
Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0][Final] [TwistedScarlett60]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Unveiling the Unknown shines when it comes to storytelling. The narrative is well-told, engaging, and will keep you entertained from start to finish. The game cleverly combines - 91%
Visual - Visually, Unveiling the Unknown is a treat. The artwork is absolutely beautiful, capturing the eye with its polished 2D portraits that perfectly express the characters' emotions. The variety of girls, including the alluring side encounters in the dungeon, adds an extra layer of excitement. Additionally, the dual art styles used, with sketchy scenes and vivid colored sketches, provide a unique and sexy atmosphere. Although the clash between the two styles is a minor issue, it does not significantly impact the overall visual appeal. - 84%
Engagement - The game's engagement factor is off the charts. Unveiling the Unknown successfully blends base management, character development, and exciting dungeon crawling mechanics to offer a comprehensive and immersive experience. The complexity and depth of the game are particularly impressive, considering it was created with a seemingly simple engine. The inventive and enjoyable dungeon crawling mechanics will keep players hooked, although the late-game scaling could use some tweaks to maintain the challenge. While a few bugs and issues are present, they are minor and do not detract from the overall quality of the game. - 92%
Core Loop - The core loop of Unveiling the Unknown is well-constructed. From managing your base to developing your characters and delving into the dungeon, every aspect of the game feels interconnected and purposeful. The streamlined map navigation, without overly complex elements like empty rooms, keeps the gameplay focused and enjoyable. However, the combat mechanics feel somewhat detached from the affection-unlocking scenes, which could benefit from more interaction. Nonetheless, the core loop of the game remains engaging and rewarding. - 89%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.47 ( 85 votes)

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  1. I was reluctant to try this game, as it has a horrible user rating. Glad that I played it in the end!
    Story is fun, graphics are great, the game mechanics (dungeon exploration and maid upgrades etc.) are fun as well (even did newgame +2).

    You can choose if you want to be female and cursed with an extra dick (so you have both genitals as futanari),
    there is also the option to be male and get extra tits as a curse, or intersex (upper part female, lower part male) or Transgender (MtF).

    Also: You I have not found any partner with a dick attached (that you did not configure to have one). There is a potential futa partner – who you can also make female. There is one maid who is bi-sexual, and she is great fun ( a few lesbian scenes are usually not much problem for the audience anyway).

    My playthough was as born female who gets the curse early in the game and it was great fun – definitely recommended!

    Bottom line – great game, and it is not required to go any LGBT+ route when that’s not what you want.

  2. Yup, the LGBT pedosexuals are down in the comments again, wringing their hands in despair they were unable to pickup a date for the weekend after prancing around the playground all day in their rainbow wigs and clown suits.

    But that’s OK. Every clown in a circus needs a balloon.

      1. Sorry, I’m not paying you reparations and giving you free handouts.

        Rent a boat and go back to Africa, you uneducated little village nigger and let the cows piss on that matted pubic fuzz you call hair.

  3. i love it when this game gets updated because i get to dunk on transphobes in the comments. and it’s a pretty fun game too.

    1. ”oh no woman has penis, so now I shall impose genocide on them” is what I see in the comments.

      Trans rights are human rights!

      1. Trannies are all nut jobs and so is anyone who believes the garbage the degenerate “elite” push. The same elite who went to epstein island, diddy the diddler combs parties and NXIVM sex cult. Amongst many other things we never hear about.

        They want masculinity destroyed. So you are easier to control and to make a slave out of you. globohomo is part of your enslavement. To believe lies or allow them to go unopposed to break your will.

        You realityphobes need to wake the fuck up.

      2. LOL @ trans rights

        You mean the faggotnomics garbage they push on grade schoolers and convince them to take puberty blockers and castrate themselves?

    2. Yeah, no…I seriously think you guys are the problem here. That guy Rancor has been on this site for a few years or so? He always spews his shit and get the fuck out, plain and simple.

      In come you guys stalking and tossing oil in the flame. Now we have pages of essays back and forth about identity politics and SJW BS that most people do not care or want to hear when they are trying to jerk off on a hentai site.

      You guys know you won’t change his mind and he won’t change yours, so it’s basically Internet trolling and griefing. Yeah he spew shit, but you guys know what you are trying to do, you’re not changing anyone’s life, and certainly not saving any trans by debating with him.

      1. Oh, but it will change minds. When the impressionable youth finds out they caught an std from “experimenting”. Or somebody they know. There could be other events as well. They vary. But at some point for many men they will think back. Maybe years later and realize they have been fooled.

    3. It’s more so I just expose you for the made up fraud you and your whole LGBT ideology is. 😂

      You were caught peddling lies perpetuated by LGBT propaganda pushers again down in the comments, backpedaled and then tried to claim something else when your fake news propaganda fell flat.

      It’s kinda your thing.

  4. Soooo….

    What piece of globohomo shit should I flush next?

    Got one more I am getting dismantled and banned after both ‘Earn Your Freedom’ games bit the dust, and it might surprise you what the other one is.  Stay tuned.  😎

    I also hear Desert Stalker has been having a lot of woes as of late…

    Always open to suggestions on another game to toss.

    1. you talk like a teenage edgelord who has no friends because you’re so insufferable you’ve pushed everyone away who could even conceivably give a shit about you. get a fucking life. if you blew your brains out in your mother’s basement she’d probably be relieved.

      1. Always good to watch the LGBT pimps cry about hate and then wish death on people.

        If anybody commits suicide or blows their brains out, it’s more likely to be you and your ilk because that’s kinda your thing.

        What’s the matter? I thought LGBT’s loved censorship and censoring everything they disagree with and don’t want to hear. You are really now upset because your lot are now being censored?

        Double standard much? 😎

        1. i’m not really an eye for an eye kind of guy unless it comes to bigots. you think LGBT people deserve death? i feel the same way about you. pretty simple. the planet would be better off without you.

  5. in the comments below you will find several sad and pitiful people who are very upset that the MC of this game is a girl with a penis. these whiny crybabies are so butthurt that people exist who are different than them, they believe every lie they’ve ever been told to justify their hate, and spread it around like good little propagandists so that rightoid grifters can get residual dollars from rage clicks. just remember that it’s okay to be yourself, just as long as “yourself” isn’t an emotionally stunted imbecile who gets off on perpetuating human misery. being human is about growth, change, and acceptance. at the end of the day we’re all just humans on our little planet doing our best to get through the day. so don’t forget to be kind and love each other, except for dimwitted bigots <3 it's always morally okay to punch a nazi

  6. Do you stupid fucking people really think a teenager can make a life altering decision like that at 14-15 years old?  I notice you never seem to want to bring up just how many end up regretting having done these body mutilation procedures.

