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My Dorm [v0.18.2 P2 Ch.6] [Tropecita Games]

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 1 (v0.12)

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 2

Download for Mac - Part 1 (v0.12)

Download for Mac - Part 2

Download for Android (Pre-Patched) - Part 1 (v0.12)

Download for Android (Pre-Patched) - Part 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Update Patch - (v0.17.0 -> v.0.18.2)

Unzip the content anywhere, move all content to your main folder (where the .exe is). Overwrite all necessary files. (Half tested).

I don’t know about Linux. (Untested).

You need to copy paste every content from the update only folders into their respective folders, overwriting where necessary, if the folder is not existing you can copy the whole folder (To see the content of an app, right click the app and pick Show Package Contents), PBS666 helped me make Mac update patches, thanks for that. (Untested).

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Universal patch. Download it once and apply it before playing any new update.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Multi- Mod

The file name of the archive is still b0.6.0a, though it will work for 0.7a

This mod will give you the option to change your important choices… Well some of them for now.
Currently available are mostly choices that give you “early routes”.
If there are some combinations of choices that I could imagine screwing stuff up, I added it to the description.
Choices appear only, if they are already available in-game. Same for names, so don’t open up the mod menu and run me over because there are a few blank buttons without names in it, when there’s no name for i.e. Martha yet.

You can rename the MC and the cast members close to him.

Contains family patch that is activated by default and can be turned of in the Mod Menu.

SPOILER: Game version compatibility and choices
This mod should work with all game versions, though it will only cover choices up to the “Content” mentioned above.

Not all choices are of importance, some are just for different dialogue right there or a bit later. Flavour, so to speak.
Those will not be included in this mod or if they are, it’s because I thought they might have impact later on.

The general pregnancy status will not impact the individual pregnancy status of your girls. It will disable the choice in future dialogue only and could remove some pregnancy content, but most likely not (all)… Depends on the dev’s implementation.

Change of harem acceptance will be added in the next mod version, as are some late route options. That’s the plan at least.

SPOILER: Family Patch
Though my mod can’t switch the family content mid-dialogue branch, it can switch the content not only at the start of the game or at the start of a new version.
It might take a few lines to leave the dialogue branch (e.g. after c06s007_DaphneKnows_EN dialogue branch

For savegame comptibility reasons, my mod cannot deactivate the family content, if the other patch is installed as well.
There is a backup file and readme.txt in my MEGA folder to unpatch the other patch.

SPOILER: Installation
Delete old family patch
delete family.rpy and family.rpyc from Path/To/MyDorm/game/mods/RiamMar
Download and extract archive
Copy’n’Paste mods folder into Path/To/MyDorm/game/

SPOILER: Deinstallation of _this_ mod
Step 1 and 2 are a safety measure to ensure save compatibility
Load a save
Save with Family Patch deactivated
Delete mods folder

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Editor's Rating

Story - 79%
Visual - 82%
Engagement - 76%
Core Loop - 72%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.17 ( 146 votes)

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  1. With 19’s pending release coming semi-soon I was wondering if it will include the beginning of Chapter 2 or just an add-on continuation that does not include any previous content?

    I ask this because some updates in the past where no previous content included so the download was smaller to save space and time. This provides an opportunity for a section of the game released the same way to be lost if the source site removes that update release. I have run into this problem with other games. I try to avoid it by downloading ALL avialable updates and saving them to an external hard drive in case I need to reinstall the game to start over. Something I would recommend to any gamer.

    Not my big question. Is there ANY chance of a release that includes the full 1 through full 17 or maybe even full 18 before or after 19 is released to provide us with an uninterrupted game play through to the present release?

    I also was wondering if the developer has considered what they might do as a release of the full game once it has reached completion however long the game turns out to be? This is something that the new release of Renpy might have an effect on.

