Home » Double Perception [v4.6] [Zett]

Double Perception [v4.6] [Zett]

User Rating: 7.2

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

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Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

feature: Eng only. Changes some lines in the script. Makes mc refer to Rachel as Mom.
pc install: Unzip to the “game” folder.

Download Cheat Code

The game has a default cheat menu under the hotkey “J”. There you can find “Special Cheat” button that requires you to enter a cheat code. The Dev obfuscated these codes with a sort of “hash”, therefore it’s not easy to find them out.
I made something similar to the “cheats mod” here, but my code doesn’t require to replace any files and should work for all current versions of the game.

How to use

  1. Simply save the zCodes.rpy file in the “game” directory
  2. Start the game or restart if it was running
  3. Now you can use these codes below:
gallery = Unlocks the Gallery
itemsvr = Adds items to the DoA (VR Game) inventory
itemsrl = Adds items to the "RL" inventory
vron = Enables VR
mikadoll = Mika - Doll
ragdoll = Ragdoll - Doll

EDIT: So far, no updates have been necessary since I made it for the game v3.8. I’ll try check once in a while for changes, please ping me only if you’re sure that something doesn’t work anymore.
Thanks for pinning the post to the first page.
So far nothing has changed since release of the mod.
Also as alternative here are the original Cheat Codes that hasn’t changed since at least 3.8 as well.

Gallery: k9u2Nc
Items VR/DoA: mS8k2c
Items Reality: Rl1tMs
Enable VR: H4lm49
Mika - Doll: D8lMk4
Ragdoll - Doll: 9g5L28
Story - 7.3
Visual - 7.1
Engagement - 7.2
Core Loop - 7.1

Have your say!

9 5

1 Comment

  1. Game have content
    Have good animations

    But sandbox gameplay kill all the fun.
    Sandbox … double sandbox.
    “Real world” sandbox (in fictional city)
    “Game world” sandbox (in VR reality)

    If you have a lot of time to waste and love sandbox… make a try.

    If not…


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