    How would this teenager have known anything about being trans if they hadn’t been exposed to the constant pimping of tranny propaganda?

    And nobody wants MEN in the WOMEN’s bathroom because of your trans politics, so I don’t blame the hostility on the students as it was both influenced and aggravated by outside factors.  I blame stupid people like you for not knowing the difference between man and woman, and for wanting to put men in women’s olympics and men in the women’s bathroom.  Now stfu and go change your shitty tampon as you hump the fucking dispensor in the men’s bathroom you wanted because you can’t figure out what pronoun you want to go by, you fucking shills.

    1. Every child being mutilated and being put on hormones is being abused. In fact the doctors involved are committing crimes against humanity. Even when they do it to adults. Everyone confused about their gender is mentally ill and needs help. Not to be affirmed into a delusion. In fact everyone who is gay is mentally ill as well. Even straight people who whore around are mentally ill and need treatment. It’s not natural for a woman to have 50 or 500 dicks in a lifetime. Degenerate weirdos control the media and many institutions of power and promote such evils.

      And I’ll answer this before you freaks try and conflate that crap to wacking off. It’s perfectly normal for guys to get out the poison. To clear your head so you don’t make mistakes and screw up your life. Men don’t menstruate. Wacking off fills this function. Keeping things functioning properly. However evil groomers are taking advantage of this trying to turn you gay or at the very least accept being gay as normal.

      1. Big time agree.

        I’d also love to hear why these stupid shills in the comments below think it is necessary to give kids puberty blockers.

        1. why do you think your opinion about puberty blockers even remotely matters? take away the biggest lie of your entire ideology, the fucking globohomo grooming propaganda nonsense, and all you’re left with is someone expressing themselves. what you’re left with is happy and fulfilled person. can’t relate, can you? it affects you in no conceivable way, you just can’t stand to see someone who’s happy and comfortable with being themselves. your misery is your own, leave everyone else out of it.

          1. Happy and fulfilled with a sky high suicide rate and use of head meds? Don’t give me that shit it’s because somebody hurt their feelings not accepting their delusions. NORMAL healthy minded people can take criticism and things they don’t want to hear.

            It also effects us all. The spread of disease. Weirdos running lose trying to groom others into their cult and how they specifically go after the young.

          2. That does not answer the question.

            Your death cult is giving kids puberty blockers after running LGBT propaganda through cartoons. I am asking WHY is that necessary or are you telling me that kids that haven’t even reached puberty came up with this bullshit on their own?

            1. you ask a question as if it’s a debate. this is not a debate. it is none of your business who receives what treatment, because you are not involved, you a re not a doctor, you are not a scientist, and you are not transgender. it does not affect you, therefore the answer to your question is irrelevant.

      2. it’s so much easier to start a new thread spouting the same old hate than it is to reply to any of our threads, isn’t it? more proof to me that you’re both sad, small cowards. this isn’t politics. this isn’t a debate. gay, trans, and otherwise queer people will always exist whether you like it or not, and no number of koolaid-chugging dimwits like you will ever change that. if you really cared about children, how about a real cause like free school lunches, gun reform for school shootings, or maybe any sort of assistance for all those babies you want so desperately to be born? But you don’t care, it’s just a vehicle to push your hateful agenda. the only ones being groomed are you lot, to turn to hate instead of learning, growing, and bettering yourselves. So cope, seethe, cry, and die mad. we’re not going anywhere.

  7. I was checking some games in itchio. In the comments of about all of them there are groomers pushing the devs to add some sort of gay. They never stop. But you comment on one of their games and they say, “if you don’t like it there is no need to comment. Just skip the game.” Odd how that works. They expect to groom everywhere with no opposition.

    1. the other day a transgender Oklahoma teen was beaten to death my their schoolmates. i imagine you and people like you are celebrating this, but isn’t your entire platform was “won’t somebody think of the children?” and now a child is dead because of your harmful and hateful rhetoric, and they’re certainly not the first. do the depths of your hypocrisy know no bounds? when will you finally admit that you’re doing FAR more harm than whatever stupid manufactured bullshit you’ve made up? and for what, just so you don’t have to face facts and REALLY introspect and think about why you hate LGBT so much? look, I’ll even provide a source, i’m so gracious. google “transgender teen Oklahoma”, article is from the Independent, should be at the top of the page. read that article and try to convince yourself you’re on the right side of history. i give you a lot of shit, and take great pleasure in doing so, but if i’m being real, you make me physically ill. from the very bottom of my heart, fuck you.

        1. as usual, you can’t accept any responsibility. i thought you all were soooo strongly in favor of “parents rights”, but I guess only when it benefits your personal narrative for how the world should be? the hypocrisy abounds. when one argument falls apart, you shift your target to your next victim, until you’re out of targets and move onto your next crusade. my target remains the same, you are the problem. are you so disgusted with seeing people who are happy being themselves that you have to drag them down with you? pathetic. weak behavior.

          1. Your dumb tranny hero didn’t even die from the fight, so HE was NOT beat to death.  This is just more fake news garbage propaganda from globohomo sock puppets, regurgitated by useless brain dead drones like you.

            There is a toxicology report pending so he probably went home and OD’d, killed his own dumb lame ass retarded faggot self like they usually all end up doing because they are MENTALLY ILL dressing up as a woman and thinking they are gender fluid or some other idiotic made up bullshit.

            But anything to put a fucking tranny on the front page news as martyrdom, because the trans agenda and tranny feelz is the most important thing above all else.

            You are a fucking joke.

            1. how little sympathy you show for the loss of a human life tells me all i need to know about you and your ideology.

              1. If the deluded person was given proper treatment instead of being affirmed into madness they would still be here. It’s YOU and your ilk causing them to lose their minds. To do stupid shit.

              2. Love the fake news headline the you dumb simps are pimpin, for pimpin sake. 😂

                Genuinely curious how anyone could be killed on campus and then walk completely off campus, then die again later.

                More useless junk LGBT propaganda.

