
Depth’s Revival [Revival] [Seacth]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 91%
Visual - 97%
Engagement - 82%
Core Loop - 95%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.82 ( 53 votes)

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  1. WTF!?
    Detected: Trojan:Win32/Bearfoos.A!ml
    Affected element:
    file: C:\Users\malte\Desktop\DepthsRevival-Rework-pc\DepthsRevival.exe

    1. !ml = Your cheap gum ball machine AI ran virus program ‘learned’ that it was a trojan, aka – a false positive.

      You people are dumb.

    2. LOL that’s what you get for having a cheap ass AV not once has mine picked up or detected anything from this site or any other, sooo you’re obviously to stupid to realize it’s a false positive

  2. A fun game…nothing exceptional and pretty vanilla.
    Animation, story and dialogues are …ok i guess.
    A lot f typos especially at the beginning.
    Almost every choice has an impact…most of the time it’s about refusing or accepting a girls.
    Harem path is the longes…every other option ends pretty fast (at current stage).
    Only real issue is the pace….the girls are bit to eager right from start. A mother giving in just after a drunk kiss and a little speech, girls giving their first time after just a simple date or even turning straight…feels a bit rushed.
    But even so it’s pretty pleasant to play.
    You can find a lot of better games out there but even a bigger amount way worst.

    1. well it must be working on you then snowflake if you think anal sex is for gay’s only you brain dead simp

    2. you do realize that 90% of women find that anal sex brings a lot of intimacy both man and woman during sex. No? didn’t think so you beta cuck

      1. LMAO!!! Really 90%? Let me guess you got that from porn , right? Just like 90% of men like to gangbang, right? Stop basing your stats and belief’s on porn, it is wrong. While there are a lot of women who like anal sex it mostly described as rough sex not intimate sex and for you to say it brings a lot of intimacy is probably a bigger joke. Even the official stats are wrong cause it is not taking right, the real numbers are mixed cause there are some women who can do it and there are those who can’t and that is a fact go look it up. Just like there are women who cannot cum from penetration and some that can only cum from penetration, and then some that can cum from both. Let’s be honest here the dude that said anal sex is gay is 1 of those who is so scared of being gay that he sees everything not normal in his eyes as gay, which actually say’s he might be gay but afraid to see if he is. Now you calling him a beta cuck and your comment probably means you think NTR and gangbangs are manlily things when it is actually fact that most men who participate in these stuff are Bi and gay even porn stars no matter how many women they fuck they still fuck men, the point being you both are idiots who has no clue about anything not even who you are.

        1. except that there is no Biman. Same as there is no Batman. Its all a fantasy.
          Once man takes cock up his arse he is gay, game over. Everything else is wishful thinking.

        2. P.S
          Every gangbanger is a cuckold by default.
          Swingers are cuckold as well.
          You need to check definition of the word.

  3. What’s up with these games and their terrible uncanny valley animation style? This and Ripples. High Scores, high user ratings, etc, but the animation is super off putting. Why can’t they make good 2d hand drawn animation like What a Legend or good 3d animation like Being a DIK? This halfhearted 3d animation looks like trash.

    I guess the story must be mind blowing to make up for it? Should I just push through?

  4. What the actual fuck? This isn’t a part 3. Only 60 fucking renders in this trash update? Another zero effort pile of total fucking dogshit being passed off as an update. Fuck you man.

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