
Kingdom of Lust [v0.4.0 LiteFree] [Royal Fantasy]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 86%
Visual - 79%
Engagement - 81%
Core Loop - 82%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.29 ( 27 votes)

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  1. No - Do NOT respond if you are a troll. I will not be kind, since you all feel the need not to be. says:

    Now that I’ve settled any debates with jackass trolls… on with the review.

    So far in this current update which required a complete restart by the way, you haven’t changed a DAMNED thing about how you treat the prince MC as a complete hopeless jackass. What is the point of attending training, if you were just going to make him absolutely useless in the one far later scene I recall from the previous update (where you capture the poor fuck, threaten his life and SCAR him, pointlessly – just to make him look even MORE like a jackass?) where fighting is actually done.

    The scenes are EXACTLY the same. The girls are ALL either window dressing currently, whores or assholes to the MC. That is NOT endearing. It doesn’t say Harem. It says fuck you player; and if you can’t tell the difference, then I’m not the only one on the spectrum, am I. It doesn’t matter how attractively they’re rendered (and I would seriously strangle the little bitch you made him pin just so she could knee him in the balls… You FUCKWITS! Do you have ANY idea how much that pisses a guy off? If he gets up from it – WHEN he gets up from it; she’s MUCH more likely to be put through a wall for being so pointlessly vicious. Most women KNEW that back then. Her genitals are NOT more important than his. If she can’t respect that point, and ESPECIALLY in that era when it would never even be considered that she should behave that way, then she does not at all get to BE a Love Interest) Fuck the tomboy troupe. Entirely. This is not the era you want to try for modern mindsets.

    Other than that, there’s still no real sex I’ve seen; while I do recall that you can potentially work up to (or actually cuck your dick of an elder brother – not that it might matter if he STILL gets the option to marry the bitch anyway… So DO NOT do that, or you completely discount player choice and there was NO POINT in allowing the MC to fuck her at all if you actually did) The aunt is a tease – calling the queen the king’s whore is needlessly judgmental by the guy that’s also jerking off to dreaming of fucking her, so conflicting messages that are JARRING. There’s the point the queen is a bitch for no reason, if you do choose to check her out, and she has no call to say he’ll never be king – again; People KNEW how easily one could DIE back then. Which was the entire point of the old addage “the Heir, and the Spare” She really shouldn’t be that level of fuckwit to someone that even MIGHT be her king one day. Especially because if you have any fucking sense at all, he WILL be.

    You absolutely NEED to stop treating the MC like he’s a fucking joke. Period. It’s not going to make people want to continue to play past the first ten minutes. It gets tired. Very. Tired after about fifteen minutes of realizing that no matter what, and even as the PRINCE of X country, EVERYONE fucking hates this arse and thinks he’s goddamned useless. It’s also more than disrespectful to the player, since the MC is our avatar to interact with your half cocked – and currently not even half finished – world. The donkey bride dream you can also absolutely piss right off for. He’s a prince. Even as the second born, he’d be more likely married off to someone with “better” genetics than the common folk. (That’s the assumption, and I have seen royal paintings, I know it’s not always true; but a fair few were considered great beauties… so ACT like he believes that could be possible!) You’re treating this poor bastard like he IS common stock. No one would treat a second born PRINCE that way, in reality. It just was not done; because it was not WISE. Not when if he is even half born of the king’s blood – he has just as much legitimate right to inherit their throne as his brother. Who doesn’t fucking survive!!!

  2. 2+ years milking.
    Zero incest. But incest tag.
    Harem. But never MC fucked 3 girls alone in his life. Then how many years to first MFFF Harem scene????
    Maybe 70 years.

    Better make a “cryogenic plan” to make a try in 2094.

  3. First; fuck you for how you keep shitting on the AVATAR of your player base. That’s what the MC IS!

    Next: Fuck you for how you ended the damned version 3.01 = You called this KINGDOM OF LUST.

    NOT Let’s make the spare heir a fucking slave. You dick heads.

