
Simple Days [v0.18.4] [Mega Lono]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 77%
Visual - 91%
Engagement - 75%
Core Loop - 59%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.26 ( 176 votes)

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  1. I never played an adult game so simple and so good at the same time. There’s no drama here, you met girls, seduce, scheme with some and get laid. It’s central fetish is impregnation, you will impregnate many women in this game. The plot is good, there’s sound effects during sex scenes and moaning, you can’t wrong with this game. Many, many, many sex scenes. A great game.

  2. ***The scenes with Maria and Dora are great. I hope they do scenes like that with Paola, Tristy, Sasha and Julia***

  3. There are upgrades to what you can buy on the computer at the spa; that SHOULD pan out to earning you more money – But the best way to mitigate the loss incurred if Pregnancy is your thing (like me) is for now unfortunately to wait on moving into the big house and stick to the blue pill story line until you have at least $150 mil from it… and I’d actually wager it should be double that amount by the time the Dev actually gets around to IMPLEMENTING the supposed increase to your financial ability by purchasing said business dealings. {Which frankly had better be just as much or better than the mil you could make weekly from the blue pills…]

    It absolutely sucks that the dev implemented the same stupid “family” tax that existed in Fable for Christ’s sake… and was one major detriment to having a wife and kids in those games. It fucks with a known fairly tame but desired kink, and it wasn’t well thought out in economic standards – especially since the dev has been lax on mitigating the damage to your finances; which will be the ladder needed to progress the game to get what the MC actually professed the whole time to want.

    I did leave several comments in sharing means plot wise to deal with the intended politics to come, and the financial draining of the children: Make MC the Emporer of Mohoro by the end. Through the same sort of (non violent) back stabbing = IE; follow the defense minister’s plan and then let him be the brash out, take out the emporer while you hold everyone’s wallet by marrying the daughter of the bank family – and convincing her mom and sister (or cousin) to join you in the harem as well. I still don’t see why Anna’s Mom is in the game if she’s not going to join at some point, but I’m not the one writing this – or I would’ve made sure to implement ALL of the ways money could be made, so financial progress that is so important to any feature in this game can NEVER be dented. Sadly my comments on several games have been deleted because assholes trolling me posted using my chosen moniker… so all that effort I put in to so many of my reviews/comments got flushed down the toilet.

    1. In my opinion – and this is my OPINION (just because trolls don’t seem to get that point…) this is what needs to be next implemented to BUILD on the story flow:

      – Means to circumvent the financial drain that endless kids SHOULD NOT BE.

      * A) you want him to be the Mayor of Mohoro. So do that. Pronto. While those of us who did wait extra X umpteen weeks to be able to afford the massive cash loss that Kids are in this game per week, still have some funds to be able to BUY the damned projects that’ve been on my computer screen at the spa for MONTHS. The Mayor should also have a decent enough salary to start that you can at least afford the first redded out project (whenever your self-admittedly lazy ass gets around to implementing any of them in game)

      – Have MC start to be able to BUY the buildings. Like the Bank. Like the Pharmacy. Like the BDSM place he keeps going to, even though technically once you reach the FORCED “agreement” with the massive bitch you SHOULD be able to just bend over her own table and BREED… that storyline is DONE. Because you decided you didn’t want to go mob route. Have him buy the whole damned CITY. That’s one way in raw rent that he could circumvent the whole bullshit financial drain. The strip club would be a fine place to start with building purchases; that way you could fuck right off with the constant drain of four hundred dollars just to see strippers that are BARELY in the damned game, and at this point more of a cock tease.

      – Once he does buy the bank, then get into the political debacle of convincing the monogamous family (through boning and breeding either a wife and daughter, or a wife/daughter and cousin for all I care) that Mohoro DOESN’T need to change. Let the idiots who want to fight it out over the throne do so, while YOU as the MC are holding literally everyone’s wallet. Have him TACTICALLY begin to win important figures into his harem!

