
Tessa [Final] [LunarBitStudio]

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  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Editor's Rating

Story - 82%
Visual - 68%
Engagement - 66%
Core Loop - 74%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.74 ( 28 votes)

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  1. This game is something different.
    Not your ordinary college single male living with his landlady and housemates.

    As a father of a daughter, you may find this game quite enjoyable. Tessa is charming, well-developed, and the dialogues are engaging. It’s important to remember that Tessa is a fictional character, not your actual daughter, so be mindful of any father-daughter dynamics you may project onto her.

    The textures and ragdolls are average; however, the game showcases impressive visual effects. It is certainly a game worth indulging in if you desire to nurture the adorable Tessa. Make a purchase.

    1. I just happened to come upon this AVN today. I did not know about it and that is not surprising since it was released back in 2021. What is odd is that you decided to make the first comment about it today after all of these years. Probably because this site decided to post a thumbnail at the bottom of the page.

      This type of content was never really my thing, even though I never had anything against it. Still, I think that I will give it a try. Also, this is my first post on this site ever. After I play it, I might give my review as well.

    2. To make a long story short, recently someone my wife and I knew passed away. (No, this is not a sob story.) Without going into much detail, while we were going through his belongings, a huge package arrived at his house. My wife signed for it and we were both curious what was inside, for there were no markings. So we opened it and were shocked when we saw it was a sex doll. A high-end and very realistic one at that. What was even more shocking was the appearance of the doll. Let’s just say that it was a “petite” version. A little more buxom, but about the same size as the title character of this AVN.

      What were we to do? It wasn’t like we could return it. We couldn’t just throw it away because it was so life-like. So my wife just said, “Let’s keep it!” And so we did. It was in a case, bubble-wrapped and fully clothed when we unpacked it, but my wife was more uninhibited to explore than I was. I was at first sort of creeped out because it was so lifelike, but after a while, she started joking around with it. For instance, one night when I came home late, she had dressed it in lingerie and had it in our bed. She kept joking with me about having sex with it, but it just creeps me out. I guess the uncanny valley thing is real.

      I finally got tired of the joking and told her to have her way with it and she just said, “Okay.” And she did! While I watched. I must admit that the creepiness went away, for what I witnessed was absolutely hot! 

      Then I saw this AVN about a sex robot and your post. So who else could I reveal this to? This is where I am at now. I haven’t had a chance to play this AVN, but I will. I might still give a review of it as well.

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