            2. contrary to what you might tell your self, that poor young person is nobody’s hero. if they took their own life, they did it because they couldn’t live in a world where they were hated just for being themselves. they’re not a fucking martyr, there’s no agenda. other than acceptance, which seems to be you and your lots biggest mental hurdle, isn’t it? a teenager is dead, and you’re happy about it. truly disgusting.

              1. Just yesterday you were spouting that your tranny savior was beat to death.

                Today you are saying “if he committed suicide”.

                This is priceless and comedy gold! 😂

                You literally had no fucking idea what even happened and were just being your usual scripted sock pupprt self with your pack of dummy cards regurgitating your usual diet of CNN spoon fed tranny loving LGBT propaganda.

        2. So it’s your parents’ fault that you’re an idiot? 99% of parents are straight, so it’s not their fault if their children are gay or trans. In nature there are animals that have homosexual sex, why wouldn’t this exist in humans? And as we are beings with more complex social relationships, there are also people who do not identify in the way we expect them to be. Why do they bother you? It seems to me that you are the one who is afraid to confront your own homosexual desires and gets angry when they show you something like that, as if what you feel is their fault.

          1. When did humans start shitting in fucking litter boxes like animals so they can make up a new gender identity or whatever it is they goddamn do.  At that point, they become mentally ill when they start identifying as dogs and cats and no longer have a clue what fucking gender they are, and the. retards like you will also start calling men women because that’s what you’ve been told to do.

            This is not some mappy fucking pappy land where everybody is ready to bend over backwards for your feelz because you want to use a litter box, make up a new pronoun, or give puberty blockers to kids.  So you can stick your fucking rainbows up your ass, and then shit unicorns and lucky charms all year goddamn long after you fuck off with your retarded bullshit ass faggot ideology.

          2. It’s an extreme occurrence when an animal does gay sex. Incredibly rare. Supposedly some tree monkeys or some shit occasionally do it. To conflate that into it’s ok for humans to do and normal is complete bullshit. Also we are higher level beings. Not dumb animals. But I’d agree faggots are like animals. Sticking it in any hole they can find.

        3. Then the parents can be tried for murder.

          But since that will never happen under the current cult regime, someone should kill the parents for letting their child be murdered. That seems like the only just thing to do.

      1. I told you gay is a death cult. Nothing good comes out of being gay. There will be a lot more instances of things like that because you are pushing this shit too hard. it’s not natural and an abomination. you are using force and cohesion to propagate it. Eventually you will see that force reflected back. Humanity is not going to be forced to assimilate into your death cult because it has no future. You feel sick because the truth is hitting up against your conditioning. Damaging the world view that has been programmed into you.

        Just like the movie The Matrix. There were some who could not handle reality and chose to remain in the matrix. That’s you.

      2. Based on the situation you are describing, it seems like different situations to me: firstly, gay people are asking for this type of content in games, and secondly, there are people who are attacking this content in games also aimed at this audience. You can ask for whatever you want in any game. Just as you are free not to consume a game that has content that you dislike. but you attacking a game for having this type of content is wrong! You have no right to attack a group of people especially with hateful messages like this RanCor. This goes beyond any right we have to ask for anything in games.

      3. Nothing good happens out of being gay. The end result is death and society will not collapse into your gay self extermination plan. Those who will replace you are going to be extremely hostile to everything gay. They will win because they have children and they will not let you groom their kids. DEMOGRAPHICS IS DESTINY.

    2. Welp. The grooming never stops. Some gay shill also just started crying about adding trans garbage to one of my followed games. Almost as if somebody distributes them to actually hunt down shit and try to poison it with their homo garbage.

      In related news, I just got the tranny trash game ‘Earn Your Freedom’ banned and is now dead and done, never to see another update again. One less!

      1. hey rancor, i checked out the discord for that creator’s community and none of them have any idea who the fuck you are. so turns out you’re just a coward who hides behind the report button. don’t be such a pussy, if you’re so confident you’re on the right side of history, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is? I would absolutely love to see you say all this hateful shit to a transgender person’s face, in THEIR community and not just your little echo chamber. i bet you don’t have the balls.

        1. LOL

          And I care they don’t know who did it… Why? But they do now, so at least you are useful for something else other than simping for trannies.

          This is despite me saying I was going to get the game taken down in the comments, and the usual STD lovers came along told me all about how I couldn’t do shit. And then just like that, no more game. 😭 Dev abandoned it when I stripped away his $2,000+ a month income on Patreon. Cut off the head and the body dies, so they say.

          But, you’ll be pleased to know I have two other LGBT garbage games currently in my crosshairs to dismantle. And if you are not pleased, well, feel free to go and complain to somebody that gives a fuck.

          Now shut your bitch ass up before my foot flies through your computer screen and stomps the monkeypox right out of your gay asshole.

    3. Based on the situation you are describing, it seems like different situations to me: firstly, gay people are asking for this type of content in games, and secondly, there are people who are attacking this content in games also aimed at this audience. You can ask for whatever you want in any game. Just as you are free not to consume a game that has content that you dislike. but you attacking a game for having this type of content is wrong! You have no right to attack a group of people especially with hateful messages like this RanCor. This goes beyond any right we have to ask for anything in games.

  8. Mixing women and dicks, LGBT garbage will always result in failure. Unless uou consider queer pedos who were groomed by LGBT sexualizing KlDS that were gang raping toddlers a success story. It’s one of those piss poor cartoon trainwrecks that is stuck between too many gay dicks in your ass your next doctor visit to treat whatever venereal disease you contracted.

    1. i don’t know who hurt you but i hope you get the help you need one day. or die in a horrific traffic accident. whichever one happens first.

      1. Look who it is, it’s micropenismike.

        You sound angry, little globohomo simp. Did you get butthurt from my comment? Or is the butthurt the result of being slammed by a bunch of gay dicks before coming to the internet to look up some more retarded faggot shit?

        Inquiring minds want to know.

