
My Happy Family [Ch. 2 Intro Part 1] [SayWhatProdutions]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 86%
Visual - 84%
Engagement - 82%
Core Loop - 84%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 1.95 ( 119 votes)

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  1. If this game went the “power vacuum” route it could be one of the games of all time. sucks that its abandoned.

  2. Well, I drop because all the talking bored me. Not because they are many, but because they are stupid (plus the fact that there are many errors).

  3. The mother is such a brat, how dare she scold her son for something she is supposed to do herself. Besides, he’d get involved in something, she’d probably scold him for doing it, too. Never seen a mother so incapable.

  4. SayWhatCreations, here is some notes about how you ask for the information.

    First of all, you should say “it is that”, they ask us “what it is”.

    Then, about the ages, no one want to type-in number by their textual representation, and moreover it limit you with what you can do with it, and it shows when you ask us what age it will be for our sister after her upcoming birthday and also when you us what’s the age difference between us and our mom, the game should have been able to calculate it by itself.
    If you really want to show the ages with their textual representation, here is a python code you can use (just put it under a python label) :
    unit_nums, deci_nums = (“zero”, “one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, “five”, “six”, “seven”, “eight”, “nine”, “ten”, “eleven”, “twelve”, “thirteen”, “fourteen”, “fifteen”, “sixteen”, “seventeen”, “eigteen”, “nineteen”), (“”, “twenty”, “thirty”, “fourty”, “fifty”, “sixty”, “seventy”, “eighty”, “ninty”)
    def num2txt(num):
    num = int(num)
    if num < 20:
    return unit_nums[num]
    deci = deci_nums[(num//10)-1]
    if num%10 == 0:
    return deci
    return deci+'-'+unit_nums[num%10]

  5. > That is why Asian females tend to have shorter vaginas from vaginal opening to cervix. They are also much smaller and tighter compared to white and black women, which is why many white and black men prefer Asian women over their own race.
    And this is totally stupid and more so, if we follow your logic, this will also explain why some prefer ch*ldren.
    Anyway, if they whey not destroying everything they can get their dick in, they will not find the need to search tighter.

    1. This weird obsession with Asian women only American thing and I suspect that even that more like Jewish propaganda rather than people’s opinion. Europeans not at all impressed by them. Asians aren’t attractive in general.
      And physically any girl since the age of 12 can take a dick of a man without a problem and give a birth to a child. This is called puberty and yes, humans evolved this way. And all the bullshit Jews telling you about 18+ is nonscientific crap to prevent white people from reproducing. Before the XX century in Europe any nation had perfect fertility and no “age of consent”. Since it introduction (and in Europe it was always much lower than in United States) it declined. Meanwhile Third world people don’t care and multiply fast because they fuck any girl as soon as they can squeeze it inside and so they are replacing us.

      1. The concept of age of consent has nothing to do with Jews you dimwit asshole! It’s a general awareness of people of developed countries that have obviously more brain and insight than you that it’s not because they can physically take it in that their mind is able to clearly assess the situation and consent to it.

  6. This is a Nohomo sighting. He’s been drudging up the “single moms” thing recently, not that he’ll ever be a dad being mentally ill in his particular alchemical concoction of incel-adjacent insecurities.

    Likely conclusion is that he was raised by a single mom and doesn’t know how to deal with the abuse. He needs help but can’t even recognize it. It’s pitiable, but not something anyone here has to deal with.

  7. As of the moment I am reviewing this, the game is not yet finished. Still, despite seeing some negativity here, I actually like the game. No, there is not much sex going on and there is a lot of dialogue, but it still excites me. It has a slow-building story, which I like. I would actually brand it as an erotic visual novel, because of it. It’s about a boy (you), his mom, his sisters and the new man in his mom’s life (who happens to have a humongous Negro penis).

    Again, it’s a slow-building story so far, with a few exciting scenes and some choices, but I do think this game has a lot of potential.

  8. And you had to follow a dumb comment up with a dumb comment.

    So who’s the dumber, the dumb or the dumb who follows him?

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