      – Once the Minister of Defense goes too far, you can get invested with the Emperor AND his daughter/Cousin/Wife who is specially favored… whatever. Then you can position MC for the role he actually wanted the whole damned game. To RULE Mohoro. One way, or the other. When the emperor gets assassinated, have yourself be in such good standing by playing by Mohoro’s rules that you are invested as his living HEIR. Then deal with the minister in whatever way you as the writer want to handle that. (Though I would say as a political rival who thought MC should be his tool; he does NOT get to live)

      ** Theodora and Julia being ranked as SINGLE/Attached ONLY to the MC! Same with Ema. This. IS. A. Harem… which means no other attachments need apply. If you can break up Naomi and the actually qualified massuese, then you can get on doing the same for once and all for these three. Ema’s been a cock tease the entire damned game, where we KNOW her kid is OURS. Now in the sex scene this current update where you say she can finally be bred twice (knowingly this time…) she says openly: You’re My Everything! [Laying it on a bit thick, and too quickly, but I do appreciate the attempt to mark where her actual loyalties lie, and they AREN’T with James. Who REALLY. REALLY does NOT need to be in the game, or effectively should’ve been a eunich]

      – It would also be nice to get any clarification as to whether Anna’s Mom is ever going to be in the harem or not. Just saying. Betty also needs to start putting up, or at least not be constantly cock blocked by that dumb streaming bullshit you pull whenever I try to pursue her. No one streams that often dude. Just because I don’t want Moko involved with every fucking girl doesn’t mean I didn’t want to handle her induction into the harem proper my damned self. The polar ice caps melt faster than this currently free-loading bitch.

  4. I think it’s wrong to say that this game is an “AVN” because it actually seems more like a “harem simulator”
    The game is very good but it has the defect that it is incomplete and these types of “simulators” are only worth playing once they are finished because only then do you have the freedom to explore the game entirety and you are not limited by updates, which happens if you play it now, you will only experience dissatisfaction by not being able to advance with the freedom that you were supposed to have.
    And another thing that I didn’t like was the personality of several girls, most of them are sluts, even several of the main ones and they don’t change a bit, the characters do not have any development, only the MC
    We will have to wait about 2 years for the Dev to finish the game and that also with the hope that the lewd scenes will improve, because they are the worst thing about this game

  5. What the hell was the point of this update, added nothing of importance to the game…… Devs really milking it over here.

  6. The game has one major flaw in that you can not make enough money even with buying new house and upgrades to spa because the cost of having 30+ kids is to high. I loose thousands every week, hope this gets fixed.

    1. One Request Saying Manyy Mouths so please Update Main story and business developing Update please Check work guys🙏

  7. Unofficial android port via Bros studio? Nah this is messed up, meaning I gotta start a new game, also it’s always error. Y’all messed up big time Dikgames 👎

  8. This 18.2 version for Android is totally f*Ed up. It’s not even showing anything except black screen and bug reports.

    1. Unofficial android port via Bros studio? Nah this is messed up, meaning I gotta start a new game, also it’s always error. Y’all messed up big time Dikgames 👎

  9. Nothing new updates just fixed bugs issues I hope some updates soon the story path with dark side will have consequences. every you make choices.

  10. Secret has to be pregnant by you to invite her to your new home.

    You can do this during the blue pill arc with Madam; when she introduces you to the BDSM room. There will be a red syringe and a green syringe. If you WANT Secret to get pregnant = DO NOT mention the red syringe (She will thank you for it, and take it away if you do – and you will lose the option to make her pregnant, which is the only way to KEEP her in your harem that I know of) You can ask about the green syringe I think. She will tell you what it’s used for. You will decide to take both to your geek who’s making the pills to be analzyed. Later in the arc, you will go back to deal with Madam, and you will be presented with the option to do more with Secret. At this point, you can inject her with the green syringe: to make her more amenable to actual sex rather than just a blowjob, and then decide to also inject her with the red syringe (So long as you did not mention it beforehand, it will still be there as an option to use) The green syringe will make her more open to things she wants but might have disallowed [It’s like hypnotism, it probably couldn’t get her to do something she was genuinely opposed to] and the red one specifically GUARANTEES a pregnancy outcome. (Which is why for some of the girls’ difficulty in conception, I once argued in comments we should be able to get them to consent to having the red syringe used on them, to void the RNG of ovulation – once Geek boy tells you what the red syringe does. Strangely this does not happen until AFTER you use it on Secret, and that will be the point in the last time you meet Madam to discuss terms, that she will reveal in a cutscene she’s gotten pregnant, and MC realizes when he used the red syringe on her, she really did)

