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Game of Hearts [Ch.5 R1] [SparkHG]

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Adds a Cheat Menu to change points. (Pic 4)
Adds an option to change the MC name. (Pic 4)
Increase or Decrease Text Size and Text Box Opacity. (Pic 3)
The Walkthrough adds hints in dialogues that give points. (Pic 1)
Adds a new choice to get Meredith Corruption and Attraction Level 1. (Pic 2)


PC/MAC: Replace/Merge with the “game” folder.

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Editor's Rating

Story - - 91%
Visual - The visuals of - 89%
Engagement - Prepare to be seduced by the sensual allure of - 86%
Core Loop - The core loop of - 87%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.4 ( 184 votes)

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  1. Very nice game. No real choice about the girls to pursue (so far) but animation and gameplay is pleasant.
    Story is interesting and the pace of the story is quite good.

    Path of love / corruption is a bit complex to figure out but manageable.
    Dialogues could benefit from a proofreader but all in all they are decent. Struggles with mortality decision (MC as well a 1 on the girls) are well describe without overdoing it.
    If the updates are somewhat regular could become a candidate for support.

  2. The game has potential, as the renders are really good and the animations are fairly solid, but the one area that needs some hefty improvement is the writing.
    Normally my issue with the writing would be the “show, don’t tell rule”, but there’s an artistic nature the dev is trying to create, and I respect that. Instead, it’s the technical aspect of the writing. There are a lot of tense changes between past and present that screw with the mindset of the player. Add in a lot of technical flaws such as trying to use “face’s” as a replacement for “face is”, and I repeatedly find myself being pulled out of the narrative.

    I sincerely believe this game has potential, but the dev needs to get a proofreader to help them past this hurdle.

  3. The game has potential, as the renders are really good and the animations are fairly solid, but the one area that needs some hefty improvement is the writing.
    Normally my issue with the writing would be the “show, don’t tell rule”, but there’s an artistic nature the dev is trying to create, and I respect that. Instead, it’s the technical aspect of the writing. There are a lot of tense changes between past and present that screw with the mindset of the player. Add in a lot of technical flaws such as trying to use “face’s” as a replacement for “face is”, and I repeatedly find myself being pulled out of the narrative.

    I sincerely believe this game has potential, but the dev needs to get a proofreader to help them past this hurdle.

  4. Good story, promising plot, two of the most beautiful, attractive and interesting girls in any game I’ve ever seen (Julia and Brie). But did they really have to make milfs the center of attention? I mean I like the concept of gaining demonic power from sexual interactions, but you could choose anyone you wanted to be your source and you chose let’s say the “not very attractive” older ladies? I can see how this can be a problem for many, for it is not likely to be sexually attracted to those women, not with sexbombs running around. It wastes a lot of time.

    I hope to see more of Brie going forward, a Demon-Angel romance is an intriguing potential plot-line that should not be wasted. And I hope we can get more say in who we interact with once we get powerful enough as was promised during the prologue.

    4/5 for now, can easily become 5/5 later.

  5. One of the best fat ass MILFs in any AVN. Story with all the conversations and teasing does support sex scenes perfect. Maybe the best part is how sex scenes and choices made in them have effect on the story. I’m not a big fan of point collecting in sex scenes, as it sometimes feels like distraction, but i do like the idea of impactful choices in them. Writing is perfect and with great facial expressions it does create emotions and empathy towards the women. And with those, in combination with sexy models, make a great AVN. The main story has just set the premise at this point.

    Art style is on realistic side. Even if the older women don’t have unnaturally perfect bodies, their realistic and natural bodies with all the flaws do fit in the story perfectly. Younger women could have sexier bodies, in my opinion. Even the story could support the idea of unnatural beauty for them. Two last sex scenes with younger women were mostly point collecting events for me. For me the mature women are stars of the show and i would trade all those regular looking younger women to one really fat titty MILF. Not just because aesthetics, but also their story arcs are more interesting. 4,5/5

  6. Dude wrote a essay showing the game was to complex for him.
    He missed the immortal part, he missed the Mc has no memory of his past or whatever is going on as it is still coming, he missed part where the Mc’s power has been blocked which has made him weak, he missed the part where gaining followers is where power comes from not breeding and he complains about more basils BS without a a valid reason.
    Dude you want to shit talk a game make sure you not to dumb to understand the game 1st, also the Mc is not a succumbs he is a demon or might even be a half demon half angel that has not been mad clear yet. The reason you don’t see the story working is cause you are to dumb to understand and seriously you want to play a game that has no growth just be the strongest and win without trying and you call that a good story? Dumb as I said.

    1. You can’t “steal assets” from rendered images you retard, all these models can be purchased on the DAZ3D store.

    2. stupid fuk.. there is no comparison in both renders. go check your eye sight. If you can appreciate handwork they put on, don’t talk shit no apparent reason.

      1. Talk shit what? He stated the obvious why are you so butthurt? Why don’t you take your own advice and get you eye sight poke because checking is useless for blind white nigger simp.

  7. Strange developer why ugly MILFs go to the points of attention and sex scenes when just sex bombs are running around!

  8. I really like the sex scene with Merideth and Maxime, especially when it’s a threesome, I like her tits and ass, it’s very tempting, I give it a score of 10/10

  9. This game is amazing, nice art, nice animation, but i think this Dev have a problem with Meredith Doggy style…..

    Damm, only missionary all the time, if you put choices in sex scene, like we can chose some positions, will be a lot better than it already is ….

  10. Artistic style with great use of image angles. A natural talent with facial expressions, and so much is used expressively. You don’t even need to read the dialog much of the time, just read the facial expressions.

    It’s also interesting how the frumpy housewife who’s not particularly attractive provides contrast for the other two women, elevating them to some stunning levels in some scenes.

  11. Anyone knows about the game of hearts update or any other news of the game if anyone knows please reply and anyone who has join the spark HG patreon please tell me

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