
The DeLuca Family [Season 1] [HopesGaming]

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Quick write-up/walkthrough for first contracts – D Rank:

Completing Side Missions with the girls increases stats.
Completing all of Gracie’s increases Intelligence +3
Isabel’s increase Charisma +3
Luna’s increase Agility +3

Promotion Event will also provide additional stats. Make sure that you collect the Reward, with Luna!

SPOILER: Contract 1: Nimble Fingers
Contract 1: Nimble Fingers

Buy Stealth hat & the Stealth trousers from Shop.
Equip them in Equipment.

First go to the square furthest East and pet the dog x5 to receive a Painkiller.
Remember this square for later. When your Perception is +4, or higher, an old man will appear here. He will give you some back story about your Father, then give you the Lock Glasses (Legendary), Mission reward .

Go North to the couple.
At first you will not have much, in the way of stats.
The Stealth hat & trousers enabled me to steal the jacket, from the couple in the NE corner.
I did not attempt to confront the guy, as wanted more Strength first.

I then went all the way to the West.
Then North to the market & bought the book, for $20 (why I only bought the hat & trousers), without attempting to barter. This grants +1 Knowledge.
Go South, Explore, Interact.
Choose the “house on the left”. Stealth check here. (The Stealth from the hat & trousers will be enough to obtain the Jewelry.)
Do not approach the “house on the right”, unless you have Charisma +3/Knowledge +1 & Intelligence +4.

If you fail any checks, you can regain +1MP in the square to the East of the houses. Choose Explore.

Go back to the starting square and Interact, then Exit.
Repeat this until you rise up a couple of ranks & can purchase the Long Coat.

Once you raise your Attack to at least +3, you can go North to the Museum. Interact with the guard & choose Attack. Then be honest about being with DeLuca Family.
He will then provide you with a pouch, for extra money & XP.
You will also unlock Special Render: Snow Serpent.

When you feel confident with the couple, you can choose to confront them.
With high enough Agility, I basically Evade, until there’s something which suggests an opening, then I Attack.
Gained S Rank (zero failures) easily, like this.
Winning this fight with S Rank unlocks Special Render: Mommy’s Good Girl.
A Rank got me the Hardened Gloves (R). I failed Strength check, during the Fight. 1 failure got me the A Rank.

SPOILER: *Easter egg found here

Once you raise your Charisma, or Knowledge, + Intelligence, you can approach the “house on the right”.
Interact with Bikini Girl to gain her ring.
You have stat checks here. Needs Charisma +3 or Knowledge +1, as well as Intelligence +4.
Special Render: Floating Pink is gained here.

Ring & Book are one time only, so max return from this contract, once they are gained, is: Pouch from guard, painkiller from dog, jacket from couple, wallet after beating guy from couple in fight, Jewelry from house on the left.
Should provide around $150.

SPOILER: Contract 2: The Snooping Bonans (Evening)
Contract 2: The Snooping Bonans (Evening)

This one, you need to pass a few stat checks.
Initially head East, then North. Here you will have a Perception +3 check and a Stealth +7 check.
If you fail checks, you lose MP. Drinking in The Tavern, SW square, will fully refill them.
Head North and you will have a Charisma +3 check, this time you get the option to get a drink with Leilana, or kiss her.
Head West to get another Stealth +7 check & the Contract is completed.
This will gain you the Fedora (R).
Special Render: Spy Duo, requires Stealth 7, Charisma 3, Perception 3.

SPOILER: Contract 3: The Delivery Boy
Contract 3: The Delivery Boy

If you have high enough stats, this mission is very quick.
The opening conversation with the Nuns presents 2x stat checks, Intelligence +4 & Charisma +5, if you pass them both, you simply go West to the Market, Interact, collect the Delivery Package then return to the Church to complete the contract and receive Special Render: I’m A Hero.

To gain the Holy Pants, you need to fail one of the stat checks.
When you fail it you will need to go to the Market, collect the Flag, go to the NW corner & plant the flag. Choose “Screw this” and then return to the Church.
This will grant you a scene and the Holy Pants (Epic).
Then you can Interact, collect the cross from the Nun, return to the Market & collect the Delivery Package, then return to the Church.

SPOILER: Contract 4: The Bonanzo Meeting (Evening)
Contract 4: The Bonanzo Meeting (Evening)

Go West, Charisma check.
Go North, Agility check. Explore. Special Render: Spy Trio here.
Return South, then West.
Go all the way North, Stealth check here.
Mission ends.

SPOILER: Contract 5: The Painter
Contract 5: The Painter

This one go immediately North, then East to the Painter’s studio. Interact. Ask about the old man & the young woman.
Then go far West, to The Tavern.
Interact, choose “DeLuca family”, then “Take care what you say.”
You need Threat to be minimum zero to pass the stat check here.
Buy the round $20.
Finish the conversation, this will also add MP, if you need them.
Go North, to the square with one either side. Here you have a Perception check.
When you pass, you become aware of something to the East.
Go West to collect Special Render: I See Through You. (Where you’re wolf whistled by an old lady.)
Return East, Interact, “Look Around”. Perception check, then Stealth check here.
Complete the conversation, do not “Steal the painting.”
Go West, then North. Interact. Choose “Confession is good for the soul”. Charisma check here.
Go North, to Cemetery. Interact. Knowledge check here. Also Perception check here, for Special Render: Cute Gracie.