    * Do note: You don’t actually get to move Secret into your new home, or talk to her about it, until after you become a citizen of Mohoro. Move into Chapter 2, and I don’t recommend ending the Blue Pill Arc with Madam- IE moving to Chapter 2 – until you have at least $40 mil saved from making the blue pills. But that depends on how much you like impregnating your girls. [There are business ventures that will probably eventually be added to the game that you can see on your spa computer, and the next one up from the pool costs I believe at least $30 mil to buy]

    Hope this helps. It was a bitch for me to figure out for a few runs myself.

  11. It seems several of the comments I’ve made on this game have been deleted. Which sucks god damn it because at least one of them was a long list of suggestions involving a path to the end game.

    As to this current update, it was surprisingly small. Was still difficult to get interaction with Ema = did NOT resolve a damned thing, or come out with the idea that MC is James Jr.’s father in a way that was satisfactory (she just assumes that MC is, rather than getting a blood test to prove the point – and the idea that they got into a three way is STUPID. You and WE know that’s not what happened; and she shouldn’t have been that drunk to think that was what happened. It’s fine if she thought it was James, and then realizes HERSELF it was the MC and then PRIVATELY confronts him about it. Then you can have the genuine discussion and have at least 10 affection gained mean she responses more positively than the MC was concerned about. Rather than writing him to be an idiot: James to confess he’d play like that, and be that stupid while she’s CLEARLY not the type to ever play that way) This was a half measure and CHICKENSHIT. There is no reason to even get to the point of showing her ovulation when you can’t do anything about it. I doubt very highly (and it’s a shame – because she’s one of the MAIN/ORIGINAL GIRLS GODDAMNIT!) that she’s even got impregnation renders coded in yet. She needs to be able to catch up to the others. VERY. SOON.

    There’s also Theodora; FUCK letting Ronald McDonald stick around. Fuck the idea she “doesn’t know what she wants.” She ISN’T happy in that marriage. There is NO NEED to prolong it. She let MC give her two fucking KIDS. By Mohoro law SHE. BELONGS. TO. MC. She KNOWS this. It’s just you as the dev making her retarded, and blue balling the audience. Stop that. She either wants this relationship to happen and will move herself and the MC’s kids in with the rest of the harem or she can fuck absolutely right off. No, I don’t give a rat’s arse that she’s currently the hottest rendered girl in the game.

    Points otherwise:
    – Why add conversation with Anna’s Mom if you weren’t going to allow us to win affection points that would add her to the fucking harem? The conversation she just denies if you flirt, and while I can see an “older” woman doing that (she’s still rendered hot enough to breed – and I’d still argue she could give at least 3 more kids) it doesn’t make sense that we get nothing out of it. If you are going to decide she DOESN’T get to be a part of the harem, fine. Fair enough. If you’re thinking of adding her though, seriously: Make her talk to Anna AND MC. Not just converse with her daughter in random scenes at the pool that make it seem like they maybe talk about MC behind his back. Have her express genuine intrigue about this lifestyle; admit marital discourse to some degree, or share that she’s more attracted to MC than she really should be to a son in law. You can move forward from that. Or again if she’s off the board, leave it as is. But pick one. Soon, damn it.

    – Betty. DO. SOMETHING. WITH. HER!!! Screw telling Moko not to play with her – A) She already has (and fucking SHOULDN’T have, Naomi) You cock block that wife WAY too much just by that point. B) Betty has maybe ONE random scene at the office were you can increase her affection if you tell Moko to fuck off with the femdom tendencies. There NEEDS to be another way to earn DAILY affection with this bitch so you can actually start DOING HER. Other than that she’s freeloading, for no reason other than she’s cute. Whoopie. [You’re actually on your way to fixing Moko and Naomi by first giving Naomi her own room, and second “training” Moko to be Submissive. Which really: LEAN INTO. MC by the end of that path should be able absolutely to tell Moko she CAN’T play with Naomi anymore, unless HE SAYS So. And she should agree. Whole-heartedly. Because she’s already given My MC like 6 kids despite protests, and should be deeply invested in this relationship to the point she will just be HIS. No stipulations. No princess dick-measuring “let me be who I am” bullshit]

