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The Restaurant [v0.2.2] [xell_]

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Secret 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 = Zoey / Home / Zoey’s bedroom / Morning = Pinboard
Secret 8= Zoey / Home / Valeria’s Bedroom / Night = Drink
Secret 9= Zoey / Home / Kitchen / Morning = Book
Secret 10 = Valeria / Home / Corridor / Afternoon = Raymond’s boner(sorry :/ )
Secret 11 = Valeria / Home / Zoey’s Bedroom / Night = Pizza slice
Secret 12 = Valeria / Home / Kitchen / Afternoon = Dirt on the floor
Secret 13 = Valeria / Home / Livingroom / Night = Valeria’s shoe
Secret 14 = Both / Home / Hallway / Night = Mask
Secret 15 = Valeria / Home / Kitchen / Night = Bite
Secret 16 = Valeria / Home / Bathroom / Night = Shampoo
Secret 17 = Valeria / Home / Valeria’s Bedroom / Afternoon = Book
Secret 18 = Zoey / Home / Valeria’s Bedroom / Morning = Family picture
Secret 19 = Zoey / Home / Kitchen / Afternoon / = Banana
Secret 20 = Valeria / Home / Livingroom / Afternoon = Phone
Secret 21 = Zoey / Home / Bathroom / Afternoon = Toilet paper
Secret 22-23-24-25-26-27-28 = Play the intro
Secret 29 = Valeria / Restaurant / Main / Afternoon = Food plate
Secret 30 = Valeria / Restaurant / Main / Morning = Cookie plate
Secret 31 = Valeria / Restaurant / Main / Night = Valeria’s shoe
Secret 32 = Valeria / Restaurant / Kitchen / Afternoon = Toast
Secret 33 = Valeria / Restaurant / Corridor / Night = Mannequin
Secret 34 = Valeria / Restaurant / Restroom / Afternoon = Coffee cup
Secret 35 = Zoey / Restaurant / Main / Morning = Phone
Secret 36 = Zoey / Restaurant / Main / Night = Sauce bowl
Secret 37 = Zoey / Restaurant / Restroom / Night = Banana peel
Secret 38 = Zoey / Restaurant / Restroom / Morning = Cowboy hat
Secret 39 = Zoey / Restaurant / Kitchen / Afternoon = Onion rings
Secret 40 = Zoey / Restaurant / Kitchen / Morning = Mixer
Secret 41= Valeria / Restaurant /Kitchen / Morning = Zoey’s hat
Secret 42 = Zoey / Restaurant / Corridor / Morning = Beer cans
Secret 43 = Zoey / School / Left corridor / Night = Apple
Secret 44 = Zoey / School / Main / Night = Cucumber
Secret 45 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Pool/Afternoon = Crown
Secret 46 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Pool/Morning = Pineapple
Secret 47 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Livingroom/Night = Pie
Secret 48 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Entrance/Afternoon = Champagne
Secret 49 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Pool2/Afternoon = Keys
Secret 50 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Pool2/Morning = Drink
Secret 51 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Pool2/Night = Dildo
Secret 52 = Zoey/School/Gym/Night = Drink
Secret 53 = Zoey/School/Gym/Morning = Football
Secret 54 = Zoey/School/Gym2/Night = Basketball
Secret 55 = Zoey/School/Locker Room/Morning = Hot Dog
Secret 56 = Zoey/School/Locker Room/Morning = Milk
Secret 57 = Zoey/School/Showers/Morning = Soap
Secret 58 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Sheldon’s Room/Morning = Cat Toy(Hamster)
Secret 59 = Valeria/Sheldon’s Mansion/Sheldon’s Room/Night = Cookies
Secret 60-61-62(+100$ , 3 Gallery image)= Zoey/School/Locker Room/Morning = Money

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Editor's Rating

Story - The story in The Restaurant is undeniably the game's shining gem. The alluring tale set in the culinary world keeps players hooked from start to finish. The intricate dynamics between characters are beautifully crafted, providing players with a compelling narrative that is heartwarming and suspenseful. However, the "corruption story" feels rushed at times. - 85%
Visual - When it comes to visual presentation, The Restaurant truly dazzles. The attention to detail within the game's environments is exquisite, immersing players in a vibrant and bustling culinary world. Each character comes to life with distinct features and unique attire, showcasing the developers' creative prowess. - 92%
Engagement - The Restaurant manages to captivate players with its intriguing gameplay mechanics. The immersive environment and well-developed characters contribute to a sense of attachment and curiosity. Players are driven to delve deeper into the narrative and uncover the mysteries hidden within the game. However, The Restaurant does have some room for improvement in terms of pacing. At times, the brisk progression of events can feel overwhelming. - 86%
Core Loop - The core loop in The Restaurant focuses on managing and building a successful culinary enterprise. The gameplay mechanics are well-designed, offering players a variety of choices and challenges to navigate. From crafting mouthwatering dishes to managing customer satisfaction, the core loop keeps players engaged and invested. The game provides a satisfying balance between difficulty and reward, encouraging players to experiment and strive for excellence. - 91%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.86 ( 41 votes)

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  1. Fucking boring another stupid story that reminds some what of real life it sucks such waste of model

  2. Really, really sucks, I’m afraid. Another game obviously written by someone from India that just turned into a 40-year-old virgin, writing his fantasies. Both the writing/dialogue and the fantasies are roughly 5th-grade level if I’m being generous. This will be evident in your first 5 minutes of play.

    1. Checked it out, entirely true. Too bad; the model for the daughter was different than usual and pretty hot.

    1. it’s true, porn is not an education tool. in fact, if comprehensive sex education wasn’t so taboo we might have better media literacy and fewer teen pregnancies, not to mention the benefits that would come from curious teens not needing to turn to porn when they have questions their parents/teachers won’t answer, which is usually due to deep-rooted shame from a conservative christian upbringing. and we all know the more sexually repressed people there are, the more likely it is for groups of them to become radicalized, leading to incels and other sad pathetic people like RanCor and nohomo. we can break the cycle!! education =/= grooming

    2. only weak minded retards like you think this is true you have to be pretty fucking stupid to think an AVN can or will do anything to a reader of this kind of content or any other, and IF people do believe anything that happens in these AVN’s like using it as role model for what’s good then again there brain dead weak willed fuck tards

      1. b-cuz too many boys identify as fags this means games train boys as fags tahts SCIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these games were made by teh global money conglomerate of one-percenters to make u gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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