
The Seven Realms [R3 v0.06] [SeptCloud]

There are currently two complete episodes (Realm 1 & 2). Realm 3 is in development and is a separate game download. Play to the very end of Realm 2 to export your save game into Realm 3.

Download for Windows/ Linux - Realms 1&2 (v0.20)

Download for Windows/ Linux - Realms 3

Download for Mac - Realms 1&2 (v0.20)

Download for Mac - Realms 3

Download for Android - Realms 1&2 (v0.20)

Download for Android - Realms 3

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Twins Patch (Realms 1&2)


1. Place the file named patch.rpa inside the game folder of The Seven Realms.
The patch adds some additional content that is not available in the base game.
This is not an official patch, so install it at your own risk.
The patch is currently only available for Realm 1/2. DO NOT PLACE THIS PATCH INTO REALM 3.

Download Walkthrough

Download Walkthrough Mod


– In Game Walkthrough Mod that highlights dialogue options that give points and lead to the best scenes.
– Added a Cheat Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Download Gallery Unlocker

Replay gallery unlock, to use download the file as a .rpy into the game’s `game` folder 

Download Save File

The Ren’Py engine stores save games and persistent data under a separate folder. It’s exact location depends on the host operating system.


This is usually:

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Application Data\RenPy\game_directory
Where YOURNAME is your username.

Mac OS X:


Android :

android/data/ or here: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}.program/files/saves/.



You can also mail us at :-

Editor's Rating

Story - 98%
Visual - 96%
Engagement - 95%
Core Loop - 93%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.49 ( 289 votes)

Related Articles


  1. Stupid game, vampire and werewolf twilight bullshit. The only unrealistic thing is mc is absolute walking dildo while in lore vampire and wewolf are sexually active especially vampires like in blade movie, van helsing etc. No NTR of any kind or other female fucking male is a bs for vampire werewolf genre

    1. Of course you didn’t like him, there’s no gay shit right there, so you were offended that you weren’t allowed to suck a dick -_-)))

  2. Anyone else facing issues while importing realm 1-2 into realm 3? I always get this error ” Error importing save, returning to main menu”.

  3. Okay, first – the witch Seraphina is potentially PREGNANT with Atlas’ child. SHE BELONGS TO HIM. PERIOD.

    Next: Fuck you for saying Elves CAN’T reproduce with other species (and including a queen in a “political” marriage that had a child with her enemy. The Queen SHOULD be a) less bitchy, and b) IN THE FUCKING HAREM. She, Irdril and Morgen SHOULD be pregnant by Atlas by the end. Non-Negotiable. As should BOTH demons girls. I do NOT want to have to pick between Seraphina and the demons. At all. That’s NOT a harem.

    Third: Why bother with side paths? They shouldn’t be SIDE paths = just other paths to love interests. It’s a HAREM! There is no such fucking thing as a “side” path.

    Last – there are WAY, WAY too many male characters cock blocking the main character for NO FUCKING REASON.
    Tied: Laureen. Why the fuck did you even reintroduce her character if you as Devs were just going to unilaterally decide fuck it. Atlas says no. Do you have ANY idea how much that will piss some players (like myself) right off?!?

    We haven’t heard a peep from Gina in how many updates now. Same with Tasha. Who still SHOULD NOT be attached to Zayir; who fucking does NOT need to exist. Nor does his damned Mother if we’re not going to get anything to actually DO with her. We’ve barely had any fucking progress in main plot; you’ve already forced us to choose between Demons and Witches when it should NOT be a choice. And now you’ve presented the bullshit “curse” (that isn’t even a veiled Covid reference you genius’, good job) to hamstring any attempt to actuall save Effie. Lucius and her STILL should either fuck off and DIE or not be in the game (unless you intend Effie to actually join the goddamned harem; which still implies LUCIUS dies…) So over all, this is me tapping well the fuck out.

    You couldn’t even get through 3 REALMS without borking the entire concept of a harem game. You actively had to bend over backwards within your own lore to try to MAKE it a harem game… and introduced the concept that the “bond” between a vampire and his mate wasn’t as restrictive. When Vampire Bonds DON’T have to work that way in the first fucking place. I already was pissed off you gave Kali to Naya; but you did fix that by lumping the two of them into the main bond. So really there’s NO reason it can’t apply to LITERALLY EVERY OTHER GIRL THE PLAYER CHOOSES. Including Gina, and Tasha. Zayir’s Mom; the Asian Vampires. The elves, the demons and the witches and whatever the fuck else you want to throw into the pot.