    The “New” Secret: We should get to do exactly the same to her as we did to Lydia. Only more willingly, more Openly. Or again, do the redhead, do the Madam. There’s still no reason to sacrifice the best way to make money in the game to this assholish witch, and we don’t even get to BEND HER over the desk. Come on. Tied to that, Suzy still basically has ONE scene, and wastes the entire day. If you’re not going to actually SHOW the other girls, or let me play with the secretary/New Secret or Madam, then you do need to make things evolve with Suzy. The BDSM place has very little incentive to actually be involved with it beyond the resolution of the gang/blue pill arc. (Which I still say you didn’t need to end as abruptly and Word Of God as you did; I gave you several viable options in that deleted comment for how you could approach it so it’s NOT punitive to the player, and is more nuanced)

    The new Gym Manager doesn’t have a damned thing you can do with her. Sasha probably STILL does not have proper impregnation rendering (and having MC ask how many times he has to cum in her to make her pregnant is just you being an ass after a certain point Dev – same as talking about that orgy at the TV for how many damned updates) The strip club girls have almost nothing to do; after HOW MANY updates? Abby is basically stuck where she is = interesting to me as the pretty, busty goth/punk, but useless. Bombina you can finally fuck – and it means nothing because: She. IS. NOT. ON. THE. DAMNED. LIST!!! It doesn’t matter if you can gain affection with her at all if you can’t fucking keep track of it. How the hell is her sister marked BEFORE HER? For that matter, why? Did you let us randomly breed the gold-digging little witch before we bound Big Sis as my bitch. It should have been Bombina to be bred and boned first. Not the other way around. You put Owen’s fucking sister on the list when she was clearly stated to be a ONE NIGHT STAND. Gives. (Also, she really shouldn’t have been… but if she is: Owen’s Girlfriend should not be, IF that’s where you’re going to go with it…)

    You still have several business’ that are marked as able to be bought on the computer, marked in RED. Which means we still DO NOT have a viable source of income (unless you played for way too many weeks saving cash from the blue pills like I did just to make sure you weren’t boned going into Chapter 2) to offset the frankly ridiculous cost of the kids per week. You realize that creating them is one of the two core tags that draw players into the game [You’re already removing the feature on Paetron and I get it; they’re assholes] however, the kid tax NEEDS to go the fuck away. OR you need to code in the business’ to buy that we can use to increase our cash flow. Making me The Mayor’s not going to fix a damned thing if I’m into net negatives by the time your updates actually allow me to get there.

    – Elena: Are you actually going to do anything with her? Because as far as I’ve played = she gives me ONE kid. She does technically count as my lover, not James’ so that’s something. But it’s pointless to have her, and have her be a tax (red flag with Ema relationship as well) if she ONLY exists to be a cock block warning sign with one character; and to fuck up that relationship. I grant I don’t pay as much attention to her as I do the other characters but frankly it’s a big roster. Why. In. The. Hell. Did I have to buy her a SEPERATE HOUSE? I can see her moving into a room FAR the fuck away from Ema given the circumstances; but I can also see letting Ema as a conciliatory boon in acknowledgment of your burgeoning relationship, be the one that calls the shots with how you fuck Elena (as revenge on James and her for cheating, and acceptance of her new reality as MC’s full WIFE – with BOTH girls being the mother of his children now)

    I also have to say I don’t think there needed to be a cheat system that ONLY changes the ovulation days. Just don’t make a girl that ovulates on the same damned day as any other girl. Also MAKE SURE THAT EVERY GIRL IS AVAILABLE SEXUALLY ON THE DAY SHE’S SET TO OVULATE! Some of them are MUCH harder to breed than they actually should be. There really does not need to be a limit on how many kids you can create with each girl, other than obviously that stupid “fun tax” instilled weekly. Which again, I think you should do away with. You could also fix the cashflow issue if you really don’t want to code in those buyable business ventures yet, by adding a money cheat. It’s not that palatable in my mind, but it’d be something.