  2. I just start playing this game and it has very good animation. The girls are alright and story is also okay. The only complaint is that the text in Android version are very small and not readable enough. Overall its great

    Can someone recommend me games with good animation

    1. Very good animations? What game are you playing? This is not that game, for sure. The renders are fine but animations sucks big time…

  3. The game should called “My Harem”. The animations are now much better, as in the beginning. But sadly for me I assume some patreons ask him to include “normal” looking girls and now there are a bunch of ugly students, I avoid by any chance to approach.

    1. o.O

      What the hell you mean by “ugly students”?
      Every girl or woman in the game is normal. Some are more and some a bit less pretty. It mostly depends on the taste of the beholder.
      4 students, one is tall and skinny, one is snobbish, one has skin mutation, and one has more body then she should (but you are given a choice to make her skinny in the long run)…
      No ugly girl there… not even disabled girl there… and no disfigured girl there… What the hell exactly is your definition of “ugly students”?

  4. I liked the game but I’m tired of it. Mc too docile, henpecked man. The conversations too predictable, women always tell him everything, they get even, mc accepts it and then answers the same things over and over again.
    Animated scenes from very strange angles are not very enjoyable.

  5. This is not a game, this is cutting porn videos, there is just a constant change of girls and sex scenes, the girls themselves can only think about the MC’s penis, they are not interested in the rest of their lives. why download it at all, it’s easier to watch porn videos. well, maybe someone has a fetish to click with such a mouse when he watches a porn video, there is nothing else here except this video with the same sets and eyeliners. the girl – saw the MC member – her whole life will not be the same now and she will not think about anything else anymore – she jumps to him – the scene ends, the next girl appears – cycle

  6. Thank the lord 🙏 that this has an update ,an what I can say it was worth the wait for it because the story and animation did not disappoint, instead it was better if they keep this up I don’t my waiting so long if the update are gonna be like this and thank you developer, for this , an you continue to have my support for this 😊


    1. Well at least we all now know you never went to college, #nohomo.

      I should start tagging these #normal straight male, but I can’t type “normal” regarding you without feeling like I’m lying to the readership of this site. #incel straight male. Yeah, that’s better.

    2. I think you need to ask your Doctor to increase your medication strength Mr homo because you seem to be spiraling further and further down that insane rabbit hole, but it’s sooooo good to see you finally admit your an actual faggot yourself to whole world there #Mr homo congratulations on finally coming out (slow clap)

  8. While importing my data to the new “session” or part 2, it does not allow me to advance and shows me the following error:

    I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    While running game code:
    File “game/scripts/animations/BlinkXP.rpy”, line 27, in script
    Exception: Could not find return label ‘_call_BlinkXP_1343’.

    — Full Traceback ————————————————————

    Full traceback:
    File “game/scripts/animations/BlinkXP.rpy”, line 27, in script
    File “C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\DISCO EXTERNO – PROBLEMAS\Games\My Dorm\SESION 2 v0.13.3 S2 C1.3\renpy\”, line 1801, in execute
    File “C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\DISCO EXTERNO – PROBLEMAS\Games\My Dorm\SESION 2 v0.13.3 S2 C1.3\renpy\”, line 741, in lookup_return
    raise Exception(“Could not find return label {!r}.”.format(self.return_stack[-1]))
    Exception: Could not find return label ‘_call_BlinkXP_1343’.

    Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
    My Dorm v0.13.3-S2C1.3
    Thu Nov 23 00:14:45 2023

  9. Game not bad, kinda like it the only thing I just don’t like is that they made the Mc look older than he is and also the part where the girls loss the v card , they must just add bit of graphic like the blood when losing it or other why’s state in the story that don’t have there hymen any then no need ,played the game twice and like it and laugh about it , what make me sad is that the story was just getting to good Part so if I would have rate this it would 4.5 out 5 just because of Im paissed that it ended so soon, hope the next update come out early other wise I will forget to check on the game when there is an update out. Keep doing good work, have my support 👍

  10. I’ve followed your work since many updates now.

    The last one angered and disappointed me about Scarlett’s virginity (she should know using a dildo means she’s NOT one – you didn’t write her with down’s syndrome. She’s going deaf)

    This current one, didn’t do much to improve my disposition to the work from this point forward if I’m honest.
    – The My Residence bit with Debbie almost literally marks her out as a self insert (which she shouldn’t be)
    The reference being close enough to My New Family, and other harem games I have played have one point in common that your story lacks; They allowed for some level of Sci Fi or fantasy, by introducing a middle sister as a cat girl for no reason. Or super powers, basically from the start.

