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The Copycat [v0.9.0] [PiggyBackRide Productions]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The Copycat presents us with a unique and ambitious story that blends horror and elements of NTR (Netorare). However, it's not without its flaws. The divided point of view between the mother and son creates an odd narrative structure that could benefit from a reimagining. The inclusion of horror elements is commendable, providing a chilling atmosphere that keeps players engaged. - 70%
Visual - The visuals in The Copycat showcase impressive character models and effective horror aesthetics. While the models themselves are not entirely original, they are well-crafted and contribute to the game's atmospheric experience. The proportions are just right, and the integration of interracial elements adds diversity to the game's content. - 81%
Engagement - The Copycat succeeds in capturing players' attention with its creative and intriguing scenes and scenarios. This tonal inconsistency could affect players' immersion and investment in the story. On the brighter side, the game manages to provide a unique narrative experience, keeping players engaged and curious about what's to come. - 76%
Core Loop - The core loop in The Copycat revolves around exploring the narrative, making choices, and experiencing the outcomes. While some players may find the NTR elements uncomfortable or unappealing, it's important to recognize that such content caters to a specific audience. The unique scenes involving the mother bring freshness to the gameplay and help establish a distinctive identity for the game. - 78%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 1.86 ( 101 votes)

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  1. As if this dude wouldn’t have brought a gun to school to kill those 2 guys. If he could prove that they bullied him so hard he would not even go to jail for a long time, just have to join the military or something.

  2. Some people like scat too, don’t think too much. Fetishizing a race isn’t that big of a fetish.

  3. If this were a nigger being bullied or cucked, we’d be hearing all about the struggling black man and niggers everywhere would be rioting, burning down cities, looting shops, crying racism, and demanding reparations all while blaming the white man they are unemployable and got turned away at the welfare office.

    A great game for making yourself be less of a man, but many are wearing tampons and struggling with pronouns because of retarded propaganda like this trash game.

    1. You just don’t get our struggles. Do YOU have ANY idea what it’s like to know that someone who is not you did something mean to someone who is not me? Of course I should get paid for that. SERIOUSLY! My ancestor was hunted by local tribesman in Africa then SOLD to your ancestors… If your ancestor hadn’t purchased my ancestor THAN I WOULD HAVE BEEN BORN IN AFRICA! I wouldn’t be STUCK here always getting handouts and our own colleges and first priority in like everything.
      The white women thing is a big deal for us. We’d like to pretend it happens a lot but sadly, it doesn’t. It’s actually very difficult. We almost always have to pay for sex. In porn videos, those girls get payed thousands of dollars to let up poke them for like 5 minutes. BUT HERE! OH YEAH WE ARE KINGS! We get to be cool and take all those pretty girls from all you successful types. So, PLEASE DON’T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM US!

        1. I know, slavery of all types have been everywhere. The reason the US gets singled out is because it lasted longer here than the other super powers. It’s still rampant throughout Africa and the middle east but no one cares because those countries don’t really contribute to the global economy.
          But lets face it, it’s a stupid subject for stupid people. Everyone needs something to bitch about and if they can’t justify their problems in the here and now, they look into the past and latch on to something.

    2. Because they are rag tag bunch of unemployed nobodies seeking for relevance and validation.
      Maybe they should make #BLM shirt and hat your size you can wear. So you could walk around with sign enabling your nigger overlords buying multi million dollar houses.
      Congrats, now you part of the white trash nigger bootlickers

    3. Shut up motherfucker, talk like that to my face i dare you. Dare to meet me near kansas flint hills motherfucker?

      1. Or fucking what, nigger?

        Are you going to niggersplain to the class all about your daily struggles of living in 100% free paid government housing, raking in thousands every month in EBT food stamps, free health care, Biden crackpipes, and child tax credits? Going to cry that the evil white man is still wronging you 200 years before you were even born with your racist anti-white nigger shit propaganda?

        Nobody owes you anything, you entitled uneducated crackhead ghetto thug nigger.

        Now stfu before I cut that pile of dogshit you call hair off the top of your head and stick it straight up your fucking brown bag ass, and then stretch those big nigger lips out and suction cup your ass to the goddamn wall.

  4. They could have at least put the nigger in the screenshot so I wouldn’t have wasted my time on this garbage clicking on (yet another) dumb pile of NTR cuck nigger dogshit.

    “I have zero interest in trying to sleepwalk you into playing a game you don’t like.”

    And I have zero interest in even playing your faggot garbage cuck simp game, so go snuggle up with your NTR cuck bull nigger plushie and take a nice dirt nap. 🖕

  5. Only from the DEVs info you understand that doesn’t care for what people want and made this game exactly like he wanted with NTR Bulling and gay as him things. So…. DEV… 0 rating for me and hope for others too. Keep it for yourself.