    Also: Julia – Fuck keeping her with the dickless Gorilla. She’s got 3 KIDS now with MC. Same law applies to her as it does to Theodora & YES. The harem law should apply directly to JUST one gender. Reverse harems do not work, and with most males they would get very dangerous for a female. Period. You should have written that Mohoro tried it for a while; realized this point because more males are possessive and dominant on some level than are not, and decided to write in a ruling that stated for HER protection: It works only ONE way. Julia is NOT building a relationship with the MC – or ever going to be part of the harem officially UNTIL she gets rid of Harry. Make him find Sally, or make it a guy named Sal for all I give a toss. I don’t care. You NEED to progress this relationship and stop doing it half way. What she’s doing now IS NOT A HAREM. You did not (and if you did, or ever do I swear to God I would immediately stop downloading) add Sharing or NTR to the tags. Theodora I accepted a) because she is so massively attractively rendered, and b) I wanted to break that relationship and keep her for myself. It’s the same with Julia. Like it was with Rebecca. There was NO need to draw either of them out this damned long, when you DIDN’T bother doing that with Rebecca’s arc.

    I do want to see MC take down the Monogamy family by breeding/marrying at least one of their prominent women. Maybe one of the youngest sisters, and a mother who’s not quite past the breeding age, but dissatisfied in her marriage. Something like that, to get a foothold to MORE political power. Because the game SHOULD NOT end with MC JUST being the mayor. It doesn’t have to, and I shared a basic rundown of two paths you could take to give MC the crown. If this site didn’t have the habit of for some reason, wiping the comment section periodically. By the end of the game, MC can and should properly be the next Emporer or Mohoro. I’m not saying it has to be soon, or even in the next three years frankly, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s the cap off to this power fantasy. It’s how Sisterly Lust should have ended. I’ll be hoping to see where you go with it, but I do want to see actual progress with the listed points for characters. Successfully doing the above and winning a seat at the powerful family’s table could scale up the defense minister’s plans (Which makes him rush and makes mistakes – and conversely pushes the Emporer to agree with his daughter’s ideas, which will escalate things between him and the minister further…) WHEN it catches the eye of a certain young Princess. Who wants MC for herself. Who will be very spoiled about it, and very invested in winning MC for her husband. Because her “friend” the Ice Queen of X prominent bank owning family, won him first. So she won’t stop until she does get what she wants. Not thinking about the political ramifications overall [That could be one way to lead into just ending the game as the eventual rightful Heir to the Throne… if you’re not looking to add actual combat or a war story outside of the background nodding you’ve done so far]

      1. Fuck off, you literal dickhead. This is what I mean when I say you’re all unhelpful assholes. I try to suggest things that don’t work, and help with plot points in case devs need ideas – and the best you have is “Seek Therapy.” You’re here the same as me; your comments are FAR less useful as far as I can see any of them. What the fuck are you doing here? Wasting time. The same as so many accuse me. So look in the mirror = Look at your screen name and tell me you wouldn’t benefit from a massive bill for “therapy” no one actually needs.

        The dev can choose to listen, or ignore me. I know most will. I try to help regardless, and most who might bother reading half what I wrote still don’t seem to take it as anything but negativity. So fuck all of you. All of the time. I can’t stop you from commenting Troll, but if I ever meet you in real life, I’m going to break every single bone in your body. Just because you annoy me.

        1. see you still think you’re writing a review. you’re not, you’re writing a manifesto. you do not offer suggestions, you offer how the dev can cater to your specific sexual wants and needs, and take issue when the dev’s story does not fit your exact worldview. it is not helpful. if writing paragraphs worth of personal grievances is the only way you can cum, maybe reconsider your life choices.