    – You hinted at a clone idea (that I took more as the safety net in case the player made bad choices – rather than something that the plot was ever going to actually try to take seriously : / ) Clones, do not live that long. Look up Dolly.
    On that note, the explanation to read was recommended; and it was NOT at all good at clarifying fuck and all. You used bar codes instead of the girls’ actual names. So BOTH ways, MC knows the answer (or can assume that he’s close and able to investigate) but the PLAYER is sitting here like WTF were you on when you wrote this out??? If Eva & Amanda are end game add ins, fine and fair enough. But two problems:

    – First = You did NOT stipulate this game had much in the vein of Sci Fi, and have tried to GROUND it in realistic topics thus far. Barring a few bad meta references as “jokes” (which also were not that funny…) What was HINTED at I took, and I’m sure many others did for how effectively you’ve gone for the daily slice of life aspect in plot thus far, for a subconscious safety net. Don’t worry about the choices, if you make the wrong one, there’s no real game over type deal. MC would wake the next day with a headache he couldn’t explain and no memory of the night before and off you go on your way to continue building the Harem. Yay?

    – Second = You risk jarring your audience and looking like you’ll just pull whatever random dues ex out of your ass. If the plot goes too nonsense all of a sudden when you’ve tried fairly much to make it a “day in the life” deal and as normal as possible… suspension of disbelief only carries so far. Which segues into…

    – The Father: You can call it semi resolved all you want = you just added in a half sister. Admitted he actually DID cheat on MC’s blood mother, so everything he was accused of was correct; with the wrong woman. Fuck. This. Character. And if he is the third scientist somehow, I can see exactly why he was disinherited… but as I said, you mentioned a boyfriend, not a husband. So that explanation doesn’t necessarily compute that MC’s Father should be hunted or ever again dealt with at all. The ONE fucking time he should have come clean and redeemed himself (or GIVEN THE PLAYER A FUCKING CLUE WHO THE HELL IT COULD BE???) you write him drunk dialing. For again, “comedy” that’s really. REALLY. Not Funny.

    The issue about Samira the MC does NOT have to think about or consider. He didn’t like that she was buggering off to start with – and her not telling him would be not to spoil a surprise. Besides = She’s literally buggered off half way across the world. Even if she knew she regretted it, SHE is obviously smart enough to understand she might not get the best reception. Considering how otherwise insightful you tend to try to make MC SEEM, I do not why you’d write the line in the vein of “I need to think about this…” Fuck. That. By picking the choices that were recommended, and frankly asserting we WANT her back throughout the few points we even had the option, there’s NOTHING TO THINK ABOUT!!!
    She. Is. His. Girl. Period. Otherwise why the fuck did you write her into a HAREM?

    Kim doing the make up thing is just you dicking around the audience and admitting “Why yes; I could have rendered her this way the whole time since we already have one or two disabled people at the moment… and I said fuck it. Let’s make her look Calico. Because DEI rules me” Making the point that it might not be a bad idea to cover up if she’s THAT insecure about the fucking condition is NOT the NEGATIVE. Are you disabled? Do you know what the fuck it feels like to have every fucking kid you want to make friends with usually ask not first “what’s your name?” Like they normally would, but “Why Do You Walk Like That?” Then ask what my name is? No… Then fuck off with the politics. You can render the damned hot girl whichever way you like. Make her silver with fucking indigo polka dots and I’d probably still have MC do her… but don’t get on a fucking soap box and call it a NEGATIVE choice to want to be NORMAL. Not if you don’t know what it’s like to be different, when most of the world was born fine. She’ll have her scars – THEY. SHOULD. BE. RESPECTED!!! Or as I have said, you could have tried rendering her with ONE skin tone and she would look just the same as that bullshit scene. White, black I don’t care which. She’s still gorgeous.

