
iNSight of you [v1.0][Final] [AdventAnyx]

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Download for Android

1. Download the 1.0 APK: *  104 MiB

2. Install the apk and run it once. If you are updating (and you already have the RPA in place) you may stop here.

3. Download the RPA file (NOTE – if you already have the RPA file you don’t have to download it again): * * 2.11 GiB

4. Move the RPA file to the game directory on your phone: Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.insightofyou/game The file MUST be named: archive.0.13.rpa

5. Restart the game and enjoy. Appreciate my porting? Leave a Tip! You’re supporting my efforts, paying for storage, and encouraging more ports!

Download Gallery Unlocker


Gallery unlock, should work across any version, to use download the file as a .rpy into the game’s `game` folder (click on the attachment, press Ctrl+s, select the All files (*.*) entry from the file type dropdown and after that remove .txt from the file name)

It looks like the gallery also wasn’t updated and is blocked when progressed into new content, you can use the fix_gallery.rpy file to fix that – but it won’t update the gallery variables with the game’s new values, so the unlocker needs to be used if routes that are in the gallery were progressed and you want to view them

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Editor's Rating

Story - 87%
Visual - 88%
Engagement - 55%
Core Loop - 79%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.06 ( 11 votes)

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  1. Hot. And hilarious. Admittedly, I’ve only played the (hours long) intro so far; which I enjoyed so much, that I felt I had to say something. The dialogue is so funny, one can actually forget to fap, just to go on reading. A lot of talent has been poured in this. The facial expressions alone, especially of Esther’s, who is the main love interest, are a work of art. Do yourself a favour, and give it a try. Mind you, it needs a big screen; a normal laptop screen will be small, let alone a smartphone. (Yeah, I know, but android users too have a soul I suppose). This should not have been the case it seems, it’s just because the main picture is a view of the mc’s appartment, with all the rooms and furniture and stuff, apparently serving no purpose. Also on the downside, the dev has not payed enough attention to spelling out sufficiently well for the reader what exactly the implants etc. are supposed to be. And there are minor continuity problems with the story. Still, on the whole, and, I repeat, at least until the actual game starts, this is absolutely great.

    1. Update: Having played about half of it now, I can honestly say that this is easily among the hottest games I’ve ever played. Also, it is a game (and an inspired one too), not just a story (with or without choices). On the downside, the controls are complex (and somewhat scattered) and it can be tiring; but there is in-game guidance throughout, so the player is never lost. The previously mentioned weaknesses do persist; perhaps more attention could have been given on the serious part what and why the mc is struggling to finally achieve – or this could have been dispensed with altogether, with the simple explanation that it is simply what he likes. There is whoring out, but, at least for the love interests, it is optional, and nothing seems to be lost without it – perhaps it can be largely avoided for the bitchy boss too, I don’t know. Finally, the music adds unwelcome anxiety; something less hectiv (and perhaps more sinister) would have been better for the player’s enjoyment. On the whole, it is absolutely great.

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