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Halfway House [Ep.11 – Bonus 7-8] [Az]

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Download Walkthrough

Download Walkthrough & Gallery Mod


  • This mod adds an in-game walkthrough for the important choices in the game Halfway House!
  • I’ve added a scene replay gallery unlocker to unlock all gallery scenes.
  • A cheat menu has also been added which has cheats that allow you to maximize your stats.
  • I’ve currently made a few improvements to some of the events in the game so that you will be able to see several missable scenes. Read the full list of improvements below to see all of the changes.

Scene/Gameplay Improvements:

  • When you drop your spoon and are under the table you are given the option to peek at everyone
  • When you are in the shower you are given the option to imagine everyone


PC: Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your “Halfway House-0.8” folder.
MAC: Unzip the mod -> Right-click your “Halfway House” app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents” then “Resources” folders -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod to the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Download Bonus Episode Bonus Episodes 1 - 8:

A Simple Day's Commute

A Visit To The Gym

Ashley's For Fans Only

Mari's Predicament

Ladies Night Out

The Lexingtons' Retreat

Being Emily

After The Past

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 97%
Visual - 95%
Engagement - 96%
Core Loop - 94%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.64 ( 186 votes)

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  1. 11 episodes with near NONE sex scenes. Even with walkthrow enabled everytime out of points needed for scene. Scene with no sex of course. NO. Spend so many hours clicking and clicking in this garbage game and just the hours past. There are people who pay him ? Really ?

  2. Downloaded cos it said episode 11. there is no episode 11 it ends on episode 10. just replayed the whole game for their to be no new episode. jokes.

    1. Don’t know what you did wrong, but there’s an ep 11. though its super short, also the shower sex with ash is kinda jenky.

  3. Old GAY GROMMING scam
    5 years
    Wasted development in GAY SIDE STORIES with old man. “SPIIIIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEE”

    Nothing in Male MC straight path.
    Another abandoned game with 1 update each 2 years.

    1. what gay grooming are you even talking about?? i see your comments on many games, you’re fucking weird dude. “Spiiiceee” like…what even is that?! stop posting comments, weird ass dude. probably some 15 year old

      1. “Gay grooming”
        Start a game with “straight MC” to fuck girls.

        After 5 years. You see more dicks of UGLY OLD MEN in the game than SEX SCENES in Male MC straight path (Mc fucking girls).

        Maybe “player became GAY” and start loving gay content with old man and fat male friend. “Maybe”. Its a “GAY GROOMING” try. Old. Typical of 1990 movies. Now its overused.

        1. okay so what if the game is meant for both girls and boys? are you braindead, bruv? like i said, stop posting comments. I’ve had enough of people’s shit.

  4. Well…was planning to test it…but with the planned stuff, hard pass. Sharing/swinging/prostitution…not my thing.

      1. BWAHAHAHAHA He said the stuff was “planned” you stupid fuck! That means it doesn’t have that stuff right now!
        His comment was to warn people about the direction the dev was gonna go. It was helpful.
        Your comment was only there to be a troll but instead you just made yourself look STUPID!
        THANK YOU! I needed that laugh.

  5. Another MC which gets dumber as the story progresses really shitty that the player does not have ANY influence on the story!

    EP9 currently:
    MC should put phone on audio record since threats been made and be able to at least call lil’ Sis her full name, easiest argument to do so is ask for her ID and deduct that you call her whats in there and that to be called by a nickname is a thing of respect which she aint earned and even activly worked towards the opposite of it!

    Yeah devs really like to fuck up their games with stupid MC’s if not with the protagonist its with some shitty story twists or out-of-the-world events….

    Also whats up with 8 “Bonus” Episodes instead of weaving them into the game even if as flashbacks? How long are these bonus episodes???

    As for the folks here complaining ’bout the Mi LF plate on the porsche:
    Go fuck you cucks we put up with american cringe bullshit all the time and it is actually funny since it is an actually license plate code and I once saw a damn fucking MILF with that plate in Minden Germany…So buckle up and respect our culture like we do yours or be silent and if not consider yourselves cucks to your culture!