    Last point, and very likely the last time I will bother with this game despite having completed a save file for part 2. (I can at least appreciate you’re smart enough to keep the file sizes under 5 gigs for those of us that do Free To Play, and I would laud you for that kindness) NTR & GILF. Really? You have to know how much a good chunk of players of these sorts of games HATE that content; and yes. I am one of them in general because NTR has to be handled carefully and under full player control – and it never really is except for maybe 2 of all the games I’ve played that have the content as “avoidable.” GILF is just a concept that does not need to exist… and you use it for company names = to make a freaking joke out of it?!? Are you trying to tank your supporters in one go? Again, dude… dudette or whatever the hell you want to call yourself(ves) you really have to get a better sense of humor. Think about how things WILL be taken. Not just how they can be. Because I guarantee you, some players even see those acronyms and they tap right the fuck out. They won’t even care from that point how you mean it or not.

    So no. From this point, with the introduction TOO QUICKLY (and not to the FULL HAREM AT ONCE!) of the clone BULLSHIT coming out; from Maddie and the questionable BDSM stuff, from Scarlett’s bungled virginity, from the awkward cancer crap that you’re dragging out way too damned long for WHAT??? For the Dad being walked back after having to try to wrangle out that he MIGHT NOT have actually cheated on Martha to start with, For the fact it’s ALL going to go farther, faster and quirkier from now on… This is me. Tapping the fuck out. There’s no need to bother with a part 2. You made too many choices I personally don’t see as necessary, are jarring, or are overly political. Without understanding the points behind them. If YOU can’t respect your own story and your characters enough to take this shit as seriously as when you started, and write to the end a complete comprehensible story that engages with the specific niches you aimed at to begin with… then why should The Player? Whoever that might be.

    Good luck to you. If you keep these choices up going forward I think you’re gonna need it.

  11. 1. He’s not ugly. He’s no 10/10, but far from ugly.
    2. He actually treats the girls well, so that’s why…

  12. So a 65 year old granny has much younger looking body than what her face looks like and MC who is supposed to be 21 looks like he is about to turn 50… ok.

    1. Nvm.. I couldn’t clearly see granny’s body at the bathroom scene but the MC still looks like he could be his father’s brother instead.

      1. That granny has too old face for her age, she looks like 80+yo. It could be (and is?) explained as one of the symptoms of her sickness. But overall she looks older then she should have.

        Aunt noon has about right face for her age.

  13. The MC looks old asf for his age, But dope game y’all 🔥🔥 The Drama is on point 😂😂

  14. So in this current update Dev; you admit you let Scarlett – who has been waiting for her first date and her first EVERYTHING = WITH THE MC for basically fucking FOREVER, use a DILDO to PENETRATE. What the hell do you think SEX is? It’s NOT her “first time” in general if she gave her virginity to a god damned piece of plastic, and frankly that KILLS a lot of the draw in pursuing this whole treat me gentle and make it perfect BS storyline. If she was going to do that you could have just made it with Daphne there as well and fucked them both like porn stars. Because ONE of them was dumb enough not to realize that one special UNRECOVERABLE gift that she claimed to want to give to the guy she IS creepily focused on – is GONE now. To a fucking piece of plastic that wasn’t even as big as he’s said to be. : / Come on man. VIRGIN in the tags means “VIRGIN.” When we start = ANY penetration that breaks the hymen takes that away.

