
Lust Hunter [v0.102.0] [Lust Madness]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 86%
Visual - 83%
Engagement - 82%
Core Loop - 87%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 1.94 ( 80 votes)

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  1. If you creampie a man, there’s a low chance you might causing pregnancy. Don’t even try cumming penis to penis the consequences are so mind boggling 🫃🏻

    1. At what point does the cum covered turd transmogrify into a baby?

      Maybe if your birthing people sat you down and explained the ways of birds and bees instead of AIDS and disease you would know this.

      Sounds like a real cool story you got a goin’ on bro, and I can’t wait to read the rest of the comic book when it comes out so I can point and laugh at it some more.

      🖕 Faggot.

      1. Then why did pregnant man emoji was created? And invented by american big tech company too, Apple.
        Knowing Apple, they won’t put crap on their tech and this is also part of required update not optional.
        Try to be open minded or simply just go to jungle and caved back in like your ancestors did hundred years ago. You clearly can’t blend in with future generations

        1. I don’t use or care about apple products so I wouldn’t know, but it’s easy to surmise it’s because apple is a woke company ran by liberal LGBT lover faggots in California that produces garbage products for garbage people, and like anything that comes out of California it is guaranteed to be insta-trash and incredibly stupid.

          The idea of pregnant men is not being open minded.  That is being retarded as there’s literally no such thing.

          You probably also have a tampon string hanging out of your asshole too I’d bet because your LGB TV headset tells you men can menstruate, and you believe it.

  2. America was so strong it could not be touched. So it was destroyed from within. The fifth column. Here is a list of a few of the ways.

    Schools, lower the standards
    feminism, destroy the family and kill the next generation through abortion
    feminize the men. Make them weak, gay, put on a dress.
    “free trade” ship jobs overseas to lower the standard of living and destroy the industrial base that was the powerhouse of world war 2
    fat and lazy. 70% overweight with 40% obese.
    Destroy the dollar by printing money.
    Invasion and balkanization
    Destroy morality. Morality strengthens a society. Change what is moral intro things that destroy a society. Like whoring around, being gay. Greed is good. Stealing and lying is ok. Gambling no longer seen as a vice.
    Demoralization, bombard you with new outrageous to the point you don’t care anymore. You loose a sense of self. Become broken and no longer care what happens. Just become self obsessed and live in fear. Too afraid to speak out Cancelling

    1. Strong? Define “strong” go touch kids you faggot.
      You clearly need some vacation time in jail. Lurking in your mom basement is bad for you mentally so you came up with this delusional bullshit.

    2. America is not strong in any way maybe in game difficulty i could say medium. The thing is if somer random countries attacking or declare war to america is like fighting with entire europe. That’s why americans loves to stir up war and obsessed with war as long as not on your land this is just to test how good your armies and often underwhelming like in the middle east or african rebel state like mogadishu you got your asses kicked. If only America is solo country i could see america conquered by china, russia or korean. Lmao
      Just look at potus retard. Barely functioning

      1. You really are a clown and don’t understand reading comprehension or history. The comment is based on why America has been declining. Those countries you mention are shitholes that barely function. Slave states run by fear and oppression.

  3. It’s the month where all the retarded fags come out of the woodwork and start humping each other in the ass and the month where all the homos dress up in clown suits waving their rainbow flags celebrate high rates of HIV and suicide, make up a few genders and molest a few kiddies while pretending to be victims of biggotry.

  4. Another poor little misunderstood killer tranny has been stopped in Maryland.

    Further proof trannies are mentally ill LGBT zealots death cultists who lash out and attack innocents when somebody doesn’t use their preferred pronoun.

    Go run to your killer trannies and cradle them. Squeeze them tight.

    The usual simps will be along shortly to transplain how the would be killer tranny was victimized by imaginary homophobes in accordance with the latest LGBT flopaganda.

    1. All lefties should be banned from owning guns. There would be no robberies or mass shootings. Crime would instantly be lowered to near nothing.

  5. Hay un fallo en el juego y es cuando empiezas directamente te manda a la iglesia (okey no es nada malo porque recoges tus recompenzas y listo) pero el problema viene despues de ahí, no sale la animacion de que el dueño del bar te encuentra y te dá dinero y un pantie que solo se puede conseguir si compras el petreon y antes si lo daban entonces si no lo obtengo y no puedo comprar el petreon tendre que jugar el juego sin los eventos especiales.

  6. Mediocre RPG, but this is not XXX game. XXX scenes are extremaly lame, it would be better for the game if they were not in the game at all. Strong bias towards gay/futa content. Merci, but it’s not my dish. And finally paywall.
    The author should have done a simple rpg game, the porn elements just ruin it.
    The maximum score I can give this project is 2 out of 5.

  7. This is a GGG. Gay Grooming Game, intended to bring you in with the hetro stuff then get you to do something gay.

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