    There is exactly 2 SEX SCENES IN THE GAME. One is a hooker; one is a barmaid who may as well be a hooker.

    One sister hates you for no reason; the other is a church girl cock tease. You can cuck Henry – BUT that will come to nothing if you DON’T FUCKING FIX THE FACT YOU MADE THIS BITCH BOY A SLAVE!!! [You don’t get to scar him either you fucking simpletons. YOU chose this to be a harem – so it BETTER actually god damned end up as a harem. Which means NO FAILSTATES!!!!! >.<

    Your animations are barely passable enough to bother continuing with the story and you DO NOT get to be that big of an ass to the player and think you'll have any fucking subscribers left. He is the second born prince = you already insinuate more than once he's a bastard, and you should NOT. He's already NOT going to be in line to the throne unless BOTH the king AND his prick of a psychopathic dickhead of a son DIE. So if you don't get MC out of the mess you put him in within the NEXT UPDATE – as far as I'm concerned whatever potential this game MIGHT have had is fucking gone.

    Because you DO NOT know how to actually write a HAREM Story.

      1. Considering you named yourself MonkeyBrain… you should learn to take your own advice.
        Or go scarf a banana. Deepthroat the damned thing, with the rind still attached for all I give a toss. No one asked you to make a comment, and if that’s the best you can do as a counter argument, it wasn’t worth the two seconds you bothered to invest even the most miniscule amount of actual effort.

        Make your own comments in review of the game. Debate my points, or decide what you do and don’t like therein. Then it would be a comment worth any merit. Instead you choose to be an ass. But what can I expect from a moniker like that.

          1. Don’t need the THC, thanks very much.

            Monkey to ape isn’t really an upgrade dude. Maybe you’d realize that if you DIDN’T touch so much grass.

            1. This nigga “No” is the most virgin mf on this page bro, he is in all the comments I´ve read. Keeps doing bad review cuz the games are not made to his liking lmaooo and then continues to do the same retarded retorts child-like if u make fun of him. Nigga must be a child or a 40yo discord virgin.
              Also, no one will do “counter arguments” to your shit u retarded fuck, everyone keeps making fun of u cuz ur dumb af. No one is here to debate and make counter arguments or shit; go debate in ur corner with urself and stfu dumb fuck

            2. This nigga “No” keeps doing child-like retorts when u make fun of him lmaoo and then says ur “counter arguments” are bad… nigga no one is doing counter arguments, just making fun of u cuz u are dumb as fuck
              No one on this website is trying to do a debate fucking retarded, stop doing bad reviews cuz the games are not to ur liking and shut yo asperger ahh fucking incel

              1. First off you two dimwits; Not a “nigga”
                and it’s Nigger… which is still a bad word no matter who the hell uses it. It comes from ignorant uncaring white folk who thought at the time that every black bastard was from Nigeria. So shows what you know. I’m about as pale as you can get and half fucking IRISH. Genius’. You get no actual “street cred” for posting that dumbassed slang here, you smooth brained git.

                Second, just because I review a game that has poorly implemented mechanics and TELL them it has poorly implemented mechanics (so that they might actually deign to FIX them) does not mean I’m whining. I’m also not a virgin. As far as retarded, I’m far from it. I was last tested at 120 IQ; just in case you’re actually curious, because I doubt you’d bother to do the research yourselves, the national average for any place in the world is around 100 or less. Reatrded by the way is anything under like 85. If you suck at math, I stand nearly 40 points higher than that, and about 20 points higher than any currently recorded average. You are right about the Asperger’s but I’m mid spectrum. So you can both absolutely like every other troll asshole on this site, go fuck yourselves. Entirely. Final point, most of my reviews have been on Harem games; you cannot be an incel if you understand a damned thing about what it takes to want/create or keep a harem. But go ahead and keep trying to insult me. I can’t stop you anyway, but all you’re doing is lending credence to my point that NONE of you fucking bother posting your own views about the games on site, or trying to actually counter my own arguments. You effectively waste just as much time here as I do, insulting me because you have fuck all better to do, but somehow I’m the pathetic one? Okay…

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