          1. I do want to see MC take down the Monogamy family by breeding/marrying at least one of their prominent women. Maybe one of the youngest sisters, and a mother who’s not quite past the breeding age, but dissatisfied in her marriage. Something like that, to get a foothold to MORE political power. Because the game SHOULD NOT end with MC JUST being the mayor. It doesn’t have to, and I shared a basic rundown of two paths you could take to give MC the crown. If this site didn’t have the habit of for some reason, wiping the comment section periodically. By the end of the game, MC can and should properly be the next Emporer or Mohoro. I’m not saying it has to be soon, or even in the next three years frankly, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s the cap off to this power fantasy. It’s how Sisterly Lust should have ended. I’ll be hoping to see where you go with it, but I do want to see actual progress with the listed points for characters. Successfully doing the above and winning a seat at the powerful family’s table could scale up the defense minister’s plans (Which makes him rush and makes mistakes – and conversely pushes the Emporer to agree with his daughter’s ideas, which will escalate things between him and the minister further…) WHEN it catches the eye of a certain young Princess. Who wants MC for herself. Who will be very spoiled about it, and very invested in winning MC for her husband. Because her “friend” the Ice Queen of X prominent bank owning family, won him first. So she won’t stop until she does get what she wants. Not thinking about the political ramifications overall [That could be one way to lead into just ending the game as the eventual rightful Heir to the Throne… if you’re not looking to add actual combat or a war story outside of the background nodding you’ve done so far]

            = Suggestions. Asshole.

            And no you dense fuck; it’s NOT about comforming to “my world view.” It IS about comforming to the formula of a given GENRE. He stated he didn’t want to do mob stuff and do things legit – fair. I gave him plot points that could be political, and interesting, but don’t necessarily get into mob stuff. I’m NOT expecting that he use them. I just put it out there so that if he reads it and he likes the idea of it, he can use it. I am otherwise airing grievances about plot points so far, wherein the girls that in a HAREM should not be involved with ANYONE else but the MC, are currently involved with other men. Does. NOT. Fit. The. Genre.

            Criticisms ARE a review. Telling the dev what doesn’t work is a criticism. Commenting on what I would like to see is a suggestion, and that is PART of a review. You giant jackass. It has FUCK ALL to do about my world view. Frankly, my actual world view is I want ONE girl. One. That I can trust. To marry and keep for the rest of our lives without debate, or divorce, and breed with. Just one. Who actually wants to do those things with me. It’s a unicorn at this point and I know it. I’m not looking to ever chase more than one girl and I also shouldn’t have to “chase” a girl who actually fucking likes me. That’s my “world view.” Did you read ANY of that in my comment above? No, then read below.

            So again. Go. Fuck. Yourself.
            Also; stop trying to troll or talk to me. Stop commenting on my reviews (and they are reviews you trogladyte) and leave me the fuck alone. End of. I am tired of you, and if you think I’m so annoying you dipshit; goes for you tenfold. I mean this quite literally: If I ever find you in real life I will rip your balls off, and shove your actual dick so far down your throat after I cut it off, that you won’t be ‘Penismike’ anymore. You’ll just be mike. For the ten seconds before you bleed the fuck out. Shut the fuck up, stay out of my face, off my damned comments, and go do whatever the hell else it is you do for fun. The only thing fuckwits like you know how to do is instigate. I am done talking to you. Or anyone else on this site. You can all make you dumbassed racist, hateful orientational based bullshit troll comments, but leave me the fuck out of it. If I wanted to talk to any of you, I would be addressing you by name in the comments.

            1. if you don’t want to see it, play a different game. and thanks for doubling down with several paragraphs of shit i’ll never read. trolling you is what I do for fun so keep it up!!

  12. how the hell does this have such a high rating? its complete garbage

    at one point i only had the choice between masturbating or hiring a hooker. great choices…….

    from horny 14-year olds for horny 14-year olds

      1. i played a bit more. but very monotonous. where is that story you speak of? impregnating your best friends wife? weird story bro

        1. She was his girlfriend; She only becomes his wife after the fact, because she thinks the kid MC gives her belongs to her boyfriend. Who later reveals in another scene LONG after their marriage, that he actually prefers Anal. Whenever he’s doing vaginal, he always uses condoms. [Which really should have been her first clue outside of the size of the cock involved, since MC is noteably bigger than her boyfriend…]

          It’s one of a few little gripes I have with the game. It’s a good one, if you appreciate either impregnation carried through, or harems without consequences in what girls you chase. However the renders won’t be for everyone, and to each their own about tastes.

