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Toro 7 [Ep.7][Final] [Tora Productions]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 97%
Visual - 91%
Engagement - 95%
Core Loop - 97%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.36 ( 82 votes)

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  1. If you are here for a reply on Toro 7, just know that Dik Games and most AVN Websites have the most unhealthy, mentally fucked, idiotic immature racists pieces of trash in human bodies on this site. A lot of reviews aren’t helpful and will just make you disgusted or angry. But back to the game.

    Toro 7 was a short game honestly. It was a good game though, you can pick a gender and you can pick to either be a Man, A straight women or a Lesbian Woman, there aren’t any gay men onboard besides Doc Salas maybe but he is also old. The designs for the man and woman are okay, dick size for the man looks a bit unrealistic but its an AVN so who cares, the woman looks way better than the man does sexual attraction aside.

    2 Women on the ship are gay, 2 don’t care for Gender, and the 2 are straight. The men are all straight, If you’re interested in Mali or Aisha just know that they are the gay ones.

    Gameplay wise the story was good but it ended kinda oddly, you go through three or four days before the game ends and their isn’t much to do, if you want to go after someone romantically there’s a chance you will have to spend a lot of time just going to talk to them every day instead of trying to talk to everyone, along with that their isn’t much time to define your relationship so everything goes hella fast, the first time you have sex with someone you’re automatically in a relationship with them afterwards so you can’t approach multiple people.

    I’m not a fan of how you have to be a certain gender to date certain people but that’s realistic so it’s fine but it was cool playing the girl, felt like there was more interaction for doing so which is kinda upsetting since it isn’t really fair, but it’s fine. I feel like the way they ended the game that there is a chance that there might be a second game but that is unlikely, so it’s upsetting that it ended in such a way when we couldn’t even explore our possible abilities, or even get confirmation that something happened to our DNA.

    Overall this game is a decent one and it’ll be good for beginners of AVN’s like myself, and on a scale of 1-10, I’d give it a 7.8.

  2. Typical grooming. Fags can play fag games. So why is a game with females that a guy would like have trans faggots in it. Simple, it’s grooming you to accept then participate in faggot crap.

    As to those asking how this got 95% rating. This site bumps anything 20% or more if it promotes globohomo.

  3. with a 95% I was expecting a great game, a masterpiece. It is not. It is just a medium-short VN without any different path. The choices you have can only lead to different f*ck scenes but they do not affect the story.
    Characters are quite well defined, graphics is good, story is nice but not emotional.
    For me Toro 7 is a discrete game, no more. My vote is 3 on 5.

    1. Then suggest me best game that you playyed and you liked please and i will tell the bes game i play
      1- my cute roommate 4/5
      2-being a dik 4/5
      3 – A mother’s love 5/5

      1. 1.ARTEMIS
        2. Leap of faith
        4. A.o.A Academy
        6. Summer’s gone
        7. With Eyes Closed
        8. Move the chains
        9. We Were Just Kids

  4. Mate, I played your game little bit for testing, Characters, Story, Graphics are wonderful, I’m advising other players.However I don’t like Sci-Fi concept, İf you make a realistic world game , İt will be wonderful. Thanks for your exertion

  5. Suggestion to the author to categorise games accordingly to supply content for all. Don’t want dick-on-dick action, then filter out that shit – pardon the pun.

    1. There is no dick-on-dick. There’s not even dick-on-vagina. There is a full post-op trans woman that if they didn’t say anything about you’d never know.

      1. If you’d never know unless they tell you, then why include that content at all unless you’re trying to normalize it? Straight men do not want to do anything sexual with another man, regardless of what that other man identifies as or looks like. That is not a woman trapped in a man’s body (full post-op really just means it’s a man that has been altered via surgery and drugs to look convincingly like a woman), it is a man suffering from a mental disorder called gender dysphoria. It is a trap, meant to confuse men into thinking they’re bi or gay when they are straight. It exists only to try and destroy the very definition of male and female.
        If some people want content like this, then fine, but don’t be surprised when there’s pushback from people who don’t.

