Home » The Roommate [v0.12.05] [togs]

The Roommate [v0.12.05] [togs]

User Rating: 6.9

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Download for Windows/ Linux - Christmas Special 2022

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Download for Mac - Christmas Special 2022

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough Mod


The walkthrough highlights dialogue or shows points in the choices.
Increase or decrease Text Size and Text Box Opacity.


PC/MAC: Replace/Merge with the “game” folder.

Story - 6.9
Visual - 7.4
Engagement - 7
Core Loop - 6.3

Have your say!

64 12


  1. wtf happened to the website

    • wtf happened to the website

    • :))) new update

    • Please update download link

  2. Where is android

  3. Did they take down the site again.

  4. Have to say Dikgames – if you wanted to make my eyes bleed; well done. For the entirity of yesterday apparently I wasn’t the only one to have trouble accessing the site or games to download based on the comments section. Now you’re just assaulting people with this new layout – and fuck knows if any of the games I had bookmarked are gonna actually let me access their links, because you fucked around with everything on site. To make it smaller to read, garish as fuck and loud in colors. The other two I could deal with, I don’t like them, but I could deal with. Smaller to read is just assholish. Bravo. If it was a point to justify the fact you guys have a job – I thought that was the point of keeping the site running. Screwing things around may disconcert several of your loyal commenters/game playing audience. It may very well make it harder to access links for the games we like in the short term. Not sure this “update” really is one, but it’s your site.

    As to this game I tapped out for several reasons. Way too many to list, but foremost is that even though it’s set up to be a HAREM = it’s not actually a harem. There are characters the MC has no access to, who have actually fucked him MANY updates ago. His main girl has “bisexual” leanings she doesn’t need. One girl that should’ve been pursuable has buggered off to get her clam slurpped by an overly forward female who despite being unnecessarily hostile at first also either let MC fuck her, or wants to let him fuck her – but she’s in England. There’s a LOT more wrong in game as far as the plot really. But the dev doesn’t want to listen to legitimate constructive criticism. There’s the fact that despite the current meta in game story that the MC NEEDS to get his females pregnant; the main five (who are basically all the same damned girl anyway) have been taking up focus. I believe the last update or two has either added or teased Beastialty – and that very definitely at least skirts breaking terms of service on sites like Paetron. I’m aware that games of that vein exist, as much as I’m aware they never NEED to. The main girl’s one sister is written like an unnecessary bitch, whom the MC has given way, way too much power in HIS company… I could go on. I’m not going to, but I could.


  6. F*cking hell. Why in the absolute f*ck did you people change what is a perfectly good website design and arguable one of the best collections of adult games, erotic comics, etc. into this absolute clusterf*ck of a design? Virtually all prior games have vanished overnight! How badly do you have to fck up to lose an entire database with the click of a fcking button? Fck. Don’t even get me started on the new design like who tf designed this sht. I doubt even ai could fk it up this bad. Please, for the love of all humanity, revert the change ASAP. Hell, if you can’t delete the site altogether and rebuild from scratch cause this sht is an abomination to the eyes and an absolute shtshow to experience.

  7. Please add the android version.

  8. what happened to the site? the games I had bookmarked are all as page not found, and the layout of the site itself… 😱 OH MY GOD

  9. This is a shit who the fuck make this game. This is hardly a adult game this is a total shit. There are rarely adult scenes more likely a you reading a blank book. And in the game this fucking dev only pushing her feminist agenda.
    And there is a character called lois I don’t know why so much company authority are given to her she is making decision without asking main character not only she mostly all other characters are trying to control main character and our Protagonist are just saying yes to everyone without some nerve to make decision. And not only this all choices you are given in game are not actual impact on game. Like wtf our MC Protagonist is the fucking CEO of the company but he can’t appoint anyone or fire as he please leaving all the decision to the fucking others. The dev already make the game like he wanted not leaving on the player to make decision wtf is this. And our MC Protagonist are like is obediently agreeing to everyone wtf. Also This is a there scene where you must get annoyed like you are just drinking coffee like in morning, afternoon, Night who the fuck drink coffee all day. People here are want to play adult game. But the dev make the game to push her feminist agenda like in the game there is scenes literally you get to see people say that womens are better. The Player came here to play a adult game not reading a blank book. Dev if you reading this plz change the game want to play a adult game but you are justing pushing your fucking agenda. In next update change the MC Protagonist’s personality like he has a nerve to do what he likes. Also change that you can appoint anyone in high position not like you already decided that the only fuck lois character are going to get high position.

    • It’s written in a way that he doesn’t expect you to reject any girl. I rejected that dumb bimbo Kari and the annoying pregnancy kink, after that he keeps on pushing her to you, why interact with her when you reject her from the start, same with Kiki, i said no and this fucking dev doesn’t take no for an answer.

  10. Damn, the developer spoils the sex scenes, why can’t you do it like it was on the plane with the main character’s assistant, almost every detail was thought out there, and now there are 2 frames and the whole fuck!

  11. Forced AIDETIC KIKI.

  12. Forces you to be with disgusting used up whores, no thanks. imagine if you gave people choices in an avn… ya know the one thing that makes them GAMES and not BOOKS, but fuck me for common sense.

    • Going for the world record of most retarded take on the site? Because you’re in the running with that one. What a moronic shit-stain you have to be to think that games never force you into situations where you don’t have a choice, but it’s gargling piss to say that it’s common sense. You’re a common retard.

      • Tell me you haven’t fucking played the game without telling me. You are given a choice that is then RETCON’d you imbecile. That’s not just forcing something… That’s actively saying fuck your choice. And FUCK YOU FAGGOT.


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