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The Keymaster [v1.1] [Ptypoe]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Slave Lord's tale revolves around power, desire, and yes, even a touch of netorare. Now, for those uninitiated, netorare is when someone's love interest gets involved with someone else right under their nose. A tricky subject, I must say. The story, although not too shabby, does have its share of controversies. Some players feel like they're stepping into the MC's shoes, making the scenes feel a bit more unsettling. But, let's give credit where it's due; the writing holds up reasonably well, managing to keep players interested. However, the game loses points here due to the somewhat uncomfortable theme and the absence of animations. - 68%
Visual - Ah, the visuals, where the game stumbles a bit. Render quality seems to be stuck in a time capsule, reminiscent of VN's from ages past. In this day and age, we expect a bit more eye-candy, and Slave Lord falls short. The lack of animations doesn't help either; it feels like the characters are frozen in time during steamy encounters. Some character models, especially the female ones, seem to have undergone a bit too much cosmetic surgery around their mouths. The MC model, well, let's just say it might be fitting for his character, but it lacks depth. - 71%
Engagement - Ah, now we get to the juicy part! Engagement is the heart and soul of any VN, and Slave Lord manages to get this right. Players find themselves hooked, eager to uncover what happens next. The allure of the story and the characters you genuinely care about keeps you going, even with its flaws. So despite the game's dated visuals, players are willing to overlook them, just to witness the unfolding drama. - 63%
Core Loop - The core loop of Slave Lord centers around power dynamics and how the MC navigates through various encounters. While it provides some degree of excitement and intrigue, it can also feel a tad repetitive. The lack of variety and choice in certain scenes leaves players wanting more. However, the game's core loop successfully keeps players coming back for more, even if there are areas that could use some fine-tuning. - 65%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.31 ( 34 votes)

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  1. NTR is avoidable ? If yes, then i like to see another tag…. Pregnancys. If NTR isnt avoidable then i’ll look for other game. So? Is avoidable ?

    1. Nope.

      Slut: “I am going fuck a random male”

      Your “choice”: WATCH or don’t.

      And you have no choice of CUT ALL TALKING with the sluts. Sluts are forced. You need waste time with pathetic story of all sluts.

      “BECAUSE SLUT LIFE is important for STORY REASONS”

      The old “GAY GROOMING CLICHE”. Feminisn, gay futa black autism vitiligo and more “forced inclusion”.

  2. Another game where you have sex with no choices, and I don’t mean rape, you just don’t get to control your character. I fucking hate that.

  3. Ugh, I see “Keymaster” and I’m instantly thinking “Gatekeeper” and a hot middle aging Sigourney Weaver in heat and wanting to be plowed and hoping that Rick Moranis is PACKING WOOD, … AND THIS ISN’T IT. No ghost busters here, sadly that is probably the only thing that could save this turkey. It is not high art, the dev’s concept of sex makes it devoid of feeling – transactional and mechanical. The writing is plain (but clean and relatively free of error), the renders are static and lack animation making that transactional and mechanical problem even more problematic. Story wise, its like an adolescent reading and writing project. Things just happen easily, relatively little conflict, decisions appear to only affect flavor text and by flavor I kind of mean the taste of white glue…

    1. Thanks, this is very instructive and confirms a little my fears on the simple-minded side of the developer (although his grammar seems to be good according to murikan dreams).

  4. “It starts innocently enough; a busy weekend for you and your two sisters.”

    A porn game correctly used “your”. 10/10 no notes.

  5. Very funny orgasms shaking the screen and that’s it! Is the developer mocking you like that? Everything in the project is terrible from the plot to the H-scenes!

  6. Story – Slave Lord’s tale revolves around power, desire, and yes, even a touch of netorare. Now, for those uninitiated, netorare is when someone’s love interest gets involved with someone else right under their nose. A tricky subject, I must say. The story, although not too shabby, does have its share of controversies. Some players feel like they’re stepping into the MC’s shoes, making the scenes feel a bit more unsettling. But, let’s give credit where it’s due; the writing holds up reasonably well, managing to keep players interested. However, the game loses points here due to the somewhat uncomfortable theme and the absence of animations. – 68%

    Visual – Ah, the visuals, where the game stumbles a bit. Render quality seems to be stuck in a time capsule, reminiscent of VN’s from ages past. In this day and age, we expect a bit more eye-candy, and Slave Lord falls short. The lack of animations doesn’t help either; it feels like the characters are frozen in time during steamy encounters. Some character models, especially the female ones, seem to have undergone a bit too much cosmetic surgery around their mouths. The MC model, well, let’s just say it might be fitting for his character, but it lacks depth. – 71%

    Engagement – Ah, now we get to the juicy part! Engagement is the heart and soul of any VN, and Slave Lord manages to get this right. Players find themselves hooked, eager to uncover what happens next. The allure of the story and the characters you genuinely care about keeps you going, even with its flaws. So despite the game’s dated visuals, players are willing to overlook them, just to witness the unfolding drama. – 63%

    Core Loop – The core loop of Slave Lord centers around power dynamics and how the MC navigates through various encounters. While it provides some degree of excitement and intrigue, it can also feel a tad repetitive. The lack of variety and choice in certain scenes leaves players wanting more. However, the game’s core loop successfully keeps players coming back for more, even if there are areas that could use some fine-tuning. – 65%

    *** Just want to point out what should be painfully obvious… The title of the game is The Keymaster. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it being called anything else on other sites I have frequented. So that whole new X descriptive thing about your reasoning for what grading it gets, apparently sometimes still needs work. Besides the fact I don’t know who really asked for a more defined reasoning in the grade system in the first place. I was fine enough just seeing the numbers, and judging the games I download for myself. Really what was the point? Given so many of my own comments get variants of TL;DR. You think anyone here is really going to read most of that. I mean I do, for the games that actually have it. Else I wouldn’t be pointing out that the title is flawed. However most just won’t bother. You’re effectively wasting time/energy changing an established layout when you kind of really never needed to. Which is your call.

    1. yea, i though the same at first. but they actually give you some extra info about story and gameplay – often more reliable that players comments for deciding if i want to try it or not.

    2. Those descriptions and percentages are still WAY HIGH for this tripe. I’m personally somewhere below the 40% mark on all categories for this one. (And I really identify with the guy who said he was “waiting to kill Lucy” … )

    3. I asked for more descriptive reviews, so there you go, somebody asked for it. I find it very helpful in deciding to try a game. Stop being so whiny. If you do not want to read the descriptive review, then don’t: Nobody cares.

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