CompletedGamesLinuxRen'pyVisual NovelWindow

Tangled Up [v11] [SerialNumberComics]

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.


Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Save

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 57%
Visual - 75%
Engagement - 51%
Core Loop - 53%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.36 ( 26 votes)

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  1. Console codes:
    lust = 100
    (does nothing on it’s own, but can save you some days by going for a different choice at night)
    emo = 100
    (also does nothing on it’s own but both required to pass some achievements)
    sisrel = 150
    sedpts = 15
    (seduction points around 15+ triggers mom getting home and around 22+ auto trigger into personal depression and decision mom vs sis path) You have to go trough all progression with sis first prior you increase further. Have not tested, maybe you can max all out, but better be on safe side, could be alright since it requires achievements to progress further rather then stats alone. You need to go trough all choices at least once to open new ones (usually stick to them unless stuck, then go back to basic choices will have a longer more developed scene that required higher stat to unlock.
    momrel = 250
    vickyrel = 150

    Hope this helps to save view hours of grinding.

      1. Open /game/options.rpy
        You need to add :

        define config.developer = True

        in the end.
        Then in game, press Shift+O

  2. Console cheats. May break things, as it requires progress to trigger, so can’t skip to end content with no story progression, but it can skip a trigger. not tested. It may help not being stuck in groundhog day, just to get seduction points up to trigger progress or other requirements. Use on your own risk.

    lust = 100
    (does nothing on it’s own)
    emo = 100
    (also does nothing on it’s own)
    sisrel = 150
    sedpts = 15
    (seduction points around 15+ triggers mom getting home and around 22+ auto trigger into personal depression and decision mom vs sis path) You have to go trough all progression with sis first prior you increase further. Have not tested, maybe you can max all out, but better be on safe side, could be alright since it requires achievements to progress further rather then stats alone. You need to go trough all choices at least once to open new ones (usually stick to them unless stuck, then go back to basic choices will have a longer more developed scene that required higher stat to unlock.
    momrel = 250
    vickyrel = 150
    Have fun!
    Not a fan of mom relationship at all, but this one got to me deep, real soul searching and red pill deep dive into theological well of original sin. Much depth behind a cold face. I really hate that haircut, the younger picture with long hair is lovely though, love that intimacy’s can be avoided compared to all other titles that forces you to incest prior you can develop a relationship with another love interest you may have.

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