  6. There is interracial games with black men and then there is ones with ghetto niggers, this is the nigger one. Game has multiple paths, but they all have comical niggers fucking naive urban white women with your normal extortion etc story. Story and writing does make some kind of attempt to explain rationality for all this, but in the end, it is just your normal “deep down every woman loves nigger dick” -story. Game has a lot of nigger conversations about… something, but i was not interested to read ghetto talk to know their background story. Best part of this game is the white people. But there is no “good” route for the MC. Pure masochist game. Unless that “Try to intimidate her” -ending does something extreme.

    I’m pretty sure most of the players (and paying customers) are white and do play this to see “good” women getting used. Not because they fantasize about being mentally abused themself. Just like there is paying customers to see their extremely tuned and loved cars put to the limit by professional drivers on race track. It is fun to see beautiful car being used like a cheap whore and see how far you can take her in exreme circumstances. Even better if you are planning to sell it after that. I would bet money that same mentality is more common on husbands who share their wifes and not the self humilation fetish. At least for us, that have neither of those kinks, it would be more enjoyable to play games where niggers are not the masters of the universum, but just tools for us to use. Niggers and white BLM people don’t have money to sponsor these games, so why make games where white MC is abused and humiliated. But maybe this is a passion project and author does this to satisfy his own fantasies.

    Everything else in this game is great. Just sad to play good game that arounds totally on fetish that you don’t personally have. 3,5/5

    1. The problem is 100% gay voyeur stuff

      Nobody care if your male love interest is black or white.
      Its MALE LOVE INTEREST for gay players.

      If not 100% avoidable all male love interest. Don’t make any sense play 100% gay game.

      MC need choices. Avoid all gay futa ntr or harem mmmmmmmmmmmmmmf content to please only gay boys.

      And then add alternative path with Male MC straight. With a lot of sex scenes.

      If gay content or nothing… Its another cliche gay grooming.

  7. I dunno how you guys logic work. Your dad is dead and your mom fucking others yes including your bully so why did you guys feel cucked? This is not incest game. And when you heard your mom fucking with your dad are you feeling being cucked too?

    1. I haven’t played this (nor will I) so my comment is solely based on the bully fucking your mom theme.
      Basically it is supposed to be humiliating. Raping mothers in front of their families used to be a big thing during wars because it breaks peoples wills. The mother figure is VERY important to us and using her as a broken fuck doll will destroy peoples minds. Especially if you are present and can’t stop it.
      As for a bully banging your mom, it works on a similar principle. It’s someone you hate deriving sexual gratification from someone you love. If she’s a willing participant, you feel betrayed and humiliated. Basically your loving mother should not make the evil douchebag feel good. It’s like she’s rewarding him for hurting you.
      Some people have a hard time differentiating NTR cucking cheating and some other humiliation based tags thus they aren’t sure which words to describe why they hate it. So, it’s not cucking but it is bad for the psyche.

      1. Thing is, very hard to see mc mom as your mom so no. No psychological impact at all that’s why some people are fine with games like these. I mean come on this is just a game, in esports people have no problem playing killing games and rewarded by money too and counted as sport. Now I’d like to see if sjw want to bash those esports games because promoting violence

  8. Okay, so the writing isn’t exactly Shakespearean, but this twisted tale of two star-crossed lovers is in many ways worthy of the bard. Like Romeo and Juliet, Gretchen and Jamal come from two very different worlds. Yet fate and circumstance brings them together in a story that’s at once a sweeping indictment and a celebration of racial stereotypes that still persist.

    You can feel the torment MC’s mom experiences as the plot unfolds; she’s torn by two seemingly (at first) unpleasant choices but as newfound passions are ignited within her, she emerges from her cocoon a beautiful butterfly.

    1. That’s right. If you share your women to others actually that’d make her shine. From a cocoon to a beautiful butterfly like you said but i don’t know why some people against partner sharing. Sharing is caring and that is beautiful

  9. The plot is good in the beginning, but the sex scenes are terrible and the models ugly. The character of Jamal is awfully write, there is no cadence in the narrative.

  10. This game doesn’t make any sense, it’s like some manhwa i read where all of mc’s girl cheats on him. In this game your mom fucks your dads killer and in the beginning and somewhere down the road if you fuck a girl or your dad’s girlfriend ( not your mom) the game ends and it says you killed her and something, maybe the mc has some kind of split personality or something. My libido was low due to all these SSRIS I take due to OCD, when I saw a black dude railing someone who looked like his teacher, I downloaded it back when it was in 0.04 version. This is a crap game but if yall into ntr, you can play but the models are not that appealing. The mom is from Dream of Desires.

    1. I haven’t played and don’t intend to play this vn, but judging by the warning above, NTR and people bullying the mc are the core of the plot. So, if this is not your cup, stay away.

    1. no you HAVE to let yourself be bullied by your mother into being a cuck. they strap you down and pry your eyes open Clockwork Orange style and force you to play that part of the game, and don’t stop until you admit to being a soy NTR loving cuck. sorry about your luck.

    2. No, that’s actually the best part of this game. imagine your bully fucking your mom mmhmm… tasty…

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