  13. Is the idiot down here the same one who posts on all the games and the reason why the reviews on this page are inconsequential?

    Yes…of course…bye

  14. Petty please, update soon because game is really good and saw on the discord of the picturs of progress really hope that it get imuodatebinnnext 2nor months please waiting forever since last year November and sign up in December to keep track of this because it in my top ten favorite

  15. Can’t stop playing this game instead answome different choice infect people and it funny how th Mc try to act bad 🤣 😂, just hope that the game not abandoned because game was just about to get interesting ,I pray please God make an update in this year’s please

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  17. Watches World: Elevating Luxury and Style with Exquisite Timepieces


    Jewelry has always been a timeless expression of elegance, and nothing complements one’s style better than a luxurious timepiece. At Watches World, we bring you an exclusive collection of coveted luxury watches that not only tell time but also serve as a testament to your refined taste. Explore our curated selection featuring iconic brands like Rolex, Hublot, Omega, Cartier, and more, as we redefine the art of accessorizing.

    A Dazzling Array of Luxury Watches:

    Watches World offers an unparalleled range of exquisite timepieces from renowned brands, ensuring that you find the perfect accessory to elevate your style. Whether you’re drawn to the classic sophistication of Rolex, the avant-garde designs of Hublot, or the precision engineering of Patek Philippe, our collection caters to diverse preferences.

    Customer Testimonials:

    Our commitment to providing an exceptional customer experience is reflected in the reviews from our satisfied clientele. O.M. commends our excellent communication and flawless packaging, while Richard Houtman appreciates the helpfulness and courtesy of our team. These testimonials highlight our dedication to transparency, communication, and customer satisfaction.

    New Arrivals:

    Stay ahead of the curve with our latest additions, including the Tudor Black Bay Ceramic 41mm, Richard Mille RM35-01 Rafael Nadal NTPT Carbon Limited Edition, and the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Datejust 41mm series. These new arrivals showcase cutting-edge designs and impeccable craftsmanship, ensuring you stay on the forefront of luxury watch fashion.

    Best Sellers:

    Discover our best-selling watches, such as the Bulgari Serpenti Tubogas 35mm and the Cartier Panthere Medium Model. These timeless pieces combine elegance with precision, making them a staple in any sophisticated wardrobe.

    Expert’s Selection:

    Our experts have carefully curated a selection of watches, including the Cartier Panthere Small Model, Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch 44.25 mm, and Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona 40mm. These choices exemplify the epitome of watchmaking excellence and style.

    Secured and Tracked Delivery:

    At Watches World, we prioritize the safety of your purchase. Our secured and tracked delivery ensures that your exquisite timepiece reaches you in perfect condition, giving you peace of mind with every order.

    Passionate Experts at Your Service:

    Our team of passionate watch experts is dedicated to providing personalized service. From assisting you in choosing the perfect timepiece to addressing any inquiries, we are here to make your watch-buying experience seamless and enjoyable.

    Global Presence:

    With a presence in key cities around the world, including Dubai, Geneva, Hong Kong, London, Miami, Paris, Prague, Dublin, Singapore, and Sao Paulo, Watches World brings luxury timepieces to enthusiasts globally.


    Watches World goes beyond being an online platform for luxury watches; it is a destination where expertise, trust, and satisfaction converge. Explore our collection, and let our timeless timepieces become an integral part of your style narrative. Join us in redefining luxury, one exquisite watch at a time.

  18. 2024娛樂城的創新趨勢







  19. Here is the problem of the “New House” Mohoro. Post of it´s Dev on patreon:
    v0.17.0 – MC teleports to the new house (no moving day ) THIS IS A BIG BUG !!! .. i will try to catch it and fix it today !!! (Download v.0.17.2)

    The small file here is update from 0.17.2 -> 0.17.3 (location.rpyc)
    If you are NOT with Moko .. you will not be able to trigger the moving. This will fix it.
    If you are with Moko and Naomi don’t need this update.

  20. Sandbox = do what you want and when you want.
    Grindfest = repeat the same things on the exact day at the exact time.

    1. What are you talking about? Yeas, you can buy a new house. You will see the new house. BUT could pass 100 days and no one is “moving” to the new house!

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