
Bad Bobby Saga [v1.1.0] [RAinces]

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View Walkthrough

V0.13a walkthrough

For less grinding.

Lucy: *You can find her at the swimming pool on Saturday Afternoon. After the first spanking, she willstart asking you to bring her a Sunscreen from the Laundry room.

*On Tuesday or Friday, Lucy is usually asking money from you, go check what she is doinginstead. You should be able to give her money again so she could go out.

*After you give her money, Wait for her at the Living room. You’ll find her talking with her friendJulia at the enters. 

*On Tuesday or Friday, Lucy is usially asking money from you, go cheak what she is doinginsted. You should be able to give her money again so she could go out.

*Again, Wait for her at the living room after her night out. You will need to choose one of theoptions with Julia.

*Now, to proggres forther with her, you need to compleat Ms.Anna office scene.

*You need to get Ms.Anna out of the house, You can find her in her Bedroom in the Afternoon,talk with her on Friday. You must have an Alcohol bottle in your inventory before!

*Go check what Lucy is doing in her room and give her money again. You must have an Alcoholbottle in your inventory!

* Wait for Lucy at the living room after her night out.Liza:

*You need to search in her room, in Monday, Wednesday or Friday at Noon. You’ll find thatshe’s left her computer open. Check it out!

*Go to your room(You may need to click on your room icon again, Will get fix later). Then clickon the pc.

*You can change your pc background.

*Click on the spycam app icon, Liza is usually online at the evenings. Keep repeating this sceneand corrupt her with spam advertisement, until the mini-walkthrough icon will say That it’s safe


Download Incest Patch

Not Needed in v1.0.(Just rename the “Landlady” to “Mom” at the start of the game).

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” sub-folder .

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 88%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 91%
Core Loop - 90%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.78 ( 185 votes)

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    1. It’s nohomo. He’s mainly randomly reposting things in other threads, editing bits of information here and there to I suppose some kind of insults. He doesn’t care about conversation, so he’s gone from trolling to QAnon posts to spamming.

      Right now he’s throwing a hissy fit that he gave up his original name, nohomo, in the funniest way possible and I’ve been posting satirical things under the name he doesn’t use anymore. I’m guessing his lack of self-esteem has him playing copycat again. It’s just different enough to be interesting, and I thought it was a WordPress glitch at first.

      So I doubt its LLM. Just look at whatever the most recent games are and you’ll see the recent pattern.

    1. Yep, i let mc sister fuck that handsome white guy, truly caucasian culture cucking and swinging but cuck is legal only if you got cuck’d by white guy and not that subhuman ape they shove to entire NTR genre. This game is good for a change and giving NTR genre fresh feel to it.

      1. If nohomo (here being too cowardly to post under his new tag ‘Straight Pride’) was for anything, it’s the typical white-purity, anti-homosexual, restraints-for-all-that-do-not-believe-in-the-correct-things ideology that is picked up by uneducated people who think social justice will solve the world’s current problems. I support gays and given the opportunity would go down on some random guy.

        I’m not willing to come out and say this as myself. It just means I’m either simply trolling here, or part of me knows that it’s a lustful position that leads to the rape of innocent young boys.

        Maybe I’m changing. There is always hope.

        At least I’m sophisticated past attacking the NTR tag. That’s always felt to me like a low-hanging branch, like complaining about anal sex between men but not women. It doesn’t take enough thought to consider the person worth a serious retort. Boring, cookie-cutter trolling. Anything above that is at least a little interesting.

        For the record, this game has its problems but it’s pretty damn hot. I didn’t run into any surprise NTR (or NTR situations that weren’t obvious so you can pick for yourself). I did feel like I had to go back once or twice to get more sex scenes, but I didn’t feel my time was wasted. I can always find more to satisfy my apetite.

        1. This was almost clever. You could’ve kept the falsehoods going and made it more credible instead of hiding the insults, and really made it shine.

          Still, a B-.

          For those expecting commentary on the game, I’ve never played this one. I can’t remember the game I’m commenting about when #nohomo started reposting almost actual posts, but it’s not this one. Read elsewhere in this thread for thoughts about this game. People certainly have them!

        2. The original post for [Babysitters]:

          If nohomo (here being too cowardly to post under his new tag ‘Straight Pride’) was for anything, it’s the typical white-purity, anti-homosexual, restraints-for-all-that-do-not-believe-in-the-correct-things ideology that is picked up by uneducated people who think fascism will solve the world’s current problems.

          That he’s not willing to come out and say this as himself means he’s either simply trolling here, or part of him knows that it’s a hateful position that leads to deaths of innocents.

          Maybe he’s changing. There is always hope.

          At least he’s sophisticated past attacking the NTR tag. That’s always felt to me like a low-hanging branch, like complaining about anal sex between men but not women. It doesn’t take enough thought to consider the person worth a serious retort. Boring, cookie-cutter trolling. Anything above that is at least a little interesting.

          For the record, this game has its problems but it’s pretty damn hot. I didn’t run into any surprise NTR (or NTR situations that weren’t obvious so you can pick for yourself). I did feel like I had to go back once or twice to get more sex scenes, but I didn’t feel my time was wasted.

        3. Incidentally, here is the original post from [Babysitters].
          Notice the weak trolling inserts.

          If nohomo (here being too cowardly to post under his new tag ‘Straight Pride’) was for anything, it’s the typical white-purity, anti-homosexual, restraints-for-all-that-do-not-believe-in-the-correct-things ideology that is picked up by uneducated people who think fascism will solve the world’s current problems.

          That he’s not willing to come out and say this as himself means he’s either simply trolling here, or part of him knows that it’s a hateful position that leads to deaths of innocents.

          Maybe he’s changing. There is always hope.

          At least he’s sophisticated past attacking the NTR tag. That’s always felt to me like a low-hanging branch, like complaining about anal sex between men but not women. It doesn’t take enough thought to consider the person worth a serious retort. Boring, cookie-cutter trolling. Anything above that is at least a little interesting.

          For the record, this game has its problems but it’s pretty damn hot. I didn’t run into any surprise NTR (or NTR situations that weren’t obvious so you can pick for yourself). I did feel like I had to go back once or twice to get more sex scenes, but I didn’t feel my time was wasted.

    2. I will do myself that favor and I like to consider the author’s intent. If the author’s intent was to have a game of horny teenagers, then A+!
      The concept of having an erection so hard. I like dirty talk. As your typical oversexualized power fantasy goes. Even semen on a young boy’s face is a fantasy.
      But yeah, I will be playing this to find out if that’s what it is.

  1. Stuck at the Liza porn scene. Walkthrough says lock at 3rd scene but she always switches off the computer instead. Any help?

    1. “LoveIncestTabooSaga” from this Khansama INC is the most horrific version of Bad Bobby Saga you will find. The renders are bad, the animation is terrible (3 frames in a scene where the developer doesn’t even know how to place the characters). The game has music, but no sound effects. It has a really bad crying sound. There is absolutely nothing good! And I wouldn’t recommend anyone to give even a penny to the developer because he clearly doesn’t know how to make a game and just wants to profit from the success of the Bad Bobby saga. Download the original version or another and don’t waste time with this version.

    1. Stop spamming it! “LoveIncestTabooSaga” from this Khansama INC is the most horrific version of Bad Bobby Saga you will find.

      1. Stop spamming it! “LoveIncestTabooSaga” from this Khansama INC is the most horrific version of Bad Bobby Saga you will find.

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