        1. why do people like you think tying in paragraphs like tate and peterson makes you sound like you have more than one brain cell? you can keep being butthurt that LGBT people exist but i promise you it’s not gonna get you laid and you’re gonna die mad mad about it

      2. I think RanCor is like that guy from the movie American Beauty: he hits his son, accusing him of being homosexual and having an affair with his neighbor (Kevin Spacey), but in reality he’s the one who wants to give him the ass, and tries to kiss him and when he discovers that he is actually straight, he kills the guy! 😀

      3. RanCor is like that guy from the movie American Beauty: he beats his son, accusing him of being homosexual and having an affair with his neighbor (Kevin Spacey), but in reality he’s the one who wants to give him his anus. 😀 then he tries to kiss his neighbor and when he finds out that the neighbor is actually heterosexual, he kills the neighbor. People like RanCor blame gays for making them have homosexual desires and rebel against them! It’s pathetic! I don’t like gay or trans content in my games, but people are free to ask for whatever they want in games.

    2. Don’t forget they like to kill babies. If you make it to 18 without being murdered, groomed or abused it’s a miracle today.

      1. Yep, they do. The LGBT’s like to set up death clinics to kill babies with a coat hanger and then chop them up into a bucket along with their own genitals they also hacked off.

        LGBTs are trash people and a cult of death.

    3. everyone has their own kinks and fetishes, dont want to have them in games you play? Check the damn tags and dont download them. I have found from 25 years in the BDSM community that those who complain about kinks are the ones that like them the most. Might wanna find a therapist to come to grips with your love of cops.

        1. if anything man you’re a very vocal minority going around pushing a straight agenda while everyone else here just kinda exists, but i guess you’re not really capable of introspection or deep reflection

            1. methinks the lady doth protest too much. you don’t wanna see LGBT in media because you don’t wanna think about it… because thinking about it would cause you to reflect deeply and introspect, and we can’t have that. you might actually uncover the truth about yourself if you did that.

            2. Nobody will exist.

              If we accept homosexuality then literally everyone will stop breeding.


              The entire species.


              Your scifi dystopia breaks any reasonable suspension of disbelief.

              It’s either based on bad data, bad reading of the data, or both. I would seriously consider some extra evaluation of your sources.

              This is not calling you stupid, but misinformed. There’s a difference.

              Rainbow Cultists don’t want the world to end. That is a stupid conclusion. They just want the same consideration that you have. Most don’t want to bring YOU down, they want to bring THEMSELVES up.

              Is that going to affect breeding rates? Sure. Who are you to say that people either must breed or they are a suicide cult. I’ve mocked your Incel brethren for the same thing; if you’re not breeding you’re part of the EXACT SAME SUICIDE CULT.

              And those that do want to bring you down? Yeah, there are shitty people. Shitty conservatives, shitty liberals, shitty gays, shitty straights, shitty Catholics (way too many shitty Catholics), shitty Jews, shitty Blacks, shitty Whites.

              No group is in its entirety shitty, except those who want to control your thoughts and actions. Like Nazis. And Fascists.

              If Gaydom ever gets to the point where they are impeding on your true freedoms, Nohomo, I’ll be marching right beside you. Not your black-or-white freedoms like “freedom to not see a black history month” which is a childish complaint, but “freedom to state that I think butt-sex is wrong but only if it’s between men”. That kind of freedom will always be there.

              Until then, have a nice day.

      1. Dogfucker83, Why should I check the tags just because proponents of globohomo wants to push transgender garbage in absolutely everything?

        Besides, if you weren’t such a poodle raping autist you’d realize there are no tags on the front page, and TwistedScarlett was known to actually make decent games until they decided to pimp themselves out to the rainbow lick a dick clique because a bunch of faggots whined about it on Patreon.

        1. i’d tell you to touch grass but you’re the kind of person who wouldn’t because you’re afraid it’ll turn you gay. why are you so scared of turning gay? i’m not scared of turning gay. anyone else here scared of turning gay?

          1. My favorite part is the defense of “there are no tags on the front page”. You know if there were he’d click through immediately just to complain about seeing a #trans tag on the front page.

            It also implies that he is lazy and doesn’t want to scroll down to check the tags, that even the sight of a chick with a dick will hurt his snowflake sensibilities.

            He comes off as your typical lazy Youtuber troll who tilts at windmills and thinks self-control is for pussies and real men do not need it. I’m a straight white cis American male and even I think he’s acting like an entitled little bitch.

            It’s baby tantrum trolling, and it’s funny as hell to watch.

            I can’t wait to find his horrible pick-up artist channel.

            And his “no you!” uncreative response to this. I know he has it in him to be interesting, but that day does not seem to be today.

  9. My one big point against this is the FUTA crap that does NOT need to be there (it can and SHOULD be an OPTION for the player to CHOOSE to engage with or not = the best you get to choose is WHY the character is Futa; and that is just lazy as fuck as far as the artist Dev : / )

    The rpg mechanics are fairly solid. The concept of the TWIN can get away with what the “HERO” can’t because loophole is an interesting hook. It’s NOT properly explained – and there’s NO REASON that a Hero should NEED to be celibate at all in a game of this genre. Getting a girl pregnant COULD be implemented to a tier system to be “harder” and that would be a better way to do it. Because another point that really didn’t need to be implemented for how controversial & or directly hated it actually is would be the NTR aspect. Shitting on the Hero while the Hero shits on his “brother” is basically petty as fuck. Does nothing to paint the actual MC as better at heroics than “the chosen one.”

    The girls being willing to bone MC BUT more focused on THE HERO – Some to the point of wanting marriage with him regardless – leaves a sour taste as well. How in the fuck do you expect them to realistically join the MC’s Harem?!? It’s convoluted and confuses the issue. The Bi girl who literally says I’m fucking your adopted sister and I PREFER her to either of you is also bullshit. She does NOT need to be in the game at that point. She’s a side character; tied to a character you haven’t even bothered to god damned RENDER yet. If you ever actually will at all. There’s the Mom character that you should be able to do more with than just TALK. Either she should be just as compelled to help – she should be the key to MC’s actual empowerment, or she should be someone you can do the fuck away with as an I’m Done With You because YOU FUCKED ME OVER! There’s got to be more to it than “she’s trying to make up for X ‘mistake'” – which was in fact a conscious choice to abandon one of her own children by the way so FUCK calling it a mistake! – and then there’s nothing more to her content. You give the fucking NUN a hell of a lot more to do. You give the Tsundere (who again, fuck off and make her MELT – there’s no point to a girl in the harem that WON’T DO ANYTHING WITH YOU!!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST DUDE… Put WHEN YOU CAN do something with her in god damned brackets so that the Player has any bloody clue WHEN she can be pursued. Because her character as far as I’m concerned can go straight to hell from the start. She. Has. No. Point. If the MC is SUPPOSED to step into the shoes of THE HERO, and her brother as the Chosen One is meant to be useless as fuck.