SPOILER: Cute Gracie Unlock
Return to where you met the girl. Choose “Confront the girl”.
Return to Painter’s studio. Interact.
This provides True Ending and awards the Bulletproof Vest (Rare).

SPOILER: Special Contract: Rescue the Assassin
Special Contract: Rescue the Assassin

To gain Special Render: Chibi Isabel, from the Entrance go North, then East, then South.
Requires Perception +6 & Strength +4.
Also awards 2 x Energy Pills + £1000.

Then travel South, to the furthest point, there are a couple of fights along the way, choose Fight for each.
When you get to the bottom room you meet Siobhan, The Scorpion Princess. She’s the girl we had the image of in the previews.
She gives us the Ombra Sigil, which means no more combat.
The square N, E, from her awards:
Ombra Pants: Almost all the way to the South, then East (the room with rotten food and other trash).
From there go all the way North.
Ombra Shirt: Almost at the end of the mission, furthest room to the North, Shower room.
Then the room to the East ends the mission.

n.b. Lower tier versions of some rewards are available, such as the Fedora.
Stat checks shown here are aiming for the highest versions, but lower ones are available.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 93%
Visual - 90%
Engagement - 70%
Core Loop - 87%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.01 ( 84 votes)

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  1. This is your anime/manga fan fiction style story in a world where mafia has teen girls as assassins with super powers, katanas and sniper rifles. Nothing wrong with the setup or the story, but the writing is not good. There is like hundred characters and backstories and everything is inside sandbox with lots on mini scenarios that kinda has connection. It could work when readed from the beginning to end, but after waiting next update, at least i have forgotten this spagetti story. And i’m not going to grind the sandbox ever again, just to remember what did happen and who was who. Usually sandbox games are pretty simple stories, so it is not so bad when we can’t skip-remind ourself of what did happen.

    There isn’t much sexual tension or sex of any kinda in this game. So don’t take this as a erotic VN. Take it as goofy mafia story with girls in sexy outfits. 1/5

  2. Wow. This shit pile finally got another 5 minute update after 2 years? I’d play it, but this rabble was never that good to begin with and I’m not wasting my time on shit that ages like molasses wrote by lazy unmotivated devs.

  3. Saaaaadd!!
    Just watch porn.
    He does game as a hobby.
    When released he stated that there won’t be much lewd scenes in the beginning as he doesn’t have much time.Also it takes money.No money no work.
    Season 1 is finished.This games is a masterpiece.
    The writing and storytelling is amazing.
    Also in the game he says rendering will be better in future.Obviously lacked the necessary time and equipment.

    Unfortunately for you despite your thoughts…it’s getting a season 2.
    Number of patreons has increased and he is now doing it full time.
    And the number of people waiting for the release after that cliffhanger…wow!!
    Shot in the foot?? Not at all😭🤣
    The guy became a weapons master🙌🙏🫶

    1. Ah, apologies for the above, we got it to happen after going through Gracie’s story. Good Day/Evening, all! Hope you all enjoy your time with your games or IRL.

  4. Story is good and girls are nice (visual + interesting personality).
    I honestly can’t figure out how anyone can come up with something like that in a AVN but the contract gameplay is an absolute disaster. Seriously we are playing in a Adult VISUAL Novel…any struggles to understand VISUAL????
    Even in the 80′ games with the “go left, go north….right path is closed, left path is close….in front you see a building”….fuck, 1 render and you can save all the text and make it playable.
    Besides this the game is pleasant, good thing you don’t need build un skills by doing 100X gym, 100X sneaking, or grind with the girls 100X the same scene go get 1 step forward….
    No much lewd scenes but based on the current quality of animations…not a big miss.
    I especially like the pace of the relationships. Girls are not some lustfully sluts jumping on MC at first sight and he does have to create a real connection with them first.
    The logs could be improved as sometimes it’s not clear what Mc is supposed to do to move forward.
    Some little bugs like showing in places they are not (both sister in living room while none is there or same girls in 2 places (often bath)) during freeroam but nothing mayor.
    All in all, worth the play if not looking for a fap game.

    1. ok so i’m confused by the red choices normally red means bad so i have chosen to not pick them is it the same for this one or am i missing content by not picking them?

      1. Red choices generally are about choosing the bad boy path…like in most games red is not always about bad choice but diffrent path (Romance/love vs Dominant/Bad/Evil/Blackmail….).
        In most cases it’s about how some scenes roll out or different endings. Each path has generally his own content.
        The walkthrough can help your decisions.

    2. Apparently the retard dev doesn’t know what Adult means either since there is almost no porn in this useless trash.

      I guess if you like reading garbage for hours on end and staring at bitches you never get to do anything with like a goddamn cuck, then this shit is your game.

      1. well then since YOU don’t actually get to do anything with these girls yourself and your just staring at them regardless i guess that DOES make you a goddamn cuck

  5. There is a problem with the safe files. If you save and reload your game, you start from beginning with nothing in youre inventory. Playing for 5 hours was wastet time. Collect some legendary and rare items to lose them when I load the game next day… Please fix it as soon as possible. The game seems great but with the current problem it’s not worth playing…

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