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A Perfect Marriage [v0.7.1] [Mr Palmer]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 79%
Visual - 77%
Engagement - 77%
Core Loop - 71%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.24 ( 163 votes)

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  1. everyone wants the woman’s skin, it’s a general conspiracy

    on one side the handsome guys
    and on the other the disgusting guys,
    but you can’t fuck disgusting guys,

    handsome guys don’t let go of you even though you tell them “no” all the time

    :))), so how do we get the blonde to get fucked by all the disgusting guys she deserves you understand it’s more fun

    and the husband is screwing her, he is there like an idiot and doesn’t see that his close friend is harassing his wife and takes him for a moron,

    so it goes in circles, too bad it could be a better game

  2. This continue to be one of the potential jewel among adult games industry. I hope the part 3 don’t forget the plot and invest more in animations and sound/voice effects. The first action of physical adultery of Anna was good, but could be better with some sound effects and dynamic animations (let’s get inspired by Kate Season 2 game, DEV!). (SPOILER ALERT) – The fact that she remenbered her husband and happy family story during the affair with his best friend was just amazing, she had guilt and desire all mixed. I hope she become even more complex with this mix feelings (shame, guilt, lust, hate and desire) and that, along the way for depravaty and corruption, she uses her smart brain to calculate what is best for her daughter while she plays with her and other lust. So, i hope for some power play and female domination in this game.

  3. A ‘perfect marriage’ that’s full of cuck faggot shit. How sorry and pathetic do you have to be to actually get off on this mental illness?

    I guess this is what you’re supposed to call being more progressive and spicing things up, but this cuck garbage just insults everyone’s intelligence but here at Dikgames down below you have a page full of whiteguilt nigger shit cuck faggots who obviously have no intelligence to speak of much less insult.

    Game for beta NTR loving bathroom human trash.

    1. Most of the sexual content in these cuck nigger faggot games comes from watching other men do what you never will.

      Getting a handjob is mighty generous in a dogshit game where you spend most of your time watching other men like a cuck faggot idiot.

      1. Haha I’m pretty sure you did not even touch a women in your whole bloody life. Yet giving lectures on this site.

        1. Fun fact rancor admitted that he is sniffing his mom undies. That was long time ago though i don’t remember where he post it. He was fun guy back then i dunno what makes him like this now. Probably his mom cucked him and broke his fragile feeling because he is sniffing his mom undies also his mom lover cock indirectly and he is upset about that.

  4. Now, the first time FMC do some sexy stuff! Can’t waiting to see more with hank, marvin and gym guy. Please release versions quickly.

    1. One status update is posted on patreon site. Can any patreon member check and confirm when is the next update arriving?

  5. I really love this game. The writing is perfect until now, there is not a single flaw. The journey to Anna’s corruption is just perfect. This game is not for someone who only want to jerk off with a quick and dumb fap material. If you want this, watch a porn video instead. This game is for someone who really enjoys the slowly corruption from an faithful wife, like Mephistopheles did with Faust. The story is very well paced, with subtle erotic scenes present’s in every gaze and manner. For me, this game along “My Brother’s Wife” are the best adult games ever made.

    1. I completely agree, it’s written beautifully to be honest. I can’t wait till he finishes the game, it’s been a wild ride so far 😀

  6. Cucks are emasculated men with little pee pee. The reason they enjoy getting cheated on and watching others bang their women is because they have little pee pee. Can I get some cuck rage in response to these facts please? I’m collecting cuck tears, thank you in advance.

    1. Decent troll. Clear and honest about its goal and yet will probably work. Solid A-grade material! Will read again.

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  8. Good game and realistic, mc work hard for living and paying bills while her wife busy cheating behind him with his unemployed friend. indeed a perfect marriage.
    i secrectly want to be like mc but my wife’s too timid.

  9. Hardly a surprise to see this was another dumb piece of mentally retarded NTR trash.

    I actually clicked on it just to see if it was.

    Another garbage game for weak beta faggots.

    1. if only all of us were as strong as the man who comes to porn game websites to verbally mock people.

      so strong. much edge. wow.

      (it was hard to have the energy to retort to this lame troll so im saving energy by not hitting the shift key. at least i will sleep well, being bored to death)

      1. 👆 And right here folks is what a weak beta faggot who constantly hangs around in NTR games looks like.

        You end up loitering in random comment areas trying to be noticed because nobody pays attention to you in real life, a side effect of being a worthless cuck.

        1. You know there isn’t such a thing as Alphas and Betas, yeah? That’s just something I made up to get money from stupid people.

          1. It comes from an early study of wolves that was fairly quickly debunked.

            By the very person who coined the phrase.

            Insecure men continue to use the concept to prop up their fragile egos. And insecure men allow them. So this vaguely homosexual interaction of co-dependency creates an insular echo chamber that’s hard to break.

        2. Ssssssoooooo, someone who constantly hangs around the comments to NTR games is a weak beta faggot?

          Someone like you?

          That is one impressive self-burn, Edgelord. Someone who’s cutting themselves that vigorously is normally mistaken for a suicidal. Ask your Dom for some burn cream.


    1. Do you, #nohomo? I mean…okay? This is unlike you so I doubt your sincerity on this, but you do you. Maybe being in the incel cult for so long has finally snapped you, but if so please be safe and get checked by a medical professional.

    1. Yes, your Mr Palmer is combing through this comment section right now as we speak jotting this shit down and taking notes.


      You sound like a desperate little cuck. Go play in the traffic.

      1. Rancor you’re the one who clcik on everything NTR, gay, trans, etc. Someday you have to admit that it’s your stuff.

      1. Speaking of worthless wastes of air, how are you RanCor? Still spewing unnecessary hate on a forum because it’s the only way you can cum (other than picturing your Mum sucking your micropenis of course)?

