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Rebellion: The Beginning [Final Steam] [AGHAMUS]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The story, while attempting to elicit some emotional investment, feels arbitrary and inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. The writing, though basic, is understandable and the plot manages to grab your attention with a hook. It's evident that the focus here lies primarily on the sexual encounters, making it suitable for those seeking a quick thrill or a release. - 58%
Visual - Rebellion: The Beginning excels in the visual department, providing well-rendered and attractive character designs. The gorgeous and voluptuous girls will catch your eye from the moment you start playing. The depictions of Ancient Rome are sufficiently detailed and create an immersive atmosphere that enhances the overall experience. - 85%
Engagement - Despite its flaws, Rebellion: The Beginning manages to surprise players with its addictive nature. Though the writing may be basic, the storyline's hook and occasional choices, such as sparing or killing characters, add an element of interactivity. While not groundbreaking, the game offers a decent level of immersion that players can enjoy during their playthrough. - 72%
Core Loop - Rebellion: The Beginning struggles with establishing a strong core loop. The repetitive nature of interaction can become monotonous, as the primary objective is to get from one adult encounter to another. However, the quick pace of the game allows for easy progression and doesn't demand extensive time commitments. Ultimately, the core loop fails to deliver a captivating and purposeful gameplay experience. - 50%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.36 ( 4 votes)

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