
The Professor Chapter II – The Black Hand [v2.0] [Pixieblink]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 92%
Visual - 80%
Engagement - 90%
Core Loop - 90%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.43 ( 13 votes)

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  1. This game is fantastic. I had no idea it would be this great and it genuinely made me laugh out loud a few times.

    The professor reminds me of my older (as in younger) self, before I had a slightly botched hair transplant and this was also confirmed to me by a friend, lol. The professor is a creepy pervert with absolutely no self-reflection. This game is funny, sexist, politically incorrect and offensive (the latter only if you are a woke snowflake and carry around a victim card in your wallet). The sound effects and music in this game just add to the humor. I had a blast with it. 🙂

    As stated in the description, this game gets straight to the point – getting into schoolgirls’ panties. Sometimes that is all I want from a naughty game. No endless dialogues. Just being a perverted sleazeball and trick young girls into doing nasty things with me. On top of that, it has animations galore!

    Initially, I thought this was just a short game with some random scenes to get off on, but to my surprise it even had a story. No spoilers, but I will say the game turned out be very different from what I expected.

    Give it a try if you want to have a laugh and see some naughty sex scenes. 🙂

    1. Heads up! I initially wrote this review for The Professor Chapter I. I made a mistake by posting it again here. I thought my original review had disappeared, not realizing I clicked on its sequel (that is unfortunately still not finished at the moment of writing). My bad.

    1. I’ve learned to stay away from anything Pixieblink makes as it is guaranteed to be worthless trash.

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