    But since you’ve added “animations” into the mix for the lewd scenes there does seem to be a distinct graphical downgrade. I won’t be bothering to sign on for more of this shit. You can’t even keep the walkthrough up to date so I don’t have to play the fucking thing from the start five times over just to get the right answers. You’re not likely to listen to me anyway, so what’s the point. The problem with creating a character in peril on a TIME LIMIT is that there IS a time limit. So stop fucking around and SAVE. HER. ASS. Or don’t. At this point, I have no more investment. Especially since you want to bork Pregnancy as a factor with just about every second girl. That’s a NO GO for me. Hard. Do it right; or don’t mention babies, or show kids at all.

    1. “You’re not likely to listen to me anyway”

      We can only hope they don’t listen to you! This a great AVN with a great story. Keep up the good work, devs!

      1. If that’s all you took from my comment, you’re an idiot. But what do I expect.

        Go ahead and defend this bullshit that doesn’t even know how to properly be a harem game all you like. It doesn’t change what’s wrong with it.

        Tell me you don’t actually read the comment, without telling me you don’t actually read the comment. Good job.

        1. As far as choices go, I am pretty sure you chose to be a walking dildo fucking any and every hole, and now he want a game with only females and fuck scenes in it, its a FREAKING VN, NOT YOUR BASEMENT.

        2. That’s rich from some fat idiot behind his pc, what does someone like you know about a proper harem, you didn’t had one pussy in your live.

    2. Man, you’re about to pop a vein on your head over some goddamn game lol, pathetic bitch. Go outside, socialize with real people and stop jerking off to fictional women.

    3. hmmmm. let’s start with your first note. the rest is tldr and pointless whining.

      seraphina is possibly pregnant with Atlas’ child? what part of Atlas is undead did you not get? undead means he can’t make her pregnant. it’s even explained in the story that, barring intervention from several extremely powerful sorcerers/witches(not just 1), there’s no chance he’s making ANY woman pregnant. and, in spite of having played through the entire story, up to this point in time, i have yet to even see him supposedly tied to seraphina, at all. i’m not even sure you’re playing the actual story, with half of this stuff. you keep whining about pregnancy when it’s clearly in the story that Atlas can’t cause that in ANYONE. never mind “every second girl”.

    4. hmmmm. let’s start with your first note. the rest is tldr and pointless whining.

      seraphina is possibly pregnant with Atlas’ child? what part of Atlas is undead did you not get? undead means he can’t make her pregnant. it’s even explained in the story that, barring intervention from several extremely powerful sorcerers/witches(not just 1), there’s no chance he’s making ANY woman pregnant. and, in spite of having played through the entire story, up to this point in time, i have yet to even see him supposedly tied to seraphina, at all. i’m not even sure you’re playing the actual story, with half of this stuff. you keep whining about pregnancy when it’s clearly in the story that Atlas can’t cause that in ANYONE. never mind “every second girl”. get this through your head. it’s a very simple concept and you clearly do not have any grasp of it. no pregnancy, because he’s shooting dead sperm. he isn’t a “born vampire”, like layala and kali. he’s a turned vampire. can’t be turned without dying first.

      1. There’s nothing to say that Lucian was a born vampire asshole; and there are myths about Dhampyrs that say that a vampire (rarely or no) CAN get someone pregnant. You want to talk about “useless” whining – your comment isn’t more than innane bullshit. The AUTHOR can make whatever the fuck they WANT to apply in vampiric rules, happen. It’s clear that Family is a thing in this game, and several other vampires have BORNE children. Including a fucking Fairy… so your argument is just as “pointless” in context as you claim my “whining” is. It’s FANTASY, Genius. Which means it’s ALL bullshit at the end of the day. There’s no point in making Atlas a ruler of anything and binding him to so many different realms and races if he CAN’T actually breed a controlling legacy to continue ruling each realm. That’s just short sighted.

        Thank you, Try again… or rather go find the biggest pike you can and go fuck yourself with it. I’m sure you’d enjoy that far more.

        1. Try reading this guy’s comment after playing the game, you will either be frustrated or laughing your balls out from the stupid shit he is spewing.