    I’d add in Pregnancy content as well = If the MC can break the established Rules one way, there’s NO reason not to completely NTR the asshole. So far though, best I can say is it’s a decent RPG that has a lot of shit that most people will find souring, that hinders the actual experience. [There’s also not enough power to the skill trees, or the magic of the MC to think she’s EVER going to be able to OWN the demon queen] And while we’re at it, MC needs to BDSM OWN the demon queen by the end: Because FUCK YOU! for suggesting marrying the demon queen at all = even as a joke, if you aren’t going to follow through on that. >.< That's just another example of you being an asshole.

          1. You know; after reading yours and rancor’s and “Truth’s” whole rant/diatribe about something that has FUCK ALL to do with the actual game = you don’t get an opinion.

            I posted one thing. One. Thing; I don’t like about the game and think could conceivably be handled another way to actually cater to a wider audience in general. Not even saying the content needed to be removed. Just reworked to make more sense, with an option to AVOID it and play as one of the TWO regular genders available. I pointed out why the disallowance of sex and pregnancy in the core of this tale make no damned sense and would in fact actually contribute to the human side losing because the DEMONS aren’t bound to the same… but hey; let’s comment on the fucking social politics and leave off any game mechanics or story points to refute the actual review. Because apparently all anyone wants to do here is shit post. Bravo. I mean, why I expect better from people named Straight Pride & Penis Mike, or someone that literally named himself for a sense of general Ire at best – or a fantasy beast in Star Wars at worst, fuck me if I know…

            Talk about the actual game and what you like about it. Don’t like and why, and I guarantee most players here that download content would take it better. Posting ninety percent of the crap you guys do will generally get you ingored and no one’s going to take you seriously when you actually want to be. But it’s your life. It’s just a shame you all seem to have so much to say; and not a damned bit of it is actually about the games on this site.

  10. Facts about gays #3795
    Gays are always grooming, Trying to “convert”. I’m sure you are aware of how fags were forced into the Boy Scouts who then started abusing the boys. But were you aware dykes have been in the Girl Scouts long before that. But for some strange reason women get away with molesting girls. Rarely reported or talked about when they do it. I guess that’s part of female privilege and living in the matriarchal West.

    1. listen buddy i’m really sorry to hear that you were diddled by your scout leader but I think going to therapy might be more productive than proselytizing your homophobia on the horny visual novel website

    2. He’s on a site that has rape, incest, and golden showers. Yet he complains about a trans character. Wow… Yeah, that’s priorities.

      1. Nice try at trying to throw shade. All that shit is an extension of the faggot and feminist agenda. Fags are biggest rapists out there. By the way.

    3. Blame biden for that, biden trying to convert people to gay and pedo. on media i saw him fingering his secret service asshole secretly and sniff little girls and i heard most secret agency also gay oriented. can you imagine if we keep seeing all that stuff daily on tv?, we could get used to it eventually and change us either to gay or pedo and pres secret service all of them are gay that’s why they grope ur balls and playing with ur dick with their reason searching for dangerous stuff. fuck that shit man.
      and for friendly reminder never ever get arrested in america, you go in tight you go out let’s just say you can no longer hold ur fart and ur poop free fall.

    4. Blame biden for that, biden trying to convert people to gay and pedo. on media i saw him fingering his secret service asshole secretly and sniff little girls and i heard most secret agency also gay oriented. can you imagine if we keep seeing all that stuff daily on tv?, we could get used to it eventually and change us either to gay or pedo and pres secret service all of them are gay that’s why they grope ur balls and playing with ur dick with their reason searching for dangerous stuff. fuck that shit man.
      and for friendly reminder never ever get arrested in america, you go in tight you go out let’s just say you can no longer hold ur fart and ur poop free fall.

    5. Whats funny about ur bitching is that the most vocal about gay/trans stuff are those most into it. Im pretty sure ur closeted my guy. Everyone who agrees with u might not be but the really aggressive ones are def closeted. Instead of hating, maybe suck a dick and u might find that u actually enjoy it.

      Source: Ive spent a lot of time with the lgbt+ community enough to see these patterns. also im asexual so good luck with labeling me as a groomer which i think is a projection but thats something i wont get into. also also, dont bother replying, i wasnt interested in this game and will never visit the page again.

  11. Хорошая игра , но слишком простая , автору нужно , как-то её разнообразить , я понимаю , что это не полная версия , но мы имеем горничных и два действия ” спать” и “идти в данж” Но в этой игре можно выбрать в самом пол , совсем не стандартный .И всё диалоги идут пошагово , история немного странная , потому что старший брат всё испортил ~

  12. Damn, reading comments really hurt my head. i never realize LGBT community that powerful. no ordinary community can rewrite history, put their agenda on media, public etc or change people mindset so easily. this remind me of cult new world order most people said they owned large companies like rockeffeler even convert famous people to their cause like john lennon, and his famous song imagine thought to be a way to convert and indoctrinate people to the new world order. i got nothing against LGBT. you can be gay i don’t mind so more women for me.

    1. “i got nothing against LGBT. you can be gay i don’t mind so more women for me”

      Seems contradictory from the rest of your paragraph to me. But I’ll be real here, this is not about agendas or any of that bullshit conspiracy theories. It’s simple LOGIC really, if you came to people’s house GUNS BLAZING, how do you expect people to react ? If you want to be RESPECTED, RESPECT other people first nobody is ENTITLED to act like an ASSHOLE and expect to be RESPECTED for that.

      Personally I’m just a STRAIGHT GUY, but I just don’t like how these fuckers act like a VICTIM while ACTIVELY VICTIMIZING others. You seem like a cool guy, so I hope you get the point. It’s the blatant HYPOCRISY that’s annoying. NOBODY gets to cry VICTIM after being CONFRONTED for their SHITTY BEHAVIOR, it’s as simple as that. You do SOMETHING SHITTY and then there’s CONSEQUENCES for that. ALSO, PLEASE DON’T UNDERPLAY GROOMING AND RAPE ALLEGATIONS, THAT’S FUCKED UP MAN.

  13. I’ve given this one a try. So far, I like it, the art style is unique in my opinion, and the scenes are better than I expected, although its a shame there no actual animation. Its worth a shot if you just want to try it out. And the music reminds me Daily Dose of Internet. Well, thats my two cents on this, I look forward to seeing future content, the asshole hero is gonna get karma.