        1. Because this story cares about the characters and their story.

          Gender dysphoria does need addressed, but I doubt you’re qualified to say that gender binary is the solution. I’m not qualified to say it isn’t. The game is up front about its content, which is what I was addressing, and not mental health issues.

          But thanks for pushing your obvious QAnon agenda on an issue you’re ill-equipped to be an expert on. I’m not either, but I’m not claiming that anyone is “tricking” anyone else. Your appeal to emotion fallacy warms my heart.

          Nice to see you back, nohomo. I actually missed you.

          1. The irony of you brining up a fallacy right after trying to ridicule him with your QAnon garbage, lol. Everything he said was factually correct and you got butt hurt, let’s call it what it is. Also no, gender dysphoria does not need to be addressed considering it concerns less than 1% of the population. We don’t need to hear about that shit all day, every day. Especially not when we are looking for escapism which is what most people are doing while playing GAMES.

            Glad I read the comments though, saved myself a lot of time because like 99% of the population I have no interest in fantasizing about sleeping with the same sex..

  6. Another game meant to groom men into being faggots. Females that look good to appeal to the normal desires of men. Then switches to degenerate fag stuff intending to groom you to be a faggot. Fags are ALWAYS grooming. Look how hard they cry when someone tries to stop them from grooming in the schools.

    1. you sound like a brain dead snowflake who is afraid of his own shadow how many crayons did you eat this month? also care too explain how downloading an AVN with futa trans content is gonna some how make a straight male suddenly wanna guzzle down another guys dick or perhaps wanna have him stick a dick up his ass retards like you seem to think that some how saying that is gonna some how make it true. anyways maybe you should go see a shrink and tell them where your daddy touched you

  7. This story is awesome. I love the atrwork. There seems to be something for everyone, with practically nothing jammed down your throat. Unless you’re into that sort of thing. 😛

    Good size updates, and it’s updated regularly. It’s not a vn that you can skip through, just to get to the naughty parts. You will really enjoy this game if you read everything. If you want a quick fap, then this game isn’t for you.

  8. Go fuck your stupid I’ll self idiot, and go fuck your fucking brainless head for being a total dickhead spreading your stupid PrIdE moronic bullshit, if You’re a fucking gay go and be happy with your stupidity, but don’t come to spread and try to make your shit edible fucking son of a bitch, always these motherfuckes talking shit about their stupid gay faggot scum.
    All of you are simply simply disgusts me, and not exactly because of your stupidity about being gay, but because of you’re so mentally ill that you don’t realize it, and because of how you let this fucking useless government twist your mind to the point that you’re so fucked up and you just go celebrating that, obviously you’re going to think that I’m wrong but as time goes you’re going to realize that you’re just another lab-rat of the government to use whenever they want for whatever their goals are, so keep being a fucking NPC just surviving with the only purpose of being used without realizing it.

    1. Well then someone pissed into this guy’s vape pen. It wasn’t me I promise. But now I know that members of the Westboro Catholic Church play porn games.

      Happy Pride Month!

    2. Baptist, not Catholic. My apologies to any loving Catholics here.

      Baa! Happy Pride Month!

      1. Imagine being “proud” for playing with another guys shitty asshole. You fags are disgusting.

  9. The Director’s computer screen is a screenshot of Nano the *NIX text editor. 10/10 no notes.

  10. I was enjoying it until the sandbox stuff started then I just instantly lost interest and I had to stop playing. Sandbox mechanics honestly ruin visual novels it breaks all immersion and the flow of the story.

    1. no sane person cares for that visual novel shit.
      this site has also comics section, try your luck there.

  11. The writing is amazing, and the renders are top notch. I’m not a fan of sandbox games, but this one is really enjoyable.

    1. It’s sad that only gay people get to enjoy futa. Het women should be able to get a good dicking no matter where it’s from, and a proper futa has a puss-puss for the het guys. That sounds like it would be a win-win for all the hetrosexuals.