    1. I can’t think of any game where you get to kick a woman out for cheating. There are a few games where you can reject a girl who cheated on you in the past though, that’s as close as I’ve found.

      Then there are games where a woman kept you in the friend zone (almost as bad as cheating), and those ones I can’t think of one where you outright reject her.

  11. Man this story is bullshit. if you pick cheating to your wife you’ll secretly filmed and he will send file of your affair to your wife by your friend and when you are in faithful route you’ll also blackmailed by ur friend by setting stuff like used condom in ur car even that wasn’t your doing so no option is a good option, there is no trust between mc and his wife like almost just a reason to justify to go Beta NTR route. i thought this game more like alpha sharing wifey but nah just straight up Beta cuck and i have problem with that.
    I don’t mind fictional NTR if done right like exciting games, wifey dilema, because i love her and desert stalker because you are sharing with your consent. Not like this backstabbing shit, ur like side character here.
    and also damn those outdated models, character in this game are everywhere esp that fat fuck and also i wonder why he is always portrayed as an annoying piece of shit? lmfao.

    1. stupid then story will end soon
      u guys are watching porn where other guys fucking girl in gang bang
      and now complaining about ntr u dumb

  12. “Basically cucks project themselves into cucks and get mad about it. ”

    No that’s just wishful thinking on your part but most of us don’t have problems satisfying a woman, we don’t need to watch other men doing it for us. Shame you can’t get a woman, I’d fuck her for you and show you how it’s done.

    1. No - The only comment I will make to lol. Go. Fuck. Yourself. If you can find your cock with a pepper shaker and some tweazers. says:

      No, it’s the truth. You think of yourself as the alpha; you’re going to see yourself as the alpha. If you are intent on focusing on the idea you could be cucked – you likely will at some point.

      I don’t have problems satisfying a woman, and I can get one. I choose not to. Too many requirements. Not worth the effort when she can take everything away in court all but scott free, and not a one of us “manly men” can do anything about it, until they change the laws that allow such bullshit back to what they were originally intended to be for. Jackass. You let me know when we can legally compel a woman to show me DNA results that prove it’s MY kid; and that she can’t treat it like a bargaining chip when she wants to walk away for irreconcilable differences, that she’s never even going to try to reconcile in the first place. Then I would happily try to find a loyal, loving woman. Beyond that, I’m forking over half of everything I own even if she only lives with me 3 Years running. Because Common Law counts.

      I wrote another comment, but at the end, you’re not worth the ire. And I’m half Irish, so that should tell you something.

      1. What are you even talking about? Did I tell you to get married? If you can’t satisfy a woman, and need another man to do it for you, you are a failure. If you fantasize about another man fucking your woman, you are a failure of a man. You can kick and scream all you want but that’s a fact. Your triggered response tells me you already know this though so no need for another comment from you, it will be all cope at best anyways.

  13. Think you skipped the part where I said very pointedly I am NOT latently gay. Or any sort of bi. Or anything but STRAIGHT. Dickhead. Try learning to read. Or you can just keep making one sentence comments that ignore the whole point of other’s actually thought out arguments. Whatever works best for you.

    Guys CAN write romance, the same way women can be cops. Or pilots. Or in the military – does it always work as well as it should; fuck no. But I happen to be skilled enough at the harem genre specifically, and romances in general to be able to do so. Like my mother was skilled enough to FIX airplanes. So fuck right off with the judgment. If I found a girl I knew absolutely was going to call me her Number 1, ride or die and no chance of divorce; who wanted MY child without any debate, and didn’t have a body count 20-30+ times mine, I would absolutely marry her and actually have the family I always wanted. But that is MY unicorn.

  14. This game is incredible, apart from the betrayal part. They could release a game like this but without cheating, I’ll love playing it

      1. Fuck you🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 and go to hell man if I betrayed I will kill the man slowly so he will be tormented because I will never forgive someone who betrayed me

  15. I made the mc and fmc fateful to each other, what choice do you have other than complete assholes for the fmc, and whores for the mc, you must be very sick to let them cheat with that scum.

  16. Can dav make changes in the first 2parts where chirs visited there home is left alone with female mc so that there is a chance for more interactions And further twists in plot
    Like male mc being late do to an argent task
    And chirs forceing female mc to drink more

  17. Another copy of someone else’s game/AVN?! I swear I have played this before only it was definitely under a different title and perhaps farther along – though I haven’t see any updates of that (not that I was interested in keeping up) in a long time.

  18. Do you really think a “gym bro” whatever the hell that is, could have – never mind WOULD have – written anything that thorough, or long winded. I am the furthest thing from it. And genius, I write romance novels. I don’t happen to be latently gay, bi curious or insecure about my personal level of dominance. If I did have any girl chained up in my basement; it would be because she wanted to play that way. I don’t need handcuffs to hold her down, or make her feel like I own her. Thank you very much.

    You obviously have your own insecurities to share, since it seems you either entirely disagree with my views to the point you automatically discount them, or just skimmed the top and didn’t bother reading most of the actual comment. Believe whatever you want, it won’t change who I am or how I feel about the issue. Nor the ones I expressed, that are valid criticism of today’s society that you simply wish to ignore. Males compete. Females compete in the same way; differently. That’s just nature.

    A final point: do you have any idea how much you would have to trust someone, absolutely, to be VULNERABLE enough to let them chain you up. To do whatever the hell you wanted? Your entire statement is flawed on that point alone.

  19. LOL, a weak beta male like you aren’t going to make him. You’re such a coward you can’t even say no to your woman.

  20. Loved NTR games, I hope you release the part 3. This game have so much potential than any other NTR games. Please don’t abandon this one.

  21. Can you please tell me more games like a wife and mother
    There is blackmail and corruption

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