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Summer Crush [Ep.7 v0.7.9] [Wet n’ Juicy Games]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The story of Summer Crush falls flat, lacking depth and meaningful choices. The lack of urgency leaves you feeling like a passive observer rather than an active participant. The forced romantic encounters and baffling plot twists undermine any potential for immersion, making the story feel disjointed and messy. The protagonist's questionable decisions and shallow characterization only add to the frustration. - 37%
Visual - While the visual aspect of Summer Crush is average, it manages to offer some positives. The sex scenes are well-animated and offer variety in terms of positions and choices. The female characters have unique faces, distinguishing them from the typical game character designs. However, the lack of body diversity, with all the women having the same young appearance and body type, adds a monotonous quality to the visuals. - 66%
Engagement - Regrettably, Summer Crush fails to captivate and engage players due to its tedious and repetitive nature. The choices presented in the game feel superficial and do little to enhance the overall experience. The lackluster story and forced encounters hinder any desire to explore the game further. While the well-animated sex scenes may offer some brief moments of intrigue, they are not enough to salvage the overall lack of engagement in this title. - 41%
Core Loop - The core loop in Summer Crush is disappointingly shallow, offering little depth or replay value. The limited choices during the story appear to serve no purpose other than to force players to replay the game. The lack of variety in scenarios and character interactions further diminishes the overall experience, leaving players with a repetitive and unfulfilling loop. - 30%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.11 ( 38 votes)

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  1. So the main charater doesn’t want to go to the party, but will get a BJ, and then join a drinking game, and then smokes to not look like a wimp, and he keeps saying “I want to go home” before every event.

    The 1st 10 minutes of this was just so stupid.
    It was two different people in the same body, A small part of me wants to see if there is a twist latter.
    The MC has dissociative identity disorder, but I deleted it rather than waste time on it.


    It is a little too low, but not by much. It rates around 56ish, 63ish in the better scenes. Mostly random, usual rendering gaffs, and a story written for a younger audience that I’m interested in. It seems like they didn’t want to be as long as other games of its ilk take to get to the same set-pieces, which also seem fairly usual.

    I can see the effort given and hope for the best for the developer if they want to continue this journey.

    The “no replay value” in the editor’s review is still baffling. It can be ignored.

    1. LAME!!!!!!!!

      Are the mouth-breathers gone yet? Good.

      After playing even more I will increase my score to 67. The author did the speed-run of a typical harem game (it is and it isn’t) to get to a different point. It’s not completely unsurprising but that the author followed through increases my respect for them. No game can be for everyone, but the thought behind the story isn’t as tepid as it first seemed to me.

      I will comment on the Editor’s Score more thoroughly:

      “The limited choices during the story appear to serve no purpose other than to force players to replay the game.”

      In some other Harem games, I’ve occasionally see people complain about the lack of consequences. The decisions made in this game are to give some weight and personality, to in fact make the game more personal for the player as opposed to many other games of its ilk.

      The Editor misses the point and should just use the gallery mod if they’re that excited for 100%ing a porn game.

      “The forced romantic encounters and baffling plot twists undermine any potential for immersion, making the story feel disjointed and messy.”

      I will stand behind this as truth, but the author shows their awareness of this later on, meaning this was intentional. The MC is not meant to be a hero but the player isn’t told this right away which can lead to great frustration.

      Bold moves from the author, even if they don’t endear the player and can make them feel lied to by the game. It was worth it for me.

  3. “The core loop in Summer Crush is disappointingly shallow, offering little depth or replay value.”

    Is this a game intended to have replay value? Rating is sus.

  4. So far I’m okay with this one, I have a bigger problem with the editor’s rating which I have seen literally rave about trash and in this case slam something that is at least average or better. I give the Editor’s rating 1 of 5 stars, while this project is earning around 3/5.

  5. 9.5 GB! Dev needs to learn how to optimize and compress, most of the DL Hosting sites are limiting bandwidth such that files this size become ‘problematic’ … and typical max is becoming around 5GB.

    1. And you need to learn how to give a better head jobs ? Optimize and compress cock between those lips of your and STFU

  6. Why the hell is there no option to change language in the settings? It’s so easy to missclick the stupid flags at the initial startup and now you’re stuck with good knows what the fuck they’re saying in whatever language it accidentally got put on. Can’t believe something so basic to fix isn’t in the games setting.

  7. Gotta beat nohomo here before he starts talking shit about a game he’s never played calling this another faggot game And it won’t matter if he’s played it or not

    1. Respect.

      He only attacks gay/futa, not lesbian games, because his particular brand of QAnon Incel is only threatened by male sexuality, probably because of some derangement that has him so invested in the MC as himself that his sociopathy disallows him to ignore these kinds of games like an adult.

      His untreated clinical paranoia feeds on the aforementioned QAnon proclivities to honestly believe people need “groomed” to be gay. The boy needs help but will not accept his own failure long enough to seek it. QAnon has groomed him. Ironic.

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