
Magic Pussy: Chapter 2 [Final] [Taboo Tales]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Magic Pussy: Chapter 2 builds upon the foundations of its predecessor and holds its own with an intriguing storyline. The narrative takes you on a mystical journey through a world filled with enchantments and desires. The character development and interactions are well-written, leaving you invested in their stories. However, the pacing occasionally stumbles, making it a bit tedious to navigate certain aspects of the game. - 80%
Visual - The visually appealing animations in Magic Pussy: Chapter 2 showcase the efforts put into its creation. The character designs are captivating, exuding a certain charm. While the game may not offer an abundance of visual extravagance, it holds its ground with clean and well-executed visuals. The attention to detail in each scene adds depth to the overall experience, enhancing immersion. - 85%
Engagement - Magic Pussy: Chapter 2 manages to create an engaging experience, capturing players' attention with its intriguing narrative and mesmerizing characters. The occasional stuttering in videos can disrupt the flow, but the overall quality of the animations compensates for this drawback. The game does, however, struggle with tedium during navigation and the monetary system, requiring patience from players. - 77%
Core Loop - The core loop of Magic Pussy: Chapter 2 presents players with a mix of positives and negatives. The alluring encounters and intimate moments provide excitement and variety to the gameplay. However, the game falls short in terms of navigation, often making it a tedious experience. The monetary system, while manageable, can also become a bit of a hassle. - 71%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.81 ( 14 votes)

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  1. Women certainly act like they think their pussy is magical. I blame the simps.

    1. No, #nohomo, just yours, just once.

      I see you’re falling back to your incel roots, because it’s comfortable for you. Then so will I.

      nohomo = incel groomer

      1. Yup, say anything the least bit critical or or point out the faults of the typical “modern” woman and you’re an incel. Whatever fag. Your shaming language is loosing it’s effectiveness.

        1. i would love to hear your definition of “shaming language” as if that hasn’t been the default for every post you’ve ever made here. none of your “criticism” has been very constructive or left anybody anything to think about other than “wow, that guy is an asshole”. and btw, you’re an incel.

          1. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosing

        2. If it was “anything the least bit critical”, sure, but you’re casting an entire gender under a bad light because of your pain, and I feel bad for you for that.

          The typical “modern” woman is just “a woman”.

          You don’t even have to admit wrongdoing, but you’ve been trained by someone, I don’t know nor care who, that you’re either “with us or against us”. What a self-destructive black-and-white worldview that has no room for anything but blaming yourself or blaming others.

          Thank you for telling me that I was getting under your skin, tho, that my shaming you WAS effective. The fact that it’s losing its effectiveness is a sign that you ARE growing.

          Why? You’ve noticed that fault-shaming is not effective. You call me a “fag” because you think it’s effective and it has never been. I call you an incel because it was effective, and now you’re starting to understand the power of letting the pointless insults roll off your back like they don’t matter.

          Because they don’t matter.

          Fag: Pointless insult.
          Whore: Pointless insult.
          Incel: Pointless insult.
          Nigger: Pointless insult.
          Groomer: Pointless insult.

          You’re learning. You’re growing. You’re more capable of standing on your own two feet than relying on others to show you how to shame, how to find acceptance, because until you accept yourself, you will not be able to act like an adult, someone capable of negotiation and understanding.

          If you don’t look in the mirror from time to time, you can’t make good decisions.

          And that’s what you just did.

          I’m proud of you, Nohomo. You opened up with your angers and fears–YOURS, not WHAT YOU WERE TOLD TO HATE AND FEAR–and learned from them.

          Oh, and if you think that my end goal is to be like me, you’re not there yet. My end goal with you is to think for yourself, not copy, not be lazy, but engage actual, real critical thinking, because once you have that down you can start making your own world better for you.

          Keep it up.

          1. no wonder he’s against “grooming”, he’s been groomed his entire life to think that hate is the only answer. i’d feel bad for him if he deserved even a drop of my sympathy.

            1. I figure he’s been hurt by a female authority figure and has gone to misogyny as a reaction. An unhappy family life, blaming his mother, going to the Internet Hate Machine (aka “the internet”) as a way to vent his frustrations and finding trolling is cathartic.

              I could go on, but for once I won’t. That doesn’t mean I won’t continue explaining my view of myself, others, and the non-paradox of hating hate, I just want to give Nohomo a chance to not feel attacked for a few days.

              I give it about a 5% chance that it matters.

            2. So afraid of being “hated” while making the biggest effort….to make people hate you lol. You leftist are 100% NOT the sharpest tools in the shed. If people “hate” you, that’s due to your behavior. You could of course continue to think you can bully people into liking you degenerates, but that isn’t ever going to happen lol, not how the world works.

    1. You homos really are nuts and unstable. I get you are really upset when faced with facts you don’t like and act like a child. This is another reason why globohomo has no future.

      1. hahaha someone touched a nerve eh virgin, if being straight and white is so great why hasn’t it gotten you any pussy? get real.

        1. I have nothing bad to say to virgins. If someone doesn’t want to have sex, let them. There’s a Woke name for that: Asexual or “Ace”. (You probably knew that already.)

          Now being a self-centered egotistical self-righteous fucking dick about it, that’s incel energy. That the Incel and Ace community don’t mix is a blessing for the Aces.

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