ads. Idk if this is intentional cuz it never happened with any other game.

  4. Okay, tags don’t mention femdom, which is just one of my least favourite fetishes, but I seem to be getting a lot of that for it not to be there. Really strange. Sure, hot girls and stuff, but, not enough for me to drag myself through this. Let me know if you can just shut people down later on in the game, because for now, nah, I give up.

    1. I think whoever put on the tag misunderstood the term “male domination” as the male being dominated because this BETA PROTAG is the one being dominated and my earlier comment about the quality of writing stands (its juvenile).

      1. “DEV Logic”
        You need be a STRONG dominant MAN to accept be dominated by a ugly girl.

        “Trust me. You are not a fag if a girl is pegging you”

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