
Grandma’s House [Part 4 v0.58] [MoonBox]

Note: If you’re on android, make sure you make the save at the “Save now” screen. Part 2 will overwrite Part 1 when you install it. After that you can just load your save like normal. For PC/Mac, just start the game and load the save. There is also an autosave in case you forgot.
Note: You need to play Part 1 and save exactly when the game tells you to before you can play Part 2
Note2: Same instructions for switching from Part 2 to Part 3 and Part 3 to Part 4

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 1 - v0.16

Download for Windows/ Linux- Part 2

Download for Windows/ Linux- Part 3

Download for Windows/ Linux- Part 4

Download for Windows/ Linux- Part 4 Update Patch (0.57>0.58)

Download for Mac- Part 1 - v0.16

Download for Mac- Part 2

Download for Mac- Part 3

Download for Mac- Part 4

Download for Mac- Part 4 Update Patch (0.57>0.58)

Download for Android- Part 1 - v0.16 + Mod

Download for Android- Part 2

Download for Android- Part 3

Download for Android- Part 4

Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: “(your device)\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.grandmashouse”
(you have to grant the permission for the external storage use when starting the game for the first time!)

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Changes the characters to family members

Patch Instructions

Extract to game directory and overwrite

Download Walkthrough

Download Walkthrough Mod


– show point hints for game choices
– ingame walkthrough recommendations (based on the dev’s walkthrough)
– new with v0.09: additional game settings
– new with v0.09: renaming

second Mod variant with additonal function:
– main menu music
– ingame jukebox player with some tracks


Installation guide:
1. of course the original game must be installed first
2. extract the Mod archive in a temporary folder
3. move the extracted files/folders into your …/game/ folder

See also the installation info in the ZIP file.

If using my Mod for the first time it’s recommended to start a new game.
General Advice!
My mod changes the original game files! Old saves will most likely not work anymore!
Also, saves with my mod installed will maybe not work WITHOUT my mod afterwards, too.
As this Mod overwrites game files, other Mods/addons may also not work after installing it.

Download Saves

old saves before v15 are not used from the game anymore,
therefore here only saves from the end of v0.15 and above

Extract file from file to the \game sub-folder and overwrite when prompted.

You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 84%
Visual - 82%
Engagement - 77%
Core Loop - 80%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.09 ( 298 votes)

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  1. This would be a decent story if it weren’t for all the sex, perversion, fetishism, and an asshole of an MC.

  2. 4 years milking
    Harem with black chick, retarded chick, yellow chick but not grandma because of “plot reasons”
    Another white emasculated sissy white boy, watching grandma masturbate, in toilet, in dream..
    Lack grandma content, single titjob scene with mom
    Grandma continue virgin after 4 years of milking
    No hopes in MC-GRANDMA path. Only MFFFFF white chick, black chick and asian chick.

  3. All of is are waiting for the Amelia and grandma lewd content. With the cliffhanger of the last update you can give us one of them. It is a nice game with a lot of sex scenes, but I am sure to speak for all of us. We have been waiting for the 2 characters to finally get screwed.

  4. Fuck this shit, 3 yrs milking still no sex option with grandma only screwing that black chick.

    1. game is shit . black girl blowing farts on asian girl. so rude. asian girl is fainting, maybe dead

  5. I am still connected to this game only for the story and please give an option at the start for kat and sizhuka, it’s really irritating when we have to forcefully see someone stroking the dik of the mc.

  6. This is interesting game. It is basically easymode harem VN. There is no questions that make you wanna do save file or any grand story in the background. It is just cruising from sex scene to conversations how everyone loves the MC and back to sex scene and so on. If you are looking for happy feelings and lots of sex scenes with different women, this is the game. At some point the unrealistic happiness and overflowing love makes the story and atmosphere little too sunshine and rainbows. But in small doses it is ok.

    Sex scenes are mostly normal vanilla one on one, but there is few interesting ones too. Women look passable and conversation pictures are mostly frontal pictures with normal casual clothing, so there isn’t much eye candy to watch while reading the conversations. For me, those more imaginative sex scenes are the reason why i still keep visiting this game. And some cuddling and teasing is also done well. But those are about 5% of the game. This is a long game to read everything. 3/5

    1. Spoiler: I am near the end of Part 3 and still nothing. Not even a blowjob from grandma and second aunt.

  7. At start i like it, but later on without animations and sex images change after a lot of conversation with just staying still, make the game sex scenes boring-indifferent. If the game had animations, then we talk for a different game worth talk good about it.

  8. Amazing game but why doesnt the neighbour(Amelia)get any scenes? while the black old lady got scenes even after I clarified that I’m not in her path?

  9. @moonbox
    Thank you for the game. it’s a very interesting game.
    To people who don’t like it and criticizing; Don’t be babies play the damn game and if you don’t like it, delete and move on.
    put on the comments why you didn’t like it without criticizing like normal people or write your own damn game. see how many criticizes to that. all I’m saying is behave normally and point out issues to the writer without criticizing.

  10. Wholesome game. It’s one of the most chill and fun games. I genuinely relax playing it. Ignore the scenes and all and just appreciate the story, the diversity in races etc.. Well done devs and keep the updates coming

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