  14. HIV is natures way of telling you that you are doing something WRONG. Along with the myriad of other std’s homo’s are at a much higher rate of catching. Not to mention the psychological problems. Even your asshole falls out as you get older. These are unnatural and unhealthy acts. It’s actually a form of self harm and even suicidal. One of the reasons I call it a “suicide cult”.

    There are those in power promoting it because firstly they are corrupted freaks like in Eyes Wide Shut. But there is more. They want to lower the population to 500,000 like they said in the Georgia Guide Stones they completely destroyed. Just know this. Most EVERYTHING the media says is lies and manipulations. The homo crap is just one of the many lies they promote.

    1. Wow, what book are you reading ? Seems like an interesting premise.

      In all seriousness this is DUMB, preach somewhere else. Like someone else said this is a weird hill to die on, this is a porn game site mate. You’re just making yourself look like an IDIOT. Also, do you have any SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH or ANY STATISTICS to base your claim from ? or is it just all IN YOUR HEAD ? those STDs crap have been proven wrong, it’s not about the act of doing it, it’s mostly because THE LACK OF PROTECTION. And there’s nothing “SUICIDAL” about doing anal, seriously what DRUGS are you ON ? This is what happen when YOU LET PARANOIA RUIN YOUR BRAIN. Do you know who’s being suicidal here ? You’re being SUICIDAL here, keep going and you might REMOVE yourself from the GENEPOOL. How do we know you’re not DELUSIONAL or MANIPULATING us ? How can we be sure you’re not promoting LIES ?

      “HIV is natures way of telling you that you are doing something WRONG”
      What is this ? YOU KNOW STRAIGHT PEOPLE AND COUPLE ALSO GET HIV, RIGHT ??? SO ARE THEY WRONG FOR BEING STRAIGHT ? DAMN YOU’RE TOO EXTREME MAN, how do you switch from being a bigot to extreme Ally SO QUICK ?

      “Not to mention the psychological problems”
      Maybe you should take your own advice and go to a psychiatrist ?, your behavior is getting out of hand man, you’re being obsessive. Take a breather and REST.

    2. “Even your asshole falls out as you get older”

      What kind of BAD genetics you have in your family ? damn life must be HARD. Here’s some FUN FACT;

      “Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum turns itself inside out and comes out through the anus. Without treatment, the rectum will eventually need to be pushed back in manually. Women are SIX TIMES more likely to suffer rectal prolapse than men.”

      Seems like men’s asshole are BUILT for ANAL, you just get DEBUNKED bro. Gay sex seems to be more natural than straight sex, I’m not gay but I’ll try to get fucked in the butt. Thanks for the recommendation man !

  15. the loudest people who speak out against gay people are often deep in the closet. your comments proves you dont know shit about the gay community. Take the cross out of your ass and think for yourself.

    1. Agreed, why don’t these fuckers leave us alone, they always treat us like some kind of villain or threat to humanity.

      1. You are a villain and threat to humanity. You force your crap on everyone and are constantly grooming kids. You try and change everything to gay even characters in movies and even rewrite history to serve your purposes. You are also big on rape.

        1. Bigots like you really love projecting what you feel inside to other people, do you know this is an actual psychological phenomenon where people usually likes to project their own shitty quality to other people ? You’re side are the very same people who likes to defend HUNDREDS “robed child lovers” but very quick to ACCUSE once the other side have one bad example. You’re also the side of people who want to lower the age of consent so you can “breed” young girls because they’re easier for you DEGENERATES to FORCE YOURSELF and RAPE them. All your insults and accusation are nothing more but expression of what you really feel INSIDE. So yeah, I don’t think I’ll take the word of a DEGENERATE over my CRITICAL THINKING. Go fuck Jesus and Mother Mary and CUCK GOD.

          1. The person who spoke out against Truth with the name title “EVERY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION”, you are a contradiction of your very own self. Your very own name title suggest that your accusation of Truth is based on your own self-worth.

            Moving on, I don’t see how someone expressing their dislike for a game accumulate so much hate. If the game is truly worth some praise, how is it from the 19 previous comments I have yet to see one of you praise or recommend the game?
            If you believe Truth is wrong them simply play the game, write a review and recommend it.

            Everyone on here is free to criticize an author’s work and express their own likes and dislikes, whether you agree with it or not. The fact many of you are trying to pretend that you are the bigger and better person, when all you did was to attack someone else for their comments, shows the rest of us that you are no better or different than you pretend to be.

            Personally, I find the game description very disturbing and disgusting. If you haven’t figured it out by reading my name, then let me say it; I don’t like or entertain anything homosexual, gender-bending, Hermaphrodites/Futanari, all things Trans (Transgender, Transvestite, Transsexual), Zoophilia etc.

            Well now that I have voiced my dislike, please by all means attack with your most aggressive comments and show me how pig-ignorant you truly are.

            1. “I don’t see how someone expressing their dislike for a game accumulate so much hate”

              “Everyone on here is free to criticize an author’s work and express their own likes and dislikes”

              I truly find your blatant ignorance of truth very amusing, IRONIC coming from someone defending someone with “Truth” for name. If you really read Truth’s comments you would notice immediately that NOT A SINGLE ONE of his comments contain ANY REVIEWS or CRITICISM of the game whatsoever, it’s all just a BLATANT INSULTS and ACCUSATIONS to gay people and people who enjoys this game. Let me ask you this, so why should I post an actual review when your friend Truth here hasn’t post ANYTHING but INSULTS ? Is that double standard that I see ? HYPOCRISY AT IT’S FINEST !!!

              So your attempt to GASLIGHT people and me are NOTED. HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY ??

              Don’t tell me you’re actually projecting your feelings when you called me “pig-ignorant” ?

              P.S. When I said “EVERY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION” I was revering to Rightoid Nutjobs like you, you people are the epitome of projection and everyone of your “values” are build on HYPOCRISY and LIES.

            2. Why can’t any of you DELUSIONAL fuckers differentiate “criticism” with just “insult”, You came here guns blazing expecting to be respected ? I don’t know how your brain works but You can’t just come off to people hurling insults and accusations based on your own PARANOIA expecting to RESPECTFUL RESPONSES.