    You want to make it so she doesn’t have a hymen and make it SLIGHTLY LESS offensive in general; she’s very physically active and didn’t even know it’d torn. If she can barely fucking kiss someone man, how the hell do you think she’s going to move up to a dildo before she learns about even getting eaten out??? What the hell. There’s also the point I don’t get why you’re including so much automatic and not asked for beforehand Anal – and just deciding the player gets to disable it LATER. You SHOULD ask if the player even WANTS to see Anal content before any scenes that involve that. Again, the DRAW in most of this game is A) Harem, and B) Pregnancy. Whatever else is basically extras on top. Not everyone even actually likes anal. Some people legitimately find it too painful to even consider, most find it some level of dirty, and a lot of people just won’t bother with it. Period. Most girls (especially the innocent ones) AREN’T going to be shoving anything up there. Have you ever had a supository, an enema? They’re not pleasant, and most women do treat that as something you REALLY have to EARN to start with. Two things so far that I’m not best pleased with and one specifically that I do think you need to fix, or make her VERY guilty about afterward. Because you had a girl that SHOULD by all rights have been the DEFINITE virgin in the cast. Just because of how little she knows about sex and how focused she was on ONE MAN. It’s not hard math. There is no defense you can offer for the choice you made. It’s a ruined sex scene as far as I am concerned and fucks the Scarlet path right over. I may just say fuck it in decisions and deny her: That’s how much the stupid dildo bit pisses me off. It can be re-worked, but I know coding it would probably be a bit of effort. I’m not going to ask for a miracle. I’m just insanely annoyed and very disappointed. Because realistically which you have been very good at portraying for the most part, on any point of given logic, she should have NEVER WANTED to risk penetration – just on the ghost of a chance it might disappoint MC not to feel that. Because she SHOULD know and have been told by SOMEBODY if not her own Mom, how important Sex is with the right person and how valueable the first time is supposed to be (Why do you think they’re so damned resistent to sex in general, and especially the first time?)

    You do good work generally. You’ve been kind in the comments and I appreciate that a lot, so I’m sorry to have to say I call this point particularly a very Royal Fuck Up on Plot & Character Logic in general. That whole thing is going to make me skip through the damned scene. That’s how disappointing it is. How vexed it makes me. Honestly if you pull anything like that again, with anyone else – I would just stop downloading and call your story done. Because you do have the right to do what you want with it, but I don’t have to support you. And if it’s not fun for me, I’m not going to continue playing just to be more peeved off with poorly thought out choices you might implement. I’ll see where the rest of the story goes after that scene (which is ruined for me) But I’m going to keep a save that rolls back before it even starts. That way if you DO fix it, I can enjoy it. But I doubt you will.

    I expect instead we might converse about why you disagree. Which at the end still leaves me with distaste about the scene, and you moved on in general. While also having blindly deeply dented the whole point in Scarlet’s character.

    1. you’re right it pissed me off too but what can you expect? decades of brainwashing people and the hypersexualisation of our western societies devalued the word and original meaning of ‘virgin’ amongst many others.
      now even a slut/whore can literally become a ‘reborn virgin’ and people have to somehow accept it.
      it’s a sad situation.

  15. Great game, but isn’t the MC supposed to be 21? He looks older than me, and I’m 36. However, I’d still choose this MC over a baby-faced one any day.

  16. pointless update nothing actually happened well nothing exciting anyway oh and please for the love fucking god STOP making them laugh so much it’s cringe i’m just gonna call this the laughing like retards update it’s a decent AVN until the laughing like hyenas starts

  17. Excellent Game and No Lag at all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  18. 10/10 easy but sadly this one have too many ugly girls for me too enjoy. The family is sexy but whats up with the ugly ass students? Completely killed my boner. Whats up with that? And clones fuck off. Sorry if im being rude but implenting ugly girls into a game with pretty girls is retarded, Is like watching a threesome porn with a sexy young girl with an ugly tranny looking bimbo half nigga half white. Bro please stop that shit. Pluds add some fucking conflict to the game, Make more choises. Make point of no return conflicts that the MC has to get out of. Right now MC is just Tom Cruise mr fucking perfect, Honest review 6/10 im out, Thanks for reading roger over from Mr wanker
    Havent finished it yet tho
    Great game

