Home » Tales from the Unending Void [v0.21 Extra] [Perverteer]

Tales from the Unending Void [v0.21 Extra] [Perverteer]

User Rating: 8.4

NOTE: Please play until the very end of the first season if you want to continue with Episode 13. The new build doesn’t contain the previous episodes, but you can load a saved game and continue with all of your choices intact.

Download for Windows/ Linux - Season 1 (Episodes 1 - 12 Extra)

Download for Windows/ Linux - Season 2

Download for Windows/ Linux - Season Compressed

Download for Mac - Season 1 (Episodes 1 - 12 Extra)

Download for Mac - Season 2

Download for Mac - Season 2 Compressed

Download for Android - Season 1 (Episodes 1 - 12 Extra)

Download for Android - Season 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Guide

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

This patch works on all Tales From The Unending Void releases starting from v0.1. The patch restores all incest content that is currently censored in the standard edition of the game.

Patch Instructions

Find the game on your computer, then copy the incest_patch.rpyc file into the following ‘game’ directory (PC: TalesFromTheUnendingVoid/game or MAC: TalesFromTheUnendingVoid.app/contents/resources/autorun/game). This will restore the game’s original incest content.

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 8.4
Visual - 8.8
Engagement - 8
Core Loop - 8.2

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25 7


  1. At least 1/2 of new games have gay grooming. No conspiracy though that they are trying to make you gay.

  2. First, the game is about Aliens. ONE race in question is not Gay, nor Straight. They have BOTH genitalia naturally. So to them, it’s not about orientation. At all, and never will be. They also happened to have developed an overly complex bonding system in ranks, if you’ve played that far to know.

    Do I think either Ziv or Rhea or whatever the hell the other was called needed to be in the game? No. Not really. However it’s at least a genuine take on an “alien” species that doesn’t just devolve into monster girl should be considered “hot” because hey, she’s still got a pussy. Would I like some ACTUAL aliens? Yes. But humans do tend to consider alien in terms we’d still understand. So invariably, authors of the Sci Fi spectrum tend to create aliens that are unfailingly more human than actual aliens might ever otherwise develop. It’s just how we are, and a part of the genre that allows for bridging for those that don’t get as involved in the science aspect of the fiction.

    The pair have been in the game from the start; it’s not necessarily about “grooming” anyone, and you can freely choose not to interact with either character if you’d prefer not to. Personally I take more exception to the fact the princess in another castle (a: Turned out to LITERALLY be a princess, in an alien castle – b: Took center stage away from the MC for no reason, and c: We had two factions on that planet that either way we were said to have bred with a large group of females in one parting night, and then Boom. Nothing out of them, let’s just move on = and the ENTIRE main cast is still not remotely close to the option to get them pregnant) Which is especially galling considering how many times we’ve finished inside of Celine, Jade and possibly the older sister at this point.

    I dropped it at the start of the second season because it didn’t seem to want to recall what I’d done in the last one, and seemed to forget where the hell it was in the story to top things off. You can’t write a “continuation” of a story that doesn’t freaking CONTINUE the story. The end of season one was also pretty jarring, because the ship is being set up to be chased by Celine’s Mom; who I would enjoy seeing broken into the Harem – to be MC’s grudgingly willing Sub breeding bitch, because she was a bitch for no reason from the start – and the merc that mucked with MC’s mind just to fuck him over needs to be PUNISHED. MC also got tossed out an airlock [Because no one can forget ME2 did it first… : / ] so at this point the only consolation for ANY of that is fuck the princess getting super powers: They belong to the MAIN CHARACTER. Who is the Male Harem LEADER!

    • Cucksimps look for things to whine about everywhere. Good rebuttal against the snowflakes and a good review. For its flaws I’ll still play the shit out of this game.

      (ME2 Shepherd didn’t so much get thrown out of an airlock as the whole ship became an open airlock. Hitchhiker’s Guide did it better.)

  3. You play as Gen aka (Captain Kirk) planting your seed in various Aliens, Family, and Friends. Sex is very diverse in this game so whatever you are into you can find your niche. This Game is Mass Effect in space, where you can create your type of harem (girls) or weird relationship (they/them) you can imagine while trying to save the galaxy from your sociopath father who seeks your life.

  4. I have problems with the second season of this game. Please tell me what to do. I finished the first season and saved it, but it doesn’t come out in the second season. He says I have to finish the first season.

    • It should give you a chance to load a save from the first season.

    • Just click on the save file highlighted saved file that the game will automatically pull from season 1, and then it will start.

  5. Faggot groomers ruined another franchise. They put homos in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Shame so many of you refuse to see the agenda. They are trying to brainwash you into being gay.

    • Admin, please delete spam AI slop. Thank you.

  6. OKAY, half of you say that this is gay grooming.
    The OTHER half say that it’s okay to take a dick if it’s from an alien…
    I think you just proved what the first half is saying.

    • Learn to do math. Also learn to read. Maybe learn some basic logic. Or keep living in your retarded shit-stained echo chamber and pass off idiotic fallacies as truth because you wouldn’t know the difference. Better yet, play in traffic and spare everyone the headache.


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