              I don’t know whether it’s ENTITLEMENT or just PURE DELUSIONS, but if you really think this way people around you must HATE you. Sincerely, be BETTER.

            3. “I don’t see how someone expressing their dislike for a game accumulate so much hate”

              “Everyone on here is free to criticize an author’s work and express their own likes and dislikes”

              I truly find your blatant ignorance of truth very amusing, IRONIC coming from someone defending someone with “Truth” for name. If you really read Truth’s comments you would notice immediately that NOT A SINGLE ONE of his comments contain ANY REVIEWS or CRITICISM of the game whatsoever, it’s all just a BLATANT INSULTS and ACCUSATIONS to gay people and people who enjoys this game. Let me ask you this, so why should I post an actual review when your friend Truth here hasn’t post ANYTHING but INSULTS ? Is that double standard that I see ? HYPOCRISY AT IT’S FINEST !!!

              So your attempt to GASLIGHT people and me are NOTED. HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY ??

              Don’t tell me you’re actually projecting your feelings when you called me “pig-ignorant” ?

              P.S. When I said “EVERY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION” I was revering to Rightoid Nutjobs like you, you people are the epitome of projection and everyone of your “values” are build on HYPOCRISY and LIES.

            4. “You are also big on rape”

              Apparently rape accusations are now “criticism” and “opinion”, It’s FINE as long as it’s not STRAIGHT MEN right ? I imagine how mad you would be if some girls at any levels mention that some man sexually assault them. You would be like “fAkE aCcuSatIoNS ! sToP rUiNIng mEn’S lIFe !!”

              How about this ?
              “and are constantly grooming kids”
              Do you think this is a CRITICISM or BLATANT ACCUSATIONS ? Wouldn’t you be angry if some asshole call you a pedophile out of the blue ?

              Please do some SELF REFLECTION and cut down the ENTITLEMENT. Have a nice day.

            5. “Moving on, I don’t see how someone expressing their dislike for a game accumulate so much hate”

              It’s all literally just me LMAO, all the other guys said are nothing but saying that they want to be RESPECTED and nothing but one liner comeback.

              “Agreed, why don’t these fuckers leave us alone, they always treat us like some kind of villain or threat to humanity”
              “you sure think an awful lot about this stuff for someone who supposedly isn’t a fag”

              I just can’t COMPREHEND how you see this as “HATE” while your friend Truth there were ACTUALLY SAYING HATEFUL SHIT TO LGBT PEOPLE AND ACCUSING THEM OF HORRENDOUS STUFF LIKE GROOMING AND RAPE but you label that as “CRITICISM AND OPINIONS” I myself actually just a straight guy, but this BULLSHIT gets to me. I don’t even want to play this game. PLEASE HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF SELF AWARENESS.

            6. This will be my last attempt to make you see, but if you still can’t see it. GOD HELP YOU.

              “If you believe Truth is wrong them simply play the game, write a review and recommend it”

              There is nothing to prove, from the beginning his “review” has nothing to do with the game, it’s all just bunch of INSULTS and ACCUSATIONS towards LGBT people just look at this;

              “Show females that look good and slap a dick on them. This is done to get you used to dick in the hopes you will try out being a fag. At the very least so you become used o seeing it and desensitized to how unnatural and disgusting a faggot really is.”

              What’s there to prove ? He already detested the game not because he ACTUALLY PLAYED the game he already detested the CONCEPT of the game. Even if I play it what’s gonna come out of it ? Will you stop being a BIGOT if I play it ? I think the answer is a pretty OBVIOUS NO. From the very beginning Truth was only here to JUDGE, BELITTLE and BULLY people NOT the game, SO THERE’S NOTHING TO PROVE.

              My entire point is if you don’t want people to disrespect you DON’T CALL THEM SHIT LIKE GROOMERS, RAPIST, DISGUSTING, MENTALLY ILL, CALLING THEM A THREAT AND VILLAIN TO SOCIETY OR TELLING THEM TO DIE FOR BEING GAY. Respect is MUTUAL not ONE SIDED, If you don’t respect people YOU DON’T DESERVE RESPECT. This is some basic shit that your parents must had teach you, I don’t know how you miss this.


              If you still don’t get it, I have a metaphor for you. Imagine going to a church and then start yelling “God is DEAD!”, or “YOU DELUSIONAL MAGGOT !”. How do you think the people in church will respond ? RESPECTFULLY ? or would they KICK YOU OUT and YELL AT YOU BACK ? Your LOGIC could be used about Truth, if he doesn’t like the CONCEPT of a game why BOTHER PUTTING A REVIEW ? SINCE HE’S NOT PLAYING THE GAME ANYWAY, AND REVIEW SECTION ARE FOR REVIEWS OF THE GAME ! NOT HIS POLITICAL VIEWS !

            7. “The fact many of you are trying to pretend that you are the bigger and better person, when all you did was to attack someone else for their comments, shows the rest of us that you are no better or different than you pretend to be”


              All those people you talk shit about never really say anything bad to Truth, it’s almost like they’re tired of you and your lot SHIT here are few examples of “HATE”;

              “you sure think an awful lot about this stuff for someone who supposedly isn’t a fag”

              “you must live a very fulfilling life calling out the soys and cucks and groomers on the horny visual novel website. you picked a weird hill to die on but go off i guess. hope you get the help you need one day.”

              “the loudest people who speak out against gay people are often deep in the closet. your comments proves you dont know shit about the gay community. Take the cross out of your ass and think for yourself.”

              “Agreed, why don’t these fuckers leave us alone, they always treat us like some kind of villain or threat to humanity.”

              One dude even explain that being adopted by lesbian moms don’t make him gay, VERY RESPECTFULLY. If you read those and thinks those are “very hateful” just look at what Truth posted;

              “You are a villain and threat to humanity. You force your crap on everyone and are constantly grooming kids. You try and change everything to gay even characters in movies and even rewrite history to serve your purposes. You are also big on rape.”

              “Fags are a cult and part of being a cult is trying to convert new members. So not only do they use schools and kids shows to try and groom. They use games like this. Show females that look good and slap a dick on them. This is done to get you used to dick in the hopes you will try out being a fag. At the very least so you become used o seeing it and desensitized to how unnatural and disgusting a faggot really is.”


            8. “The person who spoke out against Truth with the name title “EVERY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION”, you are a contradiction of your very own self. Your very own name title suggest that your accusation of Truth is based on your own self-worth.”

