Our human hero is hurled across space alongside an alien female deep space explorer, whose ship he accidentally destroyed…
Supported by an overconfident drone and a mysterious passenger, it is our hero’s task to make his fortune and embark on the long journey back home, while dealing with alien women, crazy sex-bots and adventurers in his path…
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 2.00_010b
Language: English
Genre: 3dcg, adventure, sandbox, sci-fi, point&click, trainer, Oral Sex, Vaginl Sex, Sex Toys, Handjob, Voyeurism, Humiliation, Exhibitionism, Bdsm
V2.00_010b CHANGELOG
- Migration to Python 3.x and Renpy 8.3
- Architecture redesign for save game compatibility going forward
- Combat particle effects
- Multiplexed sound effects
- Pet walk system extension
- New shops (Shady Krell, Pirate Cantina, …)
- Introduction of game registry
- Smart data reinitialization (allows live load of content)
- Mini-Quest: Crew pony race participation
- T’Ris Pet Tricks
- Seraphine Krell Inspection
- Immersive cutscene(s)
- F-Type Premium Shell
- Preference Cubes for Bot likes tuning
- Single amps now flip stat to Like/Heart
- Improved & rebalanced yield in Crate RNG
- many QoL Features
- many bugfixes
- Support Developer of this game:
- Patreon
- Itch
- Subscribestar
Download for Windows/ Linux
Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed
Download for Mac
Download for Mac - Compressed
- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Download Walkthrough
Download Hotfix (for v2.00)
View Console Command
For anyone struggling with console commands, here are a few:
1. Set the amount of money you haveGAME.money = X
2. Control the hour of the dayGAME.hour = X
3. Modify installed systemssubSys[SYSTEM_NAME][ROW][COLUMN] = X
Possible values for each variable:
SYSTEM_NAME: “cargo”, “engines”, “hyperdrive”, “launcher”, “mining”, “shields”, “uplink”, “weapons”
ROW: 1, 2, 3
COLUMN: 1, 2, 3, 4
4. Manage crewmate stress/energy:
khelara.attr["STS"] = X
nimhe.attr["STS"] = X
vee.attr["ENE"] = X
tris.attr["STS"] = X
5. Give yourself items
Item codes:
Candle: “ITMCandle”
6. Add items to cargo bayGAME.ship.loadWare(ITEM_CODE)
Item codes:
AI core: “ITMAICore”
Basic crates: “ITMCrateBots”
Rare crates: “ITMCrateBotsRare”
Military crates: “ITMCrateBotsMil”
Precursor crates: “ITMCrateBotsPre”
Bio weapons: “ITMBioWeapons”
There are, of course, tons of item codes you might need, but I’ve not required any so far. Feel free to suggest more if you want me to add any to the list.
Its rubbish. Don’t waste your time
It’s not rubbish but it is space adventure rather than porn game. Sexual content is not main theme here.
I found myself being distracted from the porn by the trading and adventure lol
Definitely not for someone who just wants to bust a nut.
Thhat’s too bad. Renders are pretty hot but dumb game getting in the way.