      1. Go fuck your stupid I’ll self idiot, and go fuck your fucking brainless head for being a total dickhead spreading your stupid PrIdE moronic bullshit, if You’re a fucking gay go and be happy with your stupidity, but don’t come to spread and try to make your shit edible fucking son of a bitch, always these motherfuckes talking shit about their stupid gay faggot scum.
        All of you are simply simply disgusts me, and not exactly because of your stupidity about being gay, but because of you’re so mentally ill that you don’t realize it, and because of how you let this fucking useless government twist your mind to the point that you’re so fucked up and you just go celebrating that, obviously you’re going to think that I’m wrong but as time goes you’re going to realize that you’re just another lab-rat of the government to use whenever they want for whatever their goals are, so keep being a fucking NPC just surviving with the only purpose of being used without realizing it.

        1. I thank you for the opportunity to roast you twice, but I figure that you already took two chances to make yourself look like an idiot so I’m going to pass for now. Your ability to stick your dick in your own mouth is the envy of gay men everywhere, I’m sure.

      2. I’m a straight guy, but a woman fucking another woman is still hot, dick or not, doesn’t matter. I agree, its a win win.

        1. That’s patently not a woman if they’re equipped with a dick, not a real woman ya deluded brain-dead dork. Biological women obviously don’t have dicks so that would make it a tranny man. Yall are so fucked in the heads, ya seem like a closet fag and ya don’t even know. Don’t even realize that you’re bein gay groomed. You people are so sick & mentally ill. And no, it’s not “homophobic” or transphobic to not advocate for or put up with this disgusting bs. I’m not afraid of gays ya knucklehead mouth breathers. That’s what a phobia truly is ya low IQ indoctrinated retards. Most folk, which are the vast overwhelming substantial majority of the entire population, are normal straight people and all this gay pride shit and alphabet community propaganda brainwashing bs makes us feel uncomfortable and it pisses us off cus you fuckers force it upon everybody else and try to essentially shove it down our fuckin throats. People are tired of it. Unfortunately we’re a silent majority and the lame msm paints a patently false picture that gives ya an erroneous perception that we’re a minority or there are significantly more pro pride/lgbt individuals than you initially thought, but in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. Most folk don’t like or appreciate that. I miss the good ol days when the gays could be gay but they weren’t all in your fuckin face about it. Grow up and keep that shit to yourself. Fuck pride month, to hell with it, all yall that celebrate & participate in that nonsense are an absolute abomination and disgrace. To hell with the alphabet community too. Even a lot of gay guys & lesbians want nothin to do with that toxic mob shit show. Come out of the closet already ya confused delusional weirdos, futa/trans porn is gay af lbr. Time for you leftoids to wake up, you’re being controlled and can’t even see it ya bunch of sheep sleepwalkers, you’re eyes are wide shut


            Is what you’re saying. If saying that’s wrong is leftisim, then jam me so far left on your AM radio dial that you can hear a television station.

            I was just thinking today how I haven’t heard the term “sheeple” in forever because it had lost its power and anyone using it is out of touch. Thank you for validating this.

            Baa! Happy Pride Month!
            (Is me trolling your inability to control yourself and your thinking that you are not mentally ill. You are. I feel sorry for you.)

            1. You tell others to control their thinking, yet you jump to one of the biggest fallacies you can, by saying that calling out groomers is the same as refusing civil rights across the board, not giving black people jobs, etc. That fallacy is called throwing the baby out with the bath water. How can someone control their thinking while people like you try to gaslight them? Still waiting for you to refute absolutely anything by the way. But you can’t because you know a small, insignificant group is being amplified and people are being duped into believing that it’s a bigger group than it is and they’re being treated way more badly than they are. They aren’t being treated worse than the straight white conservative male and anyone who isn’t selling something will admit it. So what are you selling?

        2. Nah, you ain’t straight, clearly you’re confused & deluded ya lefty closet fairy cuck. Beta male alert ! Go be an inferior pathetic dork somewhere else lmao

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