              You know very well what I meant by that, I even explained everything by using “your side” which meant that I wasn’t only calling out Truth. I called out all of you lot, and Instead of defending your case you went ahead and deflect and called me contradictory. You know VERY WELL that I used that against Truth, I even start my post with “Bigots like you” but you opted to using childlike arguments tactic where you would debate technicality you are an embarrassment to human intellect. Your inability to LOGIC and REASON, makes you always opt to POSTURING.

              Since you like debating technicality here’s one for ya, it’s not “self-worth” LMAO, It doesn’t have to be that as long as someone is projecting their shitty quality what they feel about themselves don’t matter. It could be a really confident person who thinks everyone is only goal driven and not thinking of others. It’s not always related to “self-worth”.

          1. Fancy seeing you here, nohomo’s mortal enemy, I think you responded to the wrong guy. Is this nohomo too ? AbsolutelyNoHomo.

            1. If it’s #nohomo’s voice, then it’s fear. I haven’t seen him around for a bit, but the ideas that STDs and Forcing People To Be Gay are part of some kind of gay agenda (not lesbian, just gay) is his amusing brand of off-kilter clinical paranoia. He should be immortalized for his efforts. #nohomo or no go. Accept no substitutes.

    2. No faggot, criticizing something doesn’t make you it. You fags pull that one out of your ass like gunfighter pulls his gun. Along with phobe and bigot. I guess you have your tactics down and just like any cult you all say the same things. Nope, your cult is unhealthy and suicidal. Also a form of mental illness. As doing things that are unhealthy and of high risk are mental illnesses. Along with going against nature.

      You don’t see other animals screwing each other in the ass. That’s something mentally ill humans do. Oh don’t even try to bring up some obscure bullshit or a gay monkey. That shit is like 1000th of a percent of mammals out there and very rare. Because it’s unhealthy and serves no real benefit. You can’t screw with nature because you will eventually stop existing. Just like your homo cult will stop existing some day.

      1. Your comment serve no benefit but waste of internet spaces, so fuck off you fucking faggot. You rightoids REALLY LOVES “mUh BenEfItS” while actively loving doing not very beneficial stuff like SCREAMING on the internet how oppressed and silenced you FEEL. Severe lack of self awareness can make anyone PATHETIC and VILE. You know what’s “unhealthy” ? Your shitty and UNSTABLE MENTAL CONDITION. You’re the one with MENTAL ILLNESS, people like you should be rounded up and locked in an Asylum.

        1. You and your death cult will be stopped. Demographics alone prove this. You have no kids. All you do is groom and that will be stopped.

            1. LOL! You really think people will keep letting you groom their kids? You are SADLY mistaken. All pro gay populations are in demographic collapse and are being flooded by immigrants who WILL NOT allow you to groom their kids. Your days are numbered.

              1. Oh so this is what this is about, IMMIGRANTS, white genocide ? white replacement theory ? is this why you become this paranoid little fucker ?
                Sorry, but I think your GF and Mom wants some BBC in their pussy to give you any attention. Your sister is being gang banged by group of immigrants at the moment. She’s HOT dude !

              2. Nah, I ain’t grooming anyone, you on the other hand probably do. I let kids be kids be themselves, you probably FORCE FEED your kids STRAIGHT PORN or something so they won’t be gay, at this point I wouldn’t put it past you to do something like that out of paranoia LMAO. In reality you probably a virgin basement dweller LOL ! I don’t think you need to worry about anyone not procreating HAHA ! But this is GOOD and NOBLE RID YOURSELF OUT OF THE GENEPOOL the world will be a BETTER place without your seed. Those immigrants are a GOOD REPLACEMENT for the likes of YOU

  16. Classic gay grooming game. Fags are a cult and part of being a cult is trying to convert new members. So not only do they use schools and kids shows to try and groom. They use games like this. Show females that look good and slap a dick on them. This is done to get you used to dick in the hopes you will try out being a fag. At the very least so you become used o seeing it and desensitized to how unnatural and disgusting a faggot really is.

    1. Rightoid schizo post is AMAZING, faggot pretending he’s not a faggot is EVEN BETTER. What paranoia pills you take ? COPE HARDER.

      1. You homos are a suicide cult at this point. With the symbolism, indoctrination and demanding everyone bow to your butthole worship. Well your days are numbered as you don’t reproduce. You use grooming to convert and eventually parents will put a stop to it. It’s inevitable as the tide and you will be stopped.

        1. this cult you’ve created in your own mind seems very ambitious. i’m very curious about what you think the endgame is here.

        2. Nah, you’re wrong look at the groomer in the houses of worship a.k.a The Church. They’re doing fine for a time now, looks like you’re the one who’s losing LMAO. Horny repressed priests are more dangerous you know, we should do something about that. Do you agree ?

    2. I feel SAD when i read comments like this… your narrow minded beliefs, and misunderstanding of works you right. i wonder if you also feel that watching show/movies/games with violence like shooting/stabbing someone will make you also shoot/stab people…? you remind me of my childhood, where i was labeled a fag because my adopted parents where lesbians….ha ha ha so far from the truth that was, well maybe not because i am a male that is 100% lesbian..OH wait that makes me strait Ooops. and with all the LGBT stuff out there now its not about making you gay its more about letting ever one know that you don’t have to fall in to the black and white categories that used to be…. i personally have not played this game yet, however i still might because i know that i am strait, and i know that there is NO game/book/movie/show or person out their that can MAKE ME GAY because that just DOES NOT HAPPEN… however that said THAT does not mean that experimenting with your sexuality is wrong. i for one after 11 years of the kids i was in school with calling me a fag did test the waters to see if it was something i would like… I DID NOT LIKE IT. I do have 2 Kids in there mid 20s. my Son has had a number of girlfriends and my Daughter has had a girlfriend for 3 years now BY HER OWN CHOICE. i will never JUDGE HER OR MY SON for being gay.. ITS THEIR CHOICE TO MAKE.

      1. I aggre with Truth because there is more and more Fag / futa / trans games out there and seems purposly produced so there is some point in his word and if you dont see it maybe because you like those things and de fact you are secretly GAY

    3. you must live a very fulfilling life calling out the soys and cucks and groomers on the horny visual novel website. you picked a weird hill to die on but go off i guess. hope you get the help you need one day.

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