
Simple Days [v0.18.3] [Mega Lono]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 77%
Visual - 91%
Engagement - 75%
Core Loop - 59%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.29 ( 164 votes)

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  1. There are upgrades to what you can buy on the computer at the spa; that SHOULD pan out to earning you more money – But the best way to mitigate the loss incurred if Pregnancy is your thing (like me) is for now unfortunately to wait on moving into the big house and stick to the blue pill story line until you have at least $150 mil from it… and I’d actually wager it should be double that amount by the time the Dev actually gets around to IMPLEMENTING the supposed increase to your financial ability by purchasing said business dealings. {Which frankly had better be just as much or better than the mil you could make weekly from the blue pills…]

    It absolutely sucks that the dev implemented the same stupid “family” tax that existed in Fable for Christ’s sake… and was one major detriment to having a wife and kids in those games. It fucks with a known fairly tame but desired kink, and it wasn’t well thought out in economic standards – especially since the dev has been lax on mitigating the damage to your finances; which will be the ladder needed to progress the game to get what the MC actually professed the whole time to want.

    I did leave several comments in sharing means plot wise to deal with the intended politics to come, and the financial draining of the children: Make MC the Emporer of Mohoro by the end. Through the same sort of (non violent) back stabbing = IE; follow the defense minister’s plan and then let him be the brash out, take out the emporer while you hold everyone’s wallet by marrying the daughter of the bank family – and convincing her mom and sister (or cousin) to join you in the harem as well. I still don’t see why Anna’s Mom is in the game if she’s not going to join at some point, but I’m not the one writing this – or I would’ve made sure to implement ALL of the ways money could be made, so financial progress that is so important to any feature in this game can NEVER be dented. Sadly my comments on several games have been deleted because assholes trolling me posted using my chosen moniker… so all that effort I put in to so many of my reviews/comments got flushed down the toilet.

    1. In my opinion – and this is my OPINION (just because trolls don’t seem to get that point…) this is what needs to be next implemented to BUILD on the story flow:

      – Means to circumvent the financial drain that endless kids SHOULD NOT BE.

      * A) you want him to be the Mayor of Mohoro. So do that. Pronto. While those of us who did wait extra X umpteen weeks to be able to afford the massive cash loss that Kids are in this game per week, still have some funds to be able to BUY the damned projects that’ve been on my computer screen at the spa for MONTHS. The Mayor should also have a decent enough salary to start that you can at least afford the first redded out project (whenever your self-admittedly lazy ass gets around to implementing any of them in game)

      – Have MC start to be able to BUY the buildings. Like the Bank. Like the Pharmacy. Like the BDSM place he keeps going to, even though technically once you reach the FORCED “agreement” with the massive bitch you SHOULD be able to just bend over her own table and BREED… that storyline is DONE. Because you decided you didn’t want to go mob route. Have him buy the whole damned CITY. That’s one way in raw rent that he could circumvent the whole bullshit financial drain. The strip club would be a fine place to start with building purchases; that way you could fuck right off with the constant drain of four hundred dollars just to see strippers that are BARELY in the damned game, and at this point more of a cock tease.

      – Once he does buy the bank, then get into the political debacle of convincing the monogamous family (through boning and breeding either a wife and daughter, or a wife/daughter and cousin for all I care) that Mohoro DOESN’T need to change. Let the idiots who want to fight it out over the throne do so, while YOU as the MC are holding literally everyone’s wallet. Have him TACTICALLY begin to win important figures into his harem!

      – Once the Minister of Defense goes too far, you can get invested with the Emperor AND his daughter/Cousin/Wife who is specially favored… whatever. Then you can position MC for the role he actually wanted the whole damned game. To RULE Mohoro. One way, or the other. When the emperor gets assassinated, have yourself be in such good standing by playing by Mohoro’s rules that you are invested as his living HEIR. Then deal with the minister in whatever way you as the writer want to handle that. (Though I would say as a political rival who thought MC should be his tool; he does NOT get to live)

      ** Theodora and Julia being ranked as SINGLE/Attached ONLY to the MC! Same with Ema. This. IS. A. Harem… which means no other attachments need apply. If you can break up Naomi and the actually qualified massuese, then you can get on doing the same for once and all for these three. Ema’s been a cock tease the entire damned game, where we KNOW her kid is OURS. Now in the sex scene this current update where you say she can finally be bred twice (knowingly this time…) she says openly: You’re My Everything! [Laying it on a bit thick, and too quickly, but I do appreciate the attempt to mark where her actual loyalties lie, and they AREN’T with James. Who REALLY. REALLY does NOT need to be in the game, or effectively should’ve been a eunich]

      – It would also be nice to get any clarification as to whether Anna’s Mom is ever going to be in the harem or not. Just saying. Betty also needs to start putting up, or at least not be constantly cock blocked by that dumb streaming bullshit you pull whenever I try to pursue her. No one streams that often dude. Just because I don’t want Moko involved with every fucking girl doesn’t mean I didn’t want to handle her induction into the harem proper my damned self. The polar ice caps melt faster than this currently free-loading bitch.

  2. I think it’s wrong to say that this game is an “AVN” because it actually seems more like a “harem simulator”
    The game is very good but it has the defect that it is incomplete and these types of “simulators” are only worth playing once they are finished because only then do you have the freedom to explore the game entirety and you are not limited by updates, which happens if you play it now, you will only experience dissatisfaction by not being able to advance with the freedom that you were supposed to have.
    And another thing that I didn’t like was the personality of several girls, most of them are sluts, even several of the main ones and they don’t change a bit, the characters do not have any development, only the MC
    We will have to wait about 2 years for the Dev to finish the game and that also with the hope that the lewd scenes will improve, because they are the worst thing about this game

  3. What the hell was the point of this update, added nothing of importance to the game…… Devs really milking it over here.

  4. The game has one major flaw in that you can not make enough money even with buying new house and upgrades to spa because the cost of having 30+ kids is to high. I loose thousands every week, hope this gets fixed.

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