        2. Mr. No, in the story, if you would have dared to read rather than skip unseen text, you will know that MC was brought back from dead, and hence, his dick spews dead tadpoles, thats the story and nor you, your mom, or your father who went to buy milk decades ago can change that. But lets forget that, you are taking about breeding and legacy when the same ruler have been ruling the Realms for a millennia in the VN. It is obvious that your pudding head decides to skim through the plot and fap on the 1/5 animations (The only thing I didnt like is sex animations, rest are dope) and spew out potent less semen all over the pc. It disgusts me to see idiots like you exist, try sucking cocks, that will keep you shut for some time.
          P.S : Your reply is worth shit to me, let alone the author

    1. Try play the game with FULL SKIP UNSEEN TEXT. Hold ctrl.
      Looking only the porn content.

      Then became much better.

  4. ANY RECOMMENDATIONS for a similar VN ? Very very good animations and renders – the lighting and “camera” are super done !

  5. My previous comments seem to have been deleted. Oh well.

    There are a few points with this most recent update:

    First – your incest patch fucks up the game if you go with Season 3 = Probably because it was made for seasons 1 & 2.
    I do like that you seem to acknowledge the twins without a freaking patch.

    BUT – This. Is. A. Harem! You do NOT need to render the queen that attractive and state it’s a POLITICAL marriage (which implies NON SEXUAL) and then make TWO big MISTAKES for the genre: A) She hates MC for shit that was not his fault in the first place, right from the start with no means to gain affinity (and fuck you – she IS jealous she wasn’t one of those getting boned) and B) She has a KID. That’s not a political marriage you jackasses! It’s ESPECIALLY not a political marriage between two sides of the same race that fucking hate each other since conception [The Queen SHOULD have been the one we were fucking; not Idril – BUT since you were dumb enough to make it a lesser ranked elf, just like you’re dumb enough to create roadblocks when you basically want to create tension with a fucking time limit on Effie’s status; we BETTER get to keep Idril. AND THE QUEEN!] Fucking around with Tasha having a LINKED MATE AT ALL was already stupid. Letting Atlas see Zayir’s Mom nekkid and not getting to do anything about it was also massively stupid, and for anyone that would argue the elf bitch is married = It didn’t stop the devs with the Asian vampire idiot. Who was ALSO MARRIED. So if we can fuck one and keep fucking her presumably at some point, why can’t we fuck the elf??? Other than “Word of God” and dumbassed dev choices. Again: Kill Zayir off, or break the fucking relationship, because Tasha BELONGS in the harem. Then you can fuck off with witch girl that MC probably bred already hating Atlas (Because I chose Demon – IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A CHOICE YOU NITWITS!!!) You should’ve been able to fucking straight up decaptitate or Bend Arianne over and breed her too, and then go to the demons and make allies. There is NO pick between in a HAREM!

    Gina is not a side girl. Idril is not a side girl. All the girls that were not picked SHOULD STILL BE OPTIONS AT SOME POINT. Including Arienne (even as BDSM punishment = she’s fucking earned it) Seraphina is not a side girl and DOES NOT get to be pissed at Atlas. He did what any ruler would do; Her race already screwed themselves by keeping Ophelia a secret and fucking with the vampires = SHE IS LUCKY HE DIDN’T WIPE THE LOT OF THEM OUT INCLUDING HER AND SHE SHOULLD KNOW IT! Mogren or whatever the hell her name is, NOT a side girl. There IS NO SUCH THING AS A SIDE GIRL IN A HAREM. There is only girls that don’t get as much focus. That’s more a you problem than anything the player decides. The Elf Queen is not a side girl. Mei and her Mom are not side girls. [And yes, I would like more scenes with them: Ley has effectively said we can fuck and bond with whoever we want, and she wants us to. So there’s NO need to limit a damned thing)

    Politcal marriage = No sex/NO KIDS. Other than that why the fuck did you bother to render her attractively???
    Harem isn’t the genre where you go oh, look how hot she is; well too bad you can’t have her. It’s the exact fucking opposite of that. And as far as it being “difficult” for vampires and other immortals to have kids if you’re going to keep saying MC was that much of a “slut and man-whore” (Which is VERY JUDGMENTAL OF YOUR OWN DAMNED CHARACTER BY THE WAY) then he should have had at least ONE by now… or you’re due to start considering whether or not you actually want to code in pregnancy. Because I do expect that if I keep choosing Cum Inside there should be a result as natural freaking consequence. Don’t tell me it’d kill you to render it. But since you can’t even properly figure out that Harem means NO ATTRACTIVE GIRL IS OFF LIMITS TO THE PLAYER IF THE PLAYER SO CHOOSES TO FUCK HER, I highly doubt you understand the endgame for EVERY harem is they all marry the MC and are pregnant, or want to be pregnant and are actively TRYING to get that way. ASAP.