    1. Used to be in my top 10 but after episode 8 its just all been downhill . The time it takes to release another episode with very little play time is just crazy.
      getting 3k a month for doing pretty much nothing is sad i stopped my Patronidge on Patreaon.

      1. You’re spot on. I mean nobody in this world wants to go to a nightclub with their little sister except this dev apparently. Needs a braincell.
        And if you follow emily home you get treated like a human house pet. Fucking irrigating

  6. Ok that’s it. I’m done. I still can’t understand why you’d put in all this work and time into a project only to have it ruined by a protagonist you want to hate. He’s stupid, completely self centered, guilt tripper, manipulator and he sure isn’t familiar with the concept of “No means no!”. I’m in chapter four now and the only thing he’s done worth while is try to save Samantha from the rapist in the bathroom. Other than that he’s just a giant ball of narcissism.

  7. Well… the renders are pretty bad, except the Porsche. The dialog is pretty good so far and the guy isn’t a total derp. I don’t get what’s up with the frequent decision prompts with only one answer. If there is only one choice then just keep going, don’t ask me to keep going. We’ll see how it goes.

  8. Because everyone has different tastes. Read the other comments. This ain’t for u if u r looking for a fap.

  9. These are my top 5 games
    1. Heart problems
    2 .The genesis order
    3. 4 years in Tehran
    4 .Halfway House
    5. Nursing Back To Pleasure

  10. Only recently had time to try this game, and it’s quickly moved into my top 5! Keep up the good work / recommending this game to anyone else. Just gotta get through the first scene, it picks up well from there!

      1. These are my top 5 games
        1. Heart problems
        2 .The genesis order
        3. 4 years in Tehran
        4 .Halfway House
        5. Nursing Back To Pleasure

        1. If you liked The Genesis order, trying playing Treasures of Nadia first, so that you can understand the story more, have fun.

  11. For those who can’t seem to figure it out, the update this round are the 8 BONUS EPISODES. The main story is the same.

  12. Im speechless, even though I have a full gaming rig, this game’s visuals left me shocked, it’s truly phenomenal. Not to mention the story, the characters, it’s all perfectly done. I find it one if not the best avns i have ever played. Those who say otherwise without reasonable cause are the same people who skip text throughout the game and go after the scenes, which is the only flaw in this game, that it ended quick. Patiently waiting for new releases.

  13. idk why so many people are complaining about the game this game is great and i play many renpy games this game is not your typical game where you get to automatically fuck all the main girl and where its full of sex scenes all the time ik it’s a game but it’s almost like real life you got to build up your relationship with the girls to be able to do anything with them i can understand the whole waiting too long for updates but when you play so many games like this one honestly who cares

    1. you are right i dont understand autofuck games to they so boring 10 min later you will delete shitty game

  14. If you like wholesome romance then you’ll love it. Although the updates are VERY VERY SLOW. Emily from this game and Eliza from Nephilim are the cutest female characters in all VN games.

  15. It’s a slow, long burn but it’s a great story about finding a place to belong and making new friends for life, if you’re into that sort of thing. If you’re into quick fap stuff then porn would be more to your liking. Starts to pay off in episode 10 with a couple really hot scenes, so it’s worth the wait. I’m glad I took the time to go through this and enjoy it. I can’t wait for more episodes.

  16. Great game so far. It’s nice to see a game where you have to build up the relationship over time and arent able to fuck every one within the first 15 minutes.
    What bothers me a little is that the licensplate (MI LF-78) of the yellow/golden Porsche is registert in germany and the “city abbreviation” MI with stands for the City “Minden”. Minden is part of the Federal State. “North Rhine Westphalia”. But the Federal State Logo is the one of “Baden Wuerttemberg”. Different State ^^
    I maybe the only one to notice it 😀 but I live in a Citiy next to Minden so i cant unsee it 😀
    Just an funny coincidence. Gret work, keep it up ^^

  17. Yeah, except if the rest of us didn’t show up to work for 14 months, not only would we not have a job, we damn sure wouldn’t get paid $4.7k which is ACTUALLY what he makes a month as of right now. That’s a VERY well paying job to do fuck all for over a year and then release a 30 minute update. Suck his dick harder.

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