  19. 10/10 easy but sadly this one have too many ugly girls for me too enjoy. The family is sexy but whats up with the ugly ass students? Completely killed my boner. Are you gay or whats up? And clones fuck off. Sorry if im being rude but implenting ugly girls into a game with pretty girls is retarded, Is like watching a threesome porn with a sexy young girl with an ugly tranny looking bimbo half nigga half white. Bro stop that shit. Pluds add some fucking conflict to the game, Make more choises. Make point of no return conflicts that the MC has to get out of. Right now MC is just Tom Cruise mr fucking perfect, Honest review 6/10 im out, Thanks for reading roger over from Mr wanker
    Havent finished it yet tho

  20. Developer changed the file format for the renders and now the new webp files are “unrecognized” and display as black screen from this update.

  21. Very true; and I just got to the point where the option to slim Kate down is implimented in this current version 0.11A.1 So kudos to following through. I’m less thrilled that a lesbian is in a Harem game (and curious if she will let MC actually do anything in the three way situation) but I can deal with it. It will make her the only girl NOT technically IN the harem if Kate only does things with the other girls, so that will be a bit awkward. I would suggest an allowance that preferences being what they are, a gay person can still choose to have straight sex, in a three way relationship. While not losing the point that she is gay and gets much less out of anything not involving the girls. Or have her fall in love with MC as a person, and realize that she is in love with him in the vein of wanting a sustained relationship = so long as it includes any amenable woman, so she can get more out of it. [More like permanent fuck buddies I guess, where he is the only male she would consider this honor to give] I also appreciate that Saira decided to stick around. Though I found it a bit weird that she’d hang up in the middle of the call when she’s already had sex with MC. I get that it’s a panic reaction – and clearly she knows that he heard what she was saying to herself, but it still seems like a missed opportunity to tempt him back if she was that insecure about Eileen. I ended up choosing the romance path, but I wasn’t sure that I would end up with her in the harem if I DIDN’T choose Romance, so I missed out on Male Dom content. Luckily when I saw her scenes I did keep a save that gave all the options. It’s a habit from when I used to professionally review these games, and I do like seeing as many outcomes – that aren’t NTR – as I can get. You’ve done a great job so far my friend. Keep up the good work. (Though I will hope the date Lisa had with the other guy did not get as far as full sex – it kind of goes against the harem point)

  22. Wow man you nailed it , I didn’t have words to describe it it’s fabulous . You know I downloaded many games from this website but this one is best game I leave my first comment.keep rocking . I didn’t wait for the next update . We eagerly waiting . Please make it soon man

    1. Thanks, Cristy. The next version will become public on July 9th. It’s already on the Patreon/Subscribestar cycle. You’ll be able to download it from Patreon the same 9th and here when DikGames update the page. It don’t take more than a couple of days usually.

      1. Thank you man
        this really an awesome one I wait to all the relationship come to public and see their each and every one reaction
        Really a fentastic work man

    2. He has some drops hanging from his dick, be good and lick them of to.Calling this a game is an insult to real games.

      1. Shooting fish in a barrel marked “fish” is not a game either yet you can’t help yourself do that either, nor is shoving a dictionary up your ass so you can pretend you’re good at “Um, Actually…”. I’m glad that you enjoy these things, but they’re not games.

          1. @w van schaik who knows maybe you should go back and ask your mom to stick her dick back down your throat so you can get the rest. damn snowflakes always have to ruin everything

  23. I really like it. Just a few things I didn’t like: the MC’s haircut is the same douchey hairstyle that every other MC has. The original longer hair was way better. I also think the MC is too dark if Samantha is going to call him a white boy. Seriously the dude is about 10 minutes of sunshine away from being black himself.

    Other than my minor gripes with the MC, the visual novel is very good. The story is better than average. It seems like the author took into account all of the logistics that goes into making a college dorm. It feels realistic, although I’m not sure how realistic it is to have a bunch of gorgeous girls that enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons. The characters are mostly unique and worked-out. The character models look great (especially the aunt, although I kinda liked how she looked before she lost the weight haha).