    * Decide if you want EFFIE to survive/Decide if SHE is going to be in the harem. (Call it fair game for Luci fucking around on her for 4 centuries)

    * Decide to STOP FUCKING THE AUDIENCE AROUND ABOUT A CURE. I should not have to wait to the end of the game to see if Effie will actually wake the fuck up. Either cure her SOON, or fucking off her and let Luci go on a bender to get him killed. Because Atlas SHOULD be the one to rule Terran. Period. His daughters are Atlas’ bond mates; BUT ATLAS gets to be the absolute RULER. That’s the way a harem works and why it’s called a Harem LEAD. Not I’m going to sit here and let the girls outvote me on every single issue like I was in REAL LIFE. Jesus.

    1. my brother in christ you have got to find a real hobby. and take a break from the porn every once in a while.

  6. so i did realms 1&2 and I loaded my save for 3 just fine but it was like 5 minutes of game play then it asked me to save and that was it. Is there more or is that it?

  7. The best thing about this game is the animation. Specially starting the act 2 the graphically it’s really one of the best games in the category. Story is ok and writing is ok but very cliche. What turns the experience absolutly unenjoyable are the decisions you get to make and the main characters. MC is just a big talking puppet and the main girl Leyala is really an insuferable manipulating character, which is supposed to be GOOD and we as the player are supposed to find her really lovely and follow all her stupid decisions otherwise we are BAD. at the points of the story where you should be given choices, you get no say. 99% of your decisions are just wether you want to fuck someone or not. the rare 1% cases where you get to make an important decision, you really have to follow skewed morals of the main Girl and probably the writer, otherwise you are reminded every second that you are a bad guy and you can read between every line that you will end up with a bad ending.
    My advice to the writer of the story is, if you want the main girl to be likeable, don’t push her morals like mother theresa down the player’s throat. it is a game and not a novel. by making MC follow Leyala like a sheep, you’re taking the interactivity out of the game and push the player out of the story. the whole arguments around siding with witches or not, is just dumb. You’re trying to sell the idea that Leyala is compassionate and wants to save witches, while in that she’s going behind the backs of all them who has been helping her. We have to accept that demons are BAD just because Leyala feels so. Somehow almost all the supposedly “good guys” in the story are insufferable and have skewed sense of moral, while the supposedly “BAD guys” in the story are the ones that do the right thing. Even among all the girls in the story the most interesting ones are not the main ones. Mei and Gina are being antogonised during the story, while those 2 are almost the only interesting girls in the story.

    to summerize : it’s not a bad game. Act II is graphically really great and enjoyable if not the best i’ve played on this site. Story is kind of cliche but is fine if the writer decides to correct the critic i mentioned above, otherwise it’s really frustrating at points, such that i at 1 or 2 points almost said goodbye to the story.

    1. I wanted to add that the best writer could do for the story, would be giving the MC more choices during interaction with other characters. Leyala and other characters can have their own personalities and agendas, but let the MC aka player have his own too and decide. I give an exaple, during the act II the main choice between “lie to girls and tell lucius” or just “do as girls say”, there is no reason that for not having the most obvious option “tell the girls that you are going to tell everything to lucius”. You can set penalties or whatever for the choices, but don’t try to force the player too obviously in a particular direction. be subtle.

      anyway if the developers read these comments, i thank them and say well done. critics doesn’t mean that it’s bad. it has lots of positive aspects to it.

  8. no music, if you go to extras and choose music them

    While running game code:
    File “renpy/common/000statements.rpy”, line 569, in execute_call_screen
    store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
    AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘Play’

    ect ect ect…

  9. Yeah the latest version is not working for me:

    Full traceback:
    File “renpy/”, line 331, in bootstrap
    File “renpy/”, line 560, in main
    File “game/unlocker.rpy”, line 3, in script
    init 999 python:
    File “game/unlocker.rpy”, line 3, in script
    init 999 python:
    File “renpy/”, line 928, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
    File “renpy/”, line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
    File “game/unlocker.rpy”, line 9, in
    for item in persistent.gall_mass:
    TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable

    The Seven Realms 0.19
    Thu Jul 13 11:52:24 2023

    1. Did you check the game and mod versions? Seems to me like you’re running newer game files with older mod files

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