    The animations are… poor. It seems like they’ve been rendered at 5 fps or less. But still, it’s better than having no animations at all and I appreciate the effort from the author.

    Overall it’s a good one, and I will be purchasing the newest update on patreon. Good job author.

    1. Thanks.
      The original haircut looked great from the front, but horrible from the back, so I used it to advance Norah’s history with the visit to the hairdresser.
      The MC skin tone is something I have struggled with in the past. It’s too light-reactive and I didn’t get the settings right when lighting was too far from him. Luckily, in the last updates it has been fairer and more consistent.
      You should have seen my D&D group when I was in college (28 years ago, when only nerds played D&D). We had 3 gorgeous girls in a group of 7 players!!
      The animations are one of the weakest part of the game, I know. I’m still learning how to do them and mixing bought animations with my own. If one is above the rest, it is a bought one 😀

  24. I’m Already in Love with This game words cannot say how great it is and I want to thank the creator for great renders great story and charismatic characters that he or she created I really appreciate and love there won’t be any Break up in the story , I’m really looking forward for next update whether on discord or here

    1. Thanks for your kind words Batlantis.
      There are break up possibilities with some of the girls, but always under the player’s control. I always say My Dorm is the game I would like to play, so everything I like is there. There are also things I don’t like especially, but I don’t dislike them, so I add them so players can enjoy them. There are things that will never be in My dorm, and those are things I actively dislike (NTR, Sharing, Having to choose a girl over another), things that don’t fit the theme of the game even if I like them (pure lesbian relationships) or things I was not sure I can do right with the knowledge I had when I started designing the game. I look forward to you joining our community on Discord, there are some laughs to share there.

      1. @ TropecitaGames love the AVN great characters enjoyable story but confused about the woman spying on the family tho unless it’s explained on the father route if it is then oh well guess i will lose out on that content now one thing i have a problem with is the girl who turns round and says she is a lesbian why are you trying to make it seem like your gonna try to change her from only liking girls too suddenly wanting the mc’s dick i’m just confused as to why that’s not how that works IRL so why should it change in this i mean won’t stop me from downloading this any more i will just ignore her content unless of course your one of those devs who force relationships which i hate but overall solid 8/10

        1. Eva and Amanda’s story (the spies) will start to be explained in 0.12. Until now the MC and his family don’t even know they exist. It will be explained regardless of whether you answered the father’s call.
          About Kate, she’s doesn’t say she’s a lesbian, she only says she had an ex-girlfriend. It’s me who said she is a lesbian because, right now, she hasn’t been with any man, so she likes girls and she doesn’t think of checking men at the moment, her personal experiences with men weren’t good. That will change as she discovers how the MC behaves (the point system will be important to her). There will be two acceptance routes with her depending if you locked the lesbian content or not. She will become bi-sexual if you didn’t lock it or straight if you did.

      1. Thanks for the update. I have to say this is by far the best one I have ever played. Keep it going, you are a genius,

  25. What is this on Daphne path? (scene in car)
    Is dev going on cuckold/sharing/swinging?
    I refuse to play any further until its resolved. It smells like one and its abominable

    1. There’s no swinging, NTR or sharing in My Dorm. That conversation gives the chance to choose between Daphne Romantic path or Daphne trying to corrupt the MC (not that she needs any help in that)

  26. Totally agree, the amount of effort and thought in the replies from the Developer is astounding. Massive respect 🙂

  27. Your connection must suck. Pixeldrain is one of the few that can saturate my connection at 400mbps+ speeds. Mega gets me around 50-150mbps, with others delivering less than 40mbps.

    1. thanks, my nigger fatigue is through the roof
      worse than cuckshit and trannies
      makes footfags look almost normal

        1. @TropecitaGames black ladies = nigger also i don’t think that is what he ment when he said trannies so not talking about black dicks just the woman that happen to be black anyway only brain dead fucktards call them niggers so your not really losing out on much